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Marching band furries?

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 20:11

I was wondering if anyone knew of any furry pictures with marching band themes. I can't find any on my main sites. Thanks!

submitted by Jamescsalt
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Categories: News

Commissions Available!

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 20:05

Hey guys. I'm in tough times right now, so I'm trying to drum up some commission work.

Check out my FA page at

or my Tumblr page at

I'm mostly going to be posting things on Tumblr from here on out, because it's easier for me to be posting things there than on FA.

I'm offering Sketches of this quality for $5

also for $15, I'm offering something of this quality

Send me a note on FA, or a private message here on reddit if you're interested.


Please be ready to pay upon the completion of the image.

I am willing to draw porn, at a $3 extra charge[EXAMPLE NSFW], but ask me beforehand what I will and will not draw. I haven't figured out what my personal limits are yet.

I'm very new to the commission game, which is why I'm asking for payment upon completion of the piece, I don't want to be paid then never finish. I'd hate to be THAT artist.

submitted by tenpoundpen
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Categories: News

La Zorra Siempre Vives

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 18:38
Categories: News

Are there any meetups near me in southwest CT?

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 18:37

I seem to be kind of in a furry dead zone. There's a CT meetup an hour east of me (which I'll probably check out this week), but is there anything closer? I'm in Danbury, CT - not far from the NY border. I've done some googling, but haven't come up with much. Anyone have info.

And, for that matter, anyone else around these parts?

submitted by allthingsfuzzy
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Categories: News

Bunny 'sona

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 17:46
Categories: News

First time trying a chibi anthro!

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 17:07
Categories: News

Name suggestions that furry conventions should do, but don't.

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 16:26

I run or help run several furry conventions, and always look for new ideas to make happen at conventions. Make your suggestions here for any constructive suggestions here.

New ideas New Events Changes to policies Changes to existing events


submitted by trapacivet
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Categories: News

Ra'Zim and Roxie by KristKC

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 13:37
Categories: News

Vote for Megan Lane and the Furries!

Furry Reddit - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 13:31

Megan Lane made a music video with fursuiters earlier this year. It's awesome and someone posted it here as a link post a couple months back! If you haven't seen it go watch it here. The reason I'm posting this is YOU CAN VOTE FOR HER!!/blogs/2012/12/Vote-for-The-R3-30 Her song cracked the top 10 - it was #9 last round. Let's make a song / video featuring a group of fursuiters NUMBER ONE! Vote away - you can vote once every day! Cmon furs let's do this! :D Pandez

submitted by pandez
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

You Can Be Fat AND Healthy

Ask Papabear - Tue 4 Nov 2014 - 12:42
Hello, Papabear,

So over the past 2 years I've discovered that I like fat furries. I don't know why, I just found that bellies on a guy can be really attractive. Recently, I've put on a bunch of weight due to the medication my doctors put me on. 85 lbs to be exact. My parents are pointing out that I'm going to have to work out and diet after I get off the medication but there’s a part of me that doesn't want to. I like the fact that I'm carrying more weight on me and ill probably put on more weight before (and after) I get off the medication. This thought is making me somewhat nervous though. Is it weird for me to want to be/get fatter?

Big Furry (age 22)

* * *

Dear Big Furry,

Anyone who knows Papabear knows that he likes his guys big Big BIG, so I completely empathize with your enjoyment of fat furries. (Can you say “adiposity”? I knew you could :-) ). Like any other preference that people have about what they consider to be attractive, there is not necessarily a rhyme or reason to it. People have all kinds of preferences, from athletic to nerdy, slim to fat to muscular, hair color, skin color, and on and on. As you likely know, there are entire communities out there who like to share their love of big people, both men and women. So, quick answer: there is absolutely nothing wrong with your liking “overweight” or “obese” people.

Now we get into the health issue. As you also probably are aware, there are a lot of Americans who tilt to the high side of the BMI. The First Lady launched a campaign called Let’s Move ( to increase awareness of the issue. Americans are increasingly at risk for problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes because of their weight.

HOWEVER, the mistake many people make is associating weight with fitness. The two do not necessarily go hand in hand, you might be surprised to learn. The issue here is not weight so much as the level of activity, and, yes, you can become obese by sitting on your butt all day and eating. But! You can also be a big person and be physically fit! (Yowsa!)

To back up this statement, here are some relevant quotes: "Active obese individuals actually have lower morbidity and mortality than normal weight individuals who are sedentary … the health risks of obesity are largely controlled if a person is physically active and physically fit."
-The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 2000

 "Compared with normal weight, overweight and obesity did not significantly increase all-cause mortality risk. Compared with low CRF [cardiorespiratory fitness], moderate and high CRF were associated significantly with lower mortality risk."
-Obesity Research, 2002

 "Unfit, lean men had twice the risk of all-cause mortality as did fit, lean men and also had higher risk of all-cause mortality when compared with fit, obese men. The all-cause mortality rate of fit, obese men was not significantly different from that of fit, lean men … In summary, we found that obesity did not appear to increase mortality risk in fit men. For long-term health benefits we should focus on improving fitness by increasing physical activity rather than relying only on diet for weight control."
-American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999

 "This prospective follow-up study among middle-aged and elderly men and women indicates that obesity (as assessed by increased BMI) is not related to an increased risk of all-cause and CVD mortality, but low-level LTPA [leisure time physical activity] and a low level of perceived physical fitness and functional capability are … In conclusion, in contrast with our initial hypothesis, obesity was not found to be an independent predictor of mortality among middle-aged and elderly men and women. However, low-level LTPA seemed to predict and a low level of perceived physical fitness and functional capability predicted an increased risk of all-cause and CVD mortality among both men and women."
-International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders, 2000 PictureWhy don't sumo wrestlers die young from heart failure or diabetes? Because they are physically active! Therefore, while your parents’ concern for you has some validity, you don’t necessarily have to be skinny to be fit. What is important here is that your level of activity is high. Now, you have gained weight, apparently, because of a medical condition. I don’t know what your condition is, but you should always consult your doctor before starting a physical regimen, especially in cases like yours.

Ways to bulk up: you will want to do some aerobic exercise (10 min a day at least) to maintain cardiovascular health, but combine this with weight training. Drink a glass of whey protein mixed with milk before each workout. Combine this with high-calorie but healthy foods. Eat lean meats, legumes, and nuts for proteins (avoid red meats), and cook foods in olive oil (Papabear LOVES olive oil!) Canola oil is okay, but I think olive oil rocks. Other foods that are high in good fats include: avocados, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, almond butter, and hummus. At all costs, avoid high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners; they are poison to your body; processed white sugar is also not so great; use honey. Use Stevia (Truvia) to add some sweetness to foods, and/or fruit and fruit juices (drinking juice is a good way to add calories, while also consuming healthy vitamins). If your doctor says your cholesterol is okay, you can also add cheeses, yogurts, and whole grain breads and crackers to your diet. Finally, instead of eating three meals a day, eat six. Yes, six. But these meals will be slightly smaller than usual. The point is to eat more often. Again, you can discuss this with your doctor.

To sum up: no, it is not weird for you to want to get fatter, but do so in a healthy way and you can enjoy being big without the negative consequences normally associated with being obese.

The 85 pounds you have put on right now probably were not added in a good way. So, you do need to put in some work, but if you’re motivated enough you can do it.

