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Furry as a way to express w/Titania #shorts

Fox and Burger - Thu 25 Jan 2024 - 23:04

Listen to Titania talk about what furry means to her. ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger:
Categories: Podcasts

Why Do Some People Consider "Cisgender" an Insulting Term?

Ask Papabear - Thu 25 Jan 2024 - 16:55
Dear Papabear:

Why is "cis" considered negative/would upset people?

I've noticed that within some interactions between some people, the term "cis" is considered negative and that it would piss people off. I do not fully understand why, and I also find it a bit contradictory since the furry community is considered to be accepting. I do know that my definition of "accepting" may not align with everyone else's, as my definition is "regardless of background, creed, ethnicity, gender, and any other defining factors of a person, they are to be treated with respect and understood as another human being." Again, my definition may not align with others', and I wish to understand why "cis" is considered a negative thing and may upset people.

Aryu (age 18)

* * *

Hi, Aryu,

That is an excellent and highly germane question to ask in these tumultuous social order times, so thank you for your letter. Before I answer the question, a little background for readers because sometimes people think they know what a term means but they might get it a little — or a lot — wrong.

The term "cisgender" was coined in 1994 by Dana Defosse, who at the time was a graduate student researching trans adolescent health and wrote a post using the term on the alt.transgender discussion board (Defosse currently works at a library developing health literacy programs). She came up with the term to fill a need for a word describing people who were not trans, so she borrowed terminology used in chemistry in which atoms positioned on the same side of a molecule are designated cis versus those on opposite sides of a molecule, which are designated trans (i.e., cis-trans isomerism). It was as simple as that. Defosse was just trying to find one word to conveniently distinguish non-trans people from trans people in a way that was not awkward for readers.

As trans rights have come more and more to the forefront of public debate, the term cisgender has come under fire from both straight people and LGB people. The main objection is that they do not wish to be part of the trans nomenclature that includes such terms as well as the plethora of pronouns. It is, in essence, the fear of semantic infiltration. That is, the fear that those outside your demographic are forcing you to define yourself by their terms. The technique of semantic infiltration has been used historically in politics, such as the Russians inserting terms into debates with the West during the Cold War and then changing the usage of certain terms in order to present a more favorable opinion of their political views. The fear in the LGB and straight communities (not all people in these groups, but some) is that trans people are using words (and defining non-trans people with them) across the LGBTQIA spectrum to forcefully fit everyone into their paradigm so that trans people are not seen as "other." Also there is resentment that "normal" straight people or "normal" gay people do not need a new word to define them because they have been using "straight" or "gay" or "lesbian" for decades.

The use of cisgender has hence become embroiled in the literal battle of words in our society. Defosse finally spoke out about this in a Huff Post article dated February 18, 2023, in which she wrote: "Although I’ve not yet experienced personal attacks for being associated with its creation, it is painful when people imply it was intended to hurt others. I never believed that adding the word to the lexicon caused problems ― it only revealed them." In other words, it's not the term that's the problem; the word just reveals the underlying social unrest more poignantly. Defosse continued: "It saddens me to hear that people feel harmed by the word cisgender. Is the creation of the word to blame? No. Cisgender is just a straw man. It is easier to attack a word than to address the reasons people feel intimidated by discussions of gender identity."

I hope that answers your question. I recommend reading the entire Defosse letter for her full response.

Bear Hugs
Papabear (a cis gay bear)

Fursuiting at Busch Gardens?

Ask Papabear - Thu 25 Jan 2024 - 15:01
Dear Papabear,

Can I fursuit at theme parks? I'm thinking Busch Gardens.

Tomax (age 13)

* * *

Hi, Tomax,

Theme parks such as Disneyland and Busch Gardens do not allow people to wear costumes "for the safety of our guests." What this means is that there is a concern that people who show up at parks with their faces disguised behind masks could pose a danger to the public. For the same reason, you are not going to be allowed into a bank or a government building wearing a mask. Also, many parks (public and private) will not allow fursuits or other identity-concealing headwear. (In case you're wondering about Disney costumed characters, all of them are employed by Disneyland, so there is no concern there.)

Before you plan to go to any public or private venue, always check with the organizers of the event to see what the dress code is. There are some exceptions to the above rule. For example, from what I've seen, a number of Renaissance Faires are fine with fursuits. So, if you have a Ren Faire near you this year, you might want to check that out, but Busch Gardens is a definite no-no.

Thanks for your question!


12 Year Old Wants to Go to Cons and Meets

Ask Papabear - Thu 25 Jan 2024 - 14:52
I hope this message finds you well, Papabear!

I'm Bulmuc, and I've been part of the furry community for almost four years now! It's been "pawsome" hanging out with everyone online, but lately, I've been thinking about taking things a step further and going to furmeets and conventions to meet other furries in person. The thing is, I'm just twelve, and I'm not entirely sure if it's okay or safe for me to do that.

