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Going to Anthrocon? Need a badge? Missed my headshot thread? I've opened headshot commission slots on sale.

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 13:42

Yo terrible advertising, sorry. Had a few people messaging me about wanting headshots, or when I was opening commissions, or if they could get a higher quality headshot from the thread I made....

I just opened 15 headshot slots at 15$ each. These are fully digital and drawn with badge design in mind (sorry, no physical badges will be shipped). With Anthrocon coming up, could be a cool thing for you peeps going.

For those waiting on the other commissions to open up, sorry bout that. I have a project I'm working on and I'm worried ref sheets will take to long for me to comfortably do both. I'm looking to open those next week though, after the headshots.

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Rawr, I'm a Dragon!

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 13:01
Categories: News

How are your summers all going?

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 12:02

Sorry for my lack of presence, I've been playing a lot of games with you fellow furs, conducting job interviews, and enjoying my new freedom!

But anyway, I want to see how all of your summers are going :D! I hope they're going well, whether you're taking time off, working, etc. Enjoy the sunshine, folks!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

One girl, one dog, TWO apocalypses: The Road North

FurStarter - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 11:41


roadnorthlogoAll-ages Comic: A child and her canine companion journeys north in a hellish land to find her brother and a better tomorrow…

The Road North

Kickstarter ending 7/25/15 (past goal!)
roadnorth3Okay, this one’s not that furry, it’s more the “desert wasteland with a trusty canine” trope, well established in films like A Boy and His Dog and Mad Max.These are not all-ages films and you shouldn’t share them with a pre-teen…well, Mad Max, maybe, if it’s not your kid.

But seriously, this is a really cute dog.

It’s the year 2055, and humanity is in a very bad place. The world is a blasted dustbowl, the pages of the comic are saturated with a veil of orange haze and only symbolic creatures remain–crows, locusts, Kansas farmers. It’s very much like photographs of the Great Depression, but red-brown instead of sepia. Take one burned-out world, and one species on the edge of survival, and add a malign alien force, the Pure, who seem to be hellbent on just one thing: wiping humanity out and claiming earth as their own.

roadnorth1Again, not a good time to be a human. Or a dog.

This is the bleak backdrop for the story of I, a child travelling across the barren and dangerous land looking for her little brother, alongside her canine companion, Z. I want Z to be a dingo, and in fairness all blasted apocalypse films are set in Australia where there are dingoes, but I think we’re actually somewhere in the American Midwest, so he’s probably some sort of Labrador/village dog mix. I don’t care, because he’s intense, suspicious, and well-drawn. Cute character!

roadnorth2This is an all-ages project, and not the artist’s first all-ages comic. Joshua Covey created Baako, which looks like another blasted wasteland with a strong female lead, also funded through Kickstarter. Baako feels like an entirely different period, reminiscent of the edgy and frankly sleazier 70s-80s style of Mike Ploog’s work on “Wizards” and Oscar Martin’s “Solo” (okay, yes, that is a 90s comic, but there’s an unmistakable Frazetta vibe that runs through a certain flavor of 70s-80s fantasy.) The Road North is more kin to the slick young adult titles on the lower shelf at today’s comic shop, clean lines and bold character art.

Finding myself wondering about the choice of the name “I” for the main character–well, the non-canine main character. The anonymity of her mask, the ambivalent pronoun “their” in the project header (“A young refugee and their canine companion search for hope and a better tomorrow…”) suggest that “I” is there for anyone to relate to, boy or girl, which is not a bad way of handling things. Boys are in quite a lot of action titles, and having a more relateable character for girls might help open the comic up.

Keeping this review short and sweet, I would like to take a look at the complex backer points—there are at least 15 backer levels, including a print copy at $10 and a signed copy at $15, a sketch cover at $35 and a retail 10-pack at $35. Combining that with the luxurious amount of space used for sample art gives a lot of mouse-scrolling to get to the text, it’s self a bit hard on the eyes (nonstandard font, all caps…) It’s a bit hard to skim for information. There are some nice little infographics explaining the pledge points, and generous sample art really helps show off a comic book project, but I think Covey may have erred on the side of complexity instead of simplicity in planning out his pledge points–this seems to be a recurring problem when an artist wants to fold an unrelated project in with their rewards. My $.02, do with it what you will. Some minor communication issues; the Stretch Goals not being “unpacked” yet is a little frustrating, it’s hard to build goals around them if you can’t see them, and the campaign has a lack of updates, even past goal, but those aren’t quite as big as the TL:DR issue with the pledge points.

