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Rooview: Lookouts

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 26 Oct 2023 - 20:13

Lookouts is a visual novel Western adventure where you play as a one armed wolf scout for a notorious gang. The 2022 Ursa Major nominated game is available to play in browser, or pay what you want to download at It features art by Coldoggo, music by Jamie, and ParanoidHark composing the story and programming.

The art seems to take inspiration from Northwest Indigenous styling to form simple and effective character silhouettes for use in the story. The form not only lends itself well to the Western format, it makes the artstyle instantly recognizable and stand out from its other visual novel peers.

The story is split into a simple three act structure. As far as gameplay goes, the story is linear with some minigames and very sparse and inconsequential choices to start. It is not until the third act during the final conflict where you will make choices that do have an impact on the resolution. However, I think this makes for a better experience for the player, while keeping the programming and implementation reasonable for a one person team. By keeping the most impactful choices until near the end, you can more readily play the final conflict of the game without having to reread or go through the first two acts just to get to experience the differing outcomes.

The theme of the story is sort of a mixture of Romeo and Juliet with gay cowboys. Your nameable character (Robin by default) is sent out to investigate rumors of gold in a nearby town by your wolf gang. But as it turns out a rival gang of carnivorous birds also has its eyes on the prize, as you find their own scout on the road named Joseph. The story follows the two lookouts as they set out to discover what treasure awaits in the town, and what happens when they find something far more valuable and precious as a result.

I believe many furries will find the story well worth the approximately 5 hour run time. The material does pay homage to its setting, giving the town and characters a sense of history. It makes references to real world elements of the time period it portrays. In that essence, the late Fred Patten would note this is a zipper-back story. However, in spite of it being animal stand-ins for people, the story is charming with elements of romance, conflict, and looking for a place to belong. I’m glad this one got nominated for the Ursa’s and that it got the attention it needed so that people recommended it to play for my channel.

Categories: News

Q&A – Joaquín Baldwin

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 26 Oct 2023 - 07:10

Not all furry works are created by those within the community. Sometimes, those out-of-fandom creators can find their way towards our wonderful community, and sometimes they like what they see so much that they decide to stick around! That is very much the case with today’s author spotlight – Joaquín Baldwin.

Joaquín was kind enough to answer a few questions about his writing process and works. I hope you find them insightful and interesting!

For those who aren’t familiar with you, did you want to introduce yourself and your novel?
You might know me better for posting dank Zootopia memes, or for my work at Disney or in animated shorts, but I’ve been working on my own novels for quite a while now and trying to make this my main, big project for the next several years. Wolf of Withervale is the first book of the Noss Saga, an ambitious epic told in six parts (all six books are fully written, don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging). It’s an intrinsically queer story, the kind of tale I wanted to read growing up (although this is an adult novel, not YA, but that wouldn’t have stopped young me). It deals with a magical mask, with themes of transformation, of the nature of consciousness, of gender and identity. It’s a very sex- and size-positive series, but it also has all that you’d expect from an epic tale of massive scope.

What is your writing process like? Do you outline and plot, or are you a pantser?
I’m in the middle. I outline key events I want to get to (including the ending), so I know what I’m telling is something that will go somewhere important, and then I write linearly from start to finish trying to reach those moments. In my outlines I don’t know much about the characters I’ll encounter, except a few, so I’m always surprised at who shows up and what their personalities are, and sometimes the assholes end up taking primary roles and screw up my plans, making me have to reshuffle certain things in my outlines. I enjoy those surprises, but I also need structure. Key moments to me can be a philosophical debate, a romantic thing, a time of self-discovery, a big battle, a death, an arrival at a key piece of information that will unravel the next stage in the adventure. It varies a lot, but it’s those chapters I just can’t wait to write, so once I get to them they pour out truly fast.

The first few days of writing a novel can be the most exciting and daunting part of the writing process. How easily did the first idea for The Noss Saga spawn into a functioning story? Where did that initial spark of an idea come from?
There are many ideas put together into one here. There is one core idea that came to me at 4 am on October 3rd 2020, that core piece tied all my other ideas together into something I could use for worldbuilding at a scale I had not considered before. I didn’t sleep much after that 4am dreamlike moment, and just kept planning around this new idea, then told myself I’d start writing on November 1st to coincide with NaNoWriMo (that’d give me enough time to mull it over, plan a bit, while also forcing me to actually start and not put it off forever). I don’t know where the idea came from. I’m a light sleeper, I wake up all the time at night and semi-hallucinate as I try to fall back asleep. It just came, unprompted. What was that core idea? I can’t tell you because it’d be a massive spoiler, but it has to do with the way the magic of Noss works.