You know, I've heard some stories about younger furries feeling kinda odd or not really fitting in at these events, and it's making me a bit nervous. I really, really want to join in on all the exciting stuff, but I also want to make sure I'll be okay and not feel totally out of place. That's why I thought maybe you could help me out since you seem to know a lot about this kind of stuff.

So, considering I'm almost hitting my fourth year as a furry, I'm wondering if there are specific rules or things I should be aware of before heading to furmeets and conventions at my age. Also, there was something that happened at the 2014 Midwest FurFest, they called it "chlorine con," and it's kinda worrying me. I'm scared something like that might happen again, especially at big events like that.

I really, really want to go and meet new furry friends, but I want to make sure it's a safe and good thing for someone like me to do. I thought maybe you could give me some advice or let me know what I should keep in mind before I make any plans. Your help would mean so much to me, and it would make things a lot easier for me to understand.

Thanks a bunch for listening, Papabear! I'm super excited to hear what you have to say.

Take care,

Bulmuc (Colorado, age 12)

* * *

Hi, Bulmuc,

Judging by your letter, it sounds like your parents are cool with your being a furry and going to cons and meets, so that's pretty pawsome. Because you are underage, when it comes to cons you will have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This means they will need to be with you whenever you are in con space (I'm guessing you're considering DenFur, so I would visit their website to check about age policies). I hope you're okay with that. Most of the attendees will be in the 18-30 age range, so while they will be cool with you being there, it's not going to be any easier to mingle with them than it would be if you went to a high school dance and tried to ask a girl to dance. Age difference, doncha know. As for Furmeets, they can be even more clique-ish than cons. Contact the furmeet organizer(s), tell them who you are and your age, and see if they feel you would mix well with the attendees. Some furmeets are rather closed off to friends only, while others (Prancing Skiltaire is a primo example) are open to anyone. So, ask. 

You say that you have been fraternizing with young furries online for four years now. Do you know any of them who are going to a con or meet you are considering attending? it's always better to go to a furry event with people you already know. If you can't find any friends to go with you, another option is to start your own furmeet and invite guests to a party. You can do a game tournament or watch furry movies or maybe organize a trip to a local park. 

I hope this answers your question. If not, feel free to write again.

Stay Furry!

Grassroots action: Leadership changes and weeding out hate at Garden State Fur The Weekend

Dogpatch Press - Wed 24 Jan 2024 - 20:37

Garden State Fur The Weekend is an upcoming furry convention set for May 3-5, 2024 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. With their launch only months away, something unusual happened. GSFTW posted an official statement about opposing hate and Nazi-fur groups.

Its come to the attention of the GSFTW Board of Directors that there has been activity within our channels by those who do not represent us or our intentions as a convention or as a fandom.

We strive to keep our sights focused on a open, safe, and fun space for our weekend. With…

— Garden State Fur The Weekend (@gardenstatefur) January 12, 2024

It was followed by an announcement of the con chair stepping down and a new one stepping up. It blames medical issues of the ex-chair, Dashing Fox. Dogpatch Press wishes good health to him. The story could end there, but unofficially, the change was forced by staff resignations. You’re seeing the aftermath of revolt behind the scenes, then getting back on track for launch. Yes, they stood up with the power of collective will to change the leadership for the better.

Attention all

It has come to the Board's attention that Dashing Foxie will be stepping down as our organization's Convention Chairperson. While this is a heavy moment for the con, we will be moving forward as the Board to review and appoint a new Con Chair as soon as possible…

— Garden State Fur The Weekend (@gardenstatefur) January 13, 2024

This reporting is not to pile on, but for public interest. GSFTW’s interest is to make a nice event with good PR for its community. There’s also reading between the lines to learn about solving cross-community issues. We’ll cover the negative before looking forward to the positive.

Digging in

Let’s not beat around the bush about why staff resigned to uproot the ex-chair: He actively associated with the Furry Raiders. They are a nazifur group who wither everything they touch. Their ties to alt-right hate groups and criminal schemes could fill a book.

The public has been aware that the Furry Raiders are toxic since it became national news years ago. What was the ex-chair thinking? Some may accuse corruption. The most charitable reading would be a critical security lapse by someone who didn’t screen associates or read the room.

Not only was there internal disruption; it made a PR problem about transparency of it all. History shows it’s possible to play musical chairs without changing the music. Nobody wants to get led down the garden path or see history repeat. So let’s ask questions, even if GSFTW is truly on the path to success.

Dogpatch Press did due diligence to seek comment from numerous people involved, including the official con channel, PR, the ex-chair, and new chair. Gracious responses came from the new chair and a staffer.

The chair switch came not long after a switch to a new hotel; questions to the con found a positive reason. How about finance decisions? More questions soon…

It’s fine to weed out nazifurs, (something to just do, not do for show) but the ex-chair’s Furry Raiders activity was open for almost 4 years. Wouldn’t there be much less concern if it was nipped in the bud at the start?

