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Papabear Gets a Disturbing Letter 

Ask Papabear - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 12:15
[Warning to My Dear Readers: The following letter has me more upset than almost any letter I have ever received. I am honestly and profoundly disturbed. It has nothing to do with sex or violence, but, rather, with a degree of selfishness I find difficult to comprehend. I try to always see good in people, but am having a hard time with this one.]

[Update August 13, 2014: After you read the original letter, keep reading. I later received emails from a furry that makes me feel a lot better]

Hey there, Papabear. How are you? 

Where to begin? Well, I've been wondering about this for a while. I'm currently staying with my grandmother in hopes of saving up for a new reliable vehicle, for my own place and to live a great stable life by myself. I love her dearly, don't get me wrong, but I feel that she may be taking advantage of me. I'm not trying to make her into a villain or anything, but I'll tell it to you like it is. 

See, my grandma (who is 62 years old) is quitting her job at the Walmart Supercenter in Ballentine, SC (part of Columbia, SC and nearly an hour away from her house) because she's just "tired" of the work load they are giving her. Granted, she had to work for 6 days a week with 1 day off 3 weeks ago, but still... And she was spending money faster than she was earning them (mainly, because of gas for the most part.) She has been trying to look for another job (or so she says), but jobs are scarce at this point. She doesn't like to work period at times and it seems that she's at the point of her life where she's tired of working all together. I had been living with her rent-free, therefore, I would have to do yard work and clean up behind myself to compensate for that. 

But recently, she wants me to help out with her bills and house expenses. I can't help but feel that she purposely doesn't want to work and purposely isn't looking for a job (but then again, jobs are scarce nowadays.). And I fear that once she runs out of money, it will lead me to be the breadwinner and pay all the expenses and pay the bills, which could result in me reaching my goals in a much slower rate. My first suspension of her taking advantaging of me was that she used a Sears Credit Card of mine (that I got from a mall) to buy Christmas presents for some of my family members when we were both unemployed (which took place last year). I advised her not to use it. I have no idea why she would do that when she knew we were both out of a job. She's currently paying the bill, but I'm worried that once she's out of money I'm stuck with the bill (when she should be paying for it). Mind you, I don't plan on living in a mobile home in a rural town all my life. Not really my thing. I don't want to stay here longer than necessary. There are times where I have had enough of her antics. That's the type of person she is. It took me a while to figure out her true colors. I didn't find out how she truly is until about 4 months ago. She's the type of woman who would say "Oh! I'm pooped. I'm tired. I can't work like this no more. But it looks like you're going to help me with these bills from now on." with a crooked smile and a little laugh afterwards. You don't know if she's just kidding or if she really means that. 

If she doesn't work for a long period of time, am I able to kick her out of the house (that she lived in for so long) that I'm paying the bills for by myself? I know the question I asked maybe a silly, ridiculous, and a far-fetched question due to my young age and inexperience in this type of situation, but I just got to know.

Anonymous (age 23)

* * *

Hi, Anonymous

I hope you will see the following as a wake-up call for you.

Okay, let me get this straight in my head. You are, I assume, working, and your 62-year-old grandmother, who works six days a week at Walmart, allows you to stay in her trailer for free and, so far, all you have done to compensate her is some yard work and the promise to clean up after your own messes. And you resent that she used your Sears card (to buy Christmas presents for the family!) and you think she is plotting to have you live there permanently to support her because, you know, she’s obviously lazy and she’s taking money from you that you want to save for a new car and to get your own place, and you feel her machinations are going to delay your plan to eventually abandon her after she gave you a place to live for free, even though, apparently, you have a paying job?

Are you effing kidding me? Are you for real?

And you’re asking me if you can kick her out of her house?

How would you like to be in your sixties and on your feet all day working for, what, minimum wage at the nastiest store chain in the country? And you don’t believe she can’t find another job? Do you know how hard it is for older people to get work in a country where businesses—although it is technically against the law—discriminate regularly against job seekers over 40?