What was the most enjoyable part of creating this series?
The epiphanies. Like that 4am one mentioned above, I had many others where things just clicked together, where a big story problem was solved (often between 2am and 4am, unfortunately), and it feels so great to have that happen. Often it also happens while writing, during those moments of pure flow where something clicks in place and it makes it look like I had planned setups and payoffs for ages just to get to this point, but it just happens in the spur of the moment and it brightens my day.

What was the most challenging aspect?
Giving up on having a life. I started this at the start of the pandemic, which at that time made it easy since there was no going out anywhere anyway. But it’s been consuming every moment of free time I have. I watch only a handful of movies a year, one or two TV shows at most, zero videogames, been going out on fewer photo roadtrips (what kept me sane before this all started), etc. I’m doing too much in too short a time, and it’s taking its toll.

Which authors or specific books have most influenced your work?
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
As obvious as this may be, I have to include this here. I read it when I was 15 years old, and I immediately fell in love with the world as much as with the characters.

The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King.
King’s series adds a grittier tone to fantasy that I truly enjoyed. The tone through a lot of the Noss Saga borrows from it. Even the very first line in my prologue echoes the first line of The Gunslinger!

The Broken Earth Series by N.K. Jemisin.
Orogeny, the magic system in this series, greatly inspired me to create my own magic system based on strict rules leaning more toward sci-fi than traditional fantasy. Incredible series that tackles themes of racism and climate change.

Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany.
I don’t recall enjoying this thick book, but I’m still thinking about it. It’s weird, it’s visceral, chaotic, and I can’t even explain what it’s about. It’s a love it or hate it book, or perhaps both.

The Aleph and Other Stories by Jorge Luis Borges.
Reading Borges is knowing you’ll never write as well as Borges. These short stories are much larger than the scant pages they inhabit, and their imagery is elusive in their clarity. It’s poetry in prose. Read them in the original Spanish if possible.

Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson.
This series tackles sociological issues in a compelling way, and evolving through time. It’s the best kind of sci-fi, already starting big but then getting so big that you could never had seen it coming.

A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
A different kind of post-apocalyptic story. In the Noss Saga I explore similar themes of discovery about what was left behind by an ancient world, and how future generations reinterpret old norms and technology.

The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan.
Sagan in general taught me to be a skeptic, to think with clarity and reason, but also to be a dreamer. Despite there being a “magic” of sorts in my fantasy world, it is tightly grounded in scientific concepts.

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter.
The prevalent themes of consciousness and self-awareness in my saga are tightly linked to me reading this intimidating book. It is, to this date, my favorite non-fiction book of all time. It tries to explain consciousness from as close to a scientific way as can be approached, while playing mindtricks on the reader in increasingly more complex self-referential ways.

Imajica by Clive Barker.
Barker’s writings never hold back. He simply digs into his guts and pulls out the imagery that is needed, the emotions that are most raw. This book is huge in scope, and how it deals with sex and gender was refreshing, honest, uninhibited.

His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman.
Another series that ties magic to tightly grounded scientific concepts, while still allowing itself to remain whimsical when needed. The animal and anthropomorphic aspects of the series remain a strong influence in what I crafted with Noss.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
The kindness of Gaiman is what strikes me most about his writing. His observations, his knowledge, his way of crafting myths of myths always come from a place of empathy and understanding. Sometimes when I’m stuck editing my own work, I try to read it in Gaiman’s soothing and mellifluous voice, then I find where the pacing is off.

The Kingkiller Chronicle Series by Patrick Rothfuss.
Rothfuss’ voice is lyrical, flowing effortlessly. His worldbuilding is entrancing, and his magic system solid and engaging. Being a debut author himself, it became a big inspiration for me to keep on pushing with my own work.

City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende.
A more lighthearted kind of fantasy written for young adults. As in Noss, this one deals with hidden worlds and the beauty of nature.

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern.
Another poetic voice that hit me deeply. Beautiful imagery, iconic, mythical, made of so many snippets of other stories and voices but tying them together perfectly. My favorite fiction book in the last decade.

Xenogenesis Series by Octavia E. Butler.
Sci-fi that cleverly deals with sex and sexuality, as well as how the hierarchical mindset of humans ultimately become self-destructive.

