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Newsbytes archive for December 2024

Edited by dronon as of 08:30
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December was a quiet month. Happy New Year everyone! Several Flayrah articles have been getting an unusual number of 5-star votes lately. Even if our traffic increased, that's still an unlikely voting distribution, so there may be some kind of bot at work. Meanwhile, our contributors for this month are dronon and Rakuen Growlithe.

Rakuen Growlithe: Despite a lack of scientific justification (in fact, it's against the advice of conservationists), the EU is reducing protections for wolves.

dronon: Furry artist Richard Bartrop has passed away. (FA page.)

dronon: Trailer for the Latin American animated film Dalia and the Red Book.

dronon: There's an Okami game sequel in the works!

Rakuen Growlithe: The gene responsible for ginger coat colour in cats has recently been discovered. It is located on the X chromosome which explains why it is more likely in male (XY) cats.



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