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TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 08

TigerTails Radio - Tue 2 Jan 2024 - 05:46

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 08. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

You and the Furry Fandom (Editorial)

Ask Papabear - Mon 1 Jan 2024 - 15:23
Dear Readers,

I'd like to begin this year, if you will indulge me, with a little editorial on my thoughts about the fandom and being a furry in general.

This year, Papabear will turn 59, which is the age that my late husbear, Jim, died, so you might imagine this is cause for reflection for me. Also, I am trying very hard to finish my book about the furry fandom, so it is a year for a couple of milestones for me. SO MUCH has changed in the fandom since I began researching my book way back in 2015! SO MUCH has changed since I started this advice column in 2012! Heck, so much has changed in general. I'm also thinking a lot about what furry means to me and where the fandom is going.

In human society (at least, in the American society with which I am intimately familiar), we go through the following stages in life:

  1. Ages 0-20 are spent learning about the world and how to function in it and what society's expectations are of us (e.g., i.e., how to be a good little citizen/son/daughter/ wife/husband/father/mother)
  2. Ages 21-40 we are busy fulfilling those expectations by getting married, buying a car, getting a job, buying a house, having children, climbing the corporate ladder to "success."
  3. Ages 41-60 (if we make it, especially, but also if we don't) we start questioning all these "accomplishments" because we find them to be very unfulfilling, so we start searching for who we really are. This is often called a "midlife crisis."
  4. Ages 61 to death: If we stuck with the status quo, we look toward retirement and remaining years doing expected stuff such as taking cruises and golfing until we end up in a rest home and wait to die. If we didn't, we might have a few years left to revel in enjoying being ourselves before we grow sick and die.

The above is a generalization, of course, but it is the basic pattern I see in our society.

But what if we refused to follow that pattern? What if, after figuring out what the world is about (e.g., being a nice little cog in the Wheel of Society), we reject this paradigm, skip Phase 2, fast-forward Phase 3, and enjoy the self-actualization of Phase 4 from our 20s all the way until death?

That, for me, is what the furry fandom is about in many ways: exploring the TRUE YOU through imaginative play and creativity, free from all the constraints that enslave the unhappy throngs that imprison most of the population.

When Jim was still alive, we would go to cons together (he wasn't a furry, but he was very supportive just like my current husband, Michael). I think it was at MFF (c. 2011, I believe) when he made an observation that struck me as quite perceptive. "Kevin," he said, "these furries are an awful lot like the hippies in the Sixties." In other words, this isn't just a fandom, it's a countercultural movement.

Admittedly, there are a lot of furries who just indulge in the fandom for its shock value and for something to do because "they're bored." I've heard quite a few young people say that. They are the kind of furries who leave the fandom when they eventually buy into Phase 2.

For the rest of us, furry is a way to shed all those expectations, requirements, judgments, and rules imposed upon us by society. Being an anthro is the overt way of expressing rebellion for human ways, but internally we are also searching for secret doors to passages that will allow us to escape the predetermined molds into which we are expected to fit.

This is why it is ironic when certain furries try to impose rules designed to judge whether or not you are a "real furry." This is totally counter to the spirit of the fandom, which is iconoclastic at its very core.

Some of these gatekeepers are from the Old Guard (furries who've been around 30-40 years or so) who don't like how the fandom has changed. Well, it's OK for it to change. If it didn't, it would become stagnant and soon die.

Some of these gatekeepers are newer to the fandom, but they impose "rules" in order to set themselves up as the "real furries" who are in charge and get to tell others what is right or wrong about the fandom. They usually seek power and influence because they are trying to hide their own low self-esteem by putting others down.

Don't listen to either group.

What makes the furry fandom different from all other fandoms is that it is the members of this fandom who determine its nature, not some TV or movie franchise, not some corporate entity like Paramount or Lucas Films or Disney, and not even some nonprofit organization.

No. WE make the fandom what it is today, and WE will make it what it will be tomorrow.

No rules. Just play.

Play is important. Don't disregard the value of play. Avoid the people who want to take the play away.

