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Dabchick: A whole NEW ROOM

Furry.Today - Mon 30 Jan 2017 - 19:00

Barry Dixon [1] is a youtuber that makes puppets and films and mostly around a cute bird named Dabchick. Yes Dabchick ... you are cute. [1]
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TigerTails Radio Season 10 Episode 09

TigerTails Radio - Mon 30 Jan 2017 - 17:15
Categories: Podcasts

They Came, They Saw, They Kicked Our…

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 30 Jan 2017 - 02:55

We’ve mentioned the comic book series Animosity from Aftershock before. “The Animals thought, spoke, and took revenge. The dust has settled and the blood has dried, but a new force is rising in the West, ready to help Animal-kind seize power in the dark new world to come…” Now they’ve released a special off-shoot called Animosity: The Rise. “Spinning out from Marguerite Bennett’s hit new series Animosity is this special one-shot, illustrated by American Monster’s very own Juan Doe! Witness the devastating effects of ‘The Wake’ and how it affected other parts of the world on that terrifying day!” Interestingly, it appears that this concept is played for laughs (?). At least, that’s what the review over at AiPT would have you believe.

image c. 2017 Aftershock Comics

Categories: News

Episode 337 - Say It With Beef

Southpaws - Sun 29 Jan 2017 - 19:58
This week the hosts are all together and discuss things like Furry Fiesta, life being cheap in space, adventures to Waco, and dogs. We also get a few asks. Want to help support the show? We have a Patreon! Episode 337 - Say It With Beef
Categories: Podcasts

Milford man charged with 2009 child rape

Furries In The Media - Sun 29 Jan 2017 - 10:10
Not the sort of news article the furry fandom wants or needs, but I am posting it here because of its serious nature, and because it seems to have had limited coverage which is in danger of disappearing completely behind a paywall.

The original article was here:

and read:

Milford man charged with 2009 child rape

By James O'Malley, staff writer 21 hrs ago 0

A Milford man has been charged with raping an 8-year-old boy inside his home in 2009.

Kenneth C. Fenske, 57, of the 2700 block of North Old Bethlehem Pike, was arraigned Friday before District Judge Gary Gambardella on one count of child rape, two counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and two counts of unlawful contact with a minor, according to court records.

Each charge against Fenske is graded as a felony of the first degree.

His arrest comes as the result of a joint investigation by Bucks County Detectives and the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, court papers show.

According to a criminal complaint, the boy, now a teen, told investigators Fenske raped him several times in 2009 during a series of "furry" parties at Fenske's home.

"Furries" are adults who dress in animal costumes, the complaint says. For some, it is done as part of a sexual fetish.

The boy told police that Fenske, who went by the furry nickname "Lupine" and dressed as a red fox, would remove the costume during the episodes of abuse, the complaint says.

Arrest papers also reference an instance in which the abuse occurred at a "party apartment," but do not provide additional information as to the apartment's location.

The boy told investigators he was the only child present at these parties, and would go dressed as Kellogg's cereal mascot Tony the Tiger, the complaint says. The boy allegedly told investigators that during these parties he would play the video game "Rock Band" for a period of time until Fenske asked him to come upstairs where, in a guest bedroom, the abuse occurred.

A call to a cellphone number listed in the arrest affidavit and associated with Fenske went straight to a voicemail inbox for "Ken Fenske of Anapode Solar and Fensys Ltd." A message left Friday was not immediately returned.

State records list Fenske as owner of both Anapode Solar and Fensys Ltd., with both entities registered to his Old Bethlehem Pike address.

Court records show the district judge set bail at 10 percent of $750,000. A preliminary hearing is set for Feb. 13.

Fenske is the third man to be charged with abusing the same victim.

David R. Parker, 38, of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, is facing charges in his home county of child rape and related counts, as well as a handful of child pornography charges in a separate case, according to court records.

Jeffery Harvey, 40, of West Wyoming, Luzerne County, faces charges in neighboring Lackawanna County of unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a cellphone, involuntary deviate sexual assault and statutory sexual assault, court papers show.

