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Let’s get Furrical Furrical !! I wanna get Furrrriccallll!
YAYYYYY!!! I had an idea to do something like this, but just didn’t have the $$ for the cameras. So BBF did this little production at FCN 2012 which will pounce out soon, but in the mean time here is the trailer. As you can see it’s like most cons and furries are doing their thing. Maybe you’ll get gimps of some dangly parts but can’t be sure yet.
Next up Ohio’s balls
So if your ever wondered what happens when balls and furries meet then take a trip over to the Ohio Fur Meet Bowling nights. Yeh I’m sure the excitement and energy of all those sweaty furries just gets your parts moving. Well as I was getting all happy down below, I noticed this is hosted by a friend of mine NekoHusky so big shout out to him for getting RevFur to do the video. If you haven’t seen Rev’s work, it’s possible you may then have head trauma, but here is the link anyways.
TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 38 - Show of the Guests
Itsa me! (I'm the little mouse in the top right hand corner.) (NSFW for Babyfur?)
Just a quick little commision I had done. She did them in batches. i'm pretty happy with the result. i'm that mouse in the top right hand corner holding a gameboy. Gotsa love pokemon and an original gameboy xD.
This is the artists page. Take a look if you want.
submitted by TRBfurry[link] [7 comments]
It’s Raining Men
It’s common for furries to look within the community for potential long-term partners. For many people who are serious about furry, like me and presumably many of the readers of this article, a potential partner is required to be furry.
It’s logical that furries will form relationships together, because furry is about identity. If your identity as a virtual animal-person is internally important, you’re going to want to share that with your partner and express that within your relationship. I can’t think of a better example than [adjective][species]‘s own Makyo, who was married last week and posted a thoroughly charming picture of him and his partner in suit.
Furry is a very social group and it’s easy to meet new people, so there are a lot of opportunities for relationships. That is, unless you are heterosexual and male.
If you’re a heterosexual male and you want to find a partner within the furry community, your odds aren’t good. The ratio of eligible men to eligible women is about 3:1. And that’s being optimistic.
Here’s how I arrived at this ratio. Anyone not interested in the maths may wish to look away now.
Firstly, some assumptions and simplifications:
- All my data comes from the 2011 furry survey.
- I’ve lumped the pansexuals in with the bisexuals for convenience.
- I’ve excluded asexuals.
And the base statistics:
- Men make up about 80% of the furry population; women 20% – this split is pretty consistent if you look at biological sex or self-reported gender.
- The proportion of straight:bi:gay men in the furry community is 37:34:25%.
- For women, it’s 46:41:8%
And the maths:
- I exclude gay men and gay women.
- I assume that bisexual men and women can end up with opposite-sex or same-sex partners based on availability. (So bisexual men end up with mostly other men, simply because there are more gay/bi men available than straight/bi women.)
- Based on this calculation, I exclude the proportion of bisexuals who end up with same-sex partners.
- This leaves us with just those men (straight or bisexual) who are competing for available women (straight or bisexual).
The results:
- 46% of furries are men available for a female partner.
- 16% of furries are women available for a male partner.
In all likelihood, this is optimistic for men seeking heterosexual relationships within furry. Women are a small minority, but they also tend to identify less strongly as furries (according to the furry survey, although this isn’t reported anywhere public). So I’m guessing that this means that furry women are less likely to look inside the community for a partner, which will further deplete the available women.
A further problem is that the furry community is not very welcoming to the small number of women that do socialize. I am aware of several occasions where women have had trouble with unwelcome attention from guys within furry. This annoyance has crossed the line into sexual harassment and sexual abuse all too regularly. Of the furry women I know, a very high proportion have suffered. I have no doubt that this is a contributing factor to the small number of furry women, and their lack of engagement with the community.
There is also a sizeable minority of gay male furries who exhibit a less aggressive antipathy towards women. Their attitude might be described as Calvinesque, as in Hobbes. While there is often a lighthearted element to an “ew girls gross” attitude, it is still unwelcoming.
This problem is not restricted to the furry community. Inherent sexism is a problem in many male-dominated geek fandoms, an issue that is starting to be addressed in some circles.
Last year, a Texan gamer group decided to ban women from attending a LAN event. The bigotry was punctuated by irony: organizers decided the event should be male-only because they were worried that women attending the event would be subject to sexist comments.