Back to the start: Sowing seeds of a new con

GSFTW’s 2020 organizing plans were delayed by Covid, until late 2022, when a Wikifur page was made by the con’s then-Head of PR. The page named official GSFTW channels and groups, 23 staffers, and two Guests of Honor (Leaf Dubois and Cooper Tom). Good things were growing for fans who are under-served with full events nearby.

I'm so excited to be the artist & GoH for Garden State Fur the Weekend, a New Jersey furry con coming in May 2024! I'm proud of this first piece of diner art and I'm working on more. Follow @GardenStateFur to stay tuned, and I hope to see you there!

— Leaf 🍂 (@LeafDubois) November 25, 2022

Nearby events had a vacancy after the departure of Fur Affinity: United from New Jersey. There’s the single-day New Years Furry Ball, and Fur The ‘More is across state lines, but New Jersey had no full convention. A plan for one in Atlantic City never launched after suffering from hate activity in 2018Which could have been a clue to avoid perennial troublemakers, but here we go again… 

Snakes in the Grass

GSFTW’s 2024 statement against hate is vague about who was doing it in their channels. There wasn’t just one source, and it wasn’t just association without knowing who they were. Names can be named, and a chain of activity illustrates this.

There was prior knowledge by the ex-chair Dashing Fox. In a 2018 case of handling complaints, members of a local furmeet were unhappy with the presence of a nazifur zoophile named Crusader Cat. His history of being a chronic nuisance and banned from things was met with defensive denial by Dashing Fox.

In the denial, “the person who runs it is gay and in the minority” is propaganda from the Furry Raiders themselves. The term for what they do is Collaborator. Collaboration is the way systematic oppression uses cooperation from some members of targeted groups. The history of gay fascists shows it. Before WWII, there were western Jews who wanted to get rid of eastern Jews and supported Hitler. Such manipulation is behind Nazifur claims of “free expression” (for them…) Conning people to play along is how fascism works. It has no consistent position except grabbing power, and maneuvering like a chameleon for leverage. Targeted people will help them for selfish short-term benefit, and say you’ll benefit later if you help too (while they plot your destruction.)

The Furry Raiders were collaborators with alt-right figure Milo Yiannopolous in a scheme to “destroy” furry cons. Wait until you see their point person, and the tangle of ties around the Crusader Cat complaints.

"Billy the sex offender has never harassed or abused ME so I don't see what the problem is"

— Daz The Big Blue Dog 🔞 (@daztoons) October 8, 2018

Eventually Dashing Fox did come around and remove Crusader Cat. So far, so good. But then 2 years later… I did nazi that coming!

Fool me once, fool me twice

In 2020, a fuse was lit when Dashing Fox went on the Furry Raiders podcast to promote the plan for GSFTW. Giving air time to a nazifur group boosted their signal while making negative PR. Their channels have no audience or purpose except to promote their propaganda, so nothing could be gained there for anyone except them. Actively associating with nazifurs is known to cost the reputation of anyone who does, so Dashing Fox made a conscious choice, especially when…

Dashing Fox is named as friend of Furry Raiders admin Richie “Aeveirra” Felitti, a self-avowed fascist who was partner with the prior-banned Crusader Cat.

The core of the story.

This isn’t just bad opinions. Aeveirra was a point person for a scheme of alt-right violence aimed at a convention.

“You have to destroy the shit they love” – the Midwest Furfest 2019 scheme

Before the 2020 podcast, Aeveirra represented Furry Raiders in a video with Milo Yiannopolous, while his nazifur group invited Milo to preach about destroying furry cons. Meanwhile, Milo ran another secret group to plan a hostile MFF visit. That’s where Milo’s nazifur collaborators and alt-right followers would welcome the Proud Boys fascist gang. On their part, Proud Boys mutually threatened to bring violence to MFF. This was collaboration with terrorists, ultimately proven by their seditious conspiracy convictions for the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol in 2021.

The MFF scheme unraveled when the con banned Milo. His secret group was leaked to prove the threat that furries faced down.

After the scheme fizzled, Dashing Fox actively associated with nazifurs known to be toxic to conventions. Ignoring this lets a pattern fester and spread. It makes even more reason to scrutinize the friendship and agenda of Aeveirra.

Aeveirra’s agenda

As an active Furry Raiders admin, Richie “Aeveirra” Felitti is the opposite of someone a well-run convention would ever want near executive power, finances, operations, or security. What would he do with influence?

Take time to browse Aeveirra’s history of befriending and defending fascists and criminally charged sex offenders, and retaliating on their behalf at people who observe their crimes. Imagine the following people gaining favor at the top… Besides Crusader Cat, people shielded by Aeveirra include:

This police lineup of creeps is exactly what Aeveirra set out to favor with their own new convention.

The plot thickens: Aeveirra helped to fund the Free Fur All “Fashcon” with Nazifur money.

In Oklahoma, Free Fur All was founded by far-right founder Peacewolf out of spite at another convention, where Peacewolf was ousted as its Chair in 2020. (See a pattern?) Free Fur All was dedicated to welcoming nuisances banned elsewhere, earning the name “Fashcon”, but their own competing factions proved that Nazifurs wither everything they touch. Only a few dozen went in 2023 after fighting over Peacewolf’s sex scandal and the influence of Furry Raiders within.