According to arrest papers, Harvey was arrested June 28 when he thought he was meeting a teen boy for sex, but instead was greeted by agents with the attorney general's office.

The complaint says he allowed investigators to search his phone, where they found text conversations between Harvey and Parker about abusing the boy.

Upon his arrest June 29, police say, Parker admitted raping and abusing the boy over a number of years.

Messages left after-hours Friday with attorneys for Harvey and Parker were not immediately returned.

James O'Malley: 215-510-9372 email: Twitter: @omalley_intell
Categories: News

Milford man charged with 2009 child rape

Furries In The Media - Sun 29 Jan 2017 - 10:10
Not the sort of news article the furry fandom wants or needs, but I am posting it here because of its serious nature, and because it seems to have had limited coverage which is in danger of disappearing completely behind a paywall.

The original article was here:

and read:

Milford man charged with 2009 child rape

By James O'Malley, staff writer 21 hrs ago 0

A Milford man has been charged with raping an 8-year-old boy inside his home in 2009.

Kenneth C. Fenske, 57, of the 2700 block of North Old Bethlehem Pike, was arraigned Friday before District Judge Gary Gambardella on one count of child rape, two counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and two counts of unlawful contact with a minor, according to court records.

Each charge against Fenske is graded as a felony of the first degree.

His arrest comes as the result of a joint investigation by Bucks County Detectives and the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, court papers show.

According to a criminal complaint, the boy, now a teen, told investigators Fenske raped him several times in 2009 during a series of "furry" parties at Fenske's home.

"Furries" are adults who dress in animal costumes, the complaint says. For some, it is done as part of a sexual fetish.

The boy told police that Fenske, who went by the furry nickname "Lupine" and dressed as a red fox, would remove the costume during the episodes of abuse, the complaint says.

Arrest papers also reference an instance in which the abuse occurred at a "party apartment," but do not provide additional information as to the apartment's location.

The boy told investigators he was the only child present at these parties, and would go dressed as Kellogg's cereal mascot Tony the Tiger, the complaint says. The boy allegedly told investigators that during these parties he would play the video game "Rock Band" for a period of time until Fenske asked him to come upstairs where, in a guest bedroom, the abuse occurred.

A call to a cellphone number listed in the arrest affidavit and associated with Fenske went straight to a voicemail inbox for "Ken Fenske of Anapode Solar and Fensys Ltd." A message left Friday was not immediately returned.

State records list Fenske as owner of both Anapode Solar and Fensys Ltd., with both entities registered to his Old Bethlehem Pike address.

Court records show the district judge set bail at 10 percent of $750,000. A preliminary hearing is set for Feb. 13.

Fenske is the third man to be charged with abusing the same victim.

David R. Parker, 38, of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, is facing charges in his home county of child rape and related counts, as well as a handful of child pornography charges in a separate case, according to court records.

Jeffery Harvey, 40, of West Wyoming, Luzerne County, faces charges in neighboring Lackawanna County of unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a cellphone, involuntary deviate sexual assault and statutory sexual assault, court papers show.

According to arrest papers, Harvey was arrested June 28 when he thought he was meeting a teen boy for sex, but instead was greeted by agents with the attorney general's office.

The complaint says he allowed investigators to search his phone, where they found text conversations between Harvey and Parker about abusing the boy.

Upon his arrest June 29, police say, Parker admitted raping and abusing the boy over a number of years.

Messages left after-hours Friday with attorneys for Harvey and Parker were not immediately returned.

James O'Malley: 215-510-9372 email: Twitter: @omalley_intell
Categories: News

One Last Boy and Many Talking Animals

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 29 Jan 2017 - 02:33

Kamandi, “the Last Boy on Earth”, returns once again in the new 12-issue comic Kamandi Challenge. We’ll let DC Comics explain how it works: “Born from the mind of Jack ‘King’ Kirby, the post-apocalyptic Earth of Kamandi has been a fan favorite for decades, and now 14 intrepid teams of writers and artists build on this incredible foundation and take the title character on an epic quest to find his long-lost parents and travel to places seen and unseen in the DC Universe. Each issue will end with an unimaginable cliffhanger, and it’s up to the next creative team to resolve it before creating their own. It’s a challenge worthy of ‘The King’ himself! In this premiere issue, the Last Boy on Earth is dragged from his safe haven by a group of tigers, only to face the nightmarish threat of the ultimate weapon!” The first issue hit the shelves this week, and IGN has a review.

