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Are You an Artist? You Might Want to Take This Simple Step to Avoid Getting Screwed

Ask Papabear - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 12:11

I’ve been doing more art and art trades lately but been having a hard time getting trades as well as getting ripped off from doing art trades a part of me feels I've wasted time doing some of them with nothing in return despite the fact I been putting as much effort into them as I can. Like one guy I traded with recently I posted my end of the trade and he won't even acknowledge it.

But what should I do to get a successful art trade if I keep getting burned all the time?


* * * 

Hi, Hypr,

One thing that is great about the furry fandom is how relaxed and informal it is. That’s super when it comes to things like socializing, going to furmeets and so on. But when it comes to the business world it just doesn’t work. Gone are the days when a promise and a hand shake sealed the deal, and that applies not only in the furry world. But, as my mate has discovered the hard way in his business, there is really no honor in American business today. There are no gentlemen on Wall Street. In the furry world, I must admit, getting treated poorly while doing an art trade is also not uncommon.

If you wish to get a square deal on a trade or purchase, you must treat your work as an artist as you would a business. In other words, be professional about it. If you wish to be paid for your art, get the money up front. If you wish to do a trade (especially if you don’t know the other person), draw up a simple contract and either get a real signature or a digital signature. Such contracts don’t have to be elaborate. 

A legal contract can be as simple as writing down something like this: “I, Alpha Wolf (real name, Sally Rogers), agree to create an 8” x 10” colored and shaded drawing of a saber-toothed anthro cat in a spacesuit holding a laser gun with a galaxy background in exchange for Omega Otter (real name, John Smith) drawing me an 8” x 10” colored and shaded drawing of my Wolf Fursona wearing a Robin Hood outfit. Both pieces of art will be completed by no later than June 10, 2014, and delivered to the commissioner via electronic email and in jpeg format at 300 dpi resolution. Should either or both artists fail to deliver the above-mentioned art on time, in the proper format, and in an acceptable quality of workmanship, this contract will be considered null and void.” 

That's just off the cuff, but you get the idea. To make things easier should you do a lot of trades, create a template with all the information included except the artist's name and the type of drawing. Then fill in the blanks as needed.

Should they ask why they should sign, tell them you’ve been screwed over in the past and you are just taking steps to not let it happen again. Should the other artist refuse to sign, then you don’t want to be dealing with him or her. If they do sign, then you’re covered, and if there’s any question in the future about who did what for whom, you can show people the contract.

Is this stupid? You bet it is, but we live in a society with so many stupid, dishonest, and just plain mean people that we are forced to do stupid things like write lame contracts to cover our fuzzy butts so we don’t keep getting taken advantage of. It’s the same reason why we have labels on hair dryers saying “Don’t operate hair dryer in the shower” because, even though the majority of people will do the right thing, there are enough idiots out there to make us all look like imbeciles.

There are a lot of furry artists who do not need reciprocation of any kind. They simply enjoy drawing and give their art out freely, not caring how much it is shared and reposted and, indeed, find this flattering when people do so. But for those of you who want to feel more validated or wish to actually make an income (or supplemental income) from your art, then you need to take the endeavor seriously and learn proper business practices.

Good luck with your future artistic endeavors!


‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ becomes the first animated movie to join the Criterion Collection

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 11:38
Author: crossaffliction The Criterion Collection has been around since 1984, making 2014 the thirtieth anniversary for the film collection that all but invented the modern idea of DVD bonuses. During those three decades, as the collection added “important classic and contemporary films,” they failed to include a single animated feature, despite releasing nearly 700 movies […]
Categories: News

Sly Cooper to get own movie in 2016

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 11:38
Author: Higgs Raccoon Sly Cooper, the anthropomorphic raccoon star of several video games, is set to get his own movie. Although not due for release until 2016, the movie already has a Facebook page and a teaser-trailer: The film will be made by animation studio Rainmaker Entertainment and indie production company Blockade Entertainment. The writer […]
Categories: News

Climate Change Killing Penguin Colony, NPR Reports

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 11:30
Biologist report claiming climate change is killing the largest colony of Magellanic penguins.
Categories: News

Clydesdales + Puppy = Best Advert This Year?

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 09:30
The advert, which hit Youtube January 29 and has already racked up 23 million views at the time of publication is entitled “Puppy Love”
Categories: News

I'm a new furry. It is such a relief to finally say that.

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 08:01

Hello /r/furry.

I am new here.

I have been conflicted for a long time as to whether or not I should call myself a furry. So I wanted to ask if any of you ever felt that sort of conflict or if you just... knew?

I mean. I am not proud of the time I spent or wasted, being in doubt about the fandom. But having taken the decision gives me sense of pride because I feel like I know who I am.

Now i am wondering what to do next. Why are you guys furries? What do you do? How can I be a part of it?

Thank you :)


submitted by DaryxLion
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Categories: News

Can One Lead a “Normal Life” and Be Furry?

