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貓介X奔仔咖啡廳聯合台聚 百位參加者感受治癒的「猫飯時光」

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sat 2 Dec 2023 - 08:55


本次聯合台聚大合照 圖/官攝團隊(迪麗雅、小葉、橘醬)

Twitch實況主貓介與奔仔,共同於10月7日,在台大綜合體育館-後台Backstage Café進行「貓介X奔仔咖啡廳聯合台聚」共同慶祝貓介第二次與奔仔第三次的線下台聚,共吸引105位粉絲同好前往參加。











Categories: News

Roan&Vikulan聯合台聚 百位粉絲與實況主「一起咬滾」

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sat 2 Dec 2023 - 08:50


實況主羅恩(Roan)與唬爛(Vikulan)為了慶祝開台實況滿一週年,因此在11/11當天舉辦「一起咬滾 Feat.Roan&Vikulan聯合台聚」,為台灣首次結合音樂會的方式進行,並邀請到竹本、奔仔和貓介擔任特別來賓。活動共有119位粉絲前來參與,在台北的典空間享受兩位實況主帶給粉絲們的各式活動。


活動首先以羅恩和樂團Time Traveler帶來表演,演唱水星記、王妃、戀愛ING等七首膾炙人口的歌曲。除此之外也讓當時自願上台演出的觀眾共六位,和特別來賓焦糖在台上演唱歌曲,讓台下觀眾驚呼聲不斷。

現場演出讓台下觀眾熱情揮舞手中的螢光棒支持。圖/藍風 特別來賓焦糖上台演唱『眉飛色舞』。圖/藍風 自願上台演唱的粉絲們也唱出十分動聽的音樂,圖中為參加者焰瀆演唱『消せない罪』。圖/藍風


由中場休息期間觀眾寫下的問題,在問題環節中讓奔仔與貓介兩人針對羅恩和唬爛兩位實況主提出詢問。圖/藍風 抽獎環節中的獎品都是活動方精心準備的。圖/藍風

週年慶生活動官方策劃了精心橋段,讓台下觀眾們在疑惑中,由羅恩上台感謝觀眾並現場演唱生日快樂歌,為台聚活動畫下完美句點。另外在活動結束後主辦單位也在原址進行After Party活動,讓參加者們可以邊吃著外燴,邊互相交流。

驚喜慶生橋段,意圖讓台下觀眾摸不著頭緒。圖/藍風 活動中場休息,讓參加者可以吃點食物並互相交流。圖/藍風 官方準備了紀念週邊,讓參加者可以購買並支持實況主。圖/藍風 會後的After Party不僅吃美食,還有歌手帕洛特和表演家季雪等人在現場演出,讓參加者們High到最高點,圖/藍風

主辦單位之一的羊咩表示,本次台聚活動策劃的非常臨時,也在原本規劃的台聚上增加了羅恩所擅長的表演,進而形成演唱會與台聚結合的形式。由於是第一次辦活動,羊咩說在開始企劃時也很慌亂,但在問題逐漸解決以及朋友的協助下,順利完成本次聯合台聚活動,也希望觀眾們能有許多的收穫和感動。 對於接下來是否會再舉辦,羅恩表示目前還沒有規劃,但肯定是會舉辦第二屆台聚,希望能在和各位粉絲們一起歡笑、玩耍與感動。


Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting S4E31 - T-Day Living

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 2 Dec 2023 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!


It doesn’t take long for Taebyn to lose it on this episode.  We chat about all the regular stuff and have some fun along the way. We have transfurmation station, a movie review from Cheetaro, and tell some really bad jokes. So join us for about 90 minutes of your life. We promise you may not regret it!

Moobarkfluff all you furs! 


Taebyn YouTube 

Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall 


Wild Bills Soda 

Merch at Redbubble 

Merch at Bonfire 

Merch at Fourthwall 

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S4E31 - T-Day Living
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 549 - Crab Rave

Southpaws - Fri 1 Dec 2023 - 12:57

Two old dogs yap at clouds! Fuzz and Savrin go over the new stuff coming to MFF, fake book fairs send fake woman to tell a fake story about a kiss giving her the extremely fake ailment of 'porn addiction', Patreon throws some furries under the bus, and Elon makes a major public ass of himself for the 9000th time. Also, the show Fuzz was referring to at the very end is Vox Machina, the Critical Role animated show on Netflix that got renewed for a second season.

