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Guild News: November
Welcome to our new members Arcane Reno, Yannarra Cheena, and Andres Cyanni Halden!
Member NewsTrick or Treat Volume Two: Historical Halloween is now available from Rabbit Valley, edited by member Ianus J. Wolf and featuring horror “tricks” from Huskyteer, Jason “Houston” Walther, NightEyes DaySpring, Slip-Wolf, Bill “Hafoc” Rogers, and Tarl “Voice” Hoch, as well as erotic “treats” from Whyte Yoté, Chris “Sparf” Williams, Roland Jovaik, and Ianus J. Wolf.
Vixyy Fox has teamed up with artist Cara Bevan to bring us the children’s book Improbable… Never Impossible, also now available from Rabbit Valley.
Renee Carter Hall will be the writer Guest of Honor at Rainfurrest 2015. (And she still find it weird talking about herself in third person in the newsletter.)
Check out Paul Kidd‘s Indiegogo campaign for the GeneStorm RPG.
Associate member Jay was interviewed over at The Dragons’ Geas.
Feel like listening to a werewolf love song? (Who doesn’t?) Check out Daniel Lowd’s “Walking in the Moonlight” on YouTube.
(Members: Want your news here? Start a thread in our Member News forum!)
Market NewsUpcoming deadlines: Further Confusion’s conbook has a deadline of November 15 (details at our conbook page), and the Rabbit Valley anthology Fur to Skin: Ladies First closes to submissions on November 30 (details at our Paying Markets page).
Just opened: Furry sports anthology to be published by Jaffa Books – see the guidelines here. (Remember to keep an eye on our Calls for Submissions thread and our Publishing and Marketing forum for the latest openings and news!)
Guild NewsDoing NaNoWriMo this month? We’ve got a thread for that. And if you’ve got something you need a beta for at any time of year, we have a critique board in our forum (you’ll need to be registered with the forum in order to view it). Remember, our forums are open to everyone, not just FWG members. Come register and join the conversation!
Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. Eastern and now Saturday nights at 8 p.m. Eastern — both held right in the forum shoutbox. More info here. (On a related note, we have new conduct guidelines for the shoutbox; please be sure to have a look here before you chat.)
Members — want to write a guest blog post for us? See our guidelines.
That’s all for this month! As always, send an email to furwritersguild (at) gmail.com with news, suggestions, and other feedback, or just comment here.
German Fur Having Fursona Trouble
Just hit my third cakeday! :D Here's the fox mask I made out of paper last night, Happy Halloween!
Your Tabletop Moves On-Line
Ultimum is another new electronic game system of more than passing furry fandom interest which is seeking development funds through a Kickstarter campaign. Created by Christian Muckler and his associates, Ultimum seeks to recreate the playing environment of a traditional tabletop fantasy role playing game — not only in a paper tabletop setting, but also as a virtual on-line “sandbox”. We should also note, of course, that the game includes several non-human playable races it its science fiction setting – Including humanoid bears, wolves, lizards, and gorillas. The Ultimum Kickstarter page includes several development videos as well as an animatic “game trailer”.
YEG furs?
Are there any furs in the Edmonton area on r/furry? Love to know.
submitted by primordialbeing[link] [8 comments]
Fursuit head WIP - tape mask for fur pattern
My updated fursuit head, suggestions are welcome.
This is for my white tailed deer doe, I used a canine base for the head and bulked it up, if you noticed I completely scrapped my bucket style head. As for the muzzle since it is a deer I'm planning on smoothing it down more so its not so canine looking and I need to make the jaw much more defined.
submitted by skyfure[link] [comment]
Fuzzy Notes 81 - Takeover - A new host appears! Asid Rayne does a takeover and save us all from the usual Roo Ramble... or do...
Happy Halloween! Have a furries vs. zombies metal mayhem music video from Skeletonwitch.
Reddit furs at youmacon?
So far I've seen tons of fursuiters at youmacon in Detroit, is anyone else from this sub here?
submitted by The_Ninja_Nero[link] [comment]