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FWA 2014 League of Legends Tournament Details

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 30 Jan 2014 - 02:34

If you're attending Furry Weekend Atlanta this year, and you're a League of Legends player, you may be interested to know about the upcoming tournament. Here are the official details:

This will be a 5v5 amateur tournament just like last year with a few changes to try and smooth things out and allow people to have more fun. We will do double elimination round robin this year so that a spot of bad luck doesn't doom a team and everyone gets to play a wider range of players. We will be starting the tournament off at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and can continue on to Saturday and Sunday if necessary. Sign ups will begin on Wednesday when the VGR room officially opens and end one hour before the start of the Tournament.


Q: Is there an entrance fee to play in the tournament?

A: No, there is no fee to enter the tournament beyond the normal con registration.

Q: Can I bring my laptop or my own peripherals?

A: While we have very nice equipment of our own, we understand some players just feel more comfortable with their own set up and do not mind allowing you to use your own things, so long as it can be swapped out or set up in a timely manner.

Q: One of my friends cannot make it to the con, can he play from home?

A: As much as we'd like for your friend to be able to participate, we must limit players to attendees of the con.


Direct any other questions you may have to


Categories: News

FWA 2014 League of Legends Tournament Details

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 30 Jan 2014 - 02:34

If you're attending Furry Weekend Atlanta this year, and you're a League of Legends player, you may be interested to know about the upcoming tournament. Here are the official details:

This will be a 5v5 amateur tournament just like last year with a few changes to try and smooth things out and allow people to have more fun. We will do double elimination round robin this year so that a spot of bad luck doesn't doom a team and everyone gets to play a wider range of players. We will be starting the tournament off at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and can continue on to Saturday and Sunday if necessary. Sign ups will begin on Wednesday when the VGR room officially opens and end one hour before the start of the Tournament.


Q: Is there an entrance fee to play in the tournament?

A: No, there is no fee to enter the tournament beyond the normal con registration.

Q: Can I bring my laptop or my own peripherals?

A: While we have very nice equipment of our own, we understand some players just feel more comfortable with their own set up and do not mind allowing you to use your own things, so long as it can be swapped out or set up in a timely manner.

Q: One of my friends cannot make it to the con, can he play from home?

A: As much as we'd like for your friend to be able to participate, we must limit players to attendees of the con.


Direct any other questions you may have to


Categories: News

Furry fandom can benefit from adopting Bitcoin more than any other community!

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Jan 2014 - 02:26

There is apparently a crap-ton of misunderstanding and misconception (along with general idiocy) with regards to bitcoin among the furry community. Which is really f'in sad, considering just how much this currency can help the fandom. Specifically:

  • No restrictions on payments (pay for any kind of porn to anyone in the world)
  • Extremely low fees (0 to 10 cents per transaction regardless of how much you send)
  • Can send microtransactions, such as just a few pennies per payment.
  • No need to set up any bank accounts or create button links like you do with PayPal. Just install an app, or sign up on or to get a bitcoin address (a string of text) and you're done.
  • Can be used internationally, especially for furs that travel to foreign conventions.

To receive a bitcoin payment, all you have to do is copy/paste text, such as 1Rassahgt3XSxKVJ62oSrQJxtH3wk4MKX. That's it. What I think would be really awesome (or at least useful) is to include this bitcoin address text in the description field under every picture artists submit. If people like the art, they can send a few cents as a donation or a thanks. Even better, you can create different bitcoin addresses for every pic you post, and see which ones are liked most just based on the amount of donations it gets.

As for usability, you can easily convert bitcoins to dollars trough Coinbase (in US) or many other exchanges, for at most a 1% fee, or use bitcoin to pay for things directly through a ton of available services, which let you shop on Amazon (with 6% discount for using bitcoin), Target (3% discount), or a ton of other places.

I want 2014 to be the year the furry community finally adopts Bitcoin, and would appreciate any help with achieving that goal, and I will personally volunteer my time to help anyone with getting set up, as well as be happy to answer any questions about it. I am even considering renting advertising space on furaffinity, and maybe running an information table at conventions. I also want to finally dispel all the rumors, misconceptions, and stupid claims about it that seem to persist despite tons of evidence contradicting them.

P.S. Regarding myself, I have a background in IT and have a Master's in international finance and economics (from Robert H. Smith School of Business, which uses Harvard University curriculum/materials). I currently work as a Senior Financial analyst for the State of MD, as well as a director of a bitcoin-based charity, through which I have personally already sent out thousands of dollars (over $40k in the last 2 months), including to animal rescue type charities. I will also be sending out a $1,000 donation to in Pittsburgh within a week. I am also a bitcoin early adopter, know everything there is to know about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies (which I learned about wile being a SecondLife early adopter back in 2003), and live entirely off bitcoin, so if I can do it, there is definitely something bitcoin can be used for.

submitted by Rassah
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Octofur sketch :3

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Jan 2014 - 01:49
Categories: News

How to make your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Jan 2014 - 01:44

Hi! I am pretty new in all here ( I made a post 1 or 2 days ago) and I started wondering,how the fuck will I make a fursona, I love all kinds of animal, Dragons,foxes,wolfs, cats,reptiles in general.

