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Solatorobo: Red the Hunter coming to US on Sept. 27

[announcement] Working on a r/furry bot
I don't have good access to a publicly accessible server so I was thinking about how I should set up this bot (software that will do something people usually do). I haven't found a good library that implements reddit's API so I am working on one in Python. Most communication with the bot will be via messages. They are secure and they are private.
My code is intended to be an implementation of the API so it could be for a wide variety of applications. The structure is very object and package oriented.
# sample code import reddit # make client c = reddit.Client() # login (if session cookie exists, will use that) c.login('username','password') # print body of first message print( c.current_user.get_messages()[0].data['body'] )Some ideas:
- change reddit flair
- change reddit subtitle
- add a logo to rotating logo scheme (have bot change logo everyday)
- (maybe) sub-mod permissions (you have power, but you're not a mod)
Basically, you would send a message to the bot with:
- flair This is my flair text
Change flair
Add logo to rotation pool. (Problem: someone could specify a huge or obscene image that would get added automatically.)
- title mountain dew is the best soda ever made
Change page title. (Problem: configuration is on community settings page which many not be a nice form to work with.)
I have a good structure of the code completed, but it is far from complete. I am modeling the code after the API docs (trying to keep similar names so it is easier to follow).
(I will include any updates here)
I will provide the source code for anyone to use for anything. It will be in Python 3 and will only rely on Python 3 standard modules (no need for curl).
This alpha release includes a test client that prints some user info and some frontpage posts. (Posting comments is a problem; giving me HTTP 500 errors)
submitted by electricfoxx[link] [13 comments]
Classic Comic Strips Collected
Fantagraphics Books has two new collected editions of famous and historically significant comic strips available. Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse brings together the 1930′s comic strips created by Floyd Gottfredson, newly edited by David Gerstein and Gary Groth. Besides nearly 600 pages of black & white Mickey Mouse adventures, each hardcover volume also features more than 50 pages of supplemental material including behind-the-scenes art, vintage publicity material, and commentary by Disney historians. Volume 1, Race to Death Valley, was released last June, and Volume 2, Trapped on Treasure Island, is coming this October. Then in December, be on the lookout for Pogo: The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips, Volume 1, “Through the Wild Blue Yonder” (whew!) by the inimitable Walt Kelly, of course. This hardcover edition goes back as far as the 1940′s Pogo strips, and also features a biographical introduction, an extensive glossary by comics historian R. C. Harvey, and a forward by the legendary columnist Jimmy Breslin.
I was just contacted by a documentary, asking me to be interviewed for reality television.
I have no idea why they contacted me - I'm not an artist nor a fursuit builder, and I'm not popufur at all, but I was wondering if anyone else got this e-mail? I'm not going to do it, of course, but I'm curious as to if anyone else got it.
The email is as follows:
Do you dress up in a fur suit and have an animal persona (fursona)? Do you meet with other furries online or in person? Do you sometimes feel that you’re really an animal stuck in a human body? How does being furry affect your personal and romantic relationships? Do you wish everyone would finally understand what being furry is really about? Whether your friends and family know about your fursona or not, here is your opportunity to show what the furry lifestyle really is.
If you appear to be between the ages of 18 and 28 and want to be part of this exciting opportunity, email us at jamiecastsreality@gmail.com Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, a recent photo of yourself and one in your fursona. Tell us your story.
About the company: Asylum Entertainment is among the most respected production companies in unscripted reality television and is an emerging force in the world of scripted drama. Known for creative diversity, Asylum has produced multiple high profile projects ranging from The Kennedys mini-series, which received ten Emmy nominations to the long-running hit reality series The Locator to the award winning ’30 for 30’ ESPN documentary series. In addition to having produced hundreds of hours of television, Asylum has built multiple highly successful business units in support of the core production entity. Asylum Entertainment has won two Peabody Awards and has received twenty three Emmy nominations.
EDIT: Guess I wasn't clear enough. I do not intent to go forward with this in any way, shape or form. I am simply asking if anyone else got this e-mail, and why. I'm simply curious why they picked me.
submitted by Baronvonyiffington[link] [10 comments]
Episode 0 – The Tailed People - This is episode zero, the start of your ear's epic journey. In this episode we outline who we are, what we are doing, and what this whole "furry fandom" thing is. During such epilogue, we experience a lot of awkward turtles
Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con - We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the lea[...]

We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the leap from anime cons over to the furry variety! We also cover a variety of other topics; Halfwit goes rantypants about driving, Istanbul goes rantypants about freeloading, and Kyo gives his con report about Mephit Furmeet 2011!
Our next episode is going to be all about evil exes. No, we don’t mean virii that try to get onto your computer…we mean ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends who have proven that they’re the lowest of the low! All three podcasters have stories about this, and if you want to share, now’s the time! Don’t worry, we won’t use any names on the air. And hey, if you just want to talk about things like revenge tactics or what your buddy’s evil exes have done to them, that’s okay too!
Finally, we want to mention it here: while we will tend to give precedence to topical e-mails over non-topical e-mails, all e-mails are always welcome, and one kind of e-mail will always get preference: the one where you ask for help. Fuzzy Logic was created to help you, the listeners, through the hard times in your life. Even if your problem isn’t on-topic, it’ll always receive the highest priority with us. Never be afraid to write in for help, that’s what we’re here for!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: fuzzy.logic.podcast@gmail.com
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast
Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con
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