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help with drawing

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 20:54

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me with drawing anthros. I've been practicing some but I could use some help from someone who has more experience. All I really want is just some tips and tricks that some of you could teach me. Thanks!

submitted by gamer7001
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Categories: News

New here, I have no idea.

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 20:20

Hello! I'm Falafox (name isn't related,I have since I was a child when I needed a nickname for a game) and I have been peeking the furry comunity since a long time, I used to be a brony,but the overflow of porn being shoving down my throat and kids hurted my mind and I left the fandom.

I always used to joke about Furries with my friends but I never told them that I kind of liked them.because I was shy and didn't want to being make fun of.

So yeah,I am a pretty hardcore,sigh...gamer (I hate the word,sorry) I have no personality,imagination nor fursona (also talent to write,draw or anything)

I really like foxes,wolfes and dragons or reptiles in general,I do not enjoy NSFW but if you want to show me anyways Take this

Sooo,hello Furry community.

submitted by Falafox
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Categories: News

Kitty huggles!

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:50
Categories: News

GFBS Episode 15

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:28

This week Acharky gets some new games yet he still plays Disney Infinity, Asher keeps breaking things playing Mirror's Edge, Baruti tells us new ways to be a jerk in Skyrim, Enigma plays the Lightning Returns Demo, and the crew are joined by GF's own admin Jojo as he tells us about his time with Zoo Tycoon! All this and much more!


Categories: News

GFBS Episode 15

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:28

This week Acharky gets some new games yet he still plays Disney Infinity, Asher keeps breaking things playing Mirror's Edge, Baruti tells us new ways to be a jerk in Skyrim, Enigma plays the Lightning Returns Demo, and the crew are joined by GF's own admin Jojo as he tells us about his time with Zoo Tycoon! All this and much more!


Categories: News

GFBS Episode 15

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:28

This week Acharky gets some new games yet he still plays Disney Infinity, Asher keeps breaking things playing Mirror's Edge, Baruti tells us new ways to be a jerk in Skyrim, Enigma plays the Lightning Returns Demo, and the crew are joined by GF's own admin Jojo as he tells us about his time with Zoo Tycoon! All this and much more!


Categories: News

GFBS Episode 15

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:28

This week Acharky gets some new games yet he still plays Disney Infinity, Asher keeps breaking things playing Mirror's Edge, Baruti tells us new ways to be a jerk in Skyrim, Enigma plays the Lightning Returns Demo, and the crew are joined by GF's own admin Jojo as he tells us about his time with Zoo Tycoon! All this and much more!


Categories: News

Sly Cooper Movie is a Thing, Scheduled for 2016

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:04


Sly Cooper is one of the most recognizable figures amongst furry gamers. I imagine many of you have played at least one Sly Cooper game in your time. The sneaky rodent has been the star of a successful PS2 stealth-platforming series, which recently had a fourth entry in the PS3/Vita game Thieves in Time.

Now, it has been announced that there will be a movie, slated for 2016, starring the cunning, devious, thievius raccoonus. From the plot synopsizes, it looks like the movie will be a re-telling of the story of the first game, much like the coming Ratchet and Clank movie is supposed to be. The film will be developed by Studio Blockade Entertainment with the aid of Rainmaker Entertainment. Kevin Munroe will be both directing the feature and writing it's screenplay.

An official Facebook page has even been set-up already for those interested in the movie.

I'll be interested in seeing how this plays out. My only complaint with the movie so far are the designs for the characters. And by that, I really mean the design for Murray. Sly and Bentley's designs look fine to me, but Murray is another story entirely. Fortunately, they have two years to make changes before the film comes out. Are any of you guys excited for this? Let us know in the comments below.

UPDATE: There is also a trailer out now. Check it out here:


Categories: News

Sly Cooper Movie is a Thing, Scheduled for 2016

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 18:04


Sly Cooper is one of the most recognizable figures amongst furry gamers. I imagine many of you have played at least one Sly Cooper game in your time. The sneaky rodent has been the star of a successful PS2 stealth-platforming series, which recently had a fourth entry in the PS3/Vita game Thieves in Time.