Contact by Carl Sagan.
The movie was cool, but it’s an abbreviated thought. The book is vast, reaching to an idea so big and mind-blowing that was not possible to put into the film version. Although Book 1 in my series starts relatively small in scope, by the sixth book things do expand to unexpected places.

A Passion for Nature: The Life of John Muir by Donald Worster.
There is a character in Book 1 clearly inspired by Muir in his demeanor, philosophy, and even voice. This is a great introduction to Muir’s life and his life-long struggle to preserve wilderness.

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
The man knows how to craft magic systems and write action sequences.

Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! by Richard Feynman
Unbounded curiosity. I often try to recreate that sense of wonder and discovery in Noss, and how joyful and exciting things small and things big can be.

What is the last book you read that you really love?
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. Pure poetry, visually mesmerizing.

What character of yours do you most identify with? And why?
It’s gonna be pretty obvious that Lago, the protagonist, is the closest. Gay, loves big bears and big guys, loves adventure, the stars, is kinda nerdy. But he’s not me. I put a lot of myself into all the characters I write, even the villains. Particularly with the villains I think that’s important, since it’s a way for me to make them more real and not just caricatures.

Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?
*cries at the mention of “free time”*

I used to have a life…

My biggest hobby is nature photography, but I haven’t had a chance to do it that often lately. It’s the perfect excuse to explore the world and see remote places you normally wouldn’t get to. My husband and I like to roadtrip and just wing it as we go, mostly skipping the touristy crap and getting lost on smaller roads, finding the good stuff.

You were embraced by the furry community after Zootopia. How much do you credit this community for shaping this book, and for wanting to see it through to the end?
A huge amount! As I said on the Acknowledgments page of the book, “In particular, thank you to my fervent furry following, who taught me to be courageous enough to be myself, to write a story that speaks my truth. You inspire me.” I’ve always enjoyed anthro art but wasn’t involved with the community till Zootopia, and that changed my path entirely. There’d be no Noss without the fandom.

Do you have any advice to give other writers?
Set a starting date between now and, say, 3 months from now. No more. Then start writing that day. You’re never ready to get started until you get started, so you have to take that first step. From there, it’s just a matter of consistency (I won’t say “write X amount every day” because I know people have different ways of working, and my own is for me alone, you have to find what works for you).

What types of stories would you like to see other people write more of?
I’d like to see more stories that feel consequential. An event, an opus, a grand orchestrated epic that has a purpose and it’s not just a way to sell books or to wing it from side story to side story. To me, themes of discovery, of the beauty of the natural world, of diverse ways of thought, those are the things that fascinate me. Sexuality and sex written in a natural, nuanced and revelatory way can be amazing.

It’s still early days, but what is next after The Noss Saga? Are there more stories waiting to be told?
It’s a huge world! I have ideas for stories that take place during certain events of the six-book series, and also ideas for a sci-fi story set in the same world but thousands of years in the future. There’s also the possibility of a tabletop RPG game, card game, and other things of that sort, but I promised myself I would not jump onto those things until after Book 6 is out, otherwise they’d become distractions. I want this project to last till I’m gone and after. I have too many illustrations to do, too many characters to design, too many more maps to add details to.

Most importantly of all, where can we find your work?

And also find me on Bluesky, at, where I post stuff about what I’m working on. And you can also find me on that other website but who wants to go there any more? Screw that other website.

Illustration by Ilse Gort (aka Caraid).

Please do check out Joaquín’s new book – and I hope some of the answers he has provided has helped discover something a little new about your writing process – or given you some great new books to read from his fantastic recommendations.

I am hopeful to bring back more of these author spotlights in the future – either from similar Q&As or guest blogs, or any number of possible avenues!

Until next time. Enjoy the remainder of Furry Book Month and share those great furry stories.
J.F.R. Coates

Categories: News

S10 E16 – Halloween 2023 - After a total eclipse of the sun, the each of the cast members experience weird events.... Join Roo and Nuka as they talk about Halloween and listen to some spooky stories. - NOW LISTEN! SHOW NOTES Thank you!

Fur What It's Worth - Wed 25 Oct 2023 - 21:53
After a total eclipse of the sun, the each of the cast members experience weird events....
Join Roo and Nuka as they talk about Halloween and listen to some spooky stories.

Thank you!
Special guest voice talent: Charlie Tinn

Stories by:
Alone on the Path By Ralley & Editing by Rho’Kash
The Horrible Human Horror story by Pixel Paws
Cast Stories by Roo
The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!