Again, all kinds of sample work on The Road North kickstarter, and a very available artist—you can find him on DA and his personal webfolio. This is issue one of a four-issue series, we’ll see what the next year brings for the title!

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!

Categories: News

It’s the “Idea Channel” for furries – Culturally F’d on Youtube.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 10:51
Sometimes the Dogpatch Press tip account gets extra cool messages.  Here’s what new friend Arrkay sent: We here love what you guys post online and what your content does for the fandom, so we hope you’ll take some time to check out what we’re doing! Where does the love of anthropomorphics come from? How far back can […]
Categories: News

How many of you have /r/furry specific accounts?

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 10:45

Hey fuzzbutts. I've noticed a fair amount of you use a furry specific Reddit account. I personally don't (too much to juggle) but I was wondering how many of you use an "alt" account. If you do, why not just use your primary Reddit account?

EDIT: So I'm seeing a pattern of the same 3 responses.

  • This is my /r/furry only account because I don't want some outside source to know/judge me on my furriness

  • This is my /r/furry only account because I only really browse /r/furry.

  • Meh, I don't care if people know I'm furry so I've got one primary account.

submitted by Jumbojet777
[link] [37 comments]
Categories: News

Instead of Hugging You, They Try to Kill You: Dawn of the Furries #2

FurStarter - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 09:44


DawnlogoSurvival-Horror Comic: When the furpocalypse breaks over Pittsburgh, there will be no survivors…

Dawn of the Furries

Dawn1Kickstarter ending 8/3/15

If you’re safe at home reading this, be glad you didn’t go to Anthrocon this year.


Zombie Corbeau :)

Either ironically or appropriately, “Zombie” is the meme that just won’t die. The Zombie Apocalypse is an end-of-days scenario for the common man, It transforms everyday life into a horrifying scenario of shambling terrors: city streets become dark and alien, and Joe Citizen looks in despair as the world he thought he understood becomes a surreal waking nightmare.

Unrelated, Anthrocon 2014 was pretty cool, and if you’re there next weekend for AC 2015 look for artist Jeff Outlaw in the Artist’s Alley. Furries, it seems, do have a sense of humor about the fandom. Last year Outlaw launched his indie comic series Dawn of the Furries on Kickstarter, just passing his goal. And there was some tension. He asked himself hard questions like “how will furries feel about a comic that depicts them as destroying Pittsburgh? Will they take it as an insult?”

Apparently not. [Editor’s note: I was going to insert a picture of macro furries trampling Pittsburgh into the ground, but I can’t find one. I can find a lot of evidence that macro furries really…love…Pittsburgh, but I want to keep this post worksafe.]

Anyway, zombie fursuiters on aisle 4! If you’re at AC, look for Jeff, and ask him about his new project, Dawn of the Furries #2. Or if you aren’t going to Pittsburgh, because of financies, time, or concern for life and limb, check the DOTF art tumbler for sample material and some color work!
Dawn3Here’s the micro: The main character, Ethan, is your typical Pittsburgh cubicle farm employee, mucking through life with his friends, sort-of friends, and possible dates, when HELL BREAKS LOSE in the form of rabid, mindless, razor-clawed fursuit monstrosities. One bite and Pittsburghers are transformed into these fluff-leaking, deeply uncute beasties—

Jeff, I’m pretty sure you’re reading this, and given how expensive fursuits are, I want you to know this doesn’t seem like that bad a deal.

Anyway, these murderous zombie costumers sweep through Pittsburgh, and life for Ethan turns into a grim game of survival as he and his office colleagues fight for their survival in a world where death could wait around any corner—death or, arguably, worse. We don’t know, it’s debatable.