Happily, the group was widely attacked for their sexism. It’s about time that sexism within furry was addressed as well.
A quick caveat: acceptance that the furry community is inherently sexist does necessarily not imply that furries are sexist. It is a norm – there are patterns of behaviour within the group that make it unwelcoming for many furry women. As standards with the community change, furries will adjust and act accordingly.
The best, and easiest, step towards change is to start talking about how women are treated within the furry community. It’s important. More happy furry women will make the group better for everyone.
Dust: An Elysian Tail Video Interview
Finally, we have some news concerning Dust: An Elysian Tail, the upcoming 2D action arcade game from Humble Hearts (otherwise known as Dean Dodrill.) The game was being shown at PAX East 2012 with a playable demo, and none other than the game's lone designer, Dean Dodrill, there to answer all the media's questions.
It looks like the game is shaping up to be quite the fun, furry adventure. The release date is still TBA, but on his site, Dean says that it "is nearing the final stages of development. While it's still too early to pinpoint a release date, I'm excited to start showing the game off."
Check out a video of the interview Giant Bomb shot, complete with new gameplay from the game.
Furries of Reddit, How do you greet other Furs?
Varmias Kingston, Australian Lynx at your service! bows
submitted by Thirsty_Pickle[link] [39 comments]
Here Come the Hero Petz
First off, Happy Mother’s Day to you and yours!
Suddenly there is much ado about Hero Petz, written by Dale Mettam and illustrated by Juan Fleites. First off, a quick recap from the original series: “Even as the evil Itachi Clan of ninja weasels tightens its grasp on Peludo City, six heroes — okay, five heroes and a crazy Monkey — stand ready to defend the innocent and fight for justice. El Conejito the Rabbit; Wonder Squirrel; Steel Shell the Turtle; Sensei Penguin-San; Kapitan Brüllaffe the Monkey; and Golden Hamster are the Hero Petz! Together, they take it upon themselves to keep watch over the city and protect the innocent!” First off, this June Stan Lee’s Kids Universe is re-releasing the original 80-page graphic novel (from 1821 Comics) in trade paperback. Also, there’s a video trailer for a new Hero Petz video game — as well as several fan reviews — up on YouTube.
My fursona needs a face :3
Hello fellow furpals, im fairly new to the furry fandom and i have sort of jumped on the bandwagon of people with a fursona. But as many who have spendt time developing their fursona will maybe feel that its not all perfect. So i have figured that i need someone`s help, and i figured that r/furry would be the place for me to go. I need my fursona drawn, and i would hope that someone would be able to help with him. The idea is that right now i will just need some sketches, nothing fancy just some ideas. If you like, i could give you a detailed character description of my fursona... Basicly its a wolf/husky/direwolf hybrid that is a playfull, yet filosophical dreamer. He is lightly build and wears mostly anything.
submitted by khelan-the-wolfy[link] [1 comment]
G4TV's ATOS Footage @ Furry Weekend Atlanta 2011
So I want a fursuit.
Here's the thing though, and I know this is a tall order. Basically those huge toony mascot like suits are unsatisfactory to me, since it feels like you're in a costume. Is it possible to get something like a fully covering -arms, legs, everything but the head- body stocking with fingers and toes and make a fur "skin" over top of it to truly form fit the body? I want something that I could look down at and, if the fur was realistic, be able to believe it was my body. So who would I ask to get something like this, or would I need to do it myself? Is it even possible?
submitted by shoopdiwoop[link] [13 comments]
Crayon Dragon- "This student film carries more of an emotional punch than most movies"
The setups for furry porn are well..... NSFW
S2 Episode 4 – Mothers in the Fandom - This episode Roo and Elias talk about Mother's Day and pay their appreciation to their mothers. They have guests YuurYuu and his mother (Den Mother) and Elia's Mother (Mama Cat). Happy mothers day! Today's musical
YuurYuu FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/yuuryuu
Now Listen S2 Episode 4 – Mothers in the Fandom - This episode Roo and Elias talk about Mother's Day and pay their appreciation to their mothers. They have guests YuurYuu and his mother (Den Mother) and Elia's Mother (Mama Cat). Happy mothers day! Today's musical