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Midwest Furry Fest Meet Up?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 16:51

So MFF is the the only con that it's being held anywhere near where I live and I would love to go, BUT, I don't have anyone to go with and the thought of wandering around my first con by myself doesn't sound too fun. So I thought it would be a nice idea to start a little meet up thread to see if anyone else had this same problem and would like to get to know some people and have someone to hang out with as soon as they get to the convention!

So share some stuff! Are you going to the convention? What days? Have you been to the MFF convention before? What kind of stuff are you into?

It would be awesome to have a nice group of people to meet up with at the convention!

submitted by burnerfa
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Categories: News

Blank Bear Ref Sheets?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 14:28

I decided it's time to have at least something on my FA, so I went to browse ref sheet comissions and damn, I can't afford to pay a few hundred dollars for that. I'm a mediocre artist at best but I figure a rough image is better than nothing.

Reason I'm asking here is because all of the ones I've found so far are either avians or canines.

submitted by furrraway
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Categories: News

Happy Birthday, [a][s]!

[adjective][species] - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 14:00

[adjective][species] turns three today!  RandomWolf seems to have misunderstood what the party was all about, and brought all his graphs.  Too late now, though, he’s taking a mental census of the partygoers.  Art by the delightful Clair C., whom we have featured here before.



Thanks for sticking with us through the years!

Here's a Demon For You

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 12:49
Categories: News

Any furs play Just Cause 2 MP?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 12:45

So, I just remembered how insanely fun Just Cause 2 is in single player. It's I haven't touched the multiplayer released officially, but I think I'm wanting to get into it again. Anyone else play it?

submitted by Red-Fox14
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Categories: News

Welp, my grandma found my stash of Bad Dragon dildos.

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 12:34

Things were moved out of the spots that they were... I know she knows, she probably knows that I know that she knows, but neither of us are going to bring it up because who wants to have that conversation?

Things are going to be awkward for a while...

submitted by StripedOtter
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Categories: News

Hello everyone! I got a quick question for you all.

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 11:44

So I was just wondering at what point did you start to consider yourself a Furry?

submitted by -ThisIsMy3rdAccount-
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Categories: News

12 Pieces of Pewter: Paw Coins

FurStarter - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 11:41

Collectable medallions with a broad range of art…

Paw Coins Collectible Coins

Kickstarter ending 11/24/14

The word for the day is “Exonumia.”

11-2-14coins3One of the things I hope to see in endlessly refreshing Kickstarter is the next big con craze. And I know I won’t see it coming, or I’ll totally get it wrong. I thought that MaryMouse’s “Certified” badges were, well, kind of silly. And I’m pretty sure that if they were brought in front of the judge he’d say “Jury, do you find the defendant silly?” And there’d be a big “Yes we do your honor” and lots of flash-bulb photography, and MaryMouse would be forced to, I don’t know, hand out cupcakes in SoHo or something. But they’re a part of furry fandom culture now, and that’s really neat. And I’m pretty sure this is what MaryMouse does on weekends. Foxloft’s Tagua Totems were another, they’re pretty but seemed so specific and niche when they first came out–but you can wear them out and about and they’re nice art, I see three or four of them at even the little furry gatherings.

Both of these are ubiquitous in the fandom, or at least the slice I interact with. And both are really nice little shorthand signs for who we are when we’re not shambling, blunt-muzzled hairless chimpanzees, even if you might never get them exactly right (try finding a piece of costume jewelry to show that you’re, say, a foxtopus, meerkrab, or Mexican hairless). Something that expresses someone’s furry side, but isn’t too hard to mass produce, is going to be a winner.

Am I right with Mel Drake’s “Paw Coins” project? Hard to say without a crystal ball. But there’s a lot of the hallmarks here–individual enough to paint the fandom with a broad brush, a small enough collection to be manageable.

11-2-14coins1The general scope of the project: A series of a dozen medallions, textured enameled coins with a hole in the top, about the size of a US quarter (or a dog license). As the project base expands, new coins will come on line–Japanese themed coins, Egyptian designs, coins specific to interests, and so on, to create a modest range of designs that should appeal to a range of wearers.

