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The Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature

Furry.Today - Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 16:32

After quite a long time they finally release the trailer for Nub Job 2. This looks like it borrows heavily from the Brendan Fraser [1] film Furry Vengeance. and in other news: Nut Job 2 is actually a thing and not direct to video. [1]
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152 Mario Rehab - New ep! We talk freezing rain, the Nintendo Swit…

The Dragget Show - Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 09:20

New ep! We talk freezing rain, the Nintendo Switch, Alkali's visit to Kage's Winestream and more! Reminder: We're on Patreon! If you could kick us a buck or two, we'd greatly appreciate it. ALSO, we're not just on SoundCloud, you can also subscribe to this on most podcast services like iTunes! Don't forget to hang out in our telegram chat, now w/ over 100 members! 152 Mario Rehab - New ep! We talk freezing rain, the Nintendo Swit…
Categories: Podcasts

Momma Batty

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 02:48

Tamberlane is a full-color on-line comic written and illustrated by Caytlin Vilbrandt. “In Treehollow, Belfry is well known as the bat with a heart of gold and penchant for accidents. All the residents love her and fear her in equal measures. So of course when she literally stumbles across a strange creature who seems to be some kind of abandoned kit, she wants to care for it… but is she truly up to the task? Or will it die a horrifying, accident-related death?” After a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, the first compilation issue of Tamberlane on dead trees will be available soon.

image c. 2017 by Caytlin Vilbrandt

Categories: News

Pogo: Grow Fonder

Furry.Today - Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 00:35

New Pogo video from Robin Hood ... 'nuff said. Thanks goes to Sysable for this tip.
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The Best Furry Videos of 2016! Culturally F’d teams up with Dogpatch Press.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 17 Jan 2017 - 10:01

It’s an honor to welcome guest posting with Culturally F’d, the furry channel most in tune with everything we do here. Thanks Arrkay! – Patch

Hey Fluff Punks, it’s Arrkay here from Culturally F’d. Hope you had a restful holiday! Today we’re going to round up 2016’s best of furry YouTube.

2016 video roundup

Hilda The Bambioid at ConFurence Zero. This outstanding blast from the past surfaced from a very early organized furry event.  It was one of the first furry-made fursuits. This cheesy dance was part of this very small con’s masquerade, long before there were enough fursuits to clog the con halls with a parade.

(Comment from Patch: This was digitized and uploaded by Changa Lion, from the original video in the library of the Prancing Skiltaire furry house. I got dinner with him at Further Confusion and got to hear his surprise and amusement at seeing this go unexpectedly viral! He mentioned that the suit-wearer always intended the performance to be undercover without identity.  It’s easy to find today, although it’s unknown if credit would be welcomed now.)

FurScience “Just Like You” campaign. I got a sneak peak of this back in March at Furnal Equinox.  The IARP has rebranded its public face as “FurScience” in an effort to combat furry stigma and give the parents of furries some information and relief.

“The Natural World” by EZ Wolf. He knocks our socks off again with a twist on the typical convention video, a mockumentary of furries in the wild.

“Furries in the Media” by Aberguine.  She shines a light on the scene in her own series, where she picks apart instances in TV and the news where furries are used, and grades them on accuracy and spirit. Here is her dissection of the infamous CSI Episode “Fur and Loathing”:

The Raccoons Den also had the lead up to their season finale start, in a dramatic recreation of a news blogger manipulating furry fandom interviews for yet another click-baity headline on the deviancy of Furry.

Screen Shot 2017-01-15 at 6.19.17 PMFurry.Today’s Best videos from 2016


I’m a regular visitor at and so should you be! I spend most of my time on YouTube, but Changa Lion curates Furry Today from Vimeo as well.

(Comment from Patch: Changa Lion is a greymuzzle who lives with “furry founders” RodO’Riley and Mark Merlino at the Prancing Skiltaire. All of us got dinner at Further Confusion and I heard a wealth of fandom wisdom from the 1980’s and older.  They told me great stories of associating with Golden Age animation royalty like Chuck Jones and influencing animation history, such as getting obscure anime screened for Disney artists who used it for parts of movies you would recognize.  Changa has professional broadcast graphics experience, and described himself as a “video hoarder.” He has long compiled animation festivals worth of content to show at cons.  I told him that deserved much wider audience, even a touring festival of its own. The fandom is big and active enough to support one now.)  