Sounds to me that you are pissed off because you thought you found a sweet deal with your gramma and now it’s going sour on you. 

Congratulations. Papabear has a very open mind, and I am sympathetic to pretty much any type of belief or behavior I have run across, but this is beyond being tolerated. You win the award for the most ungrateful, selfish, unsympathetic person I have ever come across in my life. I now have a bellyache. I am flabbergasted. I am dumbfounded. I ... I just cannot believe what I just read. 

You say you love her dearly. I, for one, do not believe you. You want to help your grandmother? Be a grandson, not a user. Maybe see if you can help her find a desk job that will be easier on her feet, and, meanwhile, start paying half the bills. Will this delay your plan. Yes, it will, so what? 

Not sure how I’ll get through the rest of my day now. I literally feel sick to my stomach. Thanks a lot.


* * *
[Updated August 13, 2014]

Hey, PapaBear. I apologize for sounding like a jerk or a user. Please, if you can, delete my letter. I was so angry at the time I wrote that letter and my emotions got the best of me. I just don't want a bad reputation. I'm sorry to even send you that letter and I'm glad you were very honest and open minded. I'm not going to hold it against you because it's what I need.


I should've not posted it during the time I was angry at her because she accused me of something I didn't do. It was immature on my part. I know this may sound hokey, but I am not a bad person at heart. The reason why I moved in with my grandmother was because I had a short-tempered and abusive father and my mother was somewhat oblivious to that. So, I had to move in with my grandmother to stay way from him. I didn't mean to get you upset, because that's not what I wanted to do. For many years, I've been trying to work on not being selfish and not have people taking advantage of me, which I had let people do to me for so long. I was always shy and never spoke up, just to avoid conflict and just to avoid getting into an argument, because of my hidden low-self esteem. Since, I'm living in her house, I will pay for any expenses that need to be paid [emphasis Papabear's]. It was a wake-up call for me. I know you are disgusted with me, but you have every right to be.

* * *

Dear Kendall,

Thank you for writing me. I can understand what is happening here, and I'm glad you wrote. Before I delete the letter, I would like to ask you if we could do a second option: keep the letter, but I will post the emails you just sent me (I can make you more anonymous by changing your name, age etc.) The reason I would like to keep it is that you have just provided an invaluable lesson on the dangers of writing or otherwise corresponding with someone when you are extremely angry. Your follow-up replies will show readers you really aren't a bad person and gain you sympathy.

If you still object to this idea, I will delete the letter in full as if it never happened.

I wish you well and hope you and your grandmother can get along and love and support one another.


* * *

Normally, I would asked for the letter to be deleted. But since, I too, want to show that I'm not the bad person that they think I am and since I trust you, I am ok with you keeping the letter and posting the emails that I sent you. :3

Let me rephrase something: For starters, my mom's husband wasn't all that abusive, he was a little bit abusive ( which is me being generous), stubborn as an ox and has a short temper. Fusses a lot too. We have bumped heads and have gotten into physical fights in the past. So like I said, I moved into my grandmother's to get away from all of that stress. At times, I feel like I'm being used by my grandmother. But you and the individuals that commented on the letter really helped me out and I would like to thank you for that.

* * *

I wish you luck!


I met Daria McGrain at AKON dallas!

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 10:50

As the title suggests, net this really nice woman who ended up being Daria!

submitted by ZeldaMania1221
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Categories: News

Neil Cicierega - Furries

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 10:34
Categories: News

What was that one youtube channel that hosted different fursuits weekly?

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 10:33

I just wanted to know because they hosted vincent the wolf once and it was hilarious but i can't seem to find it.

submitted by indecisive-creature
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Categories: News

Hot Water

Furry.Today - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 08:49

Kitty in search of food finds hot water.

Categories: Videos

Furry fever: Boston furry convention sheds light on far-out fandom

Furries In The Media - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 06:19

Here is an article in the US Metro:

It covers the weekend's Maltese Fur-Con event in Boston, Massachusetts.