Changes in the fandom are accelerating exponentially. We can look forward to many developments as the fandom continues to grow, gets influenced by outside cultural changes, and finds new opportunities for expression through advancing technologies. By 2034 it might not even be recognizable compared to 2024. I know it has changed considerably since 2014, so I expect even greater changes in another 10 years.

Here's the point (in case you were wondering): If you came to the fandom as a way to escape the doldrums and judgment of mainstream society and better express yourself; if you came here to find furiends like yourself; then don't worry about whether or not you fit in and what rules you must follow. You DO fit in and there are NO RULES except the ones you write for yourself.

This fandom is for YOU not some verkokte gatekeeper. 

Oh, and BUCKLE UP! The next 10 years are going to be a WILD RIDE!

Happy New Year!


Furries globally welcome 2024 with celebrations

Global Furry Television - Mon 1 Jan 2024 - 03:23

兽迷们以缤纷多彩的方式迎接 2024 年
Categories: News

Not the Early Bird

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 31 Dec 2023 - 23:10

And rounding out the year with another title for young readers this time from Scout Comics: Mortimer the Lazy Bird, written by Brendan Deneen and illustrated by Marco Antonio Cortez. “This is the story of a bird, Mortimer, and a very talkative worm, Lucius, two strangers who are supposed to be enemies, but end up becoming best friends! Their adventures won’t be easy, though they will be fun!” Talk about playing with your food. [Happy 2024, everyone! Thanks for spending 2023 here with us — ye ed-otter.]

image c. 2023 Scout Comics

Categories: News

FABP End of Year Stats 2023 #shorts

Fox and Burger - Sun 31 Dec 2023 - 04:31

We at Fox and Burger want to take a moment to reflect on the past. Please enjoy this infographic video which shows our hard work this year! We truly thank our viewers, sub, and guests for making this podcast what it is. Happy New Year!! 🎆🥂
Categories: Podcasts

Don’t You Monkey With The Monkey

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 31 Dec 2023 - 01:54

Another graphic novel series for young, beginning readers. We came across the Bobo and Pup-Pup series, written by Vikram Madan and illustrated by Nicola Slater. It features two young animals with very different personalities who are still best friends. The first book in the series is called We Love Bubbles. “Did you ever have a friend who likes doing something that you find completely annoying? Well, Bobo and Pup-Pup both love bubbles. Bubbles are the absolute best–on that they can agree! While Pup-Pup loves blowing them, Bobo loves popping them…way too much for Pup-Pup’s taste. It’s getting frustrating! Pup-Pup has a clever idea to stop Bobo from popping them. But, then Bobo gets carried away…literally!” Three more books in the series so far, and more on their way as well.

image c. 2023 Random House

Categories: News

2023獸無限「戲獸台灣」 濃厚台式風格讓眾人同樂

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sat 30 Dec 2023 - 03:13



















Furry Auto Club of Taiwan在會場進行車展活動,有近20多台汽機車在場展示,也吸引毛毛到場拍照。圖/藍風攝









Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting S4E35 - And Now A Warning

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 30 Dec 2023 - 03:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Moobarkfluff! THIS IS OUR 200TH EPISODE!!!!! Hello all you furs, why not join Bearly, Taebyn and Rayne on our magical journey this week. We reveal the answers to so many of life’s questions, get some time discussing Furry things, and generally have a typical visit with Taebyn. Settle in for a wonderful end of  year episode.

Moobarkfluff all you furs! 


Taebyn YouTube 

Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall 


Wild Bills Soda 

Merch at Redbubble 

Merch at Bonfire 

Merch at Fourthwall 

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S4E35 - And Now A Warning
Categories: Podcasts

Oys Will Be Oys

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 30 Dec 2023 - 02:48

So is having a weird furry friend a wonderful thing, or more of an awkward thing? That’s the big question posed by Monster Bar Mitzvah, the new graphic novel written by Josh Anderson and illustrated by Dustin Evans. “In this unusual graphic novel for younger readers, Eli is feeling left out of the family’s preparations for his older brother’s bar mitzvah. He wants to help but can’t seem to do anything right. Then he meets the monster under his bed, and things begin to change . . . but not always for the better. Will Eli be able to get the monster under control in time for the big event, or will there just be more and more chaos? ” Find out now, in hardcover from Behrman House.

image c. 2023 Behrman House

Categories: News

GFTV to bilingualise its Telegram news feed

Global Furry Television - Thu 28 Dec 2023 - 10:11

Categories: News

Does He Write Scripts?

