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Newsbytes archive for August 2024

Edited by dronon as of Sun 1 Sep 2024 - 09:24
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, Acton, aquariusotter, dronon, earthfurst, GreenReaper, and Rakuen Growlithe.

And what a busy month - Thank you everyone for your contributions and updates to multiple unfolding situations!

dronon: Clutch!, episode 1 of a kobold audio drama.

Rakuen Growlithe: A donkey that disappeared five years ago has been found living with a herd of elk in California.

earthfurst: On August 7, FurAffinity's blog announced the death of Dragoneer: "the sudden loss of Fur Affinity's owner, Dragoneer. ... We ask for your patience and respect for his family's privacy. ... Updates will follow when appropriate."

GreenReaper: Banksy put a wolf on a satellite dish, and of course someone stole it.

GreenReaper: Lego shark found after 27 years lost at sea.

Rakuen Growlithe: Horses are smarter than previously thought. New research shows that they perform model-based cost-benefit analysis when completing tasks for rewards.

GreenReaper: Human mothers try to show an orangutan how it's done - breastfeeding, that is.

GreenReaper: Stoats reportedly used the COVID lockdown era to bounce back against human efforts to eradicate them in Orkney.

Acton: Oregon Lottery billboards taken over by possible furry hack.

earthfurst: Beware: Disney argues a widower cannot sue Disney over the death of his wife, because of Disney's Terms of Service (a 2019 free-trial of Disney+ and buying tickets). Doctor Kanokporn Tangsuan had a fatal allergic reaction after eating at a restaurant at Disney World.

Rakuen Growlithe: The first museum dedicated to dogs just opened in Cape Town, South Africa.

GreenReaper: Domain hijacking attempt reported by @FurAffinity, with staff suggesting that they do not control the account that determines which server the domain name points to, and recommending not to use the site at this time. [Update.]

2cross2affliction: Update: Disney has decided the "Disney+ means you can't sue our restaurant for wrongful death" thing probably wasn't the right call after all.

aquariusotter: Fur Affinity Twitter account compromised by pro-crypto anti-furry scam, per official Discord. Also, Twitter account of the late Dragoneer has been compromised. Admins recommend referral to official Discord for updates. Situation remains fluid.

aquariusotter: Fur Affinity's Twitter account has been regained from the hacker, per Discord and the account's post, thanks to Twitter user @Whanos who gained and redirected the username to their own until the account was regained by staff. Meanwhile, the official Discord says the domain has been regained from hackers and locked down, but further work is needed before the site is reopened.

GreenReaper: "Fur Affinity is now online and may be accessed safely", according to a journal on the now-accessible furry art community which recounts details of the hijacking of its domain config and Twitter account, urging users to leave the FBI to investigate.

2cross2affliction: Donald Duck (who is celebrating turning 90), will become the first animated guest of Hot Ones, the YouTube talk show where celebrities are interviewed while eating hot sauce-covered chicken wings (so, no, not cannibalism until they book Foghorn Leghorn).

dronon: CEO of Telegram arrested.

GreenReaper: Brazil Times (of Indiana) give examples of school handbook clauses aimed against supposed disruptive behaviour of furries in schools.

aquariusotter: After a harrowing hacking incident, the GoFundMe fundraiser for the late Dragoneer's family and for Fur Affinity surpassed its extended USD $221,800 goal as of 5PM EDT on August 28, 2024.

GreenReaper: Wildlife Photographer of the Year features shots of a manatee mother with her calf, an "exuberant" stoat, and a jaguar taking a bite out of an unsuspecting caiman - as well as a very fluffy Pallas cat.



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