image c. 2017 DC Comics

Categories: News

More Dreamy Magic

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 28 Jan 2017 - 02:59

Another recent discovery from Further Confusion and the My Dreamy Star web site: Anaria, written and illustrated in full color by Jayelle Anderson. “What was once a pastoral world is quickly changing with the rise of the technomages and the decline of the old elven regimes. New threats are rising and the races of Anaria must unite to defeat them or fall to the dark illness spreading throughout the nations. Kaylee Laturell is a kind healer and sun witch who has to confront the enemies of her past in an unexpected way to save their future. ‘The Witch’s Dream’ is the first chapter in a bittersweet tale of friendship, loss, and love.” As you can see from the cover of the first on-paper edition, anthropomorphic characters are very much a part of the magic in this world! Anaria is also published as an on-line comic at My Dreamy Star.

image c. 2017 by Jayelle Anderson




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Furry.Today - Fri 27 Jan 2017 - 19:31

Warning: This a bit NSFW and completely in french. A new trailer for a french series in development from Passion Pari [1]s  based off of the French comic by Polza Eldiablo [2] of the same name. Here is a translated interview with the creators of the comic: ElDiablo, Pozla and their brilliant comics "Monkey Bizness" - Interview [3] [1] [2] [3]
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He's Marries with Children, but in Love with His Aunt

Ask Papabear - Fri 27 Jan 2017 - 15:06

I am 37 years old, married with two sons. I am having a big problem in my life, which has to do with my aunt (father's sister), who is 48 years old now. I have loved her since I was 19 years old, and she was 30 years old, and I told her about my love and that I am sexually attracted to her. Actually, she refused that, but I kept trying to get her by my side as I am really crazy about her but she kept refusing, telling me maybe if we were not relatives she would be my woman.

Eight years ago, I got married, and now I have two sons but still love my aunt and getting crazy about her every day. Two years ago, I tried the same with her and she refused as well, but despite all refusals and asking me to let it go I couldn’t do what she wanted as she never closed the door completely, giving me every time a far-away possibility.

My aunt married before me and now she is divorced but I never stopped loving her. Please tell me what to do.
Fox (age 37)
* * *

Dear Fox,
Thank you for your letter. So, to be clear, you think your aunt has feelings for you? But she refuses your love because you're related? Is that it?
* * *
Dear Papabear,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, that is what I think.
* * *
Hi, Fox,
All right, there are a number of factors to consider here. One is this: do you love her more than your wife? Enough to divorce your wife and marry your aunt? Also, have you considered how this would affect your children? There are at least five people (more, if your aunt has kids, too) who will be directly affected by what goes on between you and your aunt, even though she is divorced, and you need to take that into consideration.
It might be true that your aunt has some interest in you, but how much? Perhaps she is sexually attracted to you, as you are to her, but not so much for her to feel it is worthwhile to cause the scandal in the family of you two getting together. Just because you have some feelings for someone doesn’t mean you should pursue it. She is probably considering a couple things: 1) your age difference (although 11 years isn’t that big a deal once you are in your age range), and 2) how this will affect the family.
While you might be reading some sexual heat between the two of you—and it might actually exist—it doesn’t mean that it is worth all the pain such a relationship would cause. Your aunt has already dismissed the possibility of a relationship, which is significant. If she doesn’t want to pursue it, forcing yourself on her would be wrong and selfish on your part.
But what, you might be thinking, if she is hiding a secret, passionate love for you and is just afraid? Well, sir, the only way you can find that out is to ask her. Speculation will get you nowhere. If you can have a sincere, honest conversation with your aunt and you discover that she really, truly loves you; and if you both decide that it is worth it to break up your family and cause a lot of emotional pain for your wife and your children, then who am I to say no?
I had a letter once that was similar to this in which a young man was in love with his aunt. That one was much simpler, though, because even though there was the social stigma involved, neither the young man nor his aunt had a spouse or children. They didn’t have other love interests or people they would hurt, so the only thing that was really “wrong” with the situation was that it was social anathema.
In your situation, you have a lot of people you will be affecting if you pursue this. The question is whether you love your wife or not, and the other question is whether your aunt loves you deeply in that way or if her apparent keeping the door slightly open is just because she has a bit of sexual interest in you. If this is just a sex thing, then it would be, of course, wrong of both of you to pursue it. But if there are some real and true feelings of love (not lust), then you need to make absolutely sure she feels the same way and also be absolutely sure you are willing to pay the price for her.
Talk to your aunt. Get it all out in the open once and for all. Only then can you make the right decision.