And I just cant decide an animal,I am not that good with personality either,I could be the sassiest guy in the world and then 5 min later be shy, so I dont have that going for me.

/r/furry help me!

submitted by Falafox
[link] [15 comments]
Categories: News

Drew myself in a Ska inspired outfit c:

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Jan 2014 - 00:46
Categories: News

Episode 99 – Closing Time - This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh! We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and aga[..

Fuzzy Logic - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 22:57


This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh!

We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and again, maybe even help out. One person even sent in an audio bite of what they had to say about the show. It was awesome. We cannot thank you guys enough for the love and support. Hopefully in the not too distant future, something will come forth once again. Until such time, we wish you all the very best.

Since the podcast itself is what is ending, it should be noted that the twitter account and email address WILL remain active. Isty will check it periodically to see if he can’t respond at least privately should anyone need help.

As for the show returning, it’s still a little wibbly wobbly up in the air, and with Furry Fiesta fast approaching, if it does return, it won’t be until AFTER the convention, meaning early March at the absolute earliest. And that is when the format will likely be changing as previously mentioned.

So, here’s to one hundred episodes, to many laughs shared, and to you guys for being awesome.

Never stop being awesome.

Episode 99 – Closing Time - This is it! Our final show for the foreseeable future! All the feels! Aaaagh! We got six emails to read today, and they were all super sweet, we love you guys so much! Hopefully, we were able to brighten your day now and aga[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Snuggle Circle

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 21:35
Categories: News

League of Legends Tournament at FWA

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 20:44
Categories: News

Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea: Episode 2 Trailer Released

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 20:27

burrial at sea pt2

Irrational Games has just released a trailer for Burrial at Sea part 2. It features a view of everything from Elizabeth's eyes rather than Booker's, it also features the return of Atlas, who I'm sure you'll remember as the twist vilian from the original Bioshock. The trailer shows Elizabeth bargining for her life with Atlas, telling him she can "get him back to Rapture" [with the help of Booker]. We also see a little sister who Elizabeth wants to protect. But enough talk, let's watch the trailer shall we? And before you go, don't forget to share this on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+....Would you kindly?


Categories: News

Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea: Episode 2 Trailer Released

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 20:27

burrial at sea pt2

Irrational Games has just released a trailer for Burrial at Sea part 2. It features a view of everything from Elizabeth's eyes rather than Booker's, it also features the return of Atlas, who I'm sure you'll remember as the twist vilian from the original Bioshock. The trailer shows Elizabeth bargining for her life with Atlas, telling him she can "get him back to Rapture" [with the help of Booker]. We also see a little sister who Elizabeth wants to protect. But enough talk, let's watch the trailer shall we? And before you go, don't forget to share this on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+....Would you kindly?


Categories: News

Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea: Episode 2 Trailer Released

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 20:27

burrial at sea pt2

Irrational Games has just released a trailer for Burrial at Sea part 2. It features a view of everything from Elizabeth's eyes rather than Booker's, it also features the return of Atlas, who I'm sure you'll remember as the twist vilian from the original Bioshock. The trailer shows Elizabeth bargining for her life with Atlas, telling him she can "get him back to Rapture" [with the help of Booker]. We also see a little sister who Elizabeth wants to protect. But enough talk, let's watch the trailer shall we? And before you go, don't forget to share this on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+....Would you kindly?


Categories: News

Nintendo's "Studies" of Smartphones Yields Interesting Conclusions

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 20:14

Mario on iPhone

Last week we reported that Nintendo was "studying" smartphones and tablets after they were disappointed by financial reports. Well according to a report by one of the largest newspapers in Japan, The Nikkei, their studies led them to conclude that the best way to use smart devices to their advantage is to make apps to market their console games and sharing information like videos, screenshots, and even going as far as to provide short demos on Android/iOS devices.

Reportedly, the thinking behind this is that it’ll give mobile only players a taste of Nintendo’s product without having to put games on non-Nintendo devices, hopefully converting them to Nintendo customers.
The Nikkei also reports that all Nintendo smartphone content will be completely free, and they have no plans for paid content on Android or iOS devices.

Now saying that this move is naive would be an understatement but we’ll have to wait and see if it works or not. What do you think about this move? Let us know by joining the discussion below.

Categories: News

Nintendo's "Studies" of Smartphones Yields Interesting Conclusions

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 29 Jan 2014 - 20:14

Mario on iPhone

Last week we reported that Nintendo was "studying" smartphones and tablets after they were disappointed by financial reports. Well according to a report by one of the largest newspapers in Japan, The Nikkei, their studies led them to conclude that the best way to use smart devices to their advantage is to make apps to market their console games and sharing information like videos, screenshots, and even going as far as to provide short demos on Android/iOS devices.

Reportedly, the thinking behind this is that it’ll give mobile only players a taste of Nintendo’s product without having to put games on non-Nintendo devices, hopefully converting them to Nintendo customers.
The Nikkei also reports that all Nintendo smartphone content will be completely free, and they have no plans for paid content on Android or iOS devices.

Now saying that this move is naive would be an understatement but we’ll have to wait and see if it works or not. What do you think about this move? Let us know by joining the discussion below.

Categories: News