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New furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 12:15

Hey guys just start geting into furry fandom i alway been interested in it never really looked into it i am starting create a fursona and looking for some friends show me the ropes and give me some tips

submitted by xxaztechxx
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Brazilian Is Addicted to Video Games

Ask Papabear - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 11:57
Hello there, Papabear! 

A furry friend of mine that has previously sent a letter regarding about going into an furcon has indicated this site for me to use if I have any questions. Anyways, let's cut to the chase.

I live in Brazil, Campo Grande, and I think I play videogames. A lot of videogames. My daily basis consists of playing shooter games, and the like. The real issue is, sometimes I put videogames above everything. Family, friends and even job. I used to skip job just because I had a event scheduled named 'Destiny'. 

But since I know my boss, and he knows how videogames really are addicting, he gave me a second chance and I am still going to work daily. However, last day, I almost skipped work again due to another event I scheduled up. I went to work normally, did the stuff I did, but sometimes I fear that I might fire myself from my job just to go sit on the couch and play videogames. I literally can't stop playing those, and I have a vast variety of them, so if I get bored of one, no problem, I have another just ready to play ... but that's where the real bad things come in play.

I got this job out of total luck. When I was in college, I skipped so many hours of study for tests just to play a videogame. I have no clue how I took good grades (A to B) on the tests, but I wasn't worried that time. All I wanted was to arrive, sit, and play. And in case I had to turn off the computer to do something ... sometimes it better had to be important. Sometimes I ignored parents or friends while they were talking to me. I literally do not know how to stop with the videogames. I just keep playing them, more and more, yet I haven't contracted anything bad (sight issues and the like) Please help, because since my friend said so well about this website I decided to come take a look.

Anonymous (age 22, Brazil)

* * *

Olá, Furiend,

Obviously, you have a videogame addiction. So, we know what the problem is, and that’s a start. I’ve known quite a few furries with game addictions, including to the point of not paying the bills and instead buying games to play. Financially speaking, such behavior is doomed, because eventually you will run out of money, get fired from your job, lose your friends, and then you won’t be able to play games anymore because you’ll be living under a bridge somewhere eating garbage from a dumpster. That’s one way to end a videogame addiction.

Videogame addictions are like any other addiction. You become obsessed with them because they offer you a reward that makes you feel good. And, just like an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you will eventually suffer from lack of money, friends and family leaving you, poor health, and so on. The first step in quitting—again, just like these other addictions—is that you have to want to quit.

You sound like you want to quit, but you’ll really need to commit to quitting if you wish to break this very bad habit. Here are some things you can do:

  1. Create a schedule for yourself that includes work hours and 8 hours of sleep, as well as half an hour of physical activity of some kind (anything from going to the gym to taking a walk). I’m not sure how much time you currently spend playing games, but let’s say it’s 10 hours. In your schedule, reduce that time to 8 hours for two weeks, then 6 hours for the next two weeks, and then 4 hours for the next two weeks. Then, 2 hours for the next two weeks, and, finally, one hour a day.
  2. Start replacing the time you now spend on games with doing something else fun or productive.  Take up a hobby, do volunteer work, or take the time to learn a new skill. A wonderful example of this came to me from a furry I once knew named Coony. Coony was addicted to cocaine. Then, one day, he discovered the furry fandom. He fell in love with the idea of fursuiting, but he was spending his money on crack. However, his desire to fursuit became greater than his desire for drugs, so he reduced and then stopped using them and took that money to buy himself a fursuit. Today, he is drug free and furry happy.
  3. Seek the help and support of friends and family. Tell them you are struggling with game addiction, and it would help you a lot if they could make time for you to do things together that don’t relate to games.
  4. Sell off the games you no longer play and put that money in the bank. 
  5. Create a budget plan for your life. Begin by listing all your current expenses (rent, transportation, utility bills, food, etc.). Now, to that list put in how much you spend each month on buying games and game equipment. Total that budget, and then take the amount you spend on games, divide by the total, and come up with a percent. Whatever that percent is, next month make it your goal to cut it in half. Eventually, your gaming budget should be no more than 1% of your entire household budget. Even better if it’s 0%, but we won’t go that far.
  6. Set up goals in your life that you want to achieve that do not involve gaming. For example, getting a promotion at work, earning an advanced degree, or achieving a physical goal such as running a marathon. Make it a challenging goal that takes up time away from games.
  7. Join Online Gamers Anonymous. Unfortunately, they don’t have a chapter in Brazil, but you can still benefit from their online services, such as chat rooms and forums.
  8. Put your game system someplace where it is not easily accessible. Whenever you have finished playing games, unplug it from the television and put it back on a top shelf in a closet somewhere. Next, find a jar or empty box. Now, whenever you take down that game system, place a dollar in the box or jar. In addition, for every hour you play games, place another dollar in the box. At the end of each week, count the money and see how you did. Then, take that money and give it to a charity. This is not money for you; it is money out of your pocket for doing something unproductive that you are then turning into money that is productive.