A Free Fur All board meeting was leaked by an aggrieved insider, and it names Aeveirra as a heavy donor. Some sources claim that Aeveirra was spending an inheritance. Meanwhile in the Furry Raiders, founder Foxler claimed sponsorship, implying his money was laundered on behalf of people who don’t launder their fursuits. Whatever the source, nazifur money spreads nazifur influence.

Evidence of the Furry Raiders splitting up competing nazifur factions came from sources involved in organizing for Free Fur All. The same sources went on to make similar complaints about losing favor with GSFTW.

Aeveirra’s agenda with Free Fur All was carried out in between the 2020 podcast with Dashing Fox about founding GSFTW, and GSFTW’s intended launch. It certainly was interesting timing.

Asking about influence on GSFTW

Dogpatch Press sent questions to insiders, GSFTW’s official info email, staffers, the ex-chair and the new chair. An entry level staffer “speaking solely from a personal perspective” responded to the below point.

This was a good-faith attempt to get a “No”. Good-faith effort to respond makes a difference — even if concern is barking up the wrong tree or topics can’t be discussed beyond a simple statement. For other questions, the staffer provided good PR. They asked to stay anonymous and wanted answers kept in context. For brevity, Dogpatch Press has a long chat on file and only suggests that conventions should take questions of influence seriously.

The new Chair wasn’t very familiar with the issue either, but stated “As far as I’m aware, there is no association with Aeveirra and the convention.”

Messages were traded with Dashing Fox, with days of attempts to have a fur-to-fur conversation about events here. A passed publication deadline with two extensions leave it for a future date. The other staffer who responded affirmed:

The entire convention leadership was in favor of the statement put up publicly, including Dashing Fox, and the decision to review who was present on staff and within our chats was decided by them as well.

Those present on staff have all outwardly expressed disdain for Raiders, and have zero interest in having them or anyone else in a similar vein (that being hate or discrimination) present at our events.

Behind the public statements

Credit is due to GSFTW for acting strongly to repel Nazifurs. More inside info is staying private due to feelings that the dispute was over. The concern here is that forcing change took several years, while the problem festered as a symptom of a larger one. Allowing a single Nazifur leads them to bring other ones.

A witness complaint

Nazifur groups are a tiny fringe, so they are barely separated and all mingle, but the risk is grabbing larger influence, from con operations to group leadership.

Take for example another recently-removed member of the GSFTW Telegram group, Chris “Astral” Curtis. Astral went to Free Fur All with his partner Norby, and ran his own nazifur group full of Furry Raiders, insurrectionism, and violent racist hate speech. (Evidence channel).

Meanwhile, Astral’s partner Norby was admin of a furry group in New York, close to their friend Aeveirra in Long island. In mid 2023 a member attempted to report Aeveirra’s nazifur activity, only to have Norby lash back with an unhinged onslaught of vicious verbal abuse. The group admin retaliated on behalf of his fascist friend, subjecting people to rule by terror. It makes the point of this story.

Evidence of a festering problem. 

These were known nuisances as long ago as Anthrocon 2015. Dogpatch Press watched in person a few feet away while Norby and Astral brought a Confederate flag to the fursuit parade, embarassing Anthrocon and forcing them to make a conduct rule about it.

Astral and Norby at Anthrocon 2015

This pattern will repeat until nazifurs are shown the door. No place is safe with them in it. Staying passive just raises the cost of acting. This culminated in GSFTW staff resignations, then getting back on track and removing Astral and more nuisances who had favor with the ex-chair. The reasonable amount of nazifurs to tolerate is zero, and the sooner that’s established, the less damage they do.

People who took action are now wishing the best for GSFTW. Only fascists would win with a con pushing up daisies and a hotel full of tumbleweeds, so let’s not lose the forest for the trees. People with good intentions want a good con.

Looking at a rosy future

Shy Matsi is the new chair who represents optimism.

Attention all!

Garden State Fur The Weekend would officially like to welcome @shy_matsi as our Convention Chairperson!

Shy has an incredible history within the fandom and will be showing us the sights and sounds of a city he knows and loves!

Stay tuned for more information!

— Garden State Fur The Weekend (@gardenstatefur) January 14, 2024

From the other staffer who responded:

For confidence, I can say for certain the con is shaping up to be a highly successful first year overall, and having someone like Shy at the helm who not only has experience with the local area, but also shows a great deal of consideration for the community as a whole, that makes me personally feel a lot of confidence in GSFTW.

Shy Matsi was previously the Hotel Lead, and responded to questions about the hotel switch announced in November, explaining that the space would have been too small for the convention. The change won praise, and the new hotel is part of the same chain as the old one:

We lucked out really, the hotel event manager is the same one for the New Brunswick one and they’re considered sister hotels. It’s a better location. The only tricky part was moving the reservations. They never did that before, and I didn’t want a hardship on the people who reserved rooms, but they just completed it last week, so that went well.

