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Newsbytes archive for January 2025

Edited by dronon
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, dronon, earthfurst, and Rakuen Growlithe.

dronon: There's a branding reboot in the works for The Wombles.

dronon: Ville Poter by Victor Nordahl appears to be a series of children's graphic novels with foxes, published in Norwegian, possibly with other translations.

Rakuen Growlithe: Eighteen years after Dragoneer announced filters were coming to FA in the "near future," it now has the ability to block submissions according to keywords.

earthfurst: Trailer for The Lost Tiger animated movie (in cinemas February 27) published on YouTube on January 7. "Teo is a plucky young tiger and one of the last of his kind. Found abandoned... he is adopted into a big, boisterous kangaroo family of travelling wrestlers."

earthfurst: Today (January 15, 2025) seems to be the last day to suggest addition(s) to Ursa Major Awards' Recommended Anthro List of 2024 works. The Recommended Anthropomorphics List currently has only one entry in the Fursuit category.

dronon: Paddington in Peru, despite having been released in the UK back in November 2024, is being delayed in North America until February 14.

2cross2affliction: Experience the Academy Award nominated movie Flow as it was meant to be; as a board game.

earthfurst: A recent essay (November 2024) "Funny-Animal Fictions: Comics Fandom and the Late Introduction of Furry" at The Comics Journal: written by Brandy Lewis, it ranges from early works (e.g. a page in Vootie) to later (e.g. My Bigger Boyfriend by Cooner).



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