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Doctor Howl

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 02:09
Categories: News

Two Questions

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 00:57

Alright well to my first question. I'm look for some Furry Books, just like books involving furries and what not. I don't really know the best place to look or if anyone knows any good ones so let me know if you do :)

Second: Whats the best ways to meet knew furries? I've tried the reddit chat room and met some cool people but I'm looking to meet new people as well. Any suggestions? Thanks :) PS: I've tried posting in the forums looking for people to talk to but didn't get any luck.

submitted by thatoneguy2020
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Categories: News

How about Red dragon?

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 21:51
Categories: News

Episode 242 - More Triggers Than A Gun Show

Southpaws - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 20:26
We do a podcast thing. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal! Episode 242 - More Triggers Than A Gun Show
Categories: Podcasts

This sub sucks because you can't downvote anything

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 20:04

I'm not breaking any of this subs rules by saying so.

Bring the downvotes and ignore the irony!!!!!

submitted by Schlenektin
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Categories: News

Opening Commissions for Charity!

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 19:27
Categories: News

Monster Hunter Kojio!

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 18:34
Categories: News

Heya Fuzzbuckets. I'm looking to write a script for an anthro/furry comic. What would YOU like to see more or less of in the genre? I am interested in what you have to say.

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 15:54

Hi, Mr. Throwaway account 8999 here. But you can call me Don for now. I'm a seven year writer who, for the life of him, has always wanted to write a comic script. I have a few artists willing to draw it for me, but first and foremost--a full script.

And that's where I become interested in what YOU have to say. I've been in and out of anthro-comic genres like a bad habit. I find the anthro-morphization of characters allows for a clearer expression of visual emotional cues, which makes for a wider range of interesting story telling techniques. Also mumbo-jumbo big words--I like fuzzy animals in my comics.

So I want to hear right from the community--what would you like to see in an anthropomorphic comic?

Like: What's something there's not enough of? What do you want more of? What species would you want to see more of? Do you want more species-culture oriented plot, or less of it? Realistic versus cartoony? What's your take on the "Obligatory Gay Character" debate? Does it even matter? Fantasy species versus real world species?

And on and on. Ask anything or offer any suggestion or viewpoint or a funny joke--anything. (And not for the comic--I mean you can just tell me a funny joke you know). I'm a very top-down, critical genre aficionado who's a stickler for defying cliche, overused scenarios, and common plot-lines. I have my own ideas of what I'd like to see, but I gotta hear it from the other end.

Thank you for all your time. Here's a bit of info on the premise of the comic--all of it a work in progress and subject to change and whatnot. Hopefully it doesn't sound too hokey or far from left field--I enjoy supernatural stories and the likes. Hopefully I can pull of something interesting.

Title: Smoke Rings

Synopsis: A white-knuckle, recovering addict returns to his home city to get his head back on straight, picking up a job at a hookah lounge he used to frequent as a college student. He's assisted by a mysterious and possibly insane coworker who, over time, reveals himself to be an otherwordly being.

submitted by MakingAFuzzyComic
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Categories: News

Lone Wolf by LoweNorman

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 15:34
Categories: News

The OTHER Chipmunks

Furry News Network - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 14:05
Author: rodney According to an article in Variety magazine, Disney Animation has given the green light to produce a live action Chip and Dale movie. Yes. What’s more, the film’s plot is an origin story for the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers. This means we get to see not only Chip and Dale but Monterey […]
Categories: News

Disabled, Lo-Income Furry Needs Help with Medical and Education

Ask Papabear - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 13:12
Hi Papabear.

I've been feeling really useless. I'm a high school dropout but I blame myself for that. I get really bad panic attacks when I'm around a lot of people which I think led to me dropping out. Then I can't drive because I don't have good depth perception. I wear glasses, but the doctor still said I shouldn't drive. So now I'm an uneducated shut in with no license. I’ve been living on a $2,000 or $1,000 dollar check I get every three months, but bills, food, and family (including pets) forces me to use it up in a month, so I have to go donate plasma. I really want to get my G.E.D and get an art degree so I can get a job without leaving my house or so I can at least call myself an artist and have an option to get a job.

Then reality sets in. My family won't help me, taking a bus is out of the question, and I can't get medication for my panic attacks because I have no insurance or someone who will take me to the mental health clinic, plus no money. I need to have a steady income, but no one will help me. I feel so useless. I can't do anything. I can't even join the army since I have bad eyesight and I had asthma when I was young. Some days I feel like disappearing. My family would still get the check. I mean, I don't do anything, so If I'm gone nothing would change. I feel that if I'm gone everyone and everything will be better without me. I have nothing to live for, my self-esteem is gone along with my pride. 

Uh, is there any advice you can give me? 

mb (age 23 in Arizona)

* * *

Dear mb,

Papabear gives you a big HUG. I thought you might need it. I’m glad you took the time to write me. You have three issues here, one being, I perceive, thoughts of suicide, but I think we can alleviate that if we fix the other two issues: health and education.

Let’s do health first. I am a little surprised you have apparently not heard of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). With your extremely low income, you should easily qualify for health insurance in Arizona at little or no cost. Two sites I want you to check out: 1) The Arizona Department of Economic Security’s health care page, and 2) The federal government site. You should qualify for health care assistance, after which you find a doctor and go see them about your health issues.

The second subject is schooling. I’m proud of you for wanting to get your G.E.D. so that you can find work and make something of yourself despite your family’s shameful lack of support. Fortunately, you were born in the technological age, and there are ways for you to earn your G.E.D. at home for free. In your state of Arizona, there is Insight Academy of Arizona. You can also check out Arizona Connections Academy. These places offer high school courses, but you can also go online for help to specifically pass the G.E.D., such as Pima Academy, which offers on-site as well as online courses. Do a little research and you will find something suited for you.

When you are ready to take the G.E.D., this may be the one time when you actually have to arrange transportation to get to a testing facility. Make absolutely certain that you go to an accredited facility (there are scam facilities) by checking first with the Arizona Department of Education, which is also a great place for you to learn more about classes and testing.

In short, mb, there are ways for you to get the help you need, conveniently and at home for free, both medically and in school. Happily, you clearly have an Internet connection, since you emailed me, so all this is possible for you.

I hope that helps! If not, and you're still having depressing thoughts, please write me again. Good Luck and BIG BEAR HUGS!


Fins up :3

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 12:52
Categories: News

Little pawpads

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 10:34
Categories: News

Any Rock Climbing Furs?

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Feb 2014 - 09:36

Hello R/Furry!

I am a year long lion fur who is so far really enjoying the furry fandom community!

Now I have been browsing/posting on R/furry and have been seeing furries doing different activities such as snowboarding, skydiving, skateboarding, paintballing, and the list goes on. As much as I love all those sports/hobbies, I am a Rock Climbing fur.


I would love to see pictures of you guys climbing indoors/outdoors, bouldering/top roap/lead climbing. Or even link me to some groups where there are furries that discuss climbing or even meet up to climb.

I would post pictures of myself, but I am not exactly the "open" furry type and tend to keep it on the DL. So all the pictures would just be standard photos of me climbing rocks with no furry apparel.

One last thing, does anyone own or seen a furry tail chalk bag? If this isnt a thing yet I swear ill invent one x3


I thought you climbing furs might like this. My Fursona Rock Climbing

submitted by TophLion
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Categories: News