Dawn4Things are looking good for Dawn of the Furries #2, which launched today and is at about 20% of its modest goal after its first few hours of funding. Looking at the Kickstarter pledge points, one thing really stands out—custom art at only $35, and “your rabid fursona in the comic” at just $110. Custom work is  a staple of the indie comic kickstarter, but not usually at such a low price point!

So, check it out. The plot’s a little Shaun of the Dead, a little George Romero, and the art’s excellent horror/humor, particularly given the low goal for the project! Here’s hoping for a successful campaign, and maybe a deluxe graphic novel down the road!

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!

Categories: News

Buzz by Benny!

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 09:15
Categories: News

New Furry Asks a Lot of Questions That Boil Down to Wanting to Be Popular

Ask Papabear - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 09:00
Dear Papabear,

My name is Basket and I have multiple questions if you do not mind that I am including below. Please I beg you answer them all for me as I am still new to this fandom thing and have certain insecurities an doubts about this fandom thing. Some of the questions reside from personal to questioning the fandom. Instead of pinning this up you can E-Mail me my answers if you'd like. Also if you want to edit this I give you full permission to take one of the questions and trim it away to post to your site.

Anyhow, continuing on I have the questions to follow below and I guess some information to tag along behind the questions and what I have tried with them.

How does one become a popufur like Telephone, NiiC, Radio, Vandal the Cat, you, and others out there in this fantastic and adoring fandom? Most people say you can start off by getting noticed on small sites like FurAffinity for a talent and work your way into cons with an original fursuit. I honestly have not been at a con, nor have I been able to be original with my fursuits. But how would you suggest me to become into getting well-known and unique. Basically to become a furlebrity.

What is the best way to get my FurAffinity account known better to people in the possible quickest way? I know submitting pieces of work and tagging it is probably the most reasonable way, but I don't know how peoples minds work and what tags will give them a lead to my work. I write stories for my profile, being a beginner I only have one story as a work in progress and I plan to continue working on it. Just please let me know if there is a possible way of getting the word around with my profile quicker.

How can I get more confidence and motivation to do what I love? I love to write and make stories but I find myself to either be busy and not have the time to sit there and write, or no motivation to be able to say hey let us start to write this story and get it submitted, but not least I find myself thinking what will others say about my writing then I lose my confidence, pride, motivation, etc...

Why do a selected amount of people in human society hate the furry fandom? I've heard incidents where furry conventions have been gassed, an then even shot or beaten to death while they're alone or in a small group. I know that one reason is because some of them are into zoophilia, better known as animal sex, but let them choose their path, they shouldn't choose it for them. I found the furry fandom from the start to be cute, family-like, friendly, playful, adorable, unique, different, and supportive. Something I have not had for a long long duration of time until back two years ago. I think I fell in love with the fandom while on a virtual chatting game called IMVU. However, my question leads to why do certain people hate furries, and is there anyway us furries can stop it? A riot to get a law made for just us, get in contact with celebrities that are well-known to them and have them support us, or even if possible the president...just a way to say we're humans to we just have a fandom we're into, no different from you guys in anime cons, star wars cons, etcetera.

To wrap these questions in the bag with a special delivery with a topping, my last question of this form is, can you please help me find cheap fursuit makers who do high quality work and can make my character as good looking as Telephone, Radio, NiiC, and so on. My family does not get much money at all we are struggling in real life and the only reason I am able to write this is because my neighbor has internet and gave us the password and a computer, god bless her. Anyhow, like I said our family is barely surviving I am lucky we are getting food, beverages, and rent in. We will be moving though trying to find a better and cheaper place to live. We have been asking churches to help us. Sorry for getting off board, but back to the main focus. I want to get a fursuit real bad my friend online is getting one free for talking someone out of suicide. I could of done that, done that for many people I am left unawarded and without a thanks. But, as saying I really want my character Basket as a fursuit and to be able to call myself a true furry and wear one then attend Megaplex Anthropomorphic Convention in Orlando, Florida. With a custom badge, fursuit, etcetera. But I have not found anyone cheap enough in about 500-700 dollars for a well-made fursuit that will last a long time, I am trying to save up my money to work for this, it's hard because I need to help my family. I've been denied from so many jobs and I really don't know, it must be because I am 16 years old without experience that is why I want to create a paypal and earn money on my FurAffinity. 