A need for support

Furry fandom is a grassroots community, so remember that garden is both a noun and a verb. It’s not enough to dig out problems. You also have to fill in the hole. The staffer who responded said:

With staffing and volunteers, I think it’s clear to everyone that a lot of cons, not just Garden State Fur The Weekend, are always in need of helping paws and claws. And to quote another con chair: “Many paws make light work”.

We absolutely welcome folks looking to assist, so long as folks have the drive to help and are willing to work with the con and it’s attendees to ensure everyone’s safety and well being are first and foremost.

And though it should go without saying: anyone with a hateful, ableist, bigoted, and/or discriminatory mindset or behavior is not welcome at our event nor as our volunteers.

Volunteers help make any con help function. Without volunteers, we would be struggling so much. So want to be part of the first volunteer team for GSFTW? Step right up and shoot a email to with your helping hand!

— Garden State Fur The Weekend (@gardenstatefur) January 10, 2024

Thanks again to all who engaged sensitive questions with professional care.


Feedback on the story from sources close to GSFTW questions how much the team really is rebuilt. They sent evidence that Aeveirra was considered for staff, an astonishing risk for trust and security, thankfully opposed by other staff exercising caution lacking from the top.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)

Categories: News

Dig It All Over Again

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 24 Jan 2024 - 02:53

The celebrated and multi-award-winning creator Ursula Vernon first came to most people’s attention through her black & white web comic called Digger. Now, a decade later, Grim Oak Press gives us Digger Unearthed: The Complete Tenth Anniversary Collection. “Digger Unearthed is the story of a shrewd, sensible wombat engineer named Digger-of-unnecessarily-convoluted-tunnels, who finds herself stranded in a fantasy world that is far from logical. Thrust into the middle of a puzzling and often perilous situation involving gods, demons, destiny, and redemption, she finds her way based on a pragmatic honesty and the sincere belief in doing the right thing… To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Digger Unearthed offers the complete web comic collection in a single volume that can be fully enjoyed by young adult readers, yet also contains layers of sophistication that become deeper and more meaningful with age and experience.” Which we have. It’s available now in both paperback and hardcover.

image c. 2024 Grim Oak Press

Categories: News

Episode 550 - There And Back Again

Southpaws - Tue 23 Jan 2024 - 22:51

Savrin bravely recounts their nearly 4000-mile round trip to Further Confusion 2024 and all it entailed. 

Telegram chat - 

Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon

Episode 550 - There And Back Again
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 11

TigerTails Radio - Tue 23 Jan 2024 - 06:03

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 11. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Helper Rock-Wrecked

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 23 Jan 2024 - 02:59

It’s a bit late for Christmas-themed stuff — and even later for Halloween horror! None the less, we just came across Monsters of Metal: Krampus in Concert, still available from Opus Comics. “Written by director and visual effects artist Jason Howden (Guns Akimbo) and Llexi Leon, Monsters of Metal takes iconic creatures on the road as a heavy metal band in this riotous send-up of life on tour! This time out, our favorite monster metalheads cross paths with the dreaded Krampus!” The bloody artwork is by Ryan Christensen. Check out the preview over at Bleeding Cool to see just how wild they get!

image c. 2024 Opus Comics

Categories: News

Therians vs Furries: What’s the Difference?

Fursonafy - Mon 22 Jan 2024 - 05:24

  1. Introduction
  2. What Are Therians?
  3. What Are Furries?
  4. Key Differences Between Therians and Furries
  5. Similarities Between Therians and Furries
  6. Are You a Therian or a Furry – How Do You Tell the Difference?
  7. Takeaway
Article Content Introduction

In recent times, the online world has seen the rise of many unique groups. Two of these, Therians and Furries, are especially interesting. They are known for their lively expressions and deep interests. Therians and Furries might seem similar to someone seeing them for the first time. But, when we look closely, we find substantial differences.


This article looks into the worlds of Therians and Furries. We will explore what sets these communities apart. We will also explore their beliefs, activities, and how they see themselves.

What Are Therians?

Therians are unique and are often not well understood by others. They have a deep connection with non-human animals. This is a vital part of their identity, not just a hobby.


They come from varied backgrounds. Therians’ beliefs mix spirituality, mythology, and personal thoughts. It differs from the Furry fandom, which is more about enjoying art and characters. For Therians, it’s a personal experience. They feel connected to an animal, known as their theriotype.


This connection varies among Therians. Some feel a spiritual link that gives them a deep understanding and sense of belonging to their theriotype. Others experience it more as a psychological aspect. It affects how they see the world and interact with others.

    Image of Toru Ueda, a Wolf Therian

    Image via New York Post

    It’s important to know that Therians understand they are human. They don’t deny their human side. Instead, they acknowledge an animal-like aspect in themselves.

    Community is key for Therians. Even though their experience is personal, connecting with others is essential. They use online forums, social media, and meet-ups. Here, they can share their thoughts and find support.

      What Are Furries?

