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Pay it forward. (Helping somebody who has had a fire in their house)
Hey guys, gals, and everybody in-between! So upon reading my journals on Fur Affinity, I stumbled upon this Post
Now, I don't know the artist (Maim) personally, but I believe in paying it forward, helping those in need. From what I read, he needs donations to get a new tablet (Was damaged during evacuation) and to cover potential moving expenses. I know us furries are the money-challenged folk, but hey. If we can get some help to this artist, no matter how small the donation is, I'd bet it would be appreciated on his part
submitted by Owens_The_Hybrid[link] [3 comments]
Angry Birds — The Series
We’ll forgive you if you think this is another April Fool’s gag, but it isn’t: Word is out that Rovio’s world-conquering game Angry Birds is being developed into an animated series. Look for it to hit (ha ha) this fall. Rovio have confirmed that 52 animated shorts are in production, each of them 2 – 3 minutes in length. The shorts will be released on numerous mobile devices and, to quote the company, “on all possible devices” — including smart TV’s. What’s more, there’s an Angry Birds feature film in development for possible release in 2013 or 2014. You can read all about it on the ABC News blog.

image c. 2012 Rovio
Jury duty would be much more fun with these two
Remember furries , don't buy fursuits from EBay!
Being Furry Saved Him from a Life of Drugs
FurAffinity Changes Site Layout in Website Updates
What made you decide to take part in the furry community? Were you lonely? Did you feel like an outcast? Were all the cool kids doing it?
Something about Skrillex
Could some one please clear this up for me? Apparently Skrillex was spotted at both Further Confusion 2012 and Furry Weekend Atlanta 2012. Is Skrillex a furry?
submitted by Likonium[link] [20 comments]