Nearly 200 fiction fans met up at the Hilton Boston Logan Airport over the weekend for the first local furry convention, shining a light on a mysterious and often misunderstood subculture.

So-called “furries” are interested in fictional anthropomorphic characters, and in some cases even dress as and take on the persona of the “animal-like” creatures.

“Thirty years ago when Star Trek came out, a lot of people who followed the show were ostracized for it. Now that community is really embraced by everyone. I think our community has taken the place of Trekkies in that respect,” said Fur-Con Organizer Rourke Danyals, 31, of Haverhill, who has been embracing his furry side for 18 years.

The subculture, which is said to have sprouted at a science fiction convention in 1980, has gained notoriety for its connection to sexual fetishism that involves role playing with the suits.

“I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was a part of it,” he said. “But you’ll find there are sexual aspects to communities all over the world. It’s not the defining aspect, but it is an element of the furry community … It’s a lot broader of a community than people realize.”

In fact, only about 10 percent of furries actually wear the hand-crafted suits, which can run upwards of $5,000.

Danyals, like many in his community, only dons a suit a few times per year.

Typically furries socialize online at websites like, and will sometimes attend group “meet-ups” with fellow fur-fans.

But this weekend’s convention, officially named “The Maltese Fur-Con,” let furries do more than just mingle. Attendees were offered seminars on how to properly care for their fur suits – it involves Febreze – as well as games, dancing, fur pride parades, vendors, and more.

New York City resident Rebeccah Ortiz, 23, has been rocking her yellow fox suit – named “Elbi” – for about a year.

“Usually I get a very positive reaction. I make people smile, and they say, ‘Oh what a pretty costume!’ They want to take pictures and get hugs. It’s really fun,” said Ortiz.

Convention goer Jason Miclette, 27, of Connecticut said that although his alter ego “Zenfuhre” brings him joy, his favorite aspect of the fandom is its fundraisers.

“Absolutely the amount of charity work we do draws me to this community,” said Miclette, who hopes to host his own Fur-Con in the future. “I get to dress up and make a fool of myself and make other people laugh, so that’s the happy factor for me. But the other heart-warming factor is raising money as a group. The one we’re doing [at Maltese Fur-Con] is for [service animals].”

Considering the convention’s inaugural success, the Hub might see an even larger gathering next year.

“There are a few regular furry meet-ups in the Boston-area throughout the year, but I’d love to make this convention an annual event,” said Danyals.
Categories: News

Review: ‘The Adventures of Nilson Groundthumper and Hermy’, by Stan Sakai

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 05:38
Author: Fred This is a collection of all twelve of Stan Sakai’s Nilson Groundthumper comic-art short stories, in an attractive hardcover full-color “graphic novel” format. Sakai is most famous for his ongoing series about Miyamoto Usagi, the rabbit ronin in the early 1600s Tokugawa shogunate in an anthropomorphized-animal Japan. Most people who know about Sakai’s […]
Categories: News

What's your favorite furry novel?

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 04:07

Not books that just contain anthropomorphic characters (don't say redwall), but books written for/by the fandom (ie waterways)

submitted by DoorbellDhole
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Categories: News

Big blue inflatable dragons for sale :)

Furry Reddit - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 04:04

Hi guys! I'm buying some inflatable dragons of our own design and the orders are open until the end of this month. I'm not getting any profit on this order but the more orders we get, the cheaper the unit price will be. Basically it's a tall anthro dragon without wings.

You can see the web page or the FA page for more information.


