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F**k it, we'll do it live.

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 04:31

EDIT: I'm seeing a little bit of twilight out my window, so I'm going to do the adult thing and go get some rest. Feel free to comment here, but I might not reappear until later.

Hi everyone!

So, it's 1:45 2:00 2:30 in the morning, I just finished going through my backlog of /r/furry/new, and I still have plenty of Avicii, Galantis, and Porter Robinson to go through and enough Starbucks in my system to keep me functional for another hour or so before f.lux and my broken sleep cycle cause me to conk out.

Seeing as how I've ran out of things to do this late at night and I don't really want to do anything in my apartment because it's disgustingly warm, I figured I could stop being a pansy and de-lurk for the first time in like, ever.

I'm (not really) /u/IT_Wolf (my furry alt for the time being - more on that later). I'm a 19-y.o. college sophomore studying for his Bachelor's in Computer Science at a university in the fine(?) state of Washington.

I've been a furry since... 6th grade - that's <math> 8 years? oh my god I feel so old saying that It feels super weird writing this now, mostly because I've been more-or-less a lurker during that time, spare the occasional comment on a story I read or whatever. (For comparison, I've been lurking on /r/furry for about 6 months or so) I might consolidate my various lurker accounts across the interwebs once I get my degree and a real career and stop caring about what others think, but until then I have to deal with coworkers and family members that know my primary Reddit username/general Internet identity. As such, it'll probably be another 2 or 3 years of alts, burner accounts, and awkwardly declining the occasional question to avoid getting doxxed, but c'est la vie I suppose.

I don't have a fursona nailed down (that'll most definitely have to change now), but it's almost definitely a wolf - as if my username wasn't any hint at all :P - if not at least something male (like myself) of the canid persuasion, and just as gay as I am, if not so ridiculously secretive about it.

All of that aside, hi. I'm not sure if the "New Furry" posts with semi-AMAs are supposed to go in /r/furryAMA, so forgive me if I've committed a faux-pas.

Nonetheless, you're all free to ask me questions until I pass out at my desk or actually decide to go to bed like a responsible adult.

submitted by IT_Wolf
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Categories: News

I drew this cute couple XD

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 02:04
Categories: News

I got a TF2 spray from Fek.

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 01:58
Categories: News

The relationships of stories and characters

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Jul 2015 - 01:25

I've thought about this for some time, especially regarding some threads I've seen and engaged in. I'm curious to know what others think about stories with characters and how important it is to them. I believe the reason so many people talk about movies like Robin Hood or get excited about movies like Zootopia aren't necessarily aesthetic, but the story itself. After all, story gives MEANING to the characters which is what a lot of us grew up on and why we fell in love with the characters to begin with.

I'm about knowing WHO these characters are more than WHAT. I'm interested to know the thoughts of others and what they value more. I see a lot of emphasis on simply "aesthetic" in this fandom which I have trouble relating to. I think the story matters. What are your thoughts?

submitted by fxscreamer
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Categories: News

Cute 'snugglin

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 22:23
Categories: News

crystal goat

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 21:58
Categories: News

Sorry for the annoying advertising!

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 21:53
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 21:16

Alright, for the very long list of usernames... Sorry for this wall...also I admit I'm dyslexic and I might get some usernames wrong... If so please just correct me. Thanks! /u/Verok_the_dragon - red dragon; top left /u/hunterthecheetah -cream feline /u/s0uthw3st - feral feline; 5th down, left /u/sketchesandstuff - dark wolf; center /u/canofsodah- grey wolf feline; upper right corner /u/furrythrowawayaccoun -fox; bottom left /u/thecowardlyfox -Foxcoon; upper right corner /u/introintroduction -croc; bottom row, center /u/nintiboi -red panda; in jar at bottom corner /u/thefriendlyowl -blue owl; close to center /u/freethinkercomic -green reptile; lower center /u/espurra -espeon; upper left /u/ceressergal -blue sergal; center /u/rainbolt -blue "deer thing"; right corner down 2 /u/kerri12 -blue/grey feline; low center /u/yamicat -raichu with scarf; upper right /u/derpherp662 -purple/blue feline; center right /u/fantabulous-fox -dark fox; right side down 3 /u/an_wumandandreesareth -dragon; right edge, center /u/skudo -German Shepard mix; upper center /u/eddyoshi -green lizard; left corner /u/argarath -grey wolf; bottom right corner /u/kawaiiwaffles -black wolf/brown hair; bottom left corner /u/rockyfox -fox; in jar at right corner /u/catandfox -orange feline+blue/black hair; bottom center /u/zeldamania1221 -snow leopard; left corner down 3 /u/_thatonegreyfox_ -grey fox; bottom left /u/giantenemyben -bug; upper right corner /u/admiral_fuzzles -grey canine in hoodie; bottom right /u/eviljackcarver -dark scarred wolf; upper left corner /u/goteer10 -grey wolf; upper edge right 2 /u/jam920 -fox; left edge down 4 /u/daniel161 -orange cat; left corner /u/plasmacat -yellow/orange fox;upper center /u/darkenedzone -brown/white cat; lower center /u/bristoway -blue/black canine; left side down 4 /u/pegaggio -green dragon; down 2 right center /u/iwannacheeseburger -mouse; bottom edge, 4th from right /u/shamelessfurvert -rat; right side down 5 /u/ventrina -peach winged feline; left side down 4 /u/gardeniablossom -long haired feline; right side down 3 /u/segoliaflak -snow leopard; left side down 2 /u/spacecorev8- goodra; upper edge right 1

Thank you everyone for the patience! Don't worry if you don't appear yet, page two is full of Furries and will be done tomorrow! &amp;amp;lt;3 Something I'm loving about this is saying 45 people sounds like nothing, you know? But after drawing that many on one paper and receiving close to 300 more, it's like I'm just now realising how massive this community is, and yet it's still such a close world.... <3

submitted by Ravenclaw101
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Categories: News

Flowers in Winter - HanMonster

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 18:17
Categories: News

[Tip] How to choose a collar.

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 16:53

Some time ago I *had* to know what all the fuzz about collars was aaand... I bought one :P

Then a day ago a fur on this site told he got caught trying a collar on himself on a pet store (you know who you are ;) so, to prevent others from living through this, here's a quick and dirty guide to buying a fitting collar for your own neck.

In essence, a collar complying to this measure can go from 'choker' to 'can wear over a fursuit'. Veredict: "An uneasy feeling of comfort".

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

My fursona drawn by me.

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jun 2015 - 16:16
Categories: News