Catching Up With The ‘Coon

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 27 Jan 2017 - 02:08

And speaking as we were of everyone’s favorite ra… we’re not going there, Marvel is laying the groundwork for this summer’s much-anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 with the release of a comic collection with an even longer title: Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Prelude. “Brace yourself for 2017’s most cosmic movie with an awesome mix of stories new and old, hand-picked to whet the appetite for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2! The comic-book adaptation of the first blockbuster will get you hooked on that Guardians feeling as Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot are thrown together for the first time for a royal rumble with Ronan! Then, new players enter the game in an infinitely entertaining prelude that sets the stage for the ragtag team’s next adventure. Plus: Enjoy a classic pivotal chapter in the life of the enigmatic Mantis -the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s next superstar-in-waiting! And more!” This helpful new compilation brings together the Guardians of the Galaxy movie adaptation, Giant-Size Avengers #4, Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) #1, and Guardians Team-Up. Issue # 1 (of 2) is on the shelves now.

image c. 2017 Marvel Comics


Categories: News

Trailer: Hedgehog’s Home

Furry.Today - Fri 27 Jan 2017 - 01:23

Check out this trailer for a furry film by the Croatian animation house Bonobostudio [1]. Of course this was produced by the National Film board of Canada. [1]
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10 Tips for Improving Your Self-Esteem

Ask Papabear - Thu 26 Jan 2017 - 17:16
Hello, Sir,

I have come here to ask you for help on a problem that has been haunting me for years and I hope you have the answer if not, don't worry I can't find it either. I would like to know how to get rid of self-esteem issues because it is very irritating for others whenever I constantly tear myself down and can't seem to treat myself with respect (as I have been told by said others) and to be honest these self esteem issues are causing some suicidal thoughts. If you can help than it would be very much appreciated and thank you for using your probably precious time reading all of this and/or I am sorry if this was too short. (First time doing any of this; sorry if I missed anything).

Best @ishes,

* * *

Dear Wolfram,

Sometimes I think that low self-esteem issues are an epidemic in this world. So many furries who write to me suffer from low self-esteem, including yours truly. I completely understand how overwhelming this can be and how difficult it is to overcome.

While I would not say that I am completely over my self-image issues, I can honestly say I am not as bad as I once was. Here are some things that I have done to fight against depression and anxiety caused by a low self-image.

1. Stop comparing yourself and your accomplishments to those of other people. This is the single most liberating thing you can do for yourself. You have to realize that there will ALWAYS be people smarter, more talented, richer, better looking than you are (as well as the reverse), so it is really quite pointless to always try to do better than the Joneses. Instead of worrying about others' status, simply focus on being a better and happier you. That's all that really matters. How? Well, you set goals for yourself and work towards them, but don't worry if you have setbacks or stall once in a while. Just keep trying. 

2. Stop worrying about what others say about you. Don't seek validation from others, especially those who are overcritical of you because they are trying to put you down to boost their own self-esteem (i.e., e.g. bullies). I always consider the source. If I am criticized by someone for whom I have no respect (a troll, for instance) I have learned to disregard this as unimportant (hard lesson to learn because criticism hurts, but you can do this). If you are criticized by someone you respect, first reconsider whether that respect is deserved. If not, then reevaluate that person's role in your life. If it is deserved, then try to see if that criticism was meant to be helpful. Sometimes, people we think are being overly critical are honestly trying to help us. The best way to figure this out is if the critic dishes it out in a kind and loving matter and, hopefully, also balances criticisms with compliments. 