      Furries are part of a lively and creative group. They are fans of animal characters that act like humans. This interest goes beyond just liking these characters. It’s a way for them to express themselves and be part of a community.


      The furry community started in the 1980s. It grew from science fiction fan groups. Now, it’s a unique group. They enjoy art, stories, and performances about animals with human traits. People from all sorts of backgrounds are welcome in this community.


      A crucial part of being a Furry is creating a ‘fursona’. This is an animal character that represents them. It’s a creative process. People make characters that show their personalities or dreams. This isn’t just for fun. It’s a way to explore and show who they are.


      Art is essential in the furry world. It includes costumes, drawings, writings, and digital art. Wearing costumes, or ‘fursuiting’, is popular. Only some people do it, though. These costumes are special. They are made to show each person’s unique character.


      Furries also like to meet and socialise. They have conventions and meet-ups around the world. These events are more than just fun. They are a chance to make friends, learn, and support each other.

      Commissioning a fursuit has never been so easy!

      "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication"


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      Therians and Furries have noteworthy differences. These shape their unique identities and cultural practices.


      The main difference is how they connect with animals. Therians feel a deep, sometimes spiritual, link with a particular animal. This feeling is a big part of who they are. They don’t just choose an animal they like. They often feel they are that animal in some way. This affects their beliefs and how they see the world.


      Furries, however, are fans of animals with human traits. Their interest is more about being fans and expressing themselves artistically. They create and interact with these characters. This includes art, stories, and costumes. For many, their ‘fursona’ is a creative project. It’s a way to be part of the furry community, not a deep identity.

      How they show their identity is also different. For Therians, it’s often something they feel inside. They might not show it much in their daily life. But it profoundly affects how they think and feel. Furries, on the other hand, show their interest in more visible ways. This includes drawing, writing, and wearing animal costumes, known as fursuits.

      The way they come together as communities is different, too. The furry community likes large social events. They have conventions and meet-ups. Here, they celebrate their love for anthropomorphic art and culture. These events are big and public. They have lots of activities related to furries. 

      Therians, on the other hand, are more spread out. They don’t gather in large groups as much. They mostly talk online or meet in small, personal groups.

        Similarities Between Therians and Furries

        Therians and Furries are different in many ways. But they also share some similarities. Understanding these can help us see the bigger picture of these groups.


        Both groups have a strong interest in animals. Therians feel a deep connection with a specific animal. Furries love creating and acting as animal characters with human traits. This love for animal personas is something they have in common.


        They also use the internet a lot for their communities. Both Therians and Furries use online forums and social media. These places let them talk, share experiences, and support each other. They offer a safe space for members to be themselves.


        A Pair of Fursuiters (Not Therians)

        Image via Reddit

        Both groups often get misunderstood. The media sometimes shows them in a bad light. It leads to people getting the wrong idea about them. Both Therians and Furries want people to understand them better. They work to correct these misunderstandings.

        Creativity and expressing oneself are crucial to both groups. Furries often show this through art and costumes. Therians express it through their animal identities. Even though they do it differently, they both value self-expression.

        Lastly, both groups are known for being supportive of each other. They understand and respect each other’s unique views and experiences. This creates a friendly and accepting environment. It lets people explore who they are without being judged.


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        Looking for a place to meet other furries like yourself?

        Click the button below and join the Fursonafy discord today! Join our Discord Are You a Therian or a Furry – How Do You Tell the Difference?

        Therians and Furries are rather distinct. Both groups love animal personas. But they are different in significant ways. Knowing the signs can help you see where you fit in.


        Signs You Might Be a Therian

        Identifying as a Therian is a profoundly personal experience, characterised by specific feelings and perspectives distinguishing Therians from other groups. If you’re exploring the possibility of being a Therian, here are some common signs and experiences within the Therian community.

        • Deep Animal Connection

        Your most vital sign of being a Therian might be an intense, inherent connection to a specific animal. This goes beyond simply favouring an animal or admiring it. It’s about feeling a deep link where this animal seems like an essential part of who you are. It’s as if a bond ties your very essence to this animal.

        • Spiritual and Emotional Bonds

        In your experience as a Therian, this connection isn’t just emotional; it’s also often spiritual. You might find yourself feeling a bond with your theriotype that resonates on a much deeper level. This is more than just liking or being interested in an animal. It’s like feeling a sense of kinship or having a profound understanding and empathy towards the animal you identify with.

        • Internal Experiences and Perspectives

        As a Therian, you probably experience your animal identity more internally. This could include instinctual behaviours, thought patterns, or emotional responses that align with your theriotype. It’s like your internal wiring or mindset is significantly similar to the animal you identify with.

        • Shifts in Self-Perception

        You might be familiar with ‘shifting’, a common aspect among Therians. Shifting is when you feel a stronger connection to your theriotype. It might appear as a psychological shift, where your mindset or perception aligns closely with your animal identity.


        Sometimes, you might experience phantom shifts. This is when you feel sensations of having non-human physical traits, like tails or wings. These traits aren’t physically present but feel very real to you.

