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hey guys

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 11:32

hey im stuck between to type style of color for reggie could im going post up 4 different picture could you guys help me out

submitted by xxaztechxx
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 10:47
Categories: News

Friends help beat cancer, Furry art gallery, Big Weird Cow… Newsdump (4/8/15)

Dogpatch Press - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 10:23
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Tips are always welcome.  ____________________________ Fandom News _____________________________ Furries donate thousands to help Draces beat cancer – He faces $90,000 in medical bills. The donor page shows many furries pitching $100 or more each. The current total is around half of a $10,000 goal. On FurAffinity, Draces posted: I want […]
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As do I, Hobbes.

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 09:21
Categories: News

Any great desktop wallpapers/icon packs to share? :3

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 08:26

Hey fuzzbutts! My desktop is dangerously lacking furry shtuff and it'd be super amazing if I could get some help c:

Also, free hugs for all! snuggle

submitted by pawstreet
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Categories: News

“Wild Things” will fluff your fur with a second fetish party in San Francisco.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 07:23
Wild Things 2:  at San Francisco’s Citadel club – April 12, 2015 Artists and dealers are invited to show and sell your wares. Info: (Ask me – patch.ofurr at gmail.) Spring brings the birds and bees… and a surprise almost too hot to bear!  The uncaged, unleashed Wild Things party is back.  A special group of furries are partnered with a […]
Categories: News

Headshot sketches.

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 07:22
Categories: News

Knots are cool and here's why!

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 07:08

I grew up as a boyscout, and still am one! They taught me all sorts of things about knots! I learned the square knot, thief's knot, Two Half hitches, the rescue knot and much more! Very interesting knots are. Especially long knots. Oh like the knots you make for tying your shoes of course! Hmmm y'know I bet knots are useful in the furry world, don't you? Infact what are some great uses of knots you know?

Pshhh this post is in no way sexual what are you talking about? We're just discussing knots.

Edit: we've said knot so much it's staring to sound like a really strange word. Which always happens when you say the same thing alot. You question it's existence.

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Yearning for summer

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 02:57
Categories: News

What Up, Dogs?

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 01:48

Richie Wu is an artist who spent six years working in the gaming industry, as well as teaching illustration on the side. He’s worked on feature films like Toy Story 3 from Disney/Pixar, and TV series like Ben 10 Alienforce from Cartoon Network. Now he’s aiming his artistic talents at a new outlet: A line of illustrated t-shirts based on his original canine comic creations. Dogs like Garlic the chihuahua, Booze the bulldog, and Mocha the German shepherd, among several others. Visit his web site, Bad to the Bone, to see the latest in his growing set of designs. Currently residing in Las Vegas, Nevada, Mr. Wu also has a permanent display selling his t-shirts at the Galleria at Sunset Mall in nearby Henderson.

image c. 2015 by Richie Wu

image c. 2015 by Richie Wu

Categories: News

17,000 Furries Subscribed!

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 01:41
Categories: News

Remember the April 15th deadline!

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 01:33
Categories: News

I dug myself a deep hole that I want to but can't get out of, advice is needed :P

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Apr 2015 - 00:33

So this is going to be a long story, so please try to understand where I'm coming from.

Around 8th grade I found out about the furry fandom and instantly fell in love with it; mostly the creativity and the "outside of the norm" attitude it brought to the table. From then 'til now (I'm a senior in high school btw), I held this fandom in a special place in my heart, but my very close friends love to just rip on furries and make fun of how damn weird they are like it's their favorite past-time. All they know about furries is that they just publicly embarrass themselves and fuck in their fursuits (mind you I have about 4 close friends that all act this way). So in order to avoid the inevitable downright critical judgement, verbally and mentally, and to avoid stressful, awkward, and high anxiety attacks, I just go along with them, pretending to be serious about my "radical" views on the fandom they hate. This led me to be dubbed "the guy with the funny ass furfreak videos and stories" in our little group. If they ever find out im actually furry, I'll more than likely have a real bad anxiety attack from the fear of judgement and ridicule they, along with other people, might bring down on me. All I want to know is that how can I overcome this sense of self embarrassment and anxiety and finally let go from what has been building up all these years.

P.S: I know this fandom isn't something to be so damn worried about, and to just stop being a little bitch and tell them, but coming out isn't the main issue; it's mostly revolved around my social fear of "what are they thinking of me" and the overwhelming sense of peer judgement in everyday things I participate in; even as far as drawing a doodle in my notebook or playing my guitar too loudly. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much!!! love you all :3

submitted by PolioChild67791
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Categories: News