I reached out for Changa’s top picks from 2016, and here’s what we’ve got.

Music Videos:



Culturally F’d in 2016:


At Culturally F’d, we worked our tails off to produce and upload about 70 videos in 2016 – bringing our total uploaded to a cool 100. The most popular was one we felt was sorely needed and took about 6 collaborators to write – Culturally F’d’s 17 Misconceptions about Furries and the Furry Fandom:

Our crossover with Aberguine was a double whammy and a huge highlight for our year as well. She’s delightful to work with and her channel delivers consistent reviews of furries in the news, reality TV and talk shows and anywhere else we show up.

On the fun side of our channel, our official mascot Rusty has been working throughout the year on his own fursuit, a wolf-husky sparkledog named, with the help of our viewers, “Tetanus”. This compilation will conveniently catch you up on how Rusty inadvertently breathed life into his horrifically ugly fursuit.

Our best episodes of the year were all written with outside help. So thank you to everyone who’s reached out to Culturally F’d or let us use your work in some way. We’re hoping that 2017 will have more collaboration and cross-overs between furries on YouTube.

Culturally F’d recent news:


Here’s what’s been happening on Culturally F’d: We took the holiday off of doing proper episodes and gave you a few bonus episodes including: The Art of F’d, a look at how our thumbnails are painted by Underbite, the Tetanus and Rusty compilation above and last week Rusty punched 2016 in the face. This week we’re taking a look at “Death and Bunnies: RIP Watership Down author R. Adams” and doing an author spotlight on the late Richard Adams and his work.

We also launched our store! Please check out our store at: to check out some sweet t-shirts. Fluff Punk is a play on how SteamPunk and Dieselpunk can just take on “punk” onto something to make it an arts movement, furries get to be Fluff Punks (if you want). We also have a gorgeous full print design based on the work by J.C.Leyendecker. It was the cover of the Saturday Evening Post in the July edition 1905.

Ursa Major AwardIt’s also Ursa Major Award Nominations Season! Send them your nominations for the best in Furry from 2016, including videos and video creators. Sign up now, it’s super easy, and keep an eye out here on for their annual Ursa Major award articles.

Submit YOUR favorite videos from last year down in the comments section!

Categories: News

Episode -14 - No sharks in the bathroom plz

Unfurled - Tue 17 Jan 2017 - 06:08
Down a Roland this week the cast gets together for a whackoff of a good time Episode -14 - No sharks in the bathroom plz
Categories: Podcasts

Episode -15 - Labeo chrysophekadion

Unfurled - Tue 17 Jan 2017 - 06:06
Vox is missing this episode but Kaar has taken his place. Come and enjoy the first episode of 2017!!! Episode -15 - Labeo chrysophekadion
Categories: Podcasts

Yes It’s Only a Paper Mask

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 17 Jan 2017 - 02:53

Hello! Back from Further Confusion 2017 with lots to talk about. Starting off with a whole new way to get yourself a head for your anthropomorphic costume! Tetra Variations is a company started by a fan who goes by the name of Mr. T-Rex. (He’s working hard on making that Dr. T-Rex, which is a scary thought.) For now he specializes in creating geometric patterns which you can purchase for download, print out on your own stiff paper, then cut and paste into masks, puppets, toys, and other useful items. Dinosaurs are a specialty, but as you can see from his store there are lots of other animals to be found as well. Sign up for his newsletter and he’ll also let you know when new designs come out.

image c. 2016 Tetra Variations

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 10 Episode 07

TigerTails Radio - Mon 16 Jan 2017 - 18:13
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The Heron Mother

Furry.Today - Mon 16 Jan 2017 - 13:05

Some people were born to adopt.
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[Live] Missing Blue

FurCast - Sat 14 Jan 2017 - 23:59

Not a proper episode. Fayroe was so busy working on our new house he forgot to show up… Sorta. Anyway we sat around and chatted for an hour or so.

