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Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 21:23

One little girl kept falling me (Gara the Dragon) and my buddy (CarKeys?) Around . Was REALLY adorable XD

submitted by fyat66
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Categories: News

I kind of miss the old /r/furry

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 20:58

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but it seems to me like over this last summer the sub has gone from mostly furry based conversions and discussions to primarily a furry art gallery. I wanted to know if anyone else has noticed this/feels this way or if I'm just imagining it.

Edit:reading these responses it seems like me best option is to move to twitter.

submitted by Samfiller
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Categories: News

I'm Really Not Sure Why I Am Responding to This, But....

Ask Papabear - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 20:21
[Papabear says: the letter below is quite lengthy. I’ve decided to insert comments in blue below each point this writer tries to make so that it is a little easier to follow.]

Hello, Papabear.

[This is a re-do of my first letter,I need to re-do it because I forgot to mention a lot of things,and I was litteraly and I mean LITTERALY pushed away from the computer.So please,papabear,post this one. Thanks]

First of all, dear readers, if you are a furry,and you happen to be sensitive,please stop reading now (I know you are going to read this anyways).

See? You are still reading it, ok, but don't blame me if you get unnerved.

So, let’s start, shall we?

Please note that I am a non-furry (I hope that you help non-furries as well), now that I made that clear, I will start to describe my problem.

Since I became 10 years old, 4th grade of elementary school in my country [Serbia], I came across something interesting at the time. It was a website with humanised animals, anthros, but I did not know of the fandom then. So,I was curious and fell in love with the art (which was over 90% 18+), I do not remember the name of the site, however. Anyways, it was very pretty and all, and I wanted to know more about what it is. Since I was just 10, I did not know much about the Internet because I got it just a year ago in that time.

Afterwards I was really into that stuff, I came across more of those sites with "interesting stuff,” but I also visited non-porn art. I really did not know that there was a fandom back then. I was, again, just 10 years old.

Just to say that I am an Orthodox Christian (the Ideology on the east, like Russia) and I am proud of it. I am not Christian because I am in fear of hell, or divine punishment. I just love my religion. My parents and just everyone else in my family is Orthodox too; they are really open minded people, especially my mom and dad, and I need you to note that I have two brothers; they are also good folks. Sometimes we would fight over stupid things for like 5 minutes, and afterwards we are just fine. My parents taught me that God is about love and forgiveness, and that he loves all humans equally. She even told me that even if I want to be gay (I brought up the discussion, because there was a "Pride Parade" in our capital recently in that time), and she said that I can be whoever I want to be, she even said, "Who am I to judge how others shall live?" She also said that she will love me the way I am unconditionally, like real parents do. I told her that I do not want to be gay, that I am atracted by females... Same with my father; he is just a little bit less open minded but still the same. My sexuallity is not the problem here.

But that is not the problem; it is not about my family.

Lets get back on the topic. I loved humanised animals even if I did not know about the furry fandom. I found out about the fandom when I was 11 (I am 14 now). I did not know much about it.

I always fantasized about those animal-like characters; I was really into that. It was not rare for me to imagine charachters (anthros) having sexual relations; that was a little fun. I am hetero-sexual, not bi or homo.

And when puberty started ... I didn't feel like I wanted to be interested in anthros any longer (I was 13 then I think). Instead, all of the sudden, I felt proud to be human, and heterosexual, and Orthodox. I did not forget about anthros, I wanted to know more about them now that I am more mature and all that. I just recently learned a lot, and I mean A LOT, about your fandom (again,I am 14 now).

So, now that I am 14, I have a plan for my life. I will finish my elementary school first, then high school, and after that I will attend to a university, or maybe a foreign one like Moscow? Nevermind that.
I will be a productive citizen that is heterosexual... And all that stuff.

You are probably thinking: "That is all nice, but what is the d*** problem already?!"

I am sure that you won't think that way. I read a lot of your columns.

I... have a problem with furries. I developed dislike about them (you are in the fandom too?)...

The thing is that I am proud of my human body and soul, and my religion, not my country really, but ok. And I am a little obsessed with furries. But that is not the problem either.