3. Reassess how you criticize yourself. Usually, we are too hard on ourselves, even downright mean in ways we don't deserve. For instance, people have told me I am good looking, but when I look in the mirror I see all kinds of things that I criticize about myself for ("I'm going bald, I'm out of shape, I have bad skin...." and on and on). Instead of looking for BAD things to say about yourself, look for the GOOD things and focus on those. Reinforce them daily ("I am a kind and loving person." "I love my dog and take good care of him." "I work hard and am doing okay financially." "I have nice eyes and a nice smile" etc.) 

4. If you see something you don't like about yourself but it is fixable, fix it. Not happy with your body? Exercise. Have crooked teeth? Get braces (I had braces in my 40s!) Think you're not very smart? Go get some books and start reading, for Pete's sake! Think you have no talent? Pick something that interests you and start working on it (e.g., I'm taking piano lessons). 

5. If you see something that you can't fix that you don't like, give it less value in your life and make it a low priority. Are you short? Well, you can't fix that, can you? But it really isn't something that defines who you are inside. When you describe yourself, either make that one of the last things you say about yourself or don't even mention it. Are you kind of a klutz? My family and I constantly joke about how uncoordinated we are. None of us is going to be a graceful dancer, but we manage. Can't sing on key? Then don't go on "The X Factor." Know your limitations, but don't define yourself by them

6. Surround yourself as much as possible by people who love and support you for being you. This does not mean having a herd of "yes men" around you a la Donald Trump. It means that you need to recognize the people who are a positive part of your life and hold on to them; at the same time, get rid of those people in your life who bring you down (and, yes, that can often include family members).

7. This might seem a bit weird, but eating right and exercising regularly can actually do wonders for your self-esteem because when your body feels better you feel better, too.

8. Do little things to treat yourself. It doesn't have to be much, just something fun and happy that makes you feel good and worthy of doing something nice for yourself, especially if you achieve a goal. You can, say, buy yourself a new shirt. Get a delicious ice cream cone. See a movie. Or just go outside for a nice hike and enjoy nature. Any little thing you enjoy. Try to do at least one thing every day or two.

9. Get out and socialize when possible. Human beings have an innate need to be around each other. On the other hand, isolating ourselves and being a hermit can often make you depressed and lonely, which then feeds into your low self-esteem. Be with people.

10. Get a pet. This might not be an option for everyone (say, if you have housing restrictions or allergies), but there is nothing that makes one feel happier than the unconditional love of a favorite pet. If I have had a bad day and come home to see Ernie the Wonder Dog so absolutely excited to see me walk through the door, you bet that makes me feel good. I love cats, too, though I don't have one right now. But when I did, I loved how they would curl up on my lap and purr and just look so content and happy because they were cuddling me.

So, there are 10 suggestions for helping your self-esteem.

Hope it helps!


Episode -13 - Police shark is dissapoint

Unfurled - Thu 26 Jan 2017 - 04:07
Vox and Adoom miss out but Kaar takes their place on tonight's episode. Join the crew before the world ends Episode -13 - Police shark is dissapoint
Categories: Podcasts

Merc with a Bill?

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 26 Jan 2017 - 02:23

And speaking of the Marvel Universe going cute… “What do you get when you take one cynical anthropomorphic duck (named Howard) and cross it with the smelliest (and most annoying) mercenary in the Marvel Universe? Deadpool The Duck! When Deadpool is sent on a mission from S.H.I.E.L.D. to capture a high-profile E.T. that is rampaging across the high plains, the snatch-and-grab turns out to be much more complicated than the Merc with a Mouth anticipated. One unfortunate wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time accident later leaves Deadpool and Howard fighting for control of the cutest mercenary the Marvel Universe has ever seen! Brought to you with words by Stuart Moore (Cloak & Dagger, Thanos: Death Sentence) and art by Jacopo Camagni (Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars). Head on over to Marvel’s page if you don’t believe it either.

image c. 2016 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

JMof 2017 Aftermovie

Furry.Today - Thu 26 Jan 2017 - 01:15

Japan Meeting of Furries recently happened and video's like this make me want to get my passport and go next year.
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FA 055 Self-Care during Jealousy and Breakups - How many previous slut partners can you have before your date thinks you're a slut? How do you take care of yourself during a bout of jealousy? How about when you experience a breakup? Should you tell your b

Feral Attraction - Wed 25 Jan 2017 - 19:30

Hello Everyone!