Now, it has been announced that there will be a movie, slated for 2016, starring the cunning, devious, thievius raccoonus. From the plot synopsizes, it looks like the movie will be a re-telling of the story of the first game, much like the coming Ratchet and Clank movie is supposed to be. The film will be developed by Studio Blockade Entertainment with the aid of Rainmaker Entertainment. Kevin Munroe will be both directing the feature and writing it's screenplay.

An official Facebook page has even been set-up already for those interested in the movie.

I'll be interested in seeing how this plays out. My only complaint with the movie so far are the designs for the characters. And by that, I really mean the design for Murray. Sly and Bentley's designs look fine to me, but Murray is another story entirely. Fortunately, they have two years to make changes before the film comes out. Are any of you guys excited for this? Let us know in the comments below.

UPDATE: There is also a trailer out now. Check it out here:


Categories: News

More Raccoons at the Movies

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 17:34

Bringing yet another well-known video game to the big screen, Sony Pictures have announced that Sly Cooper — The Movie is filming and set for release in 2016. Erik Kain at has the complete story, as well as a link to the teaser trailer. The film is being directed by Kevin Munroe (one of the writers on the TMNT film from 2007) and animated by Rainmaker Entertainment and Blockade Entertainment (both of whom are currently working on the Ratchet & Clank movie, also for Sony). According to the press release, “Sly Cooper is a kinetic and comedic heist film that tells the story of Sly Cooper, an orphaned raccoon thief, along with his childhood friends and partners in crime, Bentley Turtle and Murray Hippo. In the film, Sly learns of his birth family’s secret legacy; that he comes from a long line of talented and international thieves. Endowed with this knowledge, Sly and his friends are catapulted into a global adventure as they race to reassemble pieces of an ancient book holding The Cooper Clan’s family secrets before it can fall into the hands of Clockwerk — an evil Russian metallic owl bent on ending the Cooper family line. ” With the movie not coming out until 2016, we can probably assume that the teaser trailer does not reflect the look or feel of the final film — but it does get the word out and hopefully gets people interested.

image c. 2014 Sony Pictures

Categories: News

"This time... It's fursonal!"

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 17:24
Categories: News

Furry Convention in Ukraine Will Continue as Scheduled

Furry News Network - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 16:47
A small gathering will be occurring this weekend in Kharkiv, but politics are not on the agenda for discussion. KharCon, a small furry convention that meets several times a year, will take place this weekend
Categories: News

Don't be that guy...

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 16:08

Today, I commented on a post about an artist opening up commission work, saying that I sell mine cheaper.

That's bad business folks. What I did there.

So don't be that guy, who does something that stupid.

I was very much in the wrong and I'm sorry.

EDIT When this post is 12 hours old, it will be deleted.

submitted by PowerRaptor
[link] [18 comments]
Categories: News

Sharktails and Ribbons! ^-^

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 15:50
Categories: News

Episode 241 - Sticky Quickie

Southpaws - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 15:48
We're back in the saddle again, putting out a quick episode this week. We catch up on whats been going on, discuss stuff, and read some emails. Exciting! Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal~ Episode 241 - Sticky Quickie
Categories: Podcasts

/r/furry I have a bone to pick with you

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 14:57
Categories: News

Understanding Father Just Needs a Little More Reassurance That All Furries Are Not Furverts

Ask Papabear - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 14:13
Dear Papabear,

This evening, I took the opportunity to come out about me being a furry to my dad. As one would expect, he was a bit confused about it at first, but then the dreaded light bulb turned on. Luckily, he took it quite well initially. I was surprised at either how well he took it or how wrong I was about him. I honestly haven't decided which one.

But now we've got a problem. Remember that light bulb? That light bulb is a jerk, nobody likes when it turns on. As I feared, he knows about the sexual side of furries. I assured him that, though that does exist, it's not who I am, it's not what I'm into, it's against what I believe, and, frankly, it disgusts me. I'm pretty sure he believes that's not who I am, but he had another issue, based on my age.