By employing these strategies, you should be able to wean yourself slowly off gaming. You could try cold turkey (stopping completely all at once), but that’s usually too rough for most people.

I hope you will find the above suggestions helpful. Good luck to you!!


Red bubble products anyone?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 11:47 Found this site while back and now im considering ordering something like this

if any of you have found anything amazing from there i would like to know. :p

submitted by wheeeb
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Deer At Play

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 10:52
Categories: News

French Anthropomorphic Animal Animated Features, Part 3 – by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 10:43
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Series: French Anthropomorphic Animal Animated Features, Part 1 and Part 2.  There will be four parts. Continuing from where we left off … Les As de la Jungle – Operation Banquise, directed by David Alaux and Éric Tosti. 58 minutes. December 31, 2011. When a band of walruses terrorizes […]
Categories: News

TIFU by trying to connect with an autistic classmate.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 10:29

Note: I'm aware this isn't /r/TIFU, but it's relevant to this sub so I'm posting here.

Technically this happened yesterday, but the embarrassment is still fresh in my mind. To preface: There's a kid in one of my classes who is mildly handicapped, I believe with a low-spectrum form of aspergers. I could be wrong but that's what it seems like, as he will often shout or laugh out loud about whatever he's thinking regardless of where he is, runs around pretty much everywhere, and is extraordinarily awkward around people he doesn't know. He is, however, one of the smartest people in my school, and as I found out yesterday, a furry. God forbid he uses this sub so I won't name him or even say what class, lest he confront me about it and I kill myself out of shame.

Anyway. I'm sitting at my table with a few people, and most of them are doodling to kill time in class while the substitute teacher does her thing. The class mate in question (hereby referred to as Tom) overhears us chatting about a recent convention, and comes over to sit with us as this is within his area of interest as well. I think this is unusual since he almost always sits alone, and felt as if this would be a good chance to get to know him a bit. The conversation progresses and eventually peeters out and everybody goes back to drawing. The girl who sits beside me (who can bang out a 5-minute doodle that's leagues better than something I can spend hours on) starts working on a little chibi drawing which, upon examination, looks just like Tom. Tom himself noticed this and grew excited, and started asking her to draw him as his "character," or as an Eevee. She just kind of ignores him though, which I though was rude until it occurred to me: The drawing was actually of somebody else at the table, who looks just like Tom. (they're both Asian, if that's not too racist...) I didn't say anything in the hopes that eventually Tom would realize this too, which would have prevented all the impending awkwardness from happening, but he never did.

So the drawing progresses, and starts looking less and less like an Eevee. Tom, thinking that she simply didn't understand his request, pulls out his ipad and brings up the web browser. I see him searching searching around and instantly recognize the FurAffinity ui, which caught me by surprise. You might be able to see where things are going now. Tom pulls up a sketch of an Eevee with a little collar and stuff, and shows it to her saying that this is his character. She, bewildered, manages a quiet "That's nice..." before resuming. Me, being the idiot I am, take the chance to grab his attention and ask what that website is. He puts the iPad away and mumbles "It's not something you'd like, it's weird..." and starts getting visibly uncomfortable. In my excitement at meeting another potential fur for the first time at school, I don't notice this at all and continue to pry. "Is that FA?" I ask. "You should add me man." He looks down at his lap and says quietly "What's that, uh, no..." and similar dismissive things that should have been enough clues for me to pick up. Over the next few minutes, however, of course I had to bring it up 3-4 times, each time making him recoil in embarrassment until the bell rings and he hurries out the door. It only occurred to me later that day: He probably thought I was making fun of him, that I was mocking him for bringing up something that was probably very private and took a lot to mention in public. In my haste to make a friend I failed to recognize all the obvious cues he was giving me to back off and made him feel attacked. I'm an asshole.

