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Power to the Pandas

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 21 Mar 2012 - 01:53

Various sneak-peaks of The Mists of Pandaria, the new expansion of the World of Warcraft on-line gaming universe, have begun to make their way around the Web. This new realm (actually new continent) was announced at Blizzcon (Blizzard Entertainment’s regular WOW convention) last October, and WOW-fans have been going crazy about it ever since — some positive, some negative, but all of them loud. This new expansion (the 4th) introduces new levels, a new fighting class (“Monk”), and as we noted a new continent known as Pandaria. Several new races are introduced in this expansion as well; some of them playable and some of them simply background or enemies. Chief among the playable ones are the Pandaren, a race of anthro pandas — based on both the giant (black & white) and red pandas of Earth. Of note for players of the game: Unlike most of the races introduced so far in the game, the Pandaren do not align themselves with either the Alliance or the Horde at the start of their adventures. Players develop the characters over several levels, and only at the end of that quest do they decide which traditional alignment they will take. Other anthro-type creatures in this new expansion include the Hozu, a monkey-like race, and the Mantids, who (of course) are insect-like. Much more about all of this can be found on Wikipedia. As of this writing the official release date for this new expansion is still shrouded in mystery (mists?), but several leaked preview videos have been showing up on YouTube.

image c. 2012 Blizzard Entertainment

Categories: News

Alkali will be FCN Variety Show host (announced on this week's Dragget Show...which was fun, btw)

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 21:30

(direct link to episode)

So yeah, Alkali (cohost of Who's Lion Is It Anyway furry improv & The Dragget Show podcast) will be hosting it, we hope to see you there!

submitted by xandertheblue
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Categories: News

Can someone help me find an artist from FWA?

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 18:57

So, I commissioned a badge on Saturday, and she told me to come back in a bit for it. We returned about an hour and a half later, and she had already packed up. I guess she expected us to come back Sunday, but we were already heading home then. I should have got her name >.<

  • Female, early 20's, quiet spoken, was wearing a tophat with a small feather

  • She had a portfolio and was selling prints of clean furry art, and Invader Zim art

  • Was doing traditional badges, and stated that she would also do "mythological creatures, and some transformers". She had examples of Transformers badges on her table.

maybe someone else got something done from her, or recognizes her from FA? Any leads would be good, thanks! :)

submitted by SamuraiSmurfette
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Categories: News

Get dominated !

DailyFurBlog - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 18:46

Rarakie posted somethn’ that caught my attention… sexy yiffy stuff and YOU could be in it. A auction which your character gets dominated by Raijko is certainly somethn’ that make me change my mind in top or bottom. The RULES ARE HERE quick get in ASAP.

Categories: News

Have you encountered your fursona irl?

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 18:33

So I guess most people here have a fursona based on a real animal that exists somewhere out in the world. So what I wanted to know is how close you've got to your chosen animals (even if it's a picture on the wiki page).

I guess if you have a fursona based on some mythical animal, or don't have one at all you could say of any interesting wildlife encounters you've had. I'm not honestly expecting any exciting answers, but I guess there could be someone out there with a pretty interesting story.

Well, I've held pheasants on several occasions, and I suppose that is closer than most, but they are pretty common around where I live so not that exciting.

submitted by Muinaru
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Categories: News

Just got back from FWA 2012 - Thoughts on it from a Staff Member!

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 17:02

So, this was my fourth year there, and dear lord was it the best. My second year as staff in the Video Game Room and nothing could have been more exciting personally. Almost everyone that came into the room was friendly, understanding of the rules...and for one exception just over all some of the best people (and great gamers) I've had a chance to meet.

This year we had a Kinect, and for those who were there, the fursuiters had a blast, and so did everyone watching. Those who didn't get a chance.. on Saturday, two suiters started playing Dance Central 2. About five minutes into their playing, about six or seven more of the suiters were standing and dancing along behind him, including a couple non-suiters and one of the staff members. Other than that, the only thing that really happened in the VGR related to suiters, had to be Rock Band. A couple of times throughout the week, there were five who kept coming in to play over and over again. Singer, Drums (Who kicked ass,) guitar, and then a bass and a keytauir guy kept switching in and out.