Mysterious woman tells school board that Scholastic book sparked porn addiction (
Rude Tales of Magic
Skulltenders: A DnD Comedy/Horror Podcast

Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon

Telegram group - 

Episode 549 - Crab Rave
Categories: Podcasts

Justice Has Teeth

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 30 Nov 2023 - 06:49

And one more from Marvel, as they release the Marvel Unleashed trade paperback, compiling four issues of the original comic written by Kyle Starks and illustrated by Jesus Hervas. “When Kraven the Hunter abducts the teleporting hound Lockjaw at the same time as a local scientist mixed up with A.I.M. goes missing, it’s up to Throg the Frog of Thunder, Redwing the Falcon, Chewie the catlike Flerken, Lucky the Pizza Dog, Bats the Ghost Dog and their scrappy new ally, D-Dog to save the day! But there’s more to this case than meets the eye, and something infernal lurks in the shadows. Can feathers, fangs and claws stand against one of the deadliest foes in the Marvel Universe? Or will these Pet Avengers be made to suffer their worst nightmares?” (We’ll ponder that as we travel to Midwest FurFest. See you all next week!)

image c. 2023 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

專訪《伏魔獸國》核心團隊 獨家創作經歷與故事大公開!

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Wed 29 Nov 2023 - 21:00




2022年試玩到現在,我們根據了試玩的反應與各方建議,重新製作原有的 DEMO 版本的程式架構和敵人配置。所以2023獸無限的試玩版是調整後的版本。目前伏魔獸國官方的DC上也有2023 DEMO的試玩版本連結,我們非常歡迎玩家來體驗新版本的伏魔獸國。至於未來的正式版,希望未曝光的新增能帶給玩家們更多驚喜。









而我最期待寫的角色是瑪庫路。對我來說,當初聽阿品介紹關於他的世界觀和背景時,瑪庫路同時是最吸引我跟最讓我揪心的。這裡我不能透漏過多,不然會暴雷! 瑪庫路的故事很有挑戰性是因為雖然原住民文化一直存在於我周圍,但我對它並不熟悉。我很開心能透過跟阿品的合作,讓我能夠透過瑪庫路這個角色,更好地讓玩家認識《伏魔獸國》背後可以述說的台灣文化故事。

鄭銳 天碇 瑪庫路







在那段時間,我投文學獎,不僅沒有得獎,甚至連入圍都沒有,也鮮少有人願意委託我寫作。在飯都吃不飽的情況下,我的心情很痛苦。我開始懷疑自己是不是寫作沒有程度,真的無法靠創作維生,甚至開始懷疑自己是否真的有能力通過創作為生,也找不到自己的人生方向。然而,我很幸運,後來在人生中找到了新的目標。於是,我開始把創作當作一種養生的方式,也理解只有自己的心態變好,才能夠繼續寫作這個道理。 而參與《伏魔獸國》的計畫也算是我人生的轉捩點。這次阿品的邀請,我發現自己並不是一個沒有內涵的人。原來,我也能創作出感動人心的作品。

(阿品回答) 奶酪某部份上因為全國性文學獎比賽沒得名,而因此否定自己;但是奶酪可以去蘇格蘭念兒童文學是一件很難的事情,代表奶酪有一定的專業性存在,所以我覺得用沒得到名次,來否定自己的專業性是一件不值得的事情。 我跟奶酪之間也聊很多創作,像是我閱讀大量書籍這件事就讓奶酪很驚訝。 大多數人對人之間的了解其實都很片面的,例如別人可能認為說阿品是一位繪師,是不是不理解文學作品?而且現在網路時代彼此跟彼此交流的時間又很少,很容易只看到片面,除非是深度的聊天過,要不然不要妄下定論。 回到前面,在很早之前奶酪有跟他提過會消失一段時間,也是因為他的作品都沒有動靜,去詢問奶酪的意願後才有這次合作。








最大的困難是募集夥伴吧,因為如果是我一個人下去製作的話,會遇到很多問題。 以及一開始和你並肩作戰的夥伴,並不一定能走到最後。

有時候可能會遇到對方因為有別的工作、有自己的生活或是其他原因,沒辦法在遊戲開發中照原本的規畫合作,但如果全部都一個人執行就會爆肝,工作量會大到想哭(欸!?。 所以我一邊招募夥伴,一邊要cover其他沒人製作的地方,找到之後再慢慢把專職項目過渡給對方。






Categories: News

Fifty Short Years of…

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 29 Nov 2023 - 02:58

And more from Marvel! You’ve been hearing more about Howard the Duck too. Well guess what? 2023 marks his 50th anniversary in comics! With that in mind, Chip Zdarsky and Joe Quinones (creators of the recent Howard revival comic) have gathered some talented friends together to write and illustrate a special Howard the Duck One Shot to celebrate the event. “Meet Howard. He’s a hard-boiled P.I. with problems by the duckload. But a cosmic, all-seeing friend (?) known as the Peeper (!) is giving him a chance to see what his life could be! The joys he could have! All the ways his life could suck way less than it does now!”

image c. 2023 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 04

TigerTails Radio - Tue 28 Nov 2023 - 05:32

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 04. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Half-World Full-Force