        • Finding Belonging in Therian Communities

        Participating in Therian communities, be it online forums or in-person meet-ups, and feeling connected with these groups is another indicator. When you engage with others who have similar experiences and feelings, it often helps in affirming and understanding your Therian identity. These spaces can give you a sense of validation and belonging you might not find elsewhere.

        • Personal Reflection and Discovery

        Your journey to recognising yourself as a Therian likely involves a lot of self-reflection and exploration. It’s a deeply personal journey that may change and grow as you delve deeper into this aspect of your identity. It’s about questioning, exploring different parts of yourself, and seeking a deeper understanding of this inner animalistic connection.

        Another Pair of Fursuiters

        Image via SkyeHighStudios

        Signs You Might Be a Furry

        Understanding if you’re a Furry is more than just liking certain characters. It’s about how you connect with characters that are part animal, part human, and how you express this interest. Let’s look at the detailed signs that could show you’re part of the Furry community.

        • Strong Interest in Human-Like Animal Characters

        You find yourself interested in animals that act and look a bit human. This isn’t just a casual liking. These characters in shows, books, or art hold your attention. You’re drawn to their looks and stories; this interest stays with you.

        • Creating and Connecting with Your Fursona

        A big thing in the Furry world is having a ‘fursona’. This is an animal character you make up to represent yourself. If you’ve made one of these or want to, it’s a big clue. It means you’re getting involved in the Furry community personally.

        • Taking Part in Furry Community Activities

        If you join in activities related to Furries, it’s a clear sign. This could be attending special conventions, talking in online groups, or meeting with other Furries. Being active like this shows you’re more than just a fan.

        • An Interest in Fursuits

        Wearing fursuits is a big part of being a Furry for some people. If you have a fursuit, have tried one on, or want to get one, this could mean you’re a Furry. Fursuits let you bring your fursona into the real world.


        If you’re searching for a place to have a custom fursuit created, Fursonafy is an excellent choice. Our team consists of artists and fursuit makers who used to work independently in the furry community. Now, we’ve joined forces. This way, we can use our skills to turn your fursonas into real-life fursuits.

        • Creating Art or Stories for Furries

        If you make art, write, or do other creative stuff for the Furry community, it’s essential. Many Furries like to make and share things about these human-animal characters. Doing this is a big way to be part of the Furry world.

        • Feeling at Home with Other Furries

        Lastly, it’s a strong hint if you feel you belong in the Furry community. If you find friends and acceptance with other Furries, it shows you might be one of them.


        In this article, we’ve looked at two unique subcultures. Both are often not well understood. Yet, they offer rich insights into how people see themselves and their creativity.


        Learning about these differences and similarities, we better understand how people connect and express themselves. Whether you’re a Therian, a Furry, or just curious, knowing about these communities adds to our understanding of people. It shows us how people can express who they are and what they like.

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        Xege Kheiru

        Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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        The post Therians vs Furries: What’s the Difference? appeared first on Fursonafy.

        Categories: News

        It’s Scaaaaaary In There!

        In-Fur-Nation - Mon 22 Jan 2024 - 02:57

        People are saying some good things about Skull Cat and the Curious Castle, the debut graphic novel by Norman Shurtliff. “Even though the castle is an eerie place, full of dark secrets, Scully the cat is excited to start his new job and prove himself to be a great gardener. But wait a minute… what happened to all his co-workers? Were they devoured by bloodthirsty vampires? Spooked by a love-struck ghost? Pranked by a comic-reading goblin? Enchanted by a sleepy sorcerer? Will Scully have to become the hero and uncover the truth behind Le Dark Chateau? He never signed up for this!!” You can see what happens to him now, full-color, in trade paperback from Top Shelf Productions.

        image c. 2024 Top Shelf Productions

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        Little Fox Went Out…

        In-Fur-Nation - Sun 21 Jan 2024 - 02:56

        An interesting fantasy graphic novel series we somehow missed before: Fox and Willow, written by Alison Pang and illustrated by Irma Ahmed. “When Jessa, the miller’s daughter, offers simple comforts to Willow and Gideon in return for a bit of work, the runaway princess and her fox spirit companion are more than willing to take Jessa up on it. After all, being on the road has its dangers, and the respite while they search for answers to Gideon’s cursed collar is more than welcome. But when the discovery of a murdered royal and a forsaken ghost comes to light, the two travelers realize they’ve stumbled into something far more sinister.” Volume 1, Came A Harper, and Volume 2, To The Sea, are both still available in hardcover from CEX Publishing.

        image c. 2024 CEX Publishing

        Categories: News

        Bop It Face-Off | Byrdz VS BcB (EP: 119)

        The Raccoon's Den - Sat 20 Jan 2024 - 17:40

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        Categories: Podcasts

        Bearly Furcasting S4E38-The Fast and the Furry Us

        Bearly Furcasting - Sat 20 Jan 2024 - 06:00

        MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

        Bearly and Taebyn are out at FC so our good friend Cheetaro zips in to take the co-host seat with Rayne. We have some fun news of the weird, a story, a movie review, and for Furries in the News a SPECIAL REPORT from the floor at ANW 2024 with our special reporter pup Taebyn!