The problem is the furry fandom itself. It simply unnerves me! (If you made it this far reader, and you are a furry, I highly suggest that you quit reading now; this may hurt you!) 

Ok, so the first thing:

Before I start, please note that this does not represent the entire fandom. And there are also many good things about the fandom to be honest.

1) Furries are everywhere
What is so bad about this? Well, I do not want to be rude but your fandom is everywhere people! Not such a big deal, right? Since furries are litteraly everywhere, they have their attitudes about looking at things (the furries I met).
Papabear: I really am not familiar with the furry community in Serbia, so I’m guessing much of your experience with furries is in the Internet community. I’m very much puzzled by your comment that furries are everywhere. They certainly aren’t. Most people I meet who are not furries do not know what I mean when I mention furries and I have to explain it to them. My guess is that your admitted obsession with furries creates in you the perception that they are everywhere since you are actively seeking them out.

2) Hijacking
This one unnerves me the most!
E.g., "If you love Disney movies, you are a furry", "Did you know that Ancient Egyptians were furries?", and now the part that just makes me mad. One furry posted that "Devil is a furry because he has human characteristics but is not human," and ultimately,"God IS a FURRY".......... This is just offensive; God can not be a furry because furries are people that enjoy fictional ANIMAL characters! God and the Devil are not ANIMALS, and not FURRIES! And how could ancient Egyptians be furries? Sorry about that.

Papabear: On this point, I am guessing that you are reading comments from American furries and there might be something lost in translation. You see, Rusell, there is something called “making a comment that is tongue-in-cheek.” That is, they aren’t really serious when they say God or the Devil is a furry. This is just people being deliberately outlandish because they think you will get the joke. It’s like a furry shouting, “yiff in hell.” It’s meant to be provocative.
Comments such as asserting that lovers of Disney films are furries or that the Egyptians were furries are patently ridiculous. The vast majority of people who like movies like Bambi are not furries. While the Egyptians had some gods who were part animal and part human, they were also not furries. The modern furry fandom did not develop until the 1980s.

3) The "Nice Guy" mentality
One of the more frustrating things. Furries are sometimes acting so NICE, which just unnerves me for some reason.
E.g.: "Furries are people who just want to have a good time and donate to charity. Did I mention that furries have donated more money than the UN and all other humanitarian organisations?"
Sorry if I sound like a complete nut.
Papabear: I assume your UN comment is hyperbole meant for effect. Furries have donated tens of thousands of dollars to charities; that is irrefutable. It is also true that furries enjoy a good time. I see nothing wrong with this. If you are offended by people having fun and donating to charities, then I really don’t know what to say to that, except perhaps you should explore this resentment with a professional therapist.

4) The ANTI-Human altitude; also therians and otherkin. Questioning human superiority.

The second thing that is so anoying about the fandom. Really makes you proud to be a human.
E.g.,"You humans think that you are the smartest creature on Earth even if you are outsmarted by simple creatures," something like that. I even saw you writing this stuff. I know that you said that humans are foolish and greedy but I am going to say it anyways. Isn't it too OBVIOUS that we are superior? Also, over 75% of furries want to be entirely NOT human.

Papabear:  According to the Furry Survey that is connducted years, 78.1% of respondents identified "strongly" or "extremely strongly" as human. 6.2%, asked to respond to the statement "I am predominantly human", said that they did not consider themselves human at all.
So, your statement is false that 75% do not want to be human. It’s also true that humans are not superior. You mistake intelligence for superiority. There are many ways to measure superiority. For example, there are over 1 million species of insects on this planet and the number of individual insects is in the trillions. Insects are so successful on an evolutionary basis, that some scientists actually call this The Age of Insects. Furthermore, bacteria and the lowly virus can mow down humans by the millions. The Black Plague in Europe killed almost a third of the population. Humans try to develop drugs, such as antibiotics, and guess what? The bacteria evolve and now we have a HUGE problem with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. When it comes to things like mammals, birds, fish.... yeah, humans might be considered superior because we can kill off all these species. In fact, since the 1970s, we have slaughtered half the mammal and bird population on this planet. The result is a growing lack of diversity that is sickening the planet. Couple this with rampant polution and deforestation, and we are rapidly making the planet uninhabitable ... for us! How smart is that?
But perhaps we’re dealing with word choices again. You say it is obvious we are “superior,” but perhaps the word you are looking for is “dominant.” We are indeed the dominant species on the planet, but that doesn’t make us “better.”  Humans should all recognize that we need to live in harmony with the rest of the planet and not just consider it to be something we can use and carelessly toss away.

