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Rantlers 2. Deerstracted Driving

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 22:54
Categories: News

SFW "Milky Knots"

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 22:54
Categories: News

furry (actual) shower thought: if we were all covered in fur, we either wouldn't shower much at all or full-body hair dryers would be common bathroom appliances

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 20:52

Imagine the clogs, too. And imagine how often you'd have to change the filters at swimming pools. Ewww.

submitted by EmbarrassingShit
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Categories: News

Your favorite stuff to wear!

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 20:43

I was reading u/BlindArtist post about wearing his furry hoodie and his bravery in doing it. So I want to know whats your favorite thing to wear or want to wear! Doesn't matter what it is (but let's keep it SFW XD)! Summer winter, weather you have it now or plan on getting it!

Here is my hoodie

Me in it

And this really cool Zelda hat I have my eye on

You don't have to show yourself wearing it if you don't feel comfortable. its all up to you :D

submitted by SamuraiDDD
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Categories: News

The search for the 'Merican furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 20:30

Hey, guys! What is the most gun-totin', god fearin', commie-hatin' piece of pure concentrated Jingoistic furry glory that you have ever seen? Post links in the comments.

Edit: I think I forgot to specify that I'm looking for artwork here. However, other 'Merican furries are certainly welcome to brag.

submitted by ABalancedBreakfast
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Categories: News

Just putted myself accidentally.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 19:32

So I accidentally just sent a very explicit gfur album to my mother... Needless to say she isn't taking it well:

"Yeah music ? thanks [my name] Be careful. Beastiality and zoophillia. Totally sick"

I sent to her, " I like this album. Anyway, anything interesting today?"

Imgur link is obviously NSFW.

She thought it was music and opened it. What should I do? Kind of freaking out right now. I'm not really big into the fandom, never suited up or anything, just a bit of a fetish.

Edit: title typo, stupid auto correct.

Edit2: okay, so some more talking (mostly apologizing) seems to be calming things down: sfw

submitted by Link9454
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 18:55
Categories: News

Puppies 4 sale! - Laphund

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 18:54
Categories: News

Hello world. First post, NSFW for some word use.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 17:44

Just me saying hi.

Joining the fandom.

I never really thought I would ever be a furry. I did watch lots of anime though. A neko hear and there never bothered me, but all of those horrible sonic drawings, you know the ones with the misspellings and dicks that took up half of the crayon that was used to scribe them onto there computer screen, from forchan kept me away. (We can't blame all our prejudiced on forchan, just most of it.)

I loved Homestuck though, and had a regretful middle school crush on a certain un-wise savory wizard. I pulled a teen and goggled for moist Eridan pictures. I was waste deep in dirty folders before I realized something.

It was furry.

Not in the most literal sense, but hear I was going all out fan girl for a non-human. The revelation was not so much world shattering, as horizon expanding.

Admittedly I took a long, convoluted, hentai strewn road to get hear, but now hear I am.

What now?

I enjoy the culture hear, as to get hear you need to be open mined, and would like to be involved more. What can I do to contribute?

submitted by futa4hire
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Categories: News

Hello, can we talk?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 16:03

So some things are getting me down right now and from what I've seen you guys are pretty nice. I'm really not asking for much. I just want someone to listen to what I have to say and then give me advice on how i should try to not let it bother me. Or just general advice on how to get through difficult times in life. Ok, maybe that is a lot. Just PM me or what ever you do on reddit, I don't want to Skype. Sorry if that's an inconvenience for you I understand. Oh and also this is first time posting here and first time everything plz don't hurt me. Edit: Sorry if I didn't talk to you but I cant talk anymore. Thank you to everyone who did though it means a lot and it really helped me. -big hugs to everyone-

submitted by jam920
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Categories: News

so my mom found out i'm a furry...

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 15:38

Ok so yesterday I got a birthday gift from my sister. She knew I was a fox furry, and that i liked to draw furries, so she sent a little stuffed fox, along with a book of how to draw furries. When my mom saw the book she freaked out, and started accusing me of plushophilia, bestiality, and other furry slurs. I kept telling her that that's not at all what this is about, and she, not convinced, walked away. I really want to show her that not all furries are like that, and that I just really appreciate the art, but i don't think she'll be convinced. i know that this is probably the 500th post like this here but, help?

submitted by iizepic128
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Categories: News

What products would be unique to a furry world?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 13:10

Such as "Novelty Antler Christmas Lights" , "Tail Cosies" or even "Tail Extensions".

And what products would your fursona buy?

You may even want to come up with services as well :D

Edit: Thank you all for the awesome and creative replies! :D

submitted by FreeThinkerComic
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Categories: News

Are there any nofap furs?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 12:53

The one thing that's stopped me from going full furry is how truly sexual the fandom is. I'm not shaming anyone or saying that's bad, it's just hard to get into it and avoid it for a person like me. I was raised Catholic and I never actually started masturbating, and by the time I actually found out what it was when I was older, it was easy to not do it since I never started. I'm not asexual, I've definitely had urges. It's just a decision I've made.

I really want to "offically" join the fandom, but as I said, it's hard to avoid the sexual aspects. I love all of the SFW artwork and I just love the idea of being an anthropomorphic animal. So are there any of you that do the same?

submitted by Throwaway76490
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Categories: News