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Renamon and Krystal by Cybercat

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 22:16
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Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 21:00
Categories: News

Any furs in Kalamazoo?

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 20:11
Categories: News

I was going through my old books and I found Redwall

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 20:00

Oh redwall, the series that yearned a generation of furries

submitted by throwitawaynowpls2
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea: Episode 2 Releace Date Announced!

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 19:16

burrial at sea pt2 

So it's finally come. Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea: Episode 2, the first time ever that you can play as Elizabeth, the return of Atlas and Andrew Ryan, finally has a release date! What's the date you ask? All in due time my friends, first, a quote from Ken Levine. "In Burial at Sea - Episode Two, we are delivering a story that involves nearly every major character from the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite," "It is a story that will give gamers a new perspective on the BioShock universe and conclude the story of BioShock Infinite and Burial at Sea."

Ok ok now the date. March 25th 2014! So just over a month, are you excited? I'm excited :D What'll we see? We know from the trailer that it's about Elizabeth trying to get Atlas and his goons back to Rapture, will Columbia make an appearance? Maybe we can see Jack Wynand? My prediction actually is that Jack Wynand is going to turn out to be ANOTHER alternate universe version of Booker, because why the hell not.

So are you excited about Burial at Sea part 2? What are some of your predictions? Let us know in the comments below. And follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Furaffinity, would you kindly?

In Burial at Sea - Episode Two, we are delivering a story that involves nearly every major character from the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite,"
Categories: News

Nine Lives to the Rescue

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 18:48

New this month from Hermes Press is the new deluxe hardcover collection of Scratch 9: The Pet Project. “Following Scratch9′s FCBD adventure, comes the complete Eisner Award-nominated story of The Pet Project. Scratch is a house cat who must save his animal pals from the clutches of Dr. Schrodinger and the C.R.U.E.L. corporation. Fortunately he can tap into all of his nine lives to help him out in jam! This deluxe edition collects the original story plus the Cat Tails anthology, along with all-new bonus materials!” It’s written by Rob M. Worley with art by Jason T. Kruse, Joshua Buchanan, and others. Check out the preview at Comic Book Resources.

image c. 2014 Hermes Press

Categories: News

PS4 Update 1.60 Shuts Some Users Out of PS Store

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 18:46

Sony has just released an update to the PS4's firmware, update 1.60. Unfortunately, it also came with a few problems. There are reports that indicate that some users who downloaded the new firmware were unable to log onto the PlayStation Store. When attempting to do so, the system would display the following message: “This service is not available in your country/region.”

Some users report that the problem can be temporarily fixed by logging off and then logging back onto PSN, although this is not a permanent solution and Sony claims to be working on a fix “on the server end.” It's unknown if the issue is directly related to the new update, but in my opinion it is not likely to be a coincidence.

This is also unfortunate because Outlast has just been added to PS+ for PS4 users. If you have a PS4 and do not want to risk missing out on Outlast, I'd advise you to go to the PC version of the store, log in, and “purchase” your free copy at .

Categories: News

PS4 Update 1.60 Shuts Some Users Out of PS Store

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 18:46

Sony has just released an update to the PS4's firmware, update 1.60. Unfortunately, it also came with a few problems. There are reports that indicate that some users who downloaded the new firmware were unable to log onto the PlayStation Store. When attempting to do so, the system would display the following message: “This service is not available in your country/region.”

Some users report that the problem can be temporarily fixed by logging off and then logging back onto PSN, although this is not a permanent solution and Sony claims to be working on a fix “on the server end.” It's unknown if the issue is directly related to the new update, but in my opinion it is not likely to be a coincidence.

This is also unfortunate because Outlast has just been added to PS+ for PS4 users. If you have a PS4 and do not want to risk missing out on Outlast, I'd advise you to go to the PC version of the store, log in, and “purchase” your free copy at .

Categories: News

Free Extermination Service

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 16:18
Categories: News

GFBS Episode 16

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 15:27

Things get heated as the GFBS crew argue over how to pronounce GIF! GF's resident owl Tek Yumi joins the crew to tell us about Animal Crossing, Acharky wastes money on an online pass, Zovi Asher shares the wonder of mods, Enigma plays DMC Devil May Cry, and Baruti starts to question his murderous bahavior in Skyrim. All this and much more!

Categories: News

GFBS Episode 16

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 15:27

Things get heated as the GFBS crew argue over how to pronounce GIF! GF's resident owl Tek Yumi joins the crew to tell us about Animal Crossing, Acharky wastes money on an online pass, Zovi Asher shares the wonder of mods, Enigma plays DMC Devil May Cry, and Baruti starts to question his murderous bahavior in Skyrim. All this and much more!

Categories: News

Stay at Home and Earn an Associate's Degree or Go to University and Party?

Ask Papabear - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 12:46
Dear Papa Bear,

I'm very conflicted about something and wanted your perspective and advice on this: My brother recently convinced me to pull out of the community college I was attending and immediately transfer to the University of Missouri—Columbia. His argument is that I am wasting away my 20's and I should be engaging in social opportunities, meeting people, and broadening my horizons.