Uber Supporter Tier


Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters

Ashton Sergal, Nuka

Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka the San Francisco Treat, Baldrik, Lufis (Pic Pending)

Deluxe Supporters Tier

Guardian Lion, Plug (pic pending), Tenax

Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat

McRib Tier Supporters

Victor Mutt
Ichigo Ookami


Patreon: The Tudor Consort, Inflammatus, Creative Commons, 2010
Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 E16 – Halloween 2023 - After a total eclipse of the sun, the each of the cast members experience weird events.... Join Roo and Nuka as they talk about Halloween and listen to some spooky stories. - NOW LISTEN! SHOW NOTES Thank you!
Categories: Podcasts

Dancing to the Net

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 25 Oct 2023 - 20:00

Remember Luck? Skydance Animations first feature film premiered on Apple TV+ in 2022. Now, from what we found on Animation World Network, it seems that Skydance have inked a distribution deal with Netflix for their upcoming slate of new animated films. First up is Spellbound, which we’ve been hearing about for some time. Now it’s scheduled for release in 2024. “Spellbound follows the adventures of Ellian, the tenacious princess who must go on a daring quest to save her family and kingdom after a mysterious spell transforms her parents, the King and Queen of Lumbria, into monsters.” Even more interesting is Pookoo, looking for release in 2025. “Pookoo is a buddy comedy about a small woodland creature and a majestic bird, two natural sworn enemies of The Valley, that magically trade places and set off on an adventure of a lifetime.” And check out this bit of news: “Future films include Ray Gunn, directed by Brad Bird (Ratatouille, The Iron Giant), and an untitled Jack and the Beanstalk project directed by Rich Moore (Zootopia, Wreck-It Ralph).” The return of Gigantic?

image c. 2023 Skydance Animation

Categories: News

Furry hospitalized in concert attack

Global Furry Television - Tue 24 Oct 2023 - 02:47

Categories: News

Him and All His Furry… Friends?

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 23 Oct 2023 - 20:00

Lots of people have been talking about the new anime-style TV series that just recently started streaming on Netflix. “Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix is an original animated series mixing alternative Ubisoft characters from beloved franchises such as Assassin’s Creed, Rayman, and Far Cry in a highly-referenced homage to the early 90s.” The story? “Set in the year 1992, the country formerly known as the USA is now called Eden, a technocracy ruled by propaganda and corruption. Super-soldier Dolph Laserhawk has just been betrayed by the love of his life, his boyfriend Alex Taylor, and locked up in Eden’s off-the-grid maximum security prison, Supermaxx. Dolph is forced to lead a team of rebel outcasts on risky undercover missions under the order of the prison’s shadowy Warden.” What that description fails to convey is that there are lots and lots of anthropomorphic characters throughout the series, mostly bad folks but a few good-ish ones. Check out the trailer over at Animation World Network.

image c. 2023 Netflix

Categories: News

Fresh Fur: New Game Releases for October 22-28, 2023

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Mon 23 Oct 2023 - 17:00

Welcome to "Fresh Fur!" Our weekly installment going over the newest game releases, and which ones you can expect to find anthros/furries in!

Check the list below for all the games we could find with animal/anthro influences and characters.

New Releases for the week of October 22-28:
  • Dungeon Full Dive [PC] – October 23
  • Just Dance 2024 Edition [PS5, XSX, Switch] – October 23
  • Three Minutes To Eight [PC] – October 23
  • Cities Skylines 2 [PC, PS5, XSX] – October 24
  • Dark Envoy [PC] – October 24
  • The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria [PC] – October 24
  • Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: Volume 1 [PC, PS5, XSX, Switch] – October 24
  • Dave the Diver [Switch] – October 26
  • Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord [PSVR 2] – October 26
  • Ghostrunner 2 [PC, PS5, XSX] – October 26
  • Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier [PC] – October 26
  • Alan Wake 2 [PC, PS5, XSX] – October 27
  • Bratz: Flaunt Your Fashion - Complete Edition [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] – October 27
  • Hero Survival [PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 27

*Highlighted games have furry/animal influences/characters

Categories: News

The 5 Best Furry Manga You Need To Read

Fursonafy - Mon 23 Oct 2023 - 06:11

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Manga?
  3. What Is A Furry Manga?
  4. Killing Bites
  5. Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen
  6. Oumagadoki Zoo
  7. Doubutsu no Kuni
  8. Beastars
  9. Honorable Mentions
  10. Where Can I Read Furry Manga
Article Content Introduction

Furry content can come in all shapes and sizes. Ranging from animations to comics to stories there are countless mediums of furry content. So, it should come as no surprise that the world of manga has seen the influence of the furry fandom seep into it. In fact, some furry mangas even getting wider appeal than just the furry fandom and branch out to general anime and manga fans which gives furries a little more exposure. However, before we get a little too ahead of ourselves, what even is manga?