Papabear, please help me out with my chaos in this stuff, as I am struggling to find my way. I give complete thanks for answers to these questions and give you my fullest apology for adding question after question. However, if you read all of this and answer every single one I give you my honor and respect as to I can't find anyone to help me. I'm basically a loner in real life no one to relate to. I have absolute zero friends, maybe one but things went bad between me and yeah zero friends, no mates, only online society. I need more furries in real life nearby where I can either bike it to them. PLEASE HELP! Thank you so much, I thought I'd give you a try.

Yours truly,

Basket (age 16)

* * *

Hi, Basket,

Indeed, as I request on the form on this website, I do ask that people limit themselves to one question per letter. I really don’t want to open the barn doors so that people think that this is okay, so I am going to try to cram all your questions into one related question, which seems to be this:

“I’m alone and friendless and it seems to me that there might be a way to make friends by being a popufur because I really would like to have a bunch of furry friends, even though a lot of people seem to hate furries.”

To start, let’s get rid of some of your misconceptions. One of these is that you have to have a fursuit. You don’t. Only about 1 in 5 furries is a fursuiter, and not just because 80% can’t afford one. Rather, many people just don’t really want one. They are expensive, hot to perform in, and really take a lot of commitment. And, while we’re at it, you don’t even need to have a fursona to be a furry (although it’s a lot easier than fursuiting).

I would suggest that, with money in your family tight, you save money for important things like, I dunno, food and bills. Not glamorous, I know, but if you can earn some money and your family needs it, the best thing you can do is support your family. Family first—remember that. Now, say, for a birthday or something, your family gives you a little spending money. You might try doing a partial fursuit. Maybe even just buy ears or a tail. And, just to note, you really don’t buy a top-notch fursuit for $500-$700. That’s pretty low end. So, start small and work your way up, but only as you can really afford to.

As for being a popufur.... First off, please don’t call me a popufur as I see it as rather a derogatory term that means someone who wants to be popular for the sake of getting attention. That’s probably not how you meant it, but just for future reference.... Some people become popular because they make contributions to the fandom, such as art or running a convention. What I’m saying here is don’t try to be popular; rather, focus on enjoying being a furry. What do you like to do? Do that. Don’t worry about making friends. If you find stuff you really enjoy doing in the fandom, then you will probably meet others like yourself who enjoy doing the same things, and then you will make friends. If you do the other thing—try to be a popufur to get friends—you come off as being egotistical (“All Hail Me! For I Am a Popufur!”) Yuck.

Oh, and please don’t say things such as “true furry.” Immediately that smacks of forced definition and elitism.... and bullshit. Pardon my French. A furry is someone who enjoys the anthropomorphic animal arts. Period. Anything and everything else is just gravy.

As for furry haters. Don’t worry about them. Now, I don’t know where you heard about furries being killed, because that’s news to me. I have heard, of course, about the chlorine gas incident at last year’s Midwest Furfest in Chicago. The latest news on that is that it was a chemistry experiment gone awry—and by that, I mean someone was trying to cook up meth in their room and when it didn’t work they tried to dispose of the chemicals. They haven’t caught who did it, but it was probably a foolish hotel guest. I don’t think it was a deliberate attack on furries. Usually, the extent of furry “oppression” is mockery from mundanes who don’t understand us.

I hope that some of what I have written here will bring you down to earth a bit. Being a furry can be a lot of fun. I have made a lot of friends and have had a great time. But don’t make it into something it is not, and don’t use furry as a vehicle toward becoming popular. It might be a cliché, but, really, you should just be yourself. Relax and have a good time. Take this bear’s advice and just enjoy the bare necessities.