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 26 Dec 2023 - 01:50

Look, sometimes we just can’t explain something — so we simply have to give it to you as we found it. Things like Timothy Dinoman Saves The Cat, written and illustrated by Steve Thueson. “To learn what these suspected supervillains want with outer-space tech, the world’s nicest iguanodon will visit a mountain fortress, a giant blimp, and a diner with excellent pancakes. On the way, he’ll even meet a really cute cat. Grab your rocket boots and your fake mustache — it’s time to crack the case with Timothy!” Find out what’s it’s all about from Lerner.

image c. 2023 Lerner Books

Categories: News

Wander into Wonder

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 25 Dec 2023 - 02:53

A new full-color graphic novel for young readers: It’s called The Wondrous Wonders, written and illustrated by Camille Jourdy. “Hurt by her parents’ divorce and struggling to accept her new step-family, she decides to run away and live alone in the woods. But she soon discovers that she’s far from alone. Jo stumbles into a fantastical world full of tiny elves, talking foxes, and mischievous, multicolored ponies known as the Wondrous Wonders. Her new friends are on a mission: Rise up against Emperor Tomcat, the tyrannical leader who rules the enchanted forest they call home. Can Jo find the courage to vanquish an evil empire and get back to her family before dinnertime?” Find out now, in hardcover from Macmillan. (Merry Christmas and a Blessed Solstice!)

image c. 2023 First Second

Categories: News

Candy by Bluesugar | Taste Test (EP: 117)

The Raccoon's Den - Sat 23 Dec 2023 - 19:42

Bandit, BcB and Abbey try homemade candies by Bluesugar, sent in from Denmark! What is your favorite kind of candy? Share with us! Bluesugar candy orders: (Available flavors may vary, contact vendor for more info) SEASON 9 SURVEY 1: See more at: FACEBOOK: TWITTER/X: FURAFFINITY: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: #TheRaccoonsDen #TRDs9 #BluesugarDK
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting S4E34 - Title to be entered later

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 23 Dec 2023 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Moobarkfluff! Taebyn and Rayne join Bearly for a fine time on the show.  We hear about upcoming events, some news of the odd, we learn about animals that are missing to science. Taebyn tries his tongue at a classic Dr. Seuss story: Fox in Socks, and we play Star Trek Mad Libs.  All in all we have a great time and laugh a lot. So join us, won’t you, for this flufftacular journey! Moobarkfluff all you furs! 


Taebyn YouTube 

Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall 


Wild Bills Soda 

Merch at Redbubble 

Merch at Bonfire 

Merch at Fourthwall 

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S4E34 - Title to be entered later
Categories: Podcasts

Grovel Reports Dec Edition 2023

Grovel Reports - Fri 22 Dec 2023 - 23:08

Hello! Welcome to a summary of recent news in the furry community. Links below are what was mentioned in this broadcast: Alfurnative In regards to me talking about a Flipper being used at the con, It happened to me at BLFC and not FC this year. Anthro Northwest post on their TOS update Further Confusion 25th Anniversary! Midwest Furfest numbers BLFC Canfurence statement If you like the work I do please like/follow/share to support the channel For faster updates, check out my telegram channel Subscribe to show support Grovel Reports Studio made by Kydek Banners used in the channel were made by Slushi Music created for Grovel Husky by Whooshagg Many thanks to Da Bean for taking photos/recording Grovel Reports Dec Edition 2023
Categories: Podcasts

