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Furry Reddit - Sat 3 Sep 2011 - 11:18
Categories: News

KnotSheathed Episode 2 - Live from RMFC 2011

Southpaws - Sat 3 Sep 2011 - 09:00
KnotSheathed episode 2 was recorded live for a small audience at Rocky Mountain Furcon 2011. Hosts Kyell Gold and FuzzWolf were joined by two guests in the form of Short Story Geeks' Buck Turner and Unsheathed's KM Hirosaki. Special guest: Salmon-flavoured Vodka. We'll explain later. Enjoy! KnotSheathed Episode 2 - Live from RMFC 2011
Categories: Podcasts

So, today I found out about this...

Furry Reddit - Sat 3 Sep 2011 - 06:50
Categories: News

Another relationship-advice columnist

Furries In The Media - Sat 3 Sep 2011 - 04:26
Another relationship-advice columnist tackles furries. This time, in the Colorado Daily, where columnist Christy Fantz demonstrates her lack of knowledge about furries:
D ear Christy,

I didn't find out until recently that my boyfriend is a furry -- you know, those people who like to dress up like cute animals that talk. The only problem is, he wants to do it all the time like that. I am really tired of harnessing him up and riding the bad pony. What should I do?

--Unhappy Zookeeper
Don't get fuzzy:

Let's explore said furry.

Mascot? Beanie Baby? Gorilla suit? My Little Pony? Ronald McDonald? (He's kinda furry. I hear he doesn't groom his manjunk.)

My curiosity sparks an instance: If your man dons a Chip suit (Buff mascot), we'd all totally nail him. (He won back-to-back mascot of the year awards, who wouldn't?)

But, if he's prancing around with wang-hang in an armadillo, we'll pass.

Most of us won't much comprehend this peculiar fetish, but we let those fuzzy freaks fly.

However, if he just recently told you about this obsession, then he's kinda fired. He should have disclosed this earlier.

Of course, however, who wants to admit this fetish to a layperson?

"Hi, my name is Todd. I like dive bars, Colorado beer and bending my girlfriend over after slipping into a turtle suit."

It's like admitting your sexual fanaticism for semi trucks. (We get it. They're long. And strong. And down to get the friction on. Props, Sir Mix-a-Lot.)

Don't furries have a sex camp or something? I thought I saw a "Real Sex" thing on HBO one time where all that hair convened into a chorus of zoo noises.

Now, I can see porking your piggy on occasion, but if he can't ride you like a well-groomed prostitute, then toss him.

He may get to the point where he can't even perform outside of the suit. Get out of there before he starts sniffing your canine's ass.

(I wonder how many mascots don parfum de body fluids? Dry cleaning time.)
Categories: News

StarFox 64: Lylat Shore

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 20:22
Categories: News

Just a Baby Fox in a Box in a Bathtub

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 17:19
Categories: News

Crusader Cat continues to display his endearing brand of Christian compassion & forgiveness - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 16:45
"Thanks to the chicken shit pussy ass cum dumpster wannabe, Desiring
And to think, he worships his Creator using that same mouth! I
wouldn't be surprised if the closet-case used it to 'worship' a few
other *firm authority figures*, if you know what I mean!
Categories: News

Big Yellow Bunny Made From Local Swedish Materials is Easily the Size of a Building! - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 13:59
If this is someone's plush toy, we're a bit worried about its owner coming back to get him after dropping him in this Swedish town square! As part of this summer's openART biennale in Örebro, Sweden, Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman built this giant, 13-meter-high yellow bunny using local materials and craftsmen. Located near St. Nicolai church in the city center, Stor Gul Kanin (Big Yellow Bunny) questions the purpose of the public space and changes the perspective of the monuments within.
Categories: News

Faunacast 7: Walt Disney - Depois de muito tempo (quase um ano!) estamos de volta! A Família do Fauna Cast esta de volta! - Nesta edição, nossa equipe composta por: Tanuki Gokuhi, Ekevoo Guepardo, Mitsuko Shinobi e Reyres wolf, com a participação especial

FaunaCast - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 10:58
Depois de muito tempo (quase um ano!) estamos de volta! A Família do Fauna Cast esta de volta! Nesta edição, nossa equipe composta por: Tanuki Gokuhi, Ekevoo Guepardo, Mitsuko Shinobi e Reyres wolf, com a participação especial de Lucky, em um papo animado e intimista sobre o Universo Walt Disney, como que foi a sua criação até as lendas urbanas! Como aconteceu? A criação dos Personagens? Tudo isso nessa edição de  90 minutos. \o/ E a leitura de e-mails, cadê? Ela vai vir na próxima edição especial, exclusiva só com os e-mails sobre os últimos assuntos. Não deixe de mandar seus comentários sobre Cast, que vamos ler e discorrer por todas as interessantíssimas coisas já mandadas e o que você mais quiser contribuir! E nos siga no Twitter, para ficar sempre informado de novidades! @faunaurbana, ou nosso perfil no Facebook Faunacast 7: Walt Disney - Depois de muito tempo (quase um ano!) estamos de volta! A Família do Fauna Cast esta de volta! - Nesta edição, nossa equipe composta por: Tanuki Gokuhi, Ekevoo Guepardo, Mitsuko Shinobi e Reyres wolf, com a participação especial de Lucky,
Categories: Podcasts

Think Like A Pack

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 01:33

Science fiction fandom has been buzzing with the news that Vernor Vinge has finally written a sequel to his trail-blazing, award-winning 1991 novel A Fire Upon the Deep. In that book, we were introduced (among many other star-spanning concepts) to Tines World, a planet with dog-like inhabitants, where humans have taken root. The natives of this world are “intelligent” only in combination: Named “individuals” are actually small packs. Now, after 20 years, we return to Tines World with the new novel The Children of the Sky, coming this October from Tor Books. Here’s the publisher’s description from Amazon: “Ten years have passed on Tines World, where Ravna Bergnsdot and a number of human children ended up after a disaster that nearly obliterated humankind throughout the galaxy. Ravna and the pack animals for which the planet is named have survived a war, and Ravna has saved more than one hundred children who were in cold-sleep aboard the vessel that brought them. While there is peace among the Tines, there are those among them—and among the humans—who seek power…and no matter the cost, these malcontents are determined to overturn the fledgling civilization that has taken root since the humans landed.”

Categories: News

Hey mods, how easy is it to add those username tags so everyone knows what eachother's species is?

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 00:32

The instructions are over here. I don't know code but think it would be an awesome addition :3 Pretty please?

Edit: Thank you!

submitted by 123not-it
[link] [21 comments]
Categories: News

Looking for USA/Alt countries fursuit builders (Please not UK)

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 Sep 2011 - 18:11

Want to get another fursuit (yes another) but kind of looking to get an international maker(EU,USA,AU etc..) rather then UK.

Can anyone recommend me any?

I've looked at DHC, Lacy, Arend Studios, MixedCandy and they are just a little bit too far out of my price range any other recommendations?

I'm sort of looking for upto $1000 for either a partial/full

submitted by PawFox
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Cute! :3

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 Sep 2011 - 16:24
Categories: News

Alleyway Outcast

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 Sep 2011 - 15:23
Categories: News