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Newsbytes archive for February 2019

Edited by dronon
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, BlindWolf8, dronon, GreenReaper, mwalimu, Rakuen Growlithe, and Sonious.

Rakuen Growlithe: Canadian man trolls far right group Wolves of Odin by setting up a fake furry dating site on a similar domain name.

GreenReaper: The Belgian Fuzzcon, previously held only once in 2013, is to be held this 8-12 August in the Ardennes, with "space for around 26 fluffs".

dronon: I used to think that some fursona colors were unrealistic, but I was wrong.

2cross2affliction: Don't fear this Green Reaper. (Jury's still out whether or not you should fear this one.)

GreenReaper: Leopard seal scat found to contain fully-functional USB stick with leopard seal videos. [BBC/NIWA]

BlindWolf8: New emoji, new animals: "Besides the [guide and] service dogs, we now have glyphs for a flamingo, sloth, otter, orangutan, and skunk."

2cross2affliction: Oreo the raccoon, the raccoon used to model Rocket in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, has passed away at the age of 10.

Sonious: Midwest furry, Dungeons and Dragons fan, and podcaster Raving Randal passes away in an auto accident.

2cross2affliction: Wakanda forever! A black panther has appeared in Africa for the first time in over a century. [Daily Mail link]

GreenReaper: China's People's Daily document 'tourists' wearing "funny animal-like hats to withstand the cold" in Heilongjiang's -22°C weather. [tip: @Kakurady]

GreenReaper: New York state designer created Dutch angel dragon Munchie after "accidentally signing up" for Arizona Fur Con to sell her faux fur costumes. [Daily Mail link]

2cross2affliction: An AI tries to create what it thinks a cat looks like every time you refresh this page; therefore, this cat does not exist.

dronon: Although only marginally furry, a new version of the anime series Fruits Basket will be returning this year.

GreenReaper: Beavers got back... in Scotland, so they're getting protection from unhappy farmers who've been shooting them to reduce dam-triggered flooding.

dronon: Meanwhile in Italy, giant demonic animatronic punk hyenas.

mwalimu: Japanese service creates wearable super-realistic replicas of your pet's head.



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Thanks for putting these together "Anon" (Dronon).

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