Feel like sketching a little

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 08:47

I have to leave in an hour ; _ ; so I don't have more time right now.. But this was fun! :D I might come back and do some more requests another day, I'm sorry I didn't have time for you all .. ; _; hug

Hey fluffy, scaly, feathery and slimy(?) friends~

I feel like doing some quick sketches! So post some refs and I might draw your fursona (it's going to be really sketchy and quick drawings '' but might be fun anyway? :3)

Come on~ Show me your creatures <3

submitted by Kirarifluff
[link] [45 comments]
Categories: News

"Delsin" by BlitzPony

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 08:45
Categories: News

Ruins of Furs

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 08:15
Categories: News

Guild News: July 2015

Furry Writers' Guild - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 06:58
New Members

Welcome to our newest member George Squares!

Member News

In book release news: ROAR #6, edited by Mary E. Lowd and featuring many FWG members as contributors, as well as Mary’s new novel In a Dog’s World, are now available for pre-order from FurPlanet. Tempe “Tempo” O’Kun’s latest, Windfall, is also available for pre-order from FurPlanet, and Weasel Press’ first furry anthology, Typewriter Emergencies, is also up for pre-orders. Kris Schnee’s new novel Thousand Tales: How We Won the Game is available from Amazon, and M. C. A. Hogarth has released Either Side of the Strand and a new trilogy that begins with An Heir to Thorns and Steel.

In short fiction, Rechan’s story “TLC” appears in Heat #12, and “Into the Wind” is in ROAR #6. Huskyteer also has stories in both, with “Meena Mae” in Heat #12 and “Gerbil 07” in ROAR #6, and you can also check out Huskyteer’s nonfiction in this piece for Flayrah. Ocean Tigrox’s story from ROAR #6, “Food, Feuds and Fake Flora” has a teaser you can read here, and the same anthology also has a story from Altivo Overo called “Coyote’s Voice” and one from Mwalimu called “Brush and Sniff.” And in anthology news outside the fandom, Mary E. Lowd’s “Shreddy and the Dancing Dragon” appears in The Dragon’s Hoard.

In other news, Renee Carter Hall has launched a new mailing list for her readers (sign up and get a free ebook), Rebecca Mickley has a new website, Patrick “Bahumat” Rochefort is on board with the new visual novel project Laika Dosha (as well as continuing From Winter’s Ashes), and Mwalimu has made a nifty little tool you can use to find your local furry conventions.

Congrats, everyone!

(Members: Want your news here? Start a thread in our Member News forum!)

Market News

Upcoming deadlines: Rocky Mountain Fur Con’s conbook closes on July 15, and the furry anthology Fragments of Life’s Heart closes on August 15.

New markets: Red Ferret Press (a new imprint from Weasel Press) is seeking submissions for Knotted, and ROAR #7 will open for submissions later this summer.

Remember to keep an eye on our Calls for Submissions thread and our Publishing and Marketing forum for all the latest news and openings!

Guild News

Voting is open for the Cóyotl Awards until August 15. If you haven’t read everything on the ballot, we have links to all the nominated works in this thread.

Good luck to all our members participating in Camp NaNoWriMo’s July session! Member George Squares has written about his Camp NaNo project on his blog.

On Goodreads? The FWG now has a Goodreads group, and we also now have a bookshelf featuring books by our members. Feel free to add any members’ books we’ve missed so far (see the instructions here on how to do that).

We’re always open for guest blog post submissions from members — good exposure and a great way to help out fellow writers. See our guidelines for details.

Need a beta reader? Check out our critique board (you’ll need to be registered with the forum in order to view it).

Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us in the forum shoutbox for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern and Thursdays at 12 p.m. Eastern. (The Saturday chats have been discontinued until further notice.) More info on the Coffeehouse Chats is here.

As always, our forums are open to everyone, not just FWG members. Come register and join the conversation!

That’s all for this month! Send an email to furwritersguild (at) with news, suggestions, and other feedback, or just comment here.

Categories: News

Recently got some art commissioned

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 06:05
Categories: News

Im new!

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 05:11

Hi my name is kieran... I Know /u/FlufferFox IRL and he is a really great person... this is my first time on reddit, and this is the first subreddit iv ever been on...

submitted by _Devster
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Categories: News