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How does your fursona behave?

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 16:23

In what situations do they act like an animal? And when do they behave like a human?

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Categories: News

I'm Still Here :-)

Ask Papabear - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 15:34
Hi, Everyone,

I'm not leaving the column.

I won't lie and say that what happened with that troll didn't hurt. I was emotionally manipulated in an incredibly deceitful way by a person who regards himself as "clever" because he fooled me. So be it. Call me gullible. Call me stupid for trying to reply to a plea for help.

All my replies to his fake letters were made sincerely. They took me hours to write. In the meantime, other real people with real problems had to wait. So, his trolling also affected them.

It disturbs me greatly that this person regarded me as a subject for his "experiment." Humans are not lab rats. It is that attitude that led to things like experiments on Jews in concentration camps, the Tuskegee syphilis experiment in which black men were deliberately injected with a disease by the American government, or, more recently, Zuckerberg's little manipulation in which Facebook readers were deliberately fed negative news in order to see if it would depress them and affect their posts. I'm not saying what happened to me matches this scale, but the fundamental concept is the same: people are just things to be toyed with to the minds of trolls.

Dear readers, know this: what you see on this page is me. I have revealed to all of you my heart, my beliefs, my failings in order to gain your trust so that when I tell you something it will be believed as a sincere effort to try and help you. Now, sometimes I may be wrong. Sometimes I might even say something dumb, but at least it's done with honesty. Also, you do not have to listen to my advice. As you know, I don't charge for it. And I will never ever try to make you look foolish (er, maybe with the exception of this troll--how about this: I won't make you look foolish if you are honest with me).

Everything I've written here has been written for love of the furry community. I'm very sorry that I let this troll get to me. He really did hurt me deeply, and I will acknowledge that here so he can have his laugh at my expense. You know what? I'm only human. So is this troll guy, whoever he really is. And, as a human being and a furry, I will confess an ugliness in my heart. I frankly don't care who he is anymore, and, no, I don't wish him well. There is no good excuse for what he did. None.

If I could magically curse him, my curse would be this: that no one believes anything that comes out of his mouth for the rest of his life. (Good Lord! I just created another politician! Shame on me!)

Most people I meet in life are good people. For those good people, this column will continue.

Love You,


Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 14:35
Categories: News

What are some examples of 'fundamental' furry media?

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 13:24

Lots of people in the furry fandom have had a fascination with anthropomorphic animals since before they had ever heard of the furry fandom. I know some of the basics like Disney's Robin Hood, Starfox and the likes, but what are some other examples? Anything that particularly 'turned' you furry?

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

How is your holiday, folks?

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 13:23

Hi there everyone! Sorry for not being here much for the past two weeks. I had been busy with Uni. Now that my papers, exams and busywork is done for now, I'll be able to be here again more frequently,

So, how is your holiday furs of /r/furry? Enjoying your day off for those of you who have it? I didn't get the day off from classes today, but at least I'm not alone!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

I made something you might enjoy

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 13:09
Categories: News

In the Shadows of Artists

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 12:28

So can you think of any artists/musicians/writers that have - by their works - changed you in any ways? Is there anyone out there in the world of arts that you've fallen in love with and have allowed their work to help sculpt your life or your way of thinking? The artist may have inspired you to turn your life around, or maybe he/she sent you in a new direction? Maybe they taught you to see things differently.

For artists I can think of, I'd say among the groups there would be Donald Fagen (singer/songwriter/musician) and Tom Waits (singer/songwriter/musician).

Donald Fagen's songs seem to have this vibrant hope about them, which goes counter to how many envision the future. Donald inspired me with hope for tomorrow. Tom Waits's songs aren't so much as futuristically inspiring, but soul-touching. Tom Waits makes me value my relationships.

Anybody you'd like to share? Let's have a fun ol' discussion.

submitted by IWishIWasATurnip
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Categories: News

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 12:04
Categories: News

Deer Art :D

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 12:01
Categories: News

r/furry, show me your pets!

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 11:52

no. not the fetishy nyoorn this person is my pet :3~.

We are all here because we love (anthro) animals. but I'm sure there are people here that have their own furry/scaley friends irl!