5) Mother Nature (hippy) (This may sound offensive)
Just another way to bash humans when they are not in the mood. The best argument:" Humans think that they can fight mother nature." Of course they can, even if that is not what I want. And mother nature does not even exist in my religion. But of course, furries are not Christians in majority.
Papabear: “Mother Nature” is a metaphor for the natural world. People don’t believe there is an actual woman goddess going around who is Mother Nature. And, no, as stated above, you can’t win against Mother Nature. You can’t poison the earth, water, and air and not face consequences; you can’t kill off all the other species and not face consequences. And if Mother Nature chooses to destroy us all with a huge asteroid or blow up the sun, we can’t do much about it. The hubris you are exhibiting is exactly the kind of attitude many humans have that is short-sighted, ignorant, selfish, and, ultimately, self-destructive.

6) Homo Novus
Just recently found out about it, furries want to evolve spiritually, and to be "better than ordinary homo sapiens.” I do not think that this will happen. I am proud to be Homo sapiens.
Papabear: That’s great that you are happy to be who you are and—while I’m at it—it’s great that you are comfortable in your religious beliefs. But everything evolves. You either evolve or you go extinct; this includes human beings. I find the concept of the Homo novus to be a very optimistic and lovely theory that we are capable of moving beyond Homo sapiens’ need for war, greed, politics, and species annihalation.
There is already considerable evidence that Homo sapiens is evolving, at least physically. We are much taller than our ancestors, our jaws are becoming smaller (both a result of our drastically changing diet), we have more back problems than our ancestors and problems with feet, vericose veins and such (a result of being sedentary), and so on. On a mental level, we are changing, too, as a result of advancing technology. We know a lot more about the world and are much more immersed in communications. The Internet and the coming virtual world may find us someday living entirely in an electronic reality; bionics, nanotechnology, etc. may find us one day merging with machines or even transferring our consciousnesses into androids. My hope is that our evolution won’t be just physical or mental but also spiritual. Spirituality has, indeed, evolved from polytheistic to monotheistic beliefs like the one you observe, and may even progress farther. I’ve written columns on this, but this isn’t place for that.

7) Their view on religion, and their religions
I don't think that I need to say much about this one. Furries are young and are trying to "fight the system.” They will be absolutely anything but not Christian/Muslim. Fifty % of the fandom is agnostic/atheist, other 30% are pagan and 17% are mixed and 3% are Christian/Muslim. Maybe I am wrong?
Papabear: Actually, a survey conducted in 2012 by the Anthropomorphic Research Project came in with these results: 44% atheist, 23% Christian, 9.5% agnostic, 4% pagan, 2% Wiccan, 1.5% Buddhist, 1.5 % Jewish, 0.5% Satanic, and the rest “Other.” Not sure where your figures come from. It’s interesting you don’t see Muslims on the charts, but I think that’s mainly because furry culture does not seem to have spread to the Middle East or much into Southeast Asia. Anyway, as you can see, the majority is either atheistic or Christian.
I don’t think furry beliefs have anything to do with “fighting the system.” Furries tend to be people who are already outside “the system” and who are open to exploring other ways of exploring spirituality. Also, again, as you can see by the large number of Christians, being furry doesn’t mean you have to abandon a more traditional belief. So, er.... not really getting your point about why this is bugging you. You come from an Orthodox Christian household, which is completely fine. I think if you went to a furcon and told people about your religion, they would be fine with that and then ask you if you wanted to go to a forum or the art room with them.