What Is Manga?

For those who are a bit out of the loop when it comes to anime and pop culture, manga, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children. In the past few decades, they have really become a cultural phenomenon in the West, and with good reason. The top 4 comic publishers worldwide are all Japanese and since the 2010s manga has massively outsold American comics in America Some of the greatest comic book panels come from manga, and they aren’t bound to any specific genre either. Action, Romance, Adventure, Comedy, Detective, Drama, Horror, Fantasy, if you look just a little bit you can find a whole catalog of manga in any of these genres and more.

Manga is such a massive part of the Japanese publishing industry that in 2020 its market value hit a new high of ¥612.6 billion. This was also thanks to the introduction of digital manga copies, something that earlier publishers couldn’t make use of back in the 1950s when manga was first gaining some traction in the Japanese publishing world. Unlike a lot of Western comics, however, manga are printed in black and white. There are multiple reasons for this including keeping printing costs low, time constraints for artists, and sometimes just as an artistic choice. However, this also builds up hype for when a popular panel from a manga eventually gets animated in the anime.

    Jiu Jutsu Kaisen Manga Panel

    Image via Reddit

    What Is A Furry Manga?

    So as you might be able to guess, generally when something that isn’t a hat or a pair of boots has the word furry before it as an adjective it refers to the fact that it contains anthropomorphic animal characters. Things like furry art, furry suits (more often called fursuits), and furry animations are all pretty good examples of what I’m talking about. Furry manga is no exception to this rule. Believe it or not, there is a whole sub-genre of anime that tells the stories of animated, anthropomorphic creatures. By the way, when we are talking about anthropomorphic creatures we are talking about animal characters with human characteristics like wearing clothes, the ability to talk, walking on two legs, that kind of stuff. You’d probably also be surprised by just how much of it there is if you look in the right places, so much so, that we have compiled a list for you here of the 5 best furry manga that you should check out.

    From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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    Published in November 2013, Killing Bites tells the story of a high school girl Hitomi Uzaki, and her relationship with Yuuya Nomoto a college student who unknowingly participated in the kidnapping of Hitomi. Little did Yuuya know he had kidnapped a girl who could turn into a super-powered human-animal beast created through gene therapy. So, a less-than-ideal spot, made even worse by the fact that he has become the prize of a wager death match between two of these beasts. Not to jump into any spoilers, the rest of the story revolves around the proxy war that Yuuya accidentally involves himself in through this Hitomi girl.

      Killing Bites Vol. 5 Cover

      Image via Rakuten Kobo

      #2 Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen

      This manga from the year 2016 is set in Seton Academy. This is a school for several diverse animal species but instead tells the story of Jin Mazama; one of the only human attendees. It is a comedy that explores Jin’s relationship with a boisterous lone wolf (as in a literal wolf) girl whom he befriends. The story is driven by the push/pull tension of Jin’s reluctance to join her pack because he hates animals and her insistence that he joins her pack because, well, she has no friends. Sprinkle in a love interest (who is also named Hitomi coincidentally) and an extracurricular cooking club and you got yourself a furry manga classic.

      Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen Cover Art

      Image via Manga Wiki – Fandom

      #3 Oumagadoki Zoo

      Released in 2010 this manga follows the life of Hana Aoi, a so-called “clumsy good for nothing” according to her classmates, who looks to no longer conform to the name calling by applying for a job at her local zoo. While it doesn’t get many visitors she looks forward to spending her evenings with the cute animals, that is until she meets a giant anthropomorphic rabbit that goes by the name Shiina. It turns out he’s actually the director of the zoo and human and also cursed by a ghost that can turn people into humanoid creatures. Honestly, it isn’t any less crazy when you read it for yourself, nevertheless, it is worth the read.

      A Panel From Oumagadoki Zoo

      Image via Tumblr

      #4 Doubutsu no Kuni

      Starting in 2009, Doubutsu no Kuni is a story about a world populated only by non-human animals, that is until the birth of a baby discovered by a raccoon called Monoko. Despite it being a human baby, Monoko dedicates herself to raising this child in a hostile, alien world where it’s the survival of the fittest. It’s a pretty heart-warming action, adventure story and a must-read for any furry manga fans.