Here is my bearded dragon, Benny when I first got him 3 years ago. apologies for the potato cam.. and here he is in a more recent picture. He is my lazy pancake and I love him.

So share your pets here, r/furry! If you dont have one..tell me your dream pet(s). For example, i'd own more reptiles if I could. I really, really want a crested gecko. look at that little dinosaur!

submitted by marshykip
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Categories: News

Slingshot icon by SolemnVulpine

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 11:11
Categories: News

“Furries For Kids” has a mission to join charities for clowns who help hospital patients.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 10:21
Here’s more about a previous Newsdump item.  (To read non-English links, try Google translate.) “Furries For Kids” comes from the German/Austrian community. It has a goal to set up a legitimate charity with fursuiters, like “Clown Care” (a program to bring the healing power of laughter to hospitals).  Here’s the website for their philanthropic organization. My translation of their mission: “Many people in the world […]
Categories: News

I'm Taking a Break and Here's Why

Ask Papabear - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 10:17
Dear Readers:

I recently got trolled. Some guy in Costa Rica wrote me two letters: one posing as a father of furries in America who needed some help and the other posing as an Orthodox Christian Serbian who hates furries. He later wrote and said I had been fooled and that I was basically a fraud and a lousy writer.

I try very very very very hard to help people on my website and I do it for no pay, taking time out of my busy schedule to do this. To give my heart to people, to reveal to them my innermost personal life and try to share the love of being furry and then to be emotionally manipulated like this doesn't make me angry. It makes me feel like I shouldn't even bother.

I've blocked this guy's emails, but there's no guarantee he won't disguise himself again and try to waste my time.

Therefore, the letter form on my site has new fields. One requires your real address and the other a phone number. These will not be posted on the site or shared with advertisers, but I WILL be calling people and checking this information to verify you are who you say you are.

I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Sadly, we live in a world where some people get their jollies out of wasting people's time and trying to make them look like fools.

I appreciate your cooperation. I had to to this or risk the site becoming a useless den for trolls and shutting it down.

As it is, this guy's prank is going to make the process much slower and will probably result in some people who could use my help to not write to me. For this, I am very sorry.

I am also taking a hiatus. Writing "Ask Papabear" for three years has proven emotionally exhausting for me. I've written before how helping people gives my life purpose. Now it seems that my life's purpose is just garbage to some people.

​I am going to focus on the Furry Book for a while. I don't honestly know when I will be back. The letters I have in the queue will be answered privately and not posted here.

Thank you,
A Very Sad Papabear

Quoting the email I got from him this morning:

Thank you,Papabear.

You still think that you can talk behind my back and escape with no casualties?

What is it?Isn't this a surprise!Ohhhh...That is right!Ahahaha...It was me all along.Kevin.

Both "Russell" and "Garry" are MADE UP.Serbia?I just randomly picked it.
Ahhhhh....Gross....I had to act that "Perfect family guy"...You fell for it.

Face it,the masquerade is over,and you gave me proof that you are just a coward who does not even have courage to face that "Idiot".

You may deny it,you will for sure.But,you even taught me something.You are ignorant...

You trusted Garry just because his wife and daughter is a furry.
And the other thing,you won't trust Russell because he is against the fandom.

So,after all,am I an  idiot.You bet I am!But,you are too,Kevin.

I am A hacker.You don't need to trust me.Both this accounts are stolen.

I live in Costa Rica actually.

Quite a shock Isn't it?I needed both accounts.One to milk out answers from you,and the other to frustrate you.Thanks for blindly believing me,Kevin.Ohhhh....Your face expression is priceless!I can only imagine the dread in your eyes!

But not everything is black and white here.You learned something today.Humans are assholes aren't they?
No,that is not it.Look,who am I?Just a random ass from the internet who does not have anything better to do in life but to hack and troll.You are somebody,you help people.Seriously.Great job!Continue doing that.Don't let this heap of shit make you think otherwise.No matter what others say,just keep doing it.

Bye bye.

An overdue FARR sketch for /u/RavenDesk

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 09:16
Categories: News