        Moobarkfluff! Taebyn and Rayne are off to Anthro Northwest, so Bearly invites Pup Blitz to sit in the cohost chair.The episode is shorter than usual, but still fun. So tune in and spend some time with us. Moobarkfluff all you furs! 


        Taebyn YouTube 

        Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall 

        Wild Bills Soda 

        Merch at Redbubble 

        Merch at Bonfire 

        Merch at Fourthwall 

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

        You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

        Bearly Furcasting S4E38-The Fast and the Furry Us
        Categories: Podcasts

        Kofu's Back!! w/Kofu [FABP E40]

        Fox and Burger - Fri 19 Jan 2024 - 23:00

        Revisiting Kofu! w/Kofu [FABP E40] Description: The one and only Kofu returns! We spend some time talking about our experiences at Infurnity 2023, his journey to America, and future plans (totally not an interview). ---- Timestamps: 00:00 Teaser 00:24 Intro 01:05 Catching up with Kofu 03:22 Local gatherings 07:23 North Carolina and Anthrocon 11:33 Infurnity 2023 15:23 Bringing your sister to Infurnity 18:39 What sets Infurnity apart from other cons 23:22 Becoming a US citizen 27:15 Furry safety net 29:22 Kofu’s future plans 31:18 Paychecks and adulting 34:12 Kofu is our Senpai 37:19 Infurnity 2024 40:59 Social media shoutout 42:27 Outro ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger: Kofu: Bewhiskered Con: Papa Barks ALS: ---- Footage Credit: Other pictures and video provided by Pixabay, and guest’s and host’s personal footage. Intro/Outro Music: WatR - Fluid ---- The Fox and Burger Podcast is one segment of our production house, Fox and Burger Productions. The podcast’s goal is twofold: 1, to know more about the Asian furry fandom; and 2, compare and contrast the Asian fandom with the Western one. If you have a guest that you would like to see on the show, please PM us! We will also take questions for our guests, so don’t miss this opportunity to know some amazing furs.
        Categories: Podcasts

        He Are Small, But He Are Mighty

        In-Fur-Nation - Fri 19 Jan 2024 - 02:00

        Remember when we recently talked about the anniversary of the celebrated comic series Pakkins’ Land? Well now series creator Gary Shipman has returned with a new series set in the same universe — but with a very different angle! Meet Titan: Mouse of Might. From Previews: “Titan is an extraordinary mouse that has been endowed with powers beyond that of a normal mouse. He has taken on the appearance of a Dark Flyer, the mortal enemy of his kind. Titan is originally from another world were the animals are intelligent (see the Pakkins’ Land). After triggering an explosion in his world Titan is transported to the world of man.” Issues are available now from Blood Moon Comics.

        image c. 2024 Blood Moon Comics

        Categories: News

        US politician propose “banning” furries from schools

        Global Furry Television - Thu 18 Jan 2024 - 05:13

        Categories: News

        It’ll Be A Hit!

        In-Fur-Nation - Wed 17 Jan 2024 - 21:09

        It’s always dangerous in this business to say “now I’ve seen everything”, but hooey, this comes close. From Animation World Network: “Corus Entertainment’s Nelvana has teamed up with London-based entertainment company Toikido to greenlight a new 2D animated children’s series, Piñata Smashlings. Inspired by the popular Roblox game, the series follows the previously released shorts currently streaming on Nelvana’s ‘Keep It Weird’ YouTube channel… The series follows four friends, characters from the game, thrown together by fate to form a team of unlikely heroes. Whether questing across the land, unlocking maps, or collecting ‘fruities’ and ‘power ups’, these Smashlings are out to save the Piñataverse from the evil Bashlings and level up on fun along the way.” Already set to show in Canada (naturally), the series is looking for international markets.

        image c. 2024 Nelvana

        Categories: News

        How “furry” translated into Chinese? pt2 w/Simone #shorts

        Fox and Burger - Wed 17 Jan 2024 - 08:56

        How “furry” translated into Chinese? ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger: ---- #foxandburger #shorts #snippet #furry
        Categories: Podcasts

        A Girl and Her Dog

        In-Fur-Nation - Wed 17 Jan 2024 - 02:13

        (Forgive us, Harlan!) The official description of Doomsday With My Dog pretty much says it all: “A single teenage girl journeys through the crumbling ruins of civilization — the last human on Earth, exploring the concrete jungle that has outlived mankind. Keeping her company is woman’s best friend — the ever-adorable and quick-witted Shiba Inu Haru, who is ready to stick with her through thick and thin! With such a pleasant conversation partner to keep the post-apocalyptic doldrums at bay, the end of the world might not be so bad after all!” Created by Yu Isihara, this black & white manga is out now from Yen Press.

        image c. 2024 Yen Press

        Categories: News