2023 Year in Review! [FABP E39]

Fox and Burger - Fri 22 Dec 2023 - 23:00

In this episode, we recap how FABP performed in 2023, our travels and adventures this year, and take a sneak peek into the future of the pod in 2024. From me and Burger, we wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year!!! ---- Timestamps: 00:00 Teaser 00:43 Intro 01:41 Reflecting on 3 years of podcasting 03:18 Michael’s updates 06:06 Michael’s travels 10:43 Burger’s updates 13:20 What Burger misses about Texas 16:09 Podcast stats 22:02 Our favorite guests from 2023 25:08 Burger's favorite moments in Asia 29:08 Michael's favorite moment in Asia 33:47 Making improvements 38:02 YouTube Shorts 40:48 Future plans and changes 44:36 What does the audience want to see? 47:52 Thank you guys!!! 48:46 Social Media Shoutout 51:09 Outro ---- Social Media: Our official Twitter: Bluesky: Michael: Burger: ---- Footage Credit: Other pictures and video provided by Pixabay, and guest’s and host’s personal footage. Intro/Outro Music: Drown Me Out - YVEN ---- The Fox and Burger Podcast is one segment of our production house, Fox and Burger Productions. The podcast’s goal is twofold: 1, to know more about the Asian furry fandom; and 2, compare and contrast the Asian fandom with the Western one. If you have a guest that you would like to see on the show, please PM us! We will also take questions for our guests, so don’t miss this opportunity to know some amazing furs.
Categories: Podcasts

LGBT refugees seek asylum with FUR/HELP while Russia limits human rights

Dogpatch Press - Fri 22 Dec 2023 - 04:31

This news is illegal in Russia.

In late November 2023, Russia’s supreme court declared the movement for gay rights to be “extremist.” Mentioning LGBTQ activity without condemning it can get you fined, imprisoned, deprived of bank accounts, and worse. The New York Times says “any news organization, blogger or even an individual” is at risk.

Russian homophobes have pushed for this authoritarian rule for a long time. In 2021, it was proposed against LGBT and associated categories, including furries. This led to Dogpatch Press reports about harassment of Russian furry events that foreshadowed the official ruling now.

The excuse is to “protect children” from gay adults who love each other, as if they were created by an international political group that doesn’t exist, rather than by human nature. Any sign of their existence can be defined as harmful propaganda. The definition is so broad and vague that Russia’s government can punish anyone for anything, even wearing a rainbow. (Fandom is for creative expression, which has a lot of overlap with identity expression, so claims to be apolitical can’t be counted on to protect anyone.) The effects have ranged from putting adult rating on My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, to murdering people in one furry’s story below.

While Russia’s government labels this extremist, they’re protecting people from cartoons while raising murder. People in this upside-down land need to flee for safety.

Take a good look at how stupid this is. It's a Russian government excuse for punishing anyone for any reason they want. That's what the right wing wants in America, too.

'My Little Pony' Gets Adult Rating After Russia Declares 'LGBT Movement' Extremist

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) December 11, 2023

The mission of FUR/HELP

Many refugees have dramatic stories of escaping danger, but few have guides like FUR/HELP, a Furry LGBTQIA+ Refugee initiative to save clients in post-Soviet regions and American Trans lives from persecution.

YukiDeer, the founder and ambassador, explains their work:

We are working to help refugees since November 2022, and since then have helped more than 5 furry refugees escape to safe third countries to wait for their transfer to a destination asylum country.

We helped a person that withstood torture in a psychiatric hospital. They were loaded with drugs to a vegetable-like state just because they were transgender. Their family put them into the facility as far as we know, and basically had to flee with help of other nonprofits. FUR/HELP helped the person when they arrived to one of the post-Soviet countries. We provided funds for food, a hostel until they could find stable housing, and advice on legal conditions and how to find support and work.

We helped two transgender people in dangerous situations with advice on how to access LGBTQIA services in the USA to get help with housing, and helped other people find housing as well.

And finally, we helped 1 Ukrainian homosexual flee occupied regions of Ukraine with help of other non profits. It was scary.

We plan to base ourselves in Canada, but for now we are 100% remote, with people volunteering for us mostly in Eastern Europe.