      Doubutsu no Kuni Vol. 3 Cover

      Image via Doubutsu no Kuni Wiki

      #5 Beastars

      If you’ve already read our article on the best furry anime, then you probably have an idea as to why this manga has made it onto the list. We can’t stress enough how brilliant Beastars is. Released in 2016, Beastars throws you into a world of anthropomorphic animals divided by one thing, whether they are a carnivore or herbivores. We’ll try to avoid any spoilers at all, but this debate of objective right and wrong becomes quite nuanced especially once a certain event happens that causes tension between herbivores and carnivores within Cherryton High School to spike to an all-time high. This manga doesn’t just have great writing for a furry manga this has great writing in the scope of all manga, it’s a genuinely edge-of-your-seat read, and furry or not if you are a fan of manga you have to give this a read.

        Beastars Vol. 16 Cover

        Image via Rakuten Kobo

        Honorable Mentions

        Of course, there are more than just 5 furry manga in the world but some of them just couldn’t make the cut for the top 5 so we’ve compiled a slightly shorter list of some that are still definitely worth a read but just didn’t quite make the cut. 

        The Boy And The Beast 

        Miss Kitty & Her Bodyguards

        Kainushi Juujin to Pet Joshikousei

        Polar Bear Café

        Beast Complex: Kurohyou to Rakko

        Where Can I Read Furry Manga?

        Unfortunately, a lot of manga is very difficult to find in the West so, if you’re reading this wondering where the hell you can even find these manga not to worry we’ve got your back. 


        Sites like and are both great options for anyone looking for more of an obscure manga as the catalog of content that they have is just unbelievable, it looks near infinite.

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        Xege Kheiru

        Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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        The post The 5 Best Furry Manga You Need To Read appeared first on Fursonafy.

        Categories: News

        Episode 546 - We’re Knot Dead

        Southpaws - Sun 22 Oct 2023 - 15:09

        This episode Fuzz and Savrin are joined partway through by Ajax, since we recorded with a solo mic at Fuzz's. Shiva's household is still sick, unfortunately. We talk about new books, EU laws, an Illinois bill for a psilocybin rescheduling, dying on hills, and Bandai really messing up badly on their NFT launch... to the tune of 200+ models just out there. We also got an email from Kyell asking about conventions counting attendance. 

        Patreon - Southpaws | creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon

        Illinois Bill Would Remove Psilocybin as Schedule 1 Drug, Create Psilocybin Advisory Board (

        Musk considers removing X platform from Europe over EU law - Insider | Reuters

        Episode 546 - We’re Knot Dead
        Categories: Podcasts


        In-Fur-Nation - Sat 21 Oct 2023 - 20:53

        Halloween season is the time for monster movies — even if they’re only in production now. Deadline told us about Night of the Zoopocalypse, a new family-comedy CGI animated feature set to premiere in 2024. Here’s the official synopsis: “One night, a meteor crashes into Colepepper Zoo unleashing a virus that transforms the animals into strange and hilarious slobbering zombie mutants. Gracie, a young quirky wolf, teams up with a gruff and fearsome mountain lion to find a way back to her pack. As the zoo is overrun, they must come up with a plan to get all the animals back to normal. Together with the help of a motley crew of survivors – Xavier the movie-obsessed lemur, Frida the fiery capybara, Ash the sarcastic, fabulous ostrich, and Felix the treacherous monkey – they embark on a perilous mission to rescue the zoo and defeat Bunny Zero, the deranged mutant-king, determined to spread the virus beyond the zoo walls.” Interesting note about the directors: “The film is co-directed by veteran animators and story artists Ricardo Curtis (The Incredibles) and Rodrigo Perez-Castro (Ferdinand) whose combined credits, in various roles, include hits such as the Ice Age films, Rio, and The Angry Birds Movie through animation pre-production studio House of Cool (Paw Patrol), where they serve, respectively, as Creative Director and VP of Creative.” Impressive.

        image c. 2023 Anton and Charades

        Categories: News

        Bearly Furcasting S4E25 - You Knew What You Were Getting

        Bearly Furcasting - Sat 21 Oct 2023 - 05:00

        MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

        Moobarkfluff! Taebyn and Bearly have some fun in the studio this week. We revisit some things from past episodes, tell some jokes, learn about some Math History, have actual stories in the news, Teabyn has lot’s of puns, and Bearly inquires about the difference between bisecting and bifurcating. So join us for a fun filled hour! Moobarkfluff all you furs!