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[Live] Missing Blue
Categories: Podcasts

12-Year-Old Has a Crush ... Then a Surprise

Ask Papabear - Sat 14 Jan 2017 - 16:11
Hello, Papabear,

I'm very unhappy. I don't know what to do. I love her so much, but still I know she can never be with me. There is no way for it to happen. Not even by a miracle. I'm crying as I write this. No one likes me. I have no friends. I get constantly bullied every day in school. I'm very unhappy and utterly confused. It hurts so much. She is amazing, gorgeous (both inside and out) in a way not a single person could imagine, a great student, extremely talented (can sing, paint, do sports well and play various instruments) ... She is so kind to everyone she meets, even to myself. She was the only one who smiled to me and not judging me or mocking me. I love her so much. I love her so much. I can't think straight. There is no way she could choose to be with someone like myself. I don't deserve her, but I can't help but love her. I don't want to come off as creepy to her. That is my worst nightmare, I can't even imagine something as stupid as that.

School is going to start again in a couple of days, I'm completely lost. I'm so scared, Papabear, please help me! I can't get anyone to help me and I lack a father figure in my life, which is a huge disadvantage. What should I do? She is the first person that I really fell in love with, I have a GIANT crush on her. I'm usually depressed and anxious but when I'm near her or when I notice her presence things change, at least a little bit.

I'm so sorry if I'm bothering you with my silly problems. I'm so sorry. I don't want to die alone!

-Silvertail (age 12)
* * *
Dear Silvertail,
You are not bothering me and your problem is not silly. Allow Papabear to try and give you some perspective.
First of all, take a deeeeeeeep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and let it go slowly. I completely get why you would fall in love for someone like this. She sounds quite remarkable. Combine that with the fact that she is kind to you when no one else seems to be, and you have a perfect formula for being head-over-heels in love. I get it. I acknowledge it. I am not going to belittle your feelings.
It’s good that you wrote to an older furry such as myself because you need to step back a bit and look at this with your head as much as your heart. Allow me to make a couple points here:

  1. You are 12 years old. I realize that cubs are apparently reaching puberty at an earlier age these days (a topic for another column), but when I was your age, my main interest was not girls (or boys) and romance; it was playing in the street with my friends, playing board games, swimming, worrying about school, and hoping I could go see Star Wars at the Chinese Theater. I was four years away from my first date. People grow up too fast these days. It’s unhealthy. You need to spend some time treasuring your childhood before it is gone, rather than weighing yourself down with serious subjects such as romantic love.
  2. You are 12 years old. This bears repeating. Even if you did successfully court this young girl, chances are you would have a few fun years together before life’s circumstances got in the way: you’d go to different colleges, find jobs in different places, decide to pursue interests that the two of you didn’t share. In short, you would grow up and grow apart. Not to mention the sheer impracticality of two people your age dating and socializing outside of school. You don’t even have a driver’s license yet.
  3. First loves. It is extremely, extremely rare that a first love, especially at your age, will last a lifetime. The average person dates several people during their early years, and many people have more than one serious relationship. Your fear that you will die alone is awfully premature! Don’t panic. You’re YOUNG!
All that said, there is no reason at all that this couldn’t be a nice little relationship that you will look back on in years to come with a smile on your face. Such experiences are extremely valuable. You learn how to be a part of a couple, to share, to be considerate and affectionate, to be a true friend. These skills will prove valuable later in life with future relationships until you eventually find someone who becomes, hopefully, your spouse, lover, and closest friend.
To proceed, do not pounce. Do not approach the girl with “I love you!” declarations while you clutch bouquets of flowers and boxes of candy as gifts. Instead, begin with friendship, which is actually how all solid relationships with strong foundations should begin. I don’t know how much you have talked to her so far, but it sounds like you have had some interactions. Now proceed to the next level. Invite her to do something fun with you, whatever that might be. She sounds like she has many interests, so hopefully you share one or more of them and could experience them together. Since you’re too young to drive her to a movie or dinner, perhaps you could share a school function together. (On the other hand, if you don’t share any of her interests, this would be a clue that she is not a promising love interest for you).
Start with friendship. See how that goes. If it goes well and you start to get close, that is when you go to the next level: a kiss, a hug, and, eventually, those three little words, “I love you.”
To some up: calm down, take it slowly, and if it doesn’t work out, don’t panic. You have a lot of living in the future to do and it’s way too early to be afraid you will die alone.
Good Luck!

* * *

She has a girlfriend, she has made it known to everyone on her Facebook today..... I didn't know she's homosexual/bisexual. I'm not feeling alright right now. I don't know.

Oh, and I've never had a friend in my life. She has a ton of them. I feel like jumping off a bridge. All of my life, up to this point, has been nothing but suffering, pain and anxiety. I have NEVER felt "happy" in my life. Not even once. There was always something standing in the way.

Why me?