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 28 Nov 2023 - 02:58

Needless to say it’s been a good year for Rocket Raccoon. And Marvel Comics have been right there to remind us how things first got big, with the release Rocket Raccoon: Marvel Tales #1, a new compilation of the original Rocket Raccoon comic series from 1985. “Acclaimed writer Bill Mantlo teamed with superstar-in-waiting Mike Mignola to present Rocket’s first solo adventure as Guardian of the Keystone Quadrant! When Rocket’s girlfriend Lylla is kidnapped by the mercenary Blackjack O’Hare and held captive by Lord Dyvyne, one of the most powerful creatures on Halfworld, it’s up to the galaxy’s deadliest weapons expert to go in – guns blazing – and save the day!” This trade paperback brings together all four issues with some brand new artwork.

image c. 2023 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

Apes Not Want War

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 27 Nov 2023 - 02:57

While we’re waiting for the new Planet of the Apes movie in 2024, Marvel Comics has one of the first tie-in comic series for the latest version of the famous movie franchise. Planet of the Apes (imaginative title) recently hit the shelves, written by David F. Walker (Luke Cage) and illustrated by Dave Wachter (Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon). “The ALZ-113 virus has rampaged across planet Earth, and humanity is crumbling. While well-meaning researchers hunt for a cure, a fanatical group of humans has their own solution: Kill all apes. Peacekeeper Juliana Tobon is one of the few willing to stand against them, but the crisis is spreading, and soon apes will witness the true depths of human cruelty.” Ook.

image c. 2023 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

Who’s There? Land Shark!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 25 Nov 2023 - 23:26

My my, the things we miss on line… Fortunately most stuff eventually winds up on dead trees, and we get things like the new It’s Jeff! one-shot comic from Marvel. “Since his very first appearance, Jeff the Land Shark has flooded our hearts like an adorable tidal wave! Now the ingenious, the extraordinary, the unbearably innocent Jeff embarks on his own adventures across the Marvel Universe! You thought it was safe doing laundry or going for a leisurely swim in the pool…but no activity can protect against Jeff’s cuteness! Collecting the hit Infinity Comics series from the Marvel Unlimited app, this one-shot features a brand-new cover and tail…we mean tale!” Written by Kelly Thompson, illustrated by Gurihiru, and on the shelves right now.

image c. 2023 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

FurBQ '19 (EP: 113)

The Raccoon's Den - Sat 25 Nov 2023 - 15:05

Nothing like a day at the annual FurBQ to kick off the Autumn season! See more at: FACEBOOK: TWITTER/X: FURAFFINITY: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: #TheRaccoonsDen #TRDs9 #FurBQ2019
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting S4E30 - YCH

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 25 Nov 2023 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Episode Note: Due to the crush of the Thanksgiving Holiday, this week’s episode is ‘lightly edited’.  This ep is more like a ‘live’ version and is less polished. But we still hope you enjoy our shenanigans!

Moobarkfluff! Hello to all the creatures in the Podiverse. This week we are all together again: Bearly, Taebyn and Rayne! We chat about all the usual things, Rayne gives us some Media Quotes, we have a story in the news, Taebyn reads a story and we play a little This or That!  So join us for about an hour as we explore our furry world. Moobarkfluff all you furs! 


Taebyn YouTube 

Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall 


Wild Bills Soda 

Merch at Redbubble 

Merch at Bonfire 

Merch at Fourthwall 

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S4E30 - YCH
Categories: Podcasts

Who’s A Good Boy?

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 25 Nov 2023 - 02:49

Yehudi Mercado is a creator we’ve heard about before ’round here. Well now he’s back as the writer and illustrator of a really unusual, nearly-wordless graphic novel “for kids” from DC Comics called Barkham Asylum. “When the Super-Villains of Gotham get thrown into Arkham Asylum, their hench-pets go to the maximum-security pound known as Barkham Asylum. Fur flies when Jester, The Joker’s dog, gets a tough-talking stray cat named Penny tossed into lockup with him. But they’ll have to work together to figure out what the evil Dr. Hugo Mange is up to. And the only way to stop this terrifying team-up is to win the talent show and get visitation with their masters at Arkham on the hill. Because the Joker is sure to help! What could go wrong with that plan?” It’s escaping next February.

image c. 2023 DC Comics

Categories: News

So Who DID Come First?