        Taebyn YouTube

        Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall

         Wild Bills Soda

        Merch at Redbubble

        Merch at Bonfire

        Merch at Fourthwall

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

        You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

        Bearly Furcasting S4E25 - You Knew What You Were Getting
        Categories: Podcasts

        The Insanely Talented DJ Snappy w/ Snappy [FABP E37]

        Fox and Burger - Fri 20 Oct 2023 - 23:00

        Snappy the DJ is a man of culture, music, and fun. In this episode, we sit down and reminisce about his early years and how music changed his life. ---- Timestamps: 00:00 Teaser 00:37 Intro 01:19 Guest intro 03:52 Snappy the border collie 05:27 From cartoons to fursuits 08:48 Talking furry with family 11:47 Growing up in Hanoi 15:43 Appreciating art and computers 19:31 Computer life crisis 23:15 Dubstep and singing competitions 26:46 Discovering a spark in music 29:44 Blowing up with Undertale 33:37 Original compositions 37:14 Kawaii Future Bass 40:39 VGM inspirations 42:18 International, professional work 46:46 From art school to success 48:39 Freelance vs Professional work 51:05 All about Tenkitsune 54:47 Separating Fox from Snappy 57:17 Birth of Snappy 59:37 Summing up Tenkitsune 1:01:26 A DJing pupper 1:03:16 DJing vs live performance 1:06:28 Where to begin with music production 1:11:05 Future plans for Snappy 1:15:02 Social media shoutout 1:16:57 Outro ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger: Snappy: Tenkitsune: ---- Footage Credit: Other pictures and video provided by Pixabay, and guest’s and host’s personal footage. Intro/Outro Music: Drown Me Out - YVEN ---- The Fox and Burger Podcast is one segment of our production house, Fox and Burger Productions. The podcast’s goal is twofold: 1, to know more about the Asian furry fandom; and 2, compare and contrast the Asian fandom with the Western one. If you have a guest that you would like to see on the show, please PM us! We will also take questions for our guests, so don’t miss this opportunity to know some amazing furs.
        Categories: Podcasts

        Warriors of the Night Return?

        In-Fur-Nation - Fri 20 Oct 2023 - 01:59

        Amazing news out of Disney is making the rounds. We got this report from Variety: “Gargoyles could finally be returning to television, with a live-action reboot series currently in the works at Disney+. Variety has confirmed that the Disney streaming service is working with writer Gary Dauberman and James Wan‘s Atomic Monster to develop a live-action version of the beloved animated show. Dauberman would serve as writer and executive producer with Wan also executive producing. Disney Branded Television is the studio. The current logline for the project reads: ‘Based on the cult classic Disney animated series, Goliath is the last of a heroic race of gargoyle warriors who once lived among mankind. Free from a centuries long curse that turned him into stone, Goliath struggles to solve the mystery of his past while watching over modern-day New York City alongside police detective Elisa Maza.’ ” Here’s hoping that doesn’t mean the rest of the gargoyle crew won’t be taking part in the new project!

        image c. 2023 Disney TV Animation

        Categories: News

        INCOFUR: Opening a new space and audience for Indonesia‘s furry VTubers

        Global Furry Television - Wed 18 Oct 2023 - 04:00

        INCOFUR:为印尼兽圈 VTuber 开辟新空间和观众的倡议
        Categories: News

        Most Cats Just Yowl, but…

        In-Fur-Nation - Wed 18 Oct 2023 - 01:42

        Don’t look now, but it’s time to start talking about Christmas specials! Like this one, which we found at Animation World Network: “The BBC and Magic Light Pictures have shared a first look at their upcoming 3DCG Christmas adventure, Tabby McTat, produced for BBC One and BBC iPlayer. Set on the streets of London, the show tells the story of the warm and wonderful friendship between a musical cat and a talented busker called Fred. The film is the 11th special produced by the studio, based on the work of children’s book author Julia Donaldson (The Gruffalo) and illustrator Axel Scheffler.” The special is narrated by none other than Jodie Whittaker — yes, Dr. Who herself.

        image c. 2023 Magic Light Pictures

        Categories: News

        Fresh Fur: New Game Releases for October 15-21, 2023

        Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Mon 16 Oct 2023 - 17:00

        Welcome to "Fresh Fur!" Our weekly installment going over the newest game releases, and which ones you can expect to find anthros/furries in!

        Check the list below for all the games we could find with animal/anthro influences and characters.