* * *
Hi, Silvertail.
Well, that's a twist. Kind of proves my point that first crushes don't work out, but that's with a different state of affairs. At any rate: so, okay, she's a homosexual or whatever. You still like her as a person, right? You could still be friends, maybe even great friends with her. Sounds like you need a friend, so don't dismiss the possibility of having one, even though she isn't what you expected. You say she treats you with kindness, and that is something you could really use.
As for never being happy a day in your life: I don't know your life history, but do your parents know? If not, they need to know. You might also have clinical depression--something that can be diagnosed and treated by a professional. Don't be afraid to ask people for help.

Tiny Troopers

Furry.Today - Fri 13 Jan 2017 - 13:00

Here is a short project The Animation Workshop created for a spot for the Danish NGO Verdens Skove [1]("Forests of the World"). So cute. [1]
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Oh He’s Such A Deer

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 13 Jan 2017 - 02:17

Yen Press have released a new black & white manga out called Reindeer Boy, written and illustrated by Cassandra Jean. According to the publishers: “The new boy is town is cute and friendly. The only problem is… he has antlers? Quincy has the same dream every year on Christmas Eve: Of finding a little boy holding a special gift for her under the tree – and every Christmas morning, she’s awoken to find a gift wrapped in tinfoil with her name on it… When school resumes after the winter break, Quincy’s class discovers they have an unusual new transfer student named Cupid. Ridiculously cute and friendly, the new boy has everyone both enamored and confused. Those antlers can’t be real…can they?? With Cupid having seemingly set his sights on Quincy, it seems she’ll be having a memorable year indeed!” [See you again after Further Confusion!]

image c. 2017 Yen Press

Categories: News

The Itching [Mature]

Furry.Today - Thu 12 Jan 2017 - 17:12

Ok, this has a touch of body horror but manages to have a happyish ending. I can only imagine this film came out of the frustration the animators frustration over itching. Everybody has been there once or twice. The biology in that world disturb me but the film is surprising in how well they manage to convey. This is a touch dark. "--A shy wolf tries to befriend a group of hip, party-loving bunnies but finds her body is in revolt.--"
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Mickey Mouse in Hell? Seriously?

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 12 Jan 2017 - 02:12

We could not make this stuff up if we wanted to, folks. Mickey’s Inferno. Yes: The scary portion of Dante’s Divine Comedy as re-told in full-color graphic novel format by Mickey and his friends. And Papercutz got Disney’s okay with this! It’s written by Guido Martina (who is a well-known creator of Disney material in Italy), illustrated by Angelo Bioletta, and available in softcover and hardcover editions — on the shelves right now. Gosh, is Purgatory next?

image c. 2017 Papercutz

Categories: News

FA 053 Puppy Love - Is there a 'correct' way to handle rejection? Are crushes a thing for the youth, or will you experience them until death? Is it ageist to want a BDSM dom closer to your age? All this and more on this week's Feral Attraction!

Feral Attraction - Wed 11 Jan 2017 - 19:00

Hello Everyone!

On this week’s show we open with a discussion on how to deal with haters. We go back over the idea of reactions versus responses, emotional retorts versus reason, and the school of stoic philosophy. This also applies to how one can handle rejection, whether it's for a friend, for a

Our main topic is on crushes. We go over how to handle having a crush, being crushed on, and how to determine whether to move forward into a relationship or let the flame fizzle out. In the furry fandom, and in the world at large, we often get the idea that having a crush must mean that a relationship needs to happen, or oftentimes confusing love for limerence. We discuss how to differentiate between the two, how to let people down easily, and how to be graceful when you are rejected by a crush. 

We close out with a question on BDSM anxiety: a young sub wants to get involved in BDSM but is afraid that they won't find someone closer to their age or someone who will treat them nice. We unpack this question and offer some advice on how to treat your elders in any community. 

For more information, including a list of topics, see our Show Notes for this episode.

Thanks and, as always, be well!


FA 053 Puppy Love - Is there a 'correct' way to handle rejection? Are crushes a thing for the youth, or will you experience them until death? Is it ageist to want a BDSM dom closer to your age? All this and more on this week's Feral Attraction!
Categories: Podcasts

Mighty Morphin Meower Rangers

Furry.Today - Wed 11 Jan 2017 - 17:34

Go Go Meower Rangers!! I hope they do an very special episode that talks about catnip.
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