Cheers, Lisko

submitted by liskoturri
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Categories: News

Just Give Him Your Socks And Everything’s Fine

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 4 Aug 2014 - 01:16

Ndbag is a boogeyman, but not the scary people-eating kind. No, he’d much rather eat one of your dirty socks — usually the left one. Ndbag the Boogeyman lives in the closet clothes hamper of a little girl named Mylene. He’s made friends with her favorite plushie: A panda named Pandaman. They get along so well that Ndbag created his very own panda costume which he calls Pandabag. The little blue boogeyman is also “frenemies” with ZK, a fluffy dryer goblin who much prefers clean socks and munching on lint. Are you getting all of this? It all comes from the mind of Austrian artist E.F. Gludovacz, and you can find out more in the first Ndbag the Boogeyman book as well as the regularly-updated web comic… all at the official web site.

image c. 2014 by E.F. Gludovacz

image c. 2014 by E.F. Gludovacz

Categories: News

A completely biased review of ‘The Guardians of the Galaxy’

Furry News Network - Sun 3 Aug 2014 - 23:38
Author: crossaffliction So, there was recently an article on Flayrah I can’t link to anymore since the author asked it be removed, but the general gist of it was that bias in criticism is bad. Not going to argue that point one way or another, but argue a side tangent; the article never really said […]
Categories: News

I need to Change Myself and become a better Person!

Furry Reddit - Sun 3 Aug 2014 - 23:14

I made a promise to myself, after college that I would change and become a better person and achieve things that I wanted to improve myself. Many months later, I did not keep my promises to myself instead I just fail and give up for progress was not happening. I just felt miserable and weak, but I try to stay positive. One day, I saw the Canadian TV documentary Fanboy Confessional: Furry Edition. I was aware of the term Furries(I thought it mainly focused on bad anthropomorphic human characteristics drawing, I was totally wrong about everything), but I did not know that there was fandom of this existed, so my curious mind wanted to find out more about this fandom and this is what happened next. I heard good things about the Furry fandom that it is very accepting and welcoming to new people to the Furry Fandom. I was fascinated and interested that I wanted to look into it in person, so I actually went to a furry nightclub, but I did not try to interact with anyone for I made a plan that I should have not followed it for it got me nowhere and I also joined a furry form, but I abandon it. The reason I did those things is because I was feeling very conflicted about joining this fascinating fandom. I want to change that I going to do that and things are starting to get better and I am planning on going back to that furry nightclub, because I want to change myself and become a better person.

I am not the type of person who would do something like this because it is not what I usually do; I would mostly keep it to myself and never tell “anyone” for I would solve my problems on my own. Yet, I felt like I want to write this out because for some reason I can’t stop thinking about this fandom every day and the positive things of this fandom.

submitted by Emotional_King
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Categories: News

Furfunding Week in Review: 8-3-14

FurStarter - Sun 3 Aug 2014 - 22:49

This week’s illustration is from the embarrassingly-named “Steamy Chums,” now on Kickstarter

8-3-14steampunkanimals1Lots of conversations about Patreon this week–it’s kind of an artist’s dream, to be paid for the kind of work they want to do rather than the kind of work they feel they have to do. I’m not an artist, so if “feel” is inapproriate there, my apologies–but the world of commissions seems like a trap, and maybe Patreon-style funding–not tied to custom work, but to an artist’s commitment to her fans–is a way to escape that trap.

I’ll be writing a long rambling blog entry about Patreon soon, it’s fascinating. As someone who’s currently writing two blogs and always experimenting with a third, it’s certainly got its appeal.

A quick callout for a cute project with a dubious name, “Steamy Chums“–cute little designer toys, patterned after classic stuffed animals with a steampunk edge and a generous dollop of insanity. Onward, marching tiktok bear army!

Reviews this week or week-like cycle: Alectorfencer’s fantasy, “Myre

7-27myrethumb New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page!


Vaati & Veselekov by Tanooki Suit (Ends: 8/31/2014)
I’m not sure how to go about classifying Tanooki Suit‘s music. Post-Hardcore electronic ambient screamrock?
Okay, the furry connection here’s just the band name, but they’re loud and fun. Enjoying the song Kaiju at the moment.


Punnies (Ends: 9/30/2014)8-3-14ducttape
Intensely silly animal-pun illustrations by Lynn Hunter with a little poetry.
This is much better than it has any right to be!

