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Fur Affinity Adds New Admin, But Loses 4 in Big Staff Shake-Up
Earlier this week, Fur Affinity’s administrative team, previously consisting of 16 members, was brought down to 13, as the staff page of Fur Affinity was once again revamped, following the introduction of Bazeel to the site’s administrative team. Bazeel is best known for being the husband of Sigil, a relatively well-known artist who is set to be the guest of honor at Morphicon this May. However, with Bazeel’s addition, came the removal of four admins from FA’s staff page: Browder, Irreverent, Xipoid, and Gavin O. Daemonshyai.
No public reason was given for Irreverent or Browder’s removal, although the reason can be suspected as being due to inactivity, as neither account has shown any signs of updating in the last 5 and 6 months, respectively. Gavin’s departure comes several months after the widely touted Fur Affinity-Furocity merger fell apart in October 2011, following the release of many admins’ personal information in what was considered an attack against the website.
Only the resignation of Xipoid, which was made known back in early March, has had any public statement behind it. According to a post Xipoid himself made on furry site Vivisector, “FA slid down my list of priorities until it reached a point where I was no longer concerned enough to give it any kind of honest or due consideration. This was both due to influences independent and directly derived from FA.” Further elaboration on the subject from Xipoid was not given.
Following the addition of Sciggles back in early February, the wife-to-be of site owner Dragoneer, it was promised that the staff would be increasing in the coming weeks. According to a post on the Fur Affinity Forums from FA admin Trpdwarf: “We are bringing some people who fit that bill in. Sciggles isn’t the only addition,” with Dragoneer himself stating on March 4th on the Fur Affinity Forums, “[We're] talking to a few people right now, and have three people who have accepted. They will be coming on in roughly two weeks time. ” Although Bazeel was indeed added to the team two weeks after this post, the other two admins have yet to appear. Is it yet unknown if enough admins will be added to the Fur Affinity team to fill the gap left by this week’s events.
Fur Affinity Adds New Admin, But Loses 4 in Big Staff Shake-Up by Benjamin Purdom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
I'd rather be a dork (not furry, but relevant)
It’s the Year of the Dragon
Tales from the Chinese Zodiac is a new series of twelve (of course) full-color illustrated children’s books, each written by Oliver Chin and all of them published by Immedium. In each book we meet on of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac (dog, pig, rat, monkey, etc.) as a youngster, and each of them must learn how to represent their aspect of the zodiac as he or she grows to adulthood. Illustrators for the series include Jeremiah Alcorn, Justin Roth, and Jennifer Wood. Your ever-lovin’ ed-otter especially liked The Year of the Dragon (illustrated by Ms. Wood, and reviewed here on Book Dragon, of course). Not only because 2012 is one, but also because it’s his Chinese Zodiac sign!
Episode 37 – Three Wishes - That’s right, it’s that time again! We’re back to our normal update schedule, and we’ve got three e-mails to cover this week! Our first segment covers Dethklok, Whitney Houston and Tina Turner, Charlie[...]
That’s right, it’s that time again! We’re back to our normal update schedule, and we’ve got three e-mails to cover this week! Our first segment covers Dethklok, Whitney Houston and Tina Turner, Charlie Brown, Kyo losing it within the first ten minutes again, our Word of the Week, Superman, and more!
Once we finally make it to the e-mails, we have how to get a social group together, going to more furry conventions (and a plug for Fur The ‘More), how to spread the word, how wishes could backfire, becoming one’s fursona, an update on the listener stuck with the crazy father, how Aspberger’s Syndrome works and how it can or can’t be controlled, how much money one needs, the future of the podcast, Istanbul’s horrible fake crying, and more. The cast even gives their three wishes at the very end!
Also, we promised to include this in the show notes, so here’s some information on Fur The ‘More!
Fur The ‘More official website: http://furthemore.org/
Fur The ‘More FA Page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/furthemore/
Fur The ‘More Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/#!/furthemore
Next week’s episode is all about Bad Ideas. Have you had a bad idea recently, and you’re trying to get it out of your mind? Already acted on it, and need some help dealing with the consequences? Just plain have an idea, and need to air it out to determine whether or not it’s bad? Drop us a line, we’re here to help!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: fuzzy.logic.podcast@gmail.com
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 37 – Three Wishes
File modified March 24, 2012 – 52.9 MB – downloaded 763 times so far
KnotSheathed Episode 3 - Live from FWA 2012
Since people are trying to find steam friend on here, I'll give it a shot too. Anyone play Crysis 2 here?
Looking for a roommate at Anthrocon?
Hello there! I've been on Reddit and /r/furry for some time, as well as stopped by the IRC channel quite a few time. I'll be going to Anthrocon in June 2012 and we're looking for a (1) roommate to share the cost of a room with us! We'll be here at the Hampton from June 14-17th and the cost of stay for the whole duration would be 144USD. We're quiet, clean, and have established rules about noise or what not.
Additional details can be found here: http://www.anthrocon.org/node/7776/hampton-hotel-1-space-open-144usd-each-person-june-14-17th
Just looking for someone to fill the spot before it's too late, really! Hope to see you at AC 2012!
submitted by Riptideshark[link] [2 comments]
Made this fursuit for my mate, but my pics got pulled from FA for containing "nudity" [SFW]
How many other Gaming furrs are here?
I tend to do every thing from sports to gaming. At risk of sounding extremist I do consider myself a hardcore gamer though. IE I'm a machinima partner/director. I constantly game with other furrs and upload hours of gameplay. Just wondering how many other gamer furrs are here? More specifically PC gaming furrs. Really I only use my consoles for exclusives. Feel free to add me on steam if you do. Just be sure to tell me you're a furr when you add me. I try to keep my list private for friends and furriends. Messengers, tags, and all the good stuff is on my FA. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jarek4/ Add me on steam if you wish. Jarekthearabdragon.
submitted by JarekBloodDragon[link] [28 comments]
Anyone play Killing Floor (Killing Fur?)
How does one choose ones fursona?
Just wondered really because I have no idea and see other peoples posts.
submitted by blackproton[link] [39 comments]