YukiDeer’s bio includes IT worker, Twitch streamer, and maker of design and music with a lot of personal stake in this: “I actively act as a LGBTQIA+ rights activist in EU and NA regions. I was raised in Ukraine, but born in Russia. I’m also in the process of establishing Furry Philanthropy Community or FPC for short — platform for Furry run NGOs and singular philanthropes to coordinate humanitarian action.”

More soon about how and why YukiDeer established FUR/HELP, but let’s look at what refugees are reaching for.

The need for asylum and the benefit of humanitarian aid.

The legal process for gaining citizenship is easiest for people with means and opportunity, savings, a job, family, or partner to support them without burdening the system. Those conditions are lacking for many refugees who are forced to flee from disaster, poverty and violence in places that lack human rights.

Their alternative is to claim humanitarian aid with asylum. That’s not just a burden, it raises international security that benefits everyone already in a country by keeping neighbors stable. To get it, an immigrant may have little choice except to risk punishing conditions to cross a border without permission so they can apply. Law about border crossing doesn’t remove the human right to apply as a refugee – and because it is a long process, they have the status until it is decided.

There are common attacks at “illegals” and supposed crime they bring (immigrants may have lower rates than citizens) that don’t even try to count the benefit, or wasted cost to make the process harder. Reports of a recent surge in immigration to the USA will make this a big issue in coming elections. (Don’t forget that controversy about burdening the system has coincided with record high corporate profits.)

LGBT refugees can try to get help from a nonprofit like Rainbow Railroad, but such services seem to be stretched thin and hard to get. This common frustration led YukiDeer to found FUR/HELP for others while seeking asylum personally.

A “nightmare” with a lifeline from other furries – YukiDeer’s story.

YukiDeer hopes to have asylum one day soon:

I fled murder and help others do the same. I might not be fully safe myself, but after seeing how others treat refugees, I can’t just stand and do nothing.

So basically, at first I had my father threaten me with murder, then I had forced treatment in a mental facility just because of suspicion that I’m gay. Then came the worsening of LGBTQIA+ rights overall and it crossed the line of multiple murders near my home that had a person castrated just for being gay. I can’t disclose the details since I’m not in safety yet, but on my way to it.

Now with the risk of extremist title, it feels even more dangerous, I don’t feel safe even out of Russia.

I raised money to escape, tried to flee multiple times, and only the 3rd worked, thanks to Soatok who helped me with the financial side of the story. Without him, I’d be best case hiding, worst case dead or imprisoned.

That’s how a story of a simple streamer furry guy can turn into a nightmare.

Dogpatch Press asked for more thoughts about family relations, the experience of being confined, how it felt, and what kind of justice can happen there?

At the time of the threat I was under 18, I have a sister and she is a cisgender straight woman, she was treated harshly by my father, but of course not as harsh. He was pretty mentally unstable, he drank a lot and was tend to get physical, he did hit his mother and I witnessed it, plus he has connections to certain government related people, so that would make it pretty easy to threaten people. Mother heard the threat and didn’t do anything. The threats were sparse, but the verbal abuse and heated behavior happened daily. In my family I was the only one that got treated this way, and I’m also the only LGBTQIA+ person. No one in my family knows I am, they assumed I was gay.

Yes, I was in a mental facility with drug addicts, people with anger issues and two LGBTQIA people, I remember they were lesbian. My class teacher wrote a bad review about me suddenly after I happened to tell my classmate I was gay. I don’t know if she knew about it, but it felt too sudden. They used mental force and threats like “I wouldn’t be able to continue studying without attending”. Maybe they thought I would break and say that I’m gay. Thankfully staff weren’t bad, but they did feed me medicine without any description as to what it does and why I should take it, and if I didn’t take it, they would transfer me to a harsher facility.

I felt scared, not knowing who to talk to, since I didn’t have anyone in my life I could trust except people on the internet, so my streams became that place. I hated my family more and more, since I felt that they won’t bring me anything but hurt. I felt envy at people having a good family, cried when I saw people hugging, kissing or displaying “good family vibes” publicly, same goes to those that didn’t have to hide. I just felt really envious and hurt.