8) Using humans as the bad guys in art and stories
Well, there is a lot of art without humans at all, but some (a minority) just makes me cringe.

Papabear: You’re talking furry artists, so, yeah, they are going to draw furries and animals and write about them in stories. There’s been plenty of art and stories in history in which animals are the villains and humans are the heroes, so what’s wrong with a bit of a reversal? Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, right?
Art and literature should make one think and examine his or her preconceptions. In this case, furry art is challenging preconceptions of humans being noble and superior creatures. There’s lots of fiction predating the furry fandom that does this as well, so it’s nothing new.

9)Their anti-heterosexual view.
You already know what I am talking about.
E.g."A boy and a girl? Ewwwww....Disguisting!".

Papabear: Certainly not all furries are homosexuals. Surveys taken of furries in the past show them to be a mix of straight, homosexual, and bisexual. Indeed, depending on the survey, it’s kinda split evenly three ways. If you don’t want to hear furries say “Ewww” when you talk about straight sex, I suggest you stop hanging around the gay furries. There’s plenty of straight X-rated furry art online for you to enjoy.

10) Furry pride
Just some random bashing on people that are different (in extreme cases only), furs that are proud of their furriness, their kitty ears, tails, bisexuality...
In short, furries that are not ashamed of themselves!

Papabear: Why should they be ashamed of themselves? You are not ashamed of yourself? Why do you expect others to be ashamed of themselves just because they are different from you?

Maybe some furries should really stop reading now. Again, it is not my responsibility if there is a hate comment. I warned you.

11) Furries drawing only anthros, in every ocassion
There are some furries that take it on a very different level. They won't draw or do not feel comfortable with drawing anything human, or anything non-anthro. The idea that unnerves me is that some furries say that "everything looks better as an anthro"
E.g., Instead of drawing the youtuber as he is (for fanart), someone thought it would be better to draw him as an anthro with kitty ears and a fluffy tail....

Papabear: Um. So? That’s like asking a “regular” artist to draw furries. If they aren’t interested in drawing them, should they be nailed to the floor until they do?

12) Hijacking human culture
I think that you already know what this is. Since there is no name for this, I do not know how to officialy call it, and I couldn't have the privilege to do it. So the thing is that furries hijack parts of human culture for themselves.
For e.g. (You said something like) "Humanity made some really great stuff like music, architecture, dance... And these are all great people that are bound to nature" (you meant furries, did you?)
E.g. 2 "Humans can't love or feel forgivance from God, only furries can love and feel." Something like that.
Papabeaar: I recall saying that humans have done some wonderfully creative things, but I don’t recall saying “these are all great people that are bound to nature” and I couldn’t find that quote on the site, so not sure where it came from. I most certainly didn’t say the second quote, so that must be from somewhere else. Anyway, we aren’t hijacking human culture. We are humans, duh. We like art and dance and music. You’re saying that furries shouldn’t enjoy these things? That’s absurd.

12) Very furry view on "outsiders"
Very little to say about this, as it is not "that" annoying.
E.g."Furries view outsiders with distrust; that's why we call humans mundanes."
Wait, I thought that you were the outsiders, not the other way around.

Papabear: All cultures view other people outside the culture as outsiders; that is not unique to furries. You, as an Orthodox Christian Serbian, view people who are not to be “outsiders.” It’s human nature to form social groups and cultures in which members feel comfortable with each other and then they don’t feel comfortable with those who aren’t part of that culture. Furry culture is no different.

13)Furry slang
Humans: On the other hand
Furries: On the other PAW
Humans: Awesome
Furries: PAWsome
Humans: Convert
Furries: ConFURt
This is the slang (sorry if you are still reading) has a lot to do with nature.

Papabear: Again, so what? It’s just silly fun. Why do you care?

14) "Furrism" (Ideology)
(Of course, I just made the name up, there is no official name for this behaviour.)
The idea that furries do NOT have a bad side. They are too pure to have a bad side. Maybe they are right, did you know that furries lead better lives than ordinary humans? Did you know that furries have a bigger succes rate in getting a boyfriend/girlfriend? Did you know that furries can... Did you know that furries can do that... Really a lot of things! The fandom is about fun and all the good stuff in the world right?