One aspect of artist MelSkunk’s business plan that I particularly like is the idea of partnership designs–in addition to designs of her own, MelSkunk wants to use her coins to partner with other artists as an inexpensive promotional piece for their projects, a way to spread the word and share their work–maybe like the limited run of Kevin and Kell coins she talks about as a part of the Kickstarter.

11-2-14coins2A part of the plan I’m ambivalent about is the idea of the series being collectible. It seems like a double-edged sword. If you can somehow tap into the right-place-right-time magic of, say, beanie babies, you might really have a thing! the coins have rarity values assigned to them–so the kickstarter angel and trailblazer coins are both super-rare, print runs of 50. The 8 common designs of series one are in quantities of 500, limited but probably about the demand of the fandom…maybe. This is a bit of a gamble, to my mind. I’d be curious to know what the print run is on MaryMouse’s “CERTIFIED: RAVER” badge, for instance.

This gets me to one of my two big conflicts with the project–is it about furry identify play (“FIP”) or collectability? If it’s about FIP, the idea of a limited print run and the general focus on sets instead of single items are a handicap. The 100 rare kitsune pieces could get snapped up in two or three cons, and then, well, that one’s gone, and that’s part of the project’s plan, there won’t be another, but there’s probably more than 100 Kitsunes and Japanophiles that might want one–probably more than would want the dumpy blue fursuiter coin (not my favorite, it looks too much like a Bad Furry commemorative medallion).


The second guff I have with this is tied to the first–Melskunk’s concept of the project for the Kickstarter is sets, and they’re a little pricey! Looking at the first set of eight commons, I personally, being who I am–a cynical liberal gay dog–might want the sexy werewolf, I’ve got a dragon friend that might want the hoarding medallion, and after a couple of drinks I might wear the gay pride paw or use it for my key chain fob. The “Dog Person” I could take or leave, it’s the wrong sort of cute for me. I could give away the “cat person” and maaaybe the tiger, and I have no idea what I’d do with the American flag coin (it’s kind of pretty but I don’t like jingoism or rampant patriotism on principle) or the fursuiting coin. So that kind of leaves me with half the set that’s keepers. But because of the structure of the Kickstarter’s rewards, I can’t get those without buying the full set–so in the specific case of the Kickstarter I’ve blown $65 (the minimum for a set of commons) for three pieces I really like.

It just feels like a conflict of concepts. If the project is about the FIP, I’d like the sexy werewolf and gay pawprint, please, here’s my $12. If it’s about collectability, then sure, the entire set makes sense, but I don’t know if collectability is really a “thing,” you have to get really lucky and capture the right place and right time. Maybe at a convention merchant’s table you could do something like sets of two or three, one visible and the others hidden, or just sell them Foxloft Studios style as what they are, expressions of one’s inner dragon or otter or bear.

That being said, there’s a certain magic of specificity in a series of linked ideas–coins, fighting varmint badges, magnets, whatever–and customers might well want to collect a set–but they’re going to want to collect their set. Whether the Kickstarter meets its goal may well be tied to that conflict.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.



Categories: News

Anyone know any good artists taking TF2 items as payment?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 11:22

I don't exactly play the game at all anyway, so I was thinking I could just make use of what I have to get some art. The game feels boring as hell now anyway.

Anyway, yeah, any good artists that take TF2 items as payment?

Edit: It seems that somehow people don't like this post. I'll take it down if its still in the blue after I wake up, I suppose...

submitted by psidra
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Categories: News

Open for Commissions~! Limited Slots Available~

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 09:12

Hi guys, I'm trying to get into doing commissions once more, and so I've got 4 slots available right here:

With an illustrated price list up and ready as well:

bows Thank you so much for your interest~!

Please feel free to post comments or PM me if you have any questions or inquiries~!

submitted by kerespup
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Categories: News

looking for comics

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 04:28

so a few years ago i read a comic i cant find anymore which was basically daily lives of monster girls but from the perspective of a carer

submitted by psionic_anthro
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Categories: News

Die Young (Re-Upload)

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 04:28
Categories: News