I saw the murders via news articles, they happened with same motive and in same proximate region. I didn’t witness murder, but I was in a dangerous area, we had people shooting, and drunk people hitting someone pretty often. I don’t know who did it personally, but I know why, because they happened to be gay. If they got what they deserve, I don’t know, police didn’t seem to react at all, all was said that “It’s under investigation”.

Final word from YukiDeer:

It doesn’t take much to help others. Just empathy and a strong will.

Help has no borders. LGBTQIA+ refugees are not defined by their oppression, but by their resilience.

To join us in our mission as a volunteer, donate to us as a contributor or ask help as a refugee, simply go to our social media at Linktree:

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)

Categories: News

Tales From The Guild: Blood And Water

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 21 Dec 2023 - 19:43

It’s finally time for another Tales From The Guild! It’s been many years since our World Tour, so we’d like to officially announce the third anthology edited by the Furry Writers Guild – Blood and Water! This anthology will be published by Fenris Publishing.

Previously, we have had Music To Your Years, themed around music, and World Tour, themed around travel.

Blood and Water will be themed around family – those bound by blood and the family we choose and find. Give us your best families – those that are perfect and wholesome or those dysfunctional and chaotic! Families can be defined by blood and shared relationships, or they can be the close friends we develop through hardship. However your family works, we want to see it! We are looking forward to seeing what stories you can create that fits in with this theme!

The editors for this anthology are all guild staff: J.F.R. Coates, K.C. Shaw, Resolute, and Scribbles Cheetah.

What are we seeking:

  • Short stories up to 6000 words in length. (Anything more than this, query with the editors).
  • Stories must be furry/anthropomorphic in some capacity.
  • Stories must be themed around ‘family’ in some capacity – though interpretation of this theme is open.
  • Stories should not be explicit in adult content. The anthology is aiming for PG13/M content. Let the editors know if you’re not sure how your story will fit.
  • Stories can be of any genre, so long as they fit with the overall theme.
  • We do not want any stories that portray topics like racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc in a positive light.
  • Previously unpublished stories are significantly preferred, but reprints may be considered if the story is right.
  • Authors do not need to be a FWG member to submit.

Other important details:

  • Stories should be sent by email to – with the subject line Blood And Water – [Story Title] in a .doc or .docx format. Please include your name on the first page only.
  • Multiple submissions are allowed – up to three per author. A maximum of one story per author will be selected. Please no simultaneous submissions.
  • Payment is 1c/word.
  • Submissions open 1st January 2024.
  • Submissions close 31st March 2024.
  • All stories should receive a response by 30th April 2024.
  • Expected release will be at Megaplex or MFF 2024.
  • Publication for this anthology consumes the First Worldwide English rights for your story. Exclusive Digital and Print rights for a period of twelve (12) months following the first date of publication are required, and non-exclusive worldwide rights to digital and print publication of the Work in perpetuity.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Happy writing!

Categories: News

Peter Rabbit's Modern Nostalgia | Culturally F'd

Culturally F'd - Thu 21 Dec 2023 - 15:30

Peter Rabbit is more than a CGI nostalgia cash-grab. Arrkay disseminates the 2018 film and talks about the balance between modernity and nostalgia. Merch, Sweet Tees and stuff: Support Culturally F'd: Listen in on TEMPO TALKS with Tempe O'Kun Check out Tempe O'Kun's books "Sixes Wild" and "Windfall" here: Here's a playlist of his other Culturally F'd videos:
Categories: Videos

One Little Spark

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 21 Dec 2023 - 04:06

The Dragons of Ember City is a new full-color graphic novel series for young readers, created by Shane Richardson and Sarah Marino (both of whom are animators at Nickelodeon). The first book in the series is called Happy Spark Day. “Drake, Li, and Runa are three young dragons in Ember City, where a dragon’s spark is their special power and every dragon’s spark is unique. Ember is a city that burns brightest when its citizens use their sparks to help each other and their community. The more they use their spark, the brighter Ember City glows and provides for all its dragons. Can Drake, Li, and Runa learn to get along after uncovering their powers?” All this and more from Simon & Schuster.

image c. 2023 Aladdin Books

Categories: News