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 24 Nov 2023 - 02:57

Hitting at an interesting idea from several angles at once, Canadian production house Wind Sun Sky have given us Future Chicken, a new environmentally-themed presentation for children that’s arriving as a podcast, a streaming series, an interactive web site, and so forth. Here’s an announcement from Animation Magazine: “Wind Sun Sky Entertainment partnered with the Ontario Water Centre’s social enterprise ClearWater Farm are gearing up for the November 5 launch of Future Chicken — a new animation property designed to help children counter ‘climate doomism’ with hope, inspiration and empowerment — with the announcement of a coop-load of trailblazing green guest stars. This new global platform will launch with a digital series, a podcast, YouTube shorts, a Roblox experience and more. Featuring a variety of entertaining learning experiences for kids aged six to nine years old, the property revolves around a time-travelling eco-superhero chicken from 2050 named Potato, a.k.a. Future Chicken, who travels alongside other amusing characters, including a gossipy mushroom with a love of travel and an egg who wears rocket-pants.” Typical stuff that, of course. The official web site has a whole lot more.

image c. 2023 Wind Sun Sky

Categories: News

S10 E18 – History Mystery - Data can tell us a lot about the furry fandom. But every so often, one answer leads to an entirely new question. This week the cast wrack their brains to solve some mysteries in the furry data: Why did so many furries join the

Fur What It's Worth - Wed 22 Nov 2023 - 12:06
Data can tell us a lot about the furry fandom. But every so often, one answer leads to an entirely new question. This week the cast wrack their brains to solve some mysteries in the furry data: Why did so many furries join the fandom in certain years? And how much of a nostalgia trip would it be to remember what was happening back on those days?

Thank you!
MephistophEli for the email!
The following people have decided Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!

Uber Supporter Tier


Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters

Ashton Sergal, Nuka, MephistophEli

Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka, Baldrik, Lufis

Deluxe Supporters Tier

Tenax, Plug

Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat

McRib Tier Supporters

Victor Mutt
Ichigo Ookami


Intro: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth.
First Break: Rev - Eveningland, Creative Commons 2018.
Second Break: Mystery Skulls – Ghost. USA: Warner Bros Records, 2011. Used with permission.
Third Break: Holo - Ampyx, Argofox, Creative Commons 2020.
Patreon: Inflammatus - The Tudor Consort, Creative Commons 2019
Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 E18 – History Mystery - Data can tell us a lot about the furry fandom. But every so often, one answer leads to an entirely new question. This week the cast wrack their brains to solve some mysteries in the furry data: Why did so many furries join the
Categories: Podcasts

Four Stars for Four Legs

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 22 Nov 2023 - 02:33

And yet more MIPCOM stuff, this time out of China by way of Canada. Got that? Here, this is from Animation Magazine: “Canadian kids’ & family entertainment company WildBrain has partnered with Tencent Video and animation studio Miaow’s House as the exclusive worldwide distributor outside of mainland China of the new animated series, Pet Hotel. The series follows the comedic antics of Lili the dog, Bubu the guinea pig and cats Nai Nai and Vicky as they welcome new animal friends to their home at the Pet Hotel. Unlike other hotels, the Pet Hotel — which has been converted from an old grocery store — is filled with high-tech inventions created by the pets’ caregiver and hotel owner, Robin; from massage tables to automatic feeders! The animal buddies and their young owner face various quirky customers and their wacky pets every day, giving rise to numerous entertaining stories. It’s no question that every guest at the Pet Hotel will leave happy, having made a new set of friends.”  Have a look at the article.

image c. 2023 Wildbrain

Categories: News

Episode548 - This Is Fine

Southpaws - Tue 21 Nov 2023 - 11:57

Billionaires going fully mask off and losing advertising, the USDA updating their hardiness maps after 11 years, AI is trying to hurt you, and government people are threatening to fight each other, but Savrin got to see animals at the Fort Worth Zoo, so who can say if things are bad or not?

Google snippets falsely claimed eating glass has health benefits - Full Fact
USDA's plant hardiness zone map shows half the country has shifted : NPR
Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon
Telegram -

Episode548 - This Is Fine
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 03

TigerTails Radio - Tue 21 Nov 2023 - 05:48

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 03. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Talent, Kid, Talent!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 20 Nov 2023 - 02:35

Here’s something else we recently found at Animation Magazine: “Two Ireland-based animation houses, Lighthouse Studios (The Bob’s Burgers Movie, The Cuphead Show!) and Dog Ears (Puffin Rock and the New Friends) are partnering to co-produce an all-new animated adventure series for kids ages 5-7, dubbed Stage Struck!” The description goes like this: “Creatures large and small — including Coco the crocodile and her friends — are welcomed to Showtime School, founded by the much-loved Miss Feathers. At Showtime School, everyday classes present extraordinary performance challenges! In classrooms full of pianos and crash-mats, even the ‘normal’ subjects have a theatrical spin — from the history of puppetry to the science of sound waves! Showtime’s students get a taste of music, movement and razzle-dazzle from all over the world — drumming circles, beat-boxing, fox-trotting, monologues, card tricks, Beatniks, and up-tempo Bhangra. Every day is a creative adventure!” Currently it’s seeking world markets at MIPCOM. (Are we the only ones getting a severe Richard Scarry vibe out of that illustration? We can’t be.)

image c. 2023 Lighthouse Studio

Categories: News