Papabear: Wow, the world certainly looks different from Serbia than from where I’m sitting. Truth is, there are a LOT of complaints withing the community about some furries and their misbehavior; there is a lot of furry bashing going on, and there is a lot of “this is what a real furry is and you’re not it” going on. And have you been reading my column? You have any idea how many lonely furries are out there who can’t find a mate? On this point, in particular, you are waaaaaaay off base.

15) Making other fandoms look bad to make the furry fandom look good
Self-explanatory. Not just the fandoms. Furries need to put humans (Mundanes as they call us) on a lower position to upbring their fandom on a bigger position. Same with anime and other things.
Papabear: Concerning anime, you are grossly misinformed. I don’t usually say stuff like this to someone who writes to me, but good God you could not be more wrong. There is a HUGE fanbase of anime fans in the fandom! Tons of furries love anime! Good gravy! They also love Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Marvel and DC comics and many many more. I’m just... Where in the WORLD are you getting this from??? Completely, 100% totally WRONG.

16) A perfectly unique fandom
Even you said so Papabear:"The furry fandom is so unique and so... (I do not remember how you really said it)...large that it can NOT be put in a tiny box.That is the problem with others, they try to put us in a tiny box. To say that the furry fandom is this and not that".
Tiny problem there! Christianity and humanity "CAN" fit in a tiny box, and both of these are ENORMOUS! But the furry fandom can't be put in a tiny box?
So many Kings, Queens. So many Crown Princes, so many Great Chieftans, So many Sultans, so many Emperors, so many Proud princes. So many loyal soldiers, so many castles, so many villages,so many towns...And yet,we CAN be put in a tiny box.

Papabear: no idea what you mean by tiny box. But what I meant by the furry fandom being unique from other fandoms is that furries create their own chracters and stories while most other fandoms base their stories etc. on characters and worlds that were created by others (many of them franchises).

17) Furry book of "Anthropology and Religion"
I saw that you have a copy of that book. Papabear, you said that humans still have a "caveman mentality" and something about the "triple threat". That the Christian God, our God, is just "...A man in a white robe with a long white beard sitting on a throne on a cloud outlooking earth, with angels flying by his side and a large golden gate nearby, that is just stupid!" Your words.That one with the "caveman mentality" unnerved me the most."Me saw furries be bad,all furries be bad!", you really think humans sound that way? This is how our brains work? Are Christianity and humanity so miserable that they can be divided into 2 parts? Out brains work by trying to divide things until it is just "black and white"? Furry brains are advanced right?

Papabear: I do not own a book called Anthropology and Religion. Never heard of it. I also believe you are putting words in my mouth. I don’t say things like ALL humans or ALL Christians. I am not so stupid as to speak in such broad generalities. I don’t have time to look up all your references to what I wrote, but I do see you are, again, taking them out of context. In the letter when I mention God on a throne etc., I was talking to an atheist and noting that this is a traditional view of God (not necessarily one that everyone has) and that it was okay for him not to believe that. Likewise, I did a search on “caveman mentality.” I don’t see anywhere where I use that phrase.
I’m really thinking here that your command of English, while not bad, is not good enough to understand the context and subtleties of what I am writing. Therefore, you misread things and become quickly incensed and defensive.

18) Another ideology that says something interesting
This ideology I will not name. For it does not need one (Or I am just lazy).This ideology states that anyone that hates or has anything against the furry fandom is "A poorly evolved human being". Which in short means that the furry fandom does not have a bad side, only the brilliant one.
Papabear:  I never use the phrase “poorly evolved human being” that I can see on my site. I also cannot see me saying that anyone who “hates furries” is poorly evolved. If you can find that article, let me see it. I’m sure you are once more overreacting and taking things out of context.