On this week’s show we open with a discussion on whether or not apps like Tinder or Grindr have changed what people consider the “right” number of sexual partners when considering you as a potential mate. We look at an article in Playboy by Debra Soh that delves into the Goldilocks-zone of sexual partners.

Our main topic is on Self-Care during Jealousy, and Breakups. In relationships, whether monogamous or polyamorous, closed or open, we are all bound to experience bouts of jealousy. We discuss tips and tools to employ to help get over your jealousy in a relationship to ensure that you handle yourself in a healthy, non-violent fashion. We also look at the end of a relationship and how to take care of yourself and promote closure and moving forward when you go through a breakup.

We close out the show with a question on how to approach a friend who has fallen in love with you. Should you ask them whether or not they like you or like-like you, or is it best to say nothing in an attempt to maintain the current relationship status quo?

For more information, including a list of topics, see our Show Notes for this episode.

Thanks and, as always, be well!

FA 055 Self-Care during Jealousy and Breakups - How many previous slut partners can you have before your date thinks you're a slut? How do you take care of yourself during a bout of jealousy? How about when you experience a breakup? Should you tell your best friend you're in love with them? Check yes or no on this week's Feral Attraction!
Categories: Podcasts

Artstuffs, by Melody Wang – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 25 Jan 2017 - 10:00

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

40593Artstuffs, by Melody Wang
Toronto, Ontario, The artist, November 2016, $20.00 (unpaged [48 pages]).

This is not a book as much as a book-format folio of 48 pages of the artist’s color illustrations, drawings, and sketches, on thick glossy paper. There is no subject. Like most artist’s sketchbooks, this is a hodgepodge of whatever the artist has felt like drawing.

What Melody Wang has felt most like drawing is anthropomorphic animals. There are Constable Nips and Inspector Porkington, of her student film. There are rabbits, pigs, and other animals in late-Victorian dress. Even when she is sketching the plants in a greenhouse, she usually has added an anthropomorphic animal or two. Her birds, “Wingfolk”, are particularly wonderful. A couple, such as the one of a man turning into a mandrill to his young daughter’s delight, cry out for having a story behind them.

Some of these are in black-&-white linework, but most are in full color. There are experiments in pastels and linocuts as well.

40593fWang’s webpage at shows many of these with additional notes, including the dates when they were drawn. From the dates, these are Wang’s sketches made from September 2015 through November 2016. An exciting comment is dated Feb. 28, 2016: “A studio approached me about developing N&P as a TV series! It’s an exciting idea but understanding the business end of things has been… mildly harrowing.”

This folio may disappoint those who want a plot. Readers who just want to see what an artist feels like sketching over a year will mostly be as delighted as the young girl watching her father turn into a mandrill.

“Melody Wang spent four years in engineering school before dabbling in animation at Sheridan College. Transfixed by its dark magic, she stuck to it and currently works as a storyboard artist and illustrator in Toronto. Her mother and maternal grandparents are also artists.”

Artstuffs is available from the Stuart Ng Books catalogue.

Fred Patten

Categories: News

Aw, What a Cute Little Raccoon!

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 25 Jan 2017 - 02:55

He’s the furry little member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, known for his foul language, more foul temper, and love of big guns that go BOOM. And now, your children can read all about him in a new Little Golden Book called Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket to the Rescue. “Star Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, and the other Guardians of the Galaxy race through the universe on another rollicking adventure. Boys and girls ages 2 to 5 will love this action-packed Little Golden Book featuring some of their favorite Marvel superheroes and villains.” We’re sure they will. Written by John Sazaklis and illustrated by Michael Atiyeh and Michael Borkowski, it’s available now over at Barnes & Noble.

image c. 2017 Little Golden Books


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