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Newsbytes archive for June 2024

Edited by dronon
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, dronon, GreenReaper, and Sonious.

Sonious: First issue of the furry gay slice of life comic Circles has been successfully added to Library of Congress (per Zalno).

GreenReaper: Darlington bun makes TikTok with mum.

2cross2affliction: The Day the Earth Blew Up is the first Looney Tunes movie both fully animated and not a compilation of shorts; a clip has been released ahead of its festival premiere. Still no word when it's hitting theaters.

GreenReaper: AI takes on dog barks, with 70% success.

2cross2affliction: Now combine upcoming animated movies and AI learning to talk with animals: The Wild Robot from DreamWorks has gotten its second trailer.

2cross2affliction: It's a trilogy! Paddington in Peru releases a trailer. It will be out later this year in the UK, and in January in the U.S.

GreenReaper: Actress Amandla Stenberg tells of her encounter with LondonFurs in a park outside her hotel while she was attending Star Wars Celebration, on The Tonight Show [via Glitter].

dronon: From Chile, a teaser trailer for the film Brave Cat.

GreenReaper: Abstracts and proposals for the Furry Studies conference in Rotterdam in October 2024 must be submitted by 17:00 UTC on Monday 24 June 2024.



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These are newsbyte items, when we see other articles or announcements that would be of interest to others, but don't need too write full articles on it, we put it on the newsbytes on the main page. At the end of the month we tend to create a curation of the newsbytes on an article.

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