The con itself was awesome, plenty of furs running around, having fun. The staff was great. Everyone I ran into had a good southern hospitality attitude. I'm going to miss the Sheraton next year, but sadly FWA outgrew it. 1902 (Around that) showed up, and even with the first, second and third con area's open it was still a bit too small. So, the new hotel will be awesome as well!

On that note, for those furedditors who were able to go to FWA 2012, What were you're favorite moments? And for those who weren't there this year, but came to another FWA, or to any other con, what did you like, what do you wish you could see more of?

submitted by kasimyth
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Categories: News

Epic Lizard Man!

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 15:39
Categories: News

Drew my friends fursona again

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 14:42
Categories: News

Just came back from my first convention. Had a ton of fun, but now I'm having a slight problem. :(

Furry Reddit - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 12:46

Which was FWA 2012. I was a bit nervous about going, but once I got there I was astonished at how nice everyone was! Everyone was so chill and friendly and made me feel welcome. I had more fun at that convention than I've had my entire life, and I can finally say that I'm truely glad to be apart of the furry fandom, and that I won't be leaving it for awhile.

Now, all this being said, my Husband is not a furry. In fact, for a long time, he was anti-furry. I've been in and out of the fandom since I was 14. When we got together, I'd been out of the fandom for a few years. After getting married I slowly became part of it again, and he didn't like that. He's gotten better (I mean, he'll allow me to go to a furry con alone! That says a lot.) but he's still pretty uncomfortable with it all, and I worry its going to cause problems in the long run, because I cant share this part of my life with him. I'd take him to a con, but he can't ever really get the time off work to go.

I want to go to more conventions. I had the time of my life and I met so many amazing people I would love to go again. However, if his behavior during the convention is a replay from last time, I don't know if it will be possible.

r/furry have you ever had a SO that was unsupportive of your involvement in the fandom, and at times hostile? How did you deal with this?

submitted by KemarCyri
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Categories: News

Comment Reply Notifications

[adjective][species] - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 12:44

Hey folks!  We’ve gotten a few requests so far for comment reply notifications via e-mail.  I had originally thought that this was part of WordPress, but I suppose not.  I did, however, find a plugin that should help out with this.  When commenting, you will now see a check box, which, if checked, will tell the blog to send you an email whenever someone replies to your comment.  This is currently checked by default, so you will have to un-check it if you do not wish to receive emails of replies.  This is configurable, and depending on feedback, I can change it in the future.  I hope this helps with discussion on the site!

Thanks :o)

Animal Pikchurs 1973 was the year

DailyFurBlog - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 12:41

Well I just got back from FWA 2012 which was amazing… so let’s start the blogging that I’ve missed (which isn’t much).   NayoNapalm posted a cute link he found of this book, yeh a little wicked and seems harsh for kids, but maybe it teaches them…how to drink…have sex and much more. Hey, it was written 1973 so anything is imposable before the 80′s.  CLICK HERE TO SEE FULL BOOK.

Categories: News

An African Tale (Tail?) with a Very Long Name

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 20 Mar 2012 - 01:51

Your humble In-Fur-Nation crew is back from a quick trip to WonderCon, which this year happened to be in our back yard. Lots of cool new stuff to talk about, which we’ll get started on right away. First up: Samuel E. Kirkman Jr. is an illustrator and independent comic artist whose on-line opus comes with one dilly of a name: Ouwangalaymah. Whew, try that one fast. Also known as The “Tail” of the Name of the Tree, here’s the description from The Illustrated Section: “The tale begins as everyone forgets, the name of the tree that is. Yofti, a hyperactive ringtail, along with the tortoise, an orphaned wildebeest calf adopted by a pair of dik diks and a rather arrogant kudu become central characters as the story begins to unfold. Using an ancient Bantu folk tale for the ark of the story, the author spins a yarn of classic underdog-dom. Leaping lemurs, a lazy lion, and one tenacious tortoise help highlight the need to perceive in spite of ones own limitations.” The first few sections of the comic are available as downloads for purchase right now.

image c. 2012 Samuel E. Kirkman Jr.

Categories: News