Comics/Graphic Novels

Myre: The Beginning of A Journey (Ends: 9/17/2014)
Volume 1 of Alectorfencer‘s epic fantasy graphic novel series. Really one of those “see to believe things.”
Check my blog review for more….

Lizardbeth’s Patreon Campaign (Patreon ongoing funding)
Art and illustration from Lizardbeth, possibly with a reboot of the Broken Plot Device webcomic in the works!


Fabulous Foxy Furs (Ends: 8/27/2014)
A mom-and-pop couple making furry accessories with exotic faux furs from New York. More on Furaffinity.


Sonic the Comic Con (Ends: 8/16/2014)
British convention themed around Sonic: The Hedgehog: The Comic. Past goal!


Operation Alley Cat (Ends: 8/22/2014)
A very Secret of Nimhy 30-minute featurette of an orphan mouse and a dark underworld.
Hmm. Some of that sample artwork probably shouldn’t have made the cut. Still, good luck. Very Don Bluth!

The Fandom Project 1: Furries (Ends: 9/12/2014)
Part one of a six-part documentary project on major fandoms
High goal and +Flexible Funding is not a good combination, I’d like to see this one come back with a stronger business plan.

The Pen (Ends: 9/14/2014)
Animation: The dirty, dirty lives of a trio of teacup yorkies, of all things…

Tabletop Games

Werewolf: Full Moon Expansion (Ends: 8/16/2014)
There are *so* many Werewolf projects on Kickstarter…but this one has pretty artwork, so that’s a thing.
I haven’t quite figured out what draws people toward making this game sooo much more complicated.

Rise of the Draconids minis (Ends: 9/6/2014)
Little anthro dragon warriors for your tiny dragon warrior gaming needs


Steamy Chums (Ends: 8/31/2014)
Handmade designer animal toys with a steampunk aesthetic. Lots of foxes!

Video Games

Gryphon Knight (Ends: 8/31/2014)
A sidescrolling shoot-em-up with warriors on gryphons.

The Clans: Saga of the Twins (Ends: 9/1/2014)
Comedic RPG featuring kitsune, cat-girls, and a few other standards…

8-3-14elementalistsAdonia: Age of Elementalists ()
a Trainer/fighting game, but with engagingly anthro beasties.


Corgies are Assholes website (Ends: 8/22/2014)
This ain’t getting funded, but it’s funny. Corgies: overrated jerks, or total asses? You be the judge.

Videos by Ace of Hearts (Patreon ongoing funding)
Fun podcasts and fursuit vids by Ace of Hearts Fox


Power our Tiger Cams (Ends: 8/19/2014): “Help us track the animals” projects are really common, but this one’s unusually well-done. Yay tigers!

…Just for fun

The Snow Dog (Ends: 8/9/2014): Children’s theater, a strange frozen story featuring a very intense-looking siberian husky!
Toteme (Ends: 8/31/2014): Quirky and elegant indie iphone/android game where YOU play a totem pole. Live the dream.
Raising the Profile of Video Game Music (Ends: 9/1/2014): An academic analysis of video game music.
Animal Fusion Café (Ends: 9/21/2014): It’s a petting zoo AND a coffee shop. I’m so there. Except it’s in Singapore. So slightly less so.


Icon from picture, "Poetic Muse" by Luthien Nightwolf What’s Corbeau Backing This Week?
Current crowdfunding dollars: an ongoing contribution to Lizbeth’s patreon, I’d love to see more of her fun webcomic. A few dollars toward “Widdershins,” a “comic featuring adventure, magic, time travel, and an excessive amount of baked goods.” And a few dollars toward Alectorfencer’s “Myre” as soon as I can convince Paypal I still exist, they don’t believe me anymore :(
Categories: News

My first Fursona - Aiko

Furry Reddit - Sun 3 Aug 2014 - 22:39

I've been in the fandom for over five years and still never really decided on what my sona looked like. Recently I came up with a good idea, and Hot-Gothic's emergy sketch drive got me what I wanted. Very happy to finally have him drawn!

submitted by Crono30067
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Categories: News