19) Anthros are dangerous (Seriously)
Imagine this! Anthros in furry art and stories, they look so damn cute! But!!!!! Someone forgot that these pefectly kind and loving vixens and wolves are in fact KILLING MACHINES! With their predator teeth, razor sharp claws and "nightvision", they turn mundanes in minced meat! There are a lot of dangerous Antrho races,there are a few harmless ones like...Bunnies!

Papabear: Say what? Are you nuts? There are no such things as real anthros, so the above makes no sense and is irrelevant to the real world.

20) Confurting
A really effective way to confurt people to join the furry fandom is hijacking! The whole idea of "If you like and enjoy disney cartoons, or animals, you are a furry". Great mistake. A person is not a furry if he DOES NOT identify as one. In short,if he does not feel like one,like me!

Papabear: I already addressed your whole Disney thing above.

Is it possible that I am wrong? (Your Answer:"Of Course! Go to a furcon or meet a furry,it is really all about fun") Is it possible that I am just another kid that is just in a phase of life? Of course it can! I can not fight furries, they are too advanced for me! Even you! I can not fight homo novus. I am just HUMAN, with his caveman mentality.

Look, I know that you said that you have "nothing against Christianity" and "Nothing against humanity", but everything you say or do,or think just proves otherwise.

Ok, so after reading this long (reformed letter, which is not ending,yet),I  can say what my problem is.

I want to show that furries  DO HAVE A BAD SIDE! But that is just impossible since they are much stronger than us. Still, that is just a fraction of the problem.

Because I was a furry before (Did not even know that I was a furry), I still kind of enjoy looking at furry art for some reason.

I also wanted to say that your attitude towards humans is not good.Stating that we are "worse than animals" [Papabear: I do not believe I ever ever used that phrase, but I’d have to look at the context and I can’t find that phrase when I search on my letters, hmmm] means that even a parasite is better? The ironic thing is that you are against speciism but you used it right there!How can you prove that humans are not superior?You know why we are superior?Because we are a race that HAS not natural weapons,no claw,no predator teeth....The only thing that creates a gap between us and animals is that we have INTELLIGENCE.We create our weapons,animals have them.Animals find shelters.Humans CREATE castles,which is far more superior than any cave and bird nest.

There is something you said about mundanes too."Humans are a greedy and a warlike race"...Well seems enough to back up my theories,which will ultimately be proven WRONG.

So,I really wonder how will this letter be named?"Just a ranting mundane" or something like that?

It is legal to be gay and to be against God and Christianity. That won't get you to hell. But talking crap that is not true against religion will surely get you there. But the thing is, ou do not REALLY give a s*** about hell. It does not even exist right?

The question is:
Is this about the fandom wrong and why should I be a furry? Should I give it a try?

Thank you!

Rusell (age 14, Serbia)
* * *
Dear Rusell,
Absolutely not. You should not be a furry and I hope you don’t try to be one. You are so full of anger and resentment, that I think what you should do is see a therapist to find out why are you so fascinated and drawn toward something that you hate.
If you want to show that furries have a bad side, you really needn’t bother. Recent behavior at Oklacon and RainFurest already show that furries can behave badly.
Hey, we’re just human.

FARR: Suro Snowday for Surokoida :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 20:12
Categories: News

Hey there~ by Bellaboops

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 19:12
Categories: News

We need more pigs

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 18:05
Categories: News

Zaush & Hoot ~ Hoot

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 17:33
Categories: News

Headshot commission from Lawkie

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 17:20
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 16:14
Categories: News

Anyone else like sonas that are kinda scary but nice?

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 16:04

I really like scary monster furries that are really just friendly and nice. Like its neat to see a macro sona being helpful and kind or a demon sona that is cuddly instead of edgy.

submitted by Rolo_Swag
[link] [19 comments]
Categories: News

Return of the 'yena!