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 07:56
Author: Papa bear, I’m a 19 year old college student and have recently accepted that I’m a straight furry. But, coming from a religious and slightly strict family, it is hard for me to want to fully commit to the entire “furryness” I want to. Even though I have plans to get some furry body […]
Categories: News

Parents Are Manipulating Their Children’s Lives

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hello, I was recently browsing your forum after stumbling over a posted link on FA and really enjoyed your thoughtful and intelligent responses to the letters sent. I figured maybe you could give me some advice even though it isn’t particularly furry related (though both myself and my mate are furs so that totally […]
Categories: News

Fuzzy Logic: Episode 99 – Closing Time

Furry News Network - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 07:52
Author: Smokescale Aquatos This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh! We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and again, maybe even help out. One person even sent […] Fuzzy Logic: Episode 99 – Closing Time
Categories: News

Iwata is cutting back his salary due to financial issues

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 03:46

11875-nintendo logo

Nintendo is in hot water there is no denying that. For the third year in a row Nintendo has been operating at a loss. Although they have been selling software like crazy, Nintendo is struggling with Wii U sales. Not even with titles like Wii U Party or Super Mario 3D World, the console has currently dropped 36 percent.

In response to the financial situation, Nintendo’s president, Satoru Iwata, has told reporters that he would be cutting his salary in half for the next five months. Iwata is not the only member who is taking the cut. There are other board members are going to be taking 20 to 30 percent reduction in their paychecks.

It is apparent that Nintendo needs to change something and quick, but until they can figure it out Nintendo will continue to push the Wii U. It is nice to see the higher-ups taking a slash out of their paychecks for this financial situation, but this can only save their budgets by so much.

Categories: News

Iwata is cutting back his salary due to financial issues

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 03:46

11875-nintendo logo

Nintendo is in hot water there is no denying that. For the third year in a row Nintendo has been operating at a loss. Although they have been selling software like crazy, Nintendo is struggling with Wii U sales. Not even with titles like Wii U Party or Super Mario 3D World, the console has currently dropped 36 percent.

In response to the financial situation, Nintendo’s president, Satoru Iwata, has told reporters that he would be cutting his salary in half for the next five months. Iwata is not the only member who is taking the cut. There are other board members are going to be taking 20 to 30 percent reduction in their paychecks.

It is apparent that Nintendo needs to change something and quick, but until they can figure it out Nintendo will continue to push the Wii U. It is nice to see the higher-ups taking a slash out of their paychecks for this financial situation, but this can only save their budgets by so much.

Categories: News

Question from an outsider(Reguarding races like Viera)

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 01:29

I'm an outsider to this, wasn't my thing but I've dated a furry before, and I have a passion for "demihumans" IE Viera(usagimimi), nekomini, kitsuen. ect.

And I question, is there a difference between a furry? and well. Something like a Viera? Or Lon femina ( Lon Femina )? or Aurin? or Kumiho(Ahri/Fox people)?

Basically very much human but only differentiated by small racial traits such as Viera having large rabbit ears and rabbit tales, but other then that almost identical to a human, or a Lon Femina which appears very much human but with bullhorns and Feline tails.

IF these arent furry, then what are they called?

Sorry if this seems rude or out of place. I'm just curious to know and I've been wanting to know about this. kind of a burning question?

submitted by ALittleCryingRabbit
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Categories: News

Just thought I'd share this thing I found

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 01:27

I found this linked in a smaller sub, I wanted to see what r/furry thought of it.

submitted by ToxinFoxen
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Categories: News

Say hullo to my 'sona Cricket Jack!

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 01:10
Categories: News

Trying to get back in to writing. Let me write your stories!

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 00:25

Hi there /r/Furry! I'm currently unemployed, and trying to relocate to a better area where I have job interviews waiting, so here's the deal:

You tell me your story ideas (because I know all of you have lots of them, and I know that many of you are not very articulate writers), and I will write them for you.

I will write the first three requests as short stories (~1000 words) for no cost. These will be made available for everyone to read so you can see and judge the quality of my work. After that I will be taking commissions for $10/1000 words. (These figures are rough; I will not cut a scene short due to word count.)


  1. I will not write smut of any kind. Write it yourself.
  2. Tell me what you know about your setting and characters, as well as the general tone of the story.
  3. I will use whatever amount of input you give me WITHIN REASON. If you have sixty pages of character description, you need a critic and an editor, not another writer. (I may perform these services as well upon request.)
  4. I can write NARRATIVE or PLAYS. I personally feel I am better at the former than the latter. Requests for poetry will be ignored.
  5. As a writer, my first commitment is to the quality of the story. I reserve the right to add, remove, or alter whatever scenes, characters, or other elements as I see fit.

Blah, blah, blah, enough rules, give me something to write!

submitted by cheetahguy
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Categories: News