        New Releases for the week of October 15-21:
        • Growth [PC] – October 16
        • SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake [PS5, XSX] – October 16
        • Cyber Knights: Flashpoint [PC] – October 17
        • Diablo 4 Season 2 [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] – October 17
        • Legend Creatures 2 [PC] – October 17
        • Sonic Superstars [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 17
        • Alaskan Road Truckers [PC] – October 18
        • The 7th Guest VR [PC VR, Quest, PSVR 2] – October 19
        • Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 19
        • AirportSim [PC] – October 19
        • Chaos on Wheels [PC] – October 19
        • Endless Dungeon [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] – October 19
        • Forgive Me Father 2 [PC] – October 19
        • Gangs of Sherwood [PC, PS5, XSX] – October 19
        • The Gap [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] – October 19
        • The Jackbox Party Pack 10 [PC, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 19
        • Operation Valor [PC] – October 19
        • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 [PS5] – October 20
        • Super Mario Bros Wonder [Switch] – October 20

        *Highlighted games have furry/animal influences/characters

        Categories: News

        Don’t Hide the Appeal!

        In-Fur-Nation - Mon 16 Oct 2023 - 01:52

        The comic 2-Land is one of those things where, if you read the description alone, you’d never even know it was furry. And then you see it, as in the picture below! Anyway, here’s that description: “The city of Tuland has been very active lately. There has been a spike in low level crime, political confusion as well as a looming feeling as if there is a puppet master dictating these seemingly petty crimes. On top of all of this the city has a mysterious new hero. No one has seen him. No cameras have caught him in action. And the only witnesses of his presence are the criminals. Will Tuland’s streets return to their once peaceful norm? Is there a so called ‘puppet master’ pulling the strings behind these criminal activities? Will this self-appointed savior of Tuland reveal himself to the people?” The creators, Jay the Teller and Dr. Inx, have their own web site for the comic too, which has a lot more background information.

        image c. 2023 2-Land Comics

        Categories: News

        Fresh Fur: New Game Releases for October 8-14, 2023

        Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Sat 14 Oct 2023 - 17:00

        Welcome to "Fresh Fur!" Our weekly installment going over the newest game releases, and which ones you can expect to find anthros/furries in!

        Check the list below for all the games we could find with animal/anthro influences and characters.

        New Releases for the week of October 8-14:
        • Forza Motorsport [PC, XSX] – October 10
        • Lil Gator Game [PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO] – October 10
        • Meta Quest 3 – October 10
        • Roblox [PS4] – October 10
        • Wild Card Football [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 10
        • The Front [PC] – October 11
        • Honkai: Star Rail [PS5] – October 11
        • Total War: Pharaoh [PC] – October 11
        • Long Gone Days [PC] - October 11
        • Company of Heroes Collection [Switch] – October 12
        • Haunted House [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 12
        • Star Trek: Infinite [PC] - October 12
        • Chemically Bonded [PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 13
        • The Grinch: Christmas Adventures [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 13
        • Lords of the Fallen [PC, PS5, XSX] – October 13
        • Transformers: Earthspark - Expedition [PC, PS5, XSX, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 13

        *Highlighted games have furry/animal influences/characters

        Categories: News

        Bearly Furcasting S4E24 - Gotta Dance

        Bearly Furcasting - Sat 14 Oct 2023 - 05:00

        MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

        Moobarkfluff! Welcome to another fun filled episode of BFFT!  Bearly, Rayne, and Taebyn get off the rails almost immediately! We play some trivia, hear a story and generally have a furry tacular time. So join us for a fun filled hourish of fun.Moobarkfluff all you furs!

        Taebyn YouTube
        Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall
        Wild Bills Soda
        Merch at Redbubble
        Merch at Bonfire
        Merch at Fourthwall

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

        You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

        Bearly Furcasting S4E24 - Gotta Dance
        Categories: Podcasts

        A Continental First

        In-Fur-Nation - Sat 14 Oct 2023 - 01:54

        We found this over at Cartoon Brew: “Pan-African SVOD platform Showmax has released the trailer for its new animated series Twende, the first 2D animated Showmax Original. The producers of the series are touting this as the first 2D animated show of this scale and quality made almost entirely in Africa.” They go on to describe the new series like this: “Twende’s titular protagonist is a pangolin, an endangered species which is one of the slowest-moving animals of the savannah. He works as boda boda (motorcycle taxi) driver in a fictional East African city where his incongruous career choice and belief that life is about the journey and not the destination often cause friction with riders who just want to get where they’re going quickly.” There’s a trailer up on line as well. Showmax plans to premiere Twende across Africa this December, and they’re shopping the series around at MIPCOM and the like to try and find international distribution.

        image c. 2023 Showmax

        Categories: News