To him, it's not acceptable for me to be a furry at age 15. You can guess why. I tried to remind him that, though the community is a big part of my furryness, the art is what I'm really into. Unfortunately, that didn't work very well, and he used his age old assumption that every furry is "a 20 year old male sitting in his mother's basement, naked, with his bunny suit hanging on the wall." How touching.

I tried to bring up some of the best examples of good furs I know of (at the time, the one that came to mind was Bucktown Tiger. Might not have been the absolute best example, but he's definitely on the list). But he still wasn't convinced.

And I'm not saying that he's not being very reasonable. The sexual stuff is there. I've seen it (though I wouldn't dare tell him that detail), but it's still not me.

I think his perception of furries is quite clouded, because he asked whether my friends know about it, as if it's something horrible. On top of that, he watches Comedy Central, Fox News, Howard Stern and all of those places that classify the fandom as a "fetish".

On top of that, he believes that at some point in my life, I will get the desire to dress up as a furry and do some things with another furry that I, again, am not into and don't believe are right.

Speaking of, both he and myself are Christians, but that hardly seemed to play a role in anything.

And on that note, I'm sure he now questions whether or not I'm gay. I'm not, but I wouldn't blame him for thinking that I am, since I defend homosexuals often, which is because I'm a furry and I have so many friends here who are gay.

I think he trusts me not to be actively searching out that stuff, but he still doesn't want me associating with furries because that stuff exists.

Onto my question: How can I show him that not every furry is a 20 year old perv with a bunny suit, and that the furry fandom is nothing to be ashamed of, or even hide?

Thanks for all your help thus far,

(also, if you have time, what would you consider the "right" age to be a furry?)

* * *

Dear Anonfuzz,

It’s great that your dad is fairly understanding, and I certainly do sympathize with his being nervous about his son being associated with any potentially dangerous people. You are both right that there are a lot of furries out there who are mostly into the sexual aspect of the fandom, and there is a LOT of porn out there. There are also a lot of furries like yourself who do not like the kink side at all. There is so much that is fun and cool about the furry fandom that has nothing at all to do with sex. Nothing.

I would put it to your father this way, as an example: “Dad, it’s true that there is a lot of X-rated art out there concerning furries, but there is also a lot that has nothing to do with that. It’s important for you to understand that there are many, many furries who want nothing to do with furry porn, and I am one of them. Think of it this way: there are millions of Muslims in the world, but would you say they are all terrorists? Of course not! Only a small portion of them are, and they give the rest of the Muslim community a very bad name and make other people suspicious of anyone who is a practicing Muslim. Just as terrorists get a lot of media and other attention, giving Muslims a bad name, furry pornography gets a lot of attention from non-furries because it is so sensationalistic. Please don’t condemn all furries as furverts because that is far from the truth. I’m not a furvert.”

To ease his mind further, invite him to go to a furcon or furmeet with you. Allow him to be involved in your furry life, if he wishes. Don’t be secretive about it (just reinforcing here, as you seem like you are not the secretive type), and you will gain his trust. You already have a very good start, and he seems like a pretty cool guy who is just a bit concerned about furry, which means that he loves and cares about you, which is a good thing! Much better than a father who is completely indifferent to his son’s activities.

By taking him to some furry events, he will see (as my mate, Yogi, has seen when I took him to furcons) that they are really very tame. Just a bunch of people with the same interests having fun sharing their hobby together.

As for the question what is the right age for a furry—there is no right or wrong age. You don’t need a furry license, you are not ingesting drugs, you are not enlisting in the army. It is simply an avocational interest many people have. You wouldn’t ask someone, “What is the right age to be a Star Trek fan” would you? Of course not. Same for furries. From 1 to 101, any age is the right age.

Bear Hugs,


Sly Cooper movie trailer

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Jan 2014 - 13:31
Categories: News