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 15:57
Categories: News

Episode 297 - Pumpkin Spice Puppy

Southpaws - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 15:10
Pumpkin spice everything. This week- Rainfurrest and why their situation scares us, a tiny bit about Undertale, Doctor Who, The Pumpkining, tumblr asks, and we kinda crush the dreams of someone who wants to be a full time furry. This weeks music break is "Mystic Lineage" by Esteban Bellucci, Toni Leys from OCRemix Like the show? Support us on Patreon! Episode 297 - Pumpkin Spice Puppy
Categories: Podcasts

The Great Ratsby: Urban Jungles

FurStarter - Sun 11 Oct 2015 - 13:44

 A fur-noir game from the makers of Ironclaw…


urbanjunglelogoUrban Jungle: Anthropomorphic Tabletop Role-Play

Kickstarter ending 11/8/15

urbanjungle1Urban Jungle is Sanguine Games’ latest entry into furry tabletop role play, and it’s unusual in a number of different ways. First, it’s a new anthro setting by Sanguine Games, which alone is pretty exciting–their “Ironclaw” world has been leaning heavily on reprints, and “Myriad Song” is an interesting space opera setting, but doesn’t really target their furry base.

Secondly, fans of Ironclaw and Myriad Song will be able to jump right into character creation, since Urban Jungle uses the Cardinal System. Since Ironclaw is a solid gateway to tabletop RPG for many furries, this opens up a new world that isn’t medieval fantasy. Modern role-playing is, literally, a different world, a new world with a lot of new story potential.

Thirdly, the setting itself—anthro characters aside—is unusual. Jazz age games, Prohibition-era stories, and stat blocks for flappers? They’re rare. The game that comes closest would be the dark horror “Cthulhu” setting, which gets frequent Tabletop RPG treatment because that’s when Cthulhu’s creator H.P. Lovecraft lived and wrote. Interestingly, it’s a strong time for furry fiction, with Blacksad, Lackadaisy, and the steampunky Grandville in or around that time period.

urbanjungle2Urban Jungle is set in the rise of “gangster as hero” in the American popular perception. Smugglers with contraband alcohol hiding from the law. The rise of organized crime brings tommyguns and sleazy charm into our fictions. Jaded flappers shoot their husbands and sing about it for an hour and a half, and all that jazz.

It looks like Urban Jungle is a one-off project, a single book to slide alongside your Ironclaw collection, so grab it while you can! It’s not a book that’s going to sit in stores. It is the sort of project that crowdfunding makes possible—Kickstarter is a great place to source one-off projects and limited release gems. And the Stretch Goals open up more quirky one-offs from the pulp era—Cthulhu (of cthorse) (that was funnier if you know how to pronounce “Cthulhu”), Buck Rogers, and an “It Came From the Drive In” series that gets a little fourth-wall-breaky, maybe a little more in the spirit of “Big Trouble In Little China” than “Great Gatsby.”

urbanjungle3Sanguine has a very strong track record with Kickstarter projects, lots of success stories and an EXCELLENT history of treating their backers well. I had the chance to sit in on a talk by Sanguine’s CEO Rafferty, he really knows his Kickstarter! Consistent elements of Sanguine kickstarters are a low and attainable goal (in many ways, these are as much “preorder” campaigns as fundraisers), and a general no-frills approach to backer rewards. There’s a lot more ways to get your character onto the pages of Urban Jungle, with cameo opportunities still available, so that’s a plus, but you aren’t going to be able to fill your pockets with swag. That’s neither a good or bad thing, though personally I don’t want to spend dollars on tee shirts and buttons that don’t add to game play.

In some ways, the “lowball” approach is one of the negatives of Sanguine Press. Their projects tend to have a 1995 feel, black and white with coarse pages. The modern TRPG industry is a lot more style over substance (ideally, you can have style AND substance, but mainstream gaming has gone for glossy color illos.) Sanguine makes a joke about it—of course in a Noir setting the illustrations would be black and white!—but to my mind it’s more of a dated look and “keep the cost low” publishing decision. Games like HC SVNT DRACONES show that in the era of print on demand gaming you can have great graphical content without breaking your personal bank. But the arguments about reasonable sales price and reasonable publisher profit are hard ones. There are no right answers. However, in the current indie RPG scene Sanguine is going to be strong inside the fandom, but at a disadvantage outside of it. The game isn’t terribly inviting if you didn’t already drink the furry kool-aid. My $.02 anyway.

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