On the off chance that he reads this, "Tom," I'm sorry ;~;

submitted by SnippyTheDeliveryFox
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So I wore a furry hoodie to school

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 10:11

I put on a hoodie this morning with wolf ears on the hood and wore it to school. I don't think I have ever been more made fun of and laughed at before in my life. But that's okay, I'm not going to let people's mean remarks hurt the fact that I'm a furry :3 I just wanted to tell you people that no matter what, be your fluffy selves and don't let anyone make you feel ashamed to be you!!!

submitted by BlindArtist
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Categories: News

Furry Gaming Crew?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 09:09

Hey fuzzbutts! I'm thinking of creating a small group of Furry Gamers to hang out/screw around/play games and stuff! Maybe even make a YouTube channel! Tell me a bit about yourself, what you enjoy, games you like, etc! I'd love to play games with you guys and stuff! We also need to think of a name for the crew, so let's get those thinking caps going! Give me your Steam username as well! I'm BeeterTheLeopard! Thank you all for being a part of this!

submitted by Akpil
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Categories: News

Been a long time coming...

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 04:55

So I'm finally beginning to realize that yes, I am indeed a furry. I'm beginning to accept my status as a furry, and I'm beginning to join in on the culture and community aspect as well.

But there's a bit of a problem...

So my family is generally very accepting of things like sexual preference and whatnot, and while I'm not homo- or bi-sexual, I have a bit of trouble coming 'out of the furry closet' so to speak.

I feel like they deserve to know the real me but at the same time, I don't want to freak them out, and especially not my SO. She's a "christian" and has no problem with other people's preferences either, but we're just starting to get serious and I don't want to mess it up.

I'm simply worried that with all the misinformation being spread around, they're likely to be disappointed/disgusted/etc.

Any advice as to how I should approach them? Maybe ways to phrase it lightly so I don't come across as someone who fantasizes about "animals"?


submitted by ih8umum
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Any Scottish furries?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 04:53

Scotland is a small place, I'm just curious how many use Reddit.

submitted by Noodles51
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Does anyone else feel this way?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 03:45

Not sure if I should post this here or /r/yiff so sorry if anyone is offended.

This is just a quick thought on a certai stigma furries have. The whole beastiality thing. Usually when some dick starts talking shit about furries saying they want to fuck dogs and all I just laugh at their ignorance but I started thinking about it the other day and wanted to know if this makes sense.

This really applies more to people who enjoy the sexual aspects of the fandom. So the biggest complaint from people saying furries are abnormal is that its a combination of human and animal and that attraction to animals is basically zoophilia. So I don't know about anyone else but I can say with 100% confidence I am in no way attracted to animals. Like, I gag at the though of beastiality. I personaly find it straight up disgusting and thing anyone who acts on it should be charged with animal abuse (soz to any dog fuckers Ive offended but lets be honest). So this made me wonder, if I so strongly loathe beastiality then why do I actually enjoy erotic furry art?

So I've been rolling it around in my head and realised that its not to do with animals being sexy, its to do with them being cute. So like, the human form brings the natural sexiness I'm attracted to, and then the addition or poofy tails, fluffy paws and cute ears make it vulnerable and lovable. Now I'm just gonna stress that this is applicable to me so dont be hating if you dont feel the same way. But yeah, thats really it. I could go into all the deeper parts of my theory like how I think a lot of furries are attracted to the cute side from things like bullying as it seems like a lot of furries have suffered it but I dont wanna waste your time.

Buuuut if you like getting your time wasted please read on...

After realising this it really put shit in perspective. My sona for example which I made when I was like 15 suddenly seemed deeper then I meant him to be. As a gay guy who went through the usual bullying and insecurity shit you'd expect, I made my sona cute and vulnerable which I think reflects all that shitty stuff. I made him smaller then me, weaker, bonier and covered him in scars and bruises. But I also gave him big green eyes, a cute collar and a cuddly, bashful personality. And now I'm thinking this was based on my need for help and just a hug when I was being bullied and all that shit. I don't mean to bore you or look like I'm seeking sympathy, I'm just kinda thrown by this since I didnt intentially make my sona like this and yet its reflecting shit I didnt even understand at the time.

So yeah, basically me getting frustrated by people calling me a dog fucker made me realise just how deep this whole fandom was for me and made me understand why I actually find anthos so cute and sexy and whatnot.

So does anyone else feel the same way? Can you relate to the whole sona subconciously reflecting your less happy past experiences to make them seem more bareable? Sorry if I got all deep and meta but I kinda wanna hug all you adorable fluffy bastards now.

TL;DR Getting called a dog fucker made me understand why I actually like furries so much

submitted by TaiHusky
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It's shit like this, FA.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 02:35
Categories: News

Antelope Explorer - By Moonwalker

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 02:07
Categories: News