I am currently living at home with my parents while I attend a local community college trying to earn my Associate's Degree. I'm very close to getting my Associate's, but there's a strong likelihood that I will be there over a year as I fail my math classes, my worst subject.

The thing is, though, that I agree with my brother. Living at home is giving me cabin fever. We live way out in the countryside, I feel trapped often, I don't hang out with anyone. I do work though, and I'm making $13 an hour doing photography and photo editing, which is awesome. I never thought I would be doing that and getting paid fairly well for it. My brother tells me that he regretted doing what I am doing now, living at home and going to the community college. He said he was much happier living on his own.

If I leave by next semester, I can be living with my friends I made my first year in college and having a blast drinking and partying. I'm sure there are plenty of furries to meet there as well, and maybe I can get laid in the midst of this too. It's a huge school. I'd also be taking art classes for the first time in about two years to put towards my BFA degree, so I'd actually enjoy going to college again. But I would be making less money, it going towards rent and utilities, gas, food, and possibly other expenses.

I guess what I'm really trying to ask is: Am I making the right decision by giving up my financial stability, a good job, and a possible Associate's Degree for my freedom, well being, self-discovery and enjoying my social life? I'd still be going to school though, and enjoying my classes for quite a while (until I have to take math).

Frroat (age 21)

* * *

Dear Frroat,

Please note that school is not about drinking and partying with your friends. It is about getting an education (what a concept!) Also note that what is right for your brother might not be right for you. You are two different people.

Give up financial stability and an associate’s degree for a much less optimal situation just so you can party more? That, pardon me for saying so, is incredibly short-sighted and not very smart.

It sounds like you are close to obtaining your AA. Need a little help with math to get over the hump? Use some of that financial stability you have right now and hire yourself a math tutor. After all, if you can’t pass math at a community college, what makes you think you can at a four-year school? The advantage of a community college is that it is much easier to get the individual attention you need than at a large university. Take advantage of that now. If you don’t, you likely will fail at the university level, so your plan would be ruined. Your discomfiture over living with your parents can serve as your motivation to succeed quickly where you are, and then move on with your life.

Finish your AA degree and THEN move on to a four-year school, knowing you can transfer that degree for credits toward you B.A. (consult with your academic advisor at your community college about transferring credits and degrees to make sure you get the most bang for your buck; some universities don’t accept all credits from certain schools and some universities have close ties to particular community colleges to make this process easier).

What I’m trying to say is that transferring to another school is no solution. Sure, you might be able to party more, but that is not going to help your education or your future. Instead, play it smart. Focus now on succeeding where you are in the quickest way possible, and you will be out of your parents’ house in a year and be much better prepared for the future. Is fighting for the right to party more important than that? If so, listen to your brother and have fun getting drunk because soon you’ll find yourself out on the street with no degree. If not, tell your brother you have your own plans and stop feeling pressured by him.

I hope you make the right choice. Good luck!


Anybody doing free reference sheet 'commissions'?

Furry Reddit - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 12:01

I think I've decided on my fursona, but I can't draw worth crap anymore, nor can I afford a 'pro' commission. Is there anybody around who might give me a character sheet, even a semi rough one for free?

Edit: Thanks for the replies folks. here is the message I sent to maxrazor with a description if anybody else wants to try. Also, any links to line art I could use are welcome.

submitted by Blu3Shyft
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

Gunpoint Developers New Game

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 04:53

From the maker of the wildly popular game Gunpoint, a game about stealth and thought, comes a brand new game! That's right people, another game that'll make your brain work and will reward and punish you greatly for everything that you do. What is this game? Well, the title they're calling it is "Heat Signature", ya know like that movie from Adventure Time. This game is based along the lines of boarding spaceships by avoiding detection from their heat sensors. Cool your engines, coast in, board the ship. and take out the crew silently like a flawless space Sam Fisher. The developers have basic gameplay in motion but are looking to add more features and rooms to make the game even more complex. The video below is just a brief view of the game in it's current development process. If you like what you see, stay tuned as we roll out more news on it. As always, stay fuzzy and tuned to GF for all your gaming news!

Categories: News

Gunpoint Developers New Game

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 5 Feb 2014 - 04:53

From the maker of the wildly popular game Gunpoint, a game about stealth and thought, comes a brand new game! That's right people, another game that'll make your brain work and will reward and punish you greatly for everything that you do. What is this game? Well, the title they're calling it is "Heat Signature", ya know like that movie from Adventure Time. This game is based along the lines of boarding spaceships by avoiding detection from their heat sensors. Cool your engines, coast in, board the ship. and take out the crew silently like a flawless space Sam Fisher. The developers have basic gameplay in motion but are looking to add more features and rooms to make the game even more complex. The video below is just a brief view of the game in it's current development process. If you like what you see, stay tuned as we roll out more news on it. As always, stay fuzzy and tuned to GF for all your gaming news!

Categories: News