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023 - Darwin Park - Great new episode! It's full of Pomegranate Juice, puns, gay Mickey Mouse, and state mottos! Al...

The Dragget Show - Thu 31 May 2012 - 22:50
Great new episode! It's full of Pomegranate Juice, puns, gay Mickey Mouse, and state mottos! Also, check out our YouTube Channel, it has lots of highlights from the show! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 023 - Darwin Park - Great new episode! It's full of Pomegranate Juice, puns, gay Mickey Mouse, and state mottos! Al...
Categories: Podcasts

Ask Papabear: What Are Furcons Like?

Furry News Network - Thu 31 May 2012 - 18:44
Hello, Papabear, I am a fellow 15 year old furry and fursuit maker like Coldfang except I’m 15 not 13 lol. I am wanting to know a little more about cons, and why people are so against the furry fandom. All they do is say “furries are perverts” and “go yiff in hell” I mean [...]
Categories: News

Writer's Block

Ask Papabear - Thu 31 May 2012 - 11:57
Dear Papabear,

Since at least high school I've wanted to write fiction, but I can't seem to get started. I have lots of ideas, and even write down notes from time to time, but whenever I sit down to write I often find myself just staring at a blank page for an hour or so. Even when I do get some words out, I'll never get more than a page or two done before I feel like I can't continue or want to start over. In 6 years all I've managed to finish is one short story, and even at the time I wasn't happy with how it turned out. Do you have any tips that can help me stay committed and finish what I start?


* * *

Dear Reverie,

Dorothy Parker famously said, “I hate writing, I love having written.” Many people glorify the life of the author with visions of (this is tongue in cheek) residing in a lofty tower, gazing over a moody countryside, a glass of sherry on the desk (or perhaps absinthe) as a muse descends from above, inspiring the writer to pen a glorious novel or poem out of thin air.


Writing is a bitch. It takes discipline, hard work, and the ability to face criticism after criticism without slinking into a corner and crying like a little puppy (my novel got 50 rejections before it was published). Many people want to write, and many people have told me they have “great ideas” for stories they will happily give me, and all I have to do is write it out for them. O ... M ... G ....

Reverie (cool writer’s name btw), you are making the common mistake of sitting down at a desk or in an easy chair, taking out pen and paper (or laptop), looking at the blank page, and hoping something miraculous will happen. As you discovered, it doesn’t work that way.

But! There is hope! Here are a few strategies that have worked for me and other writers.

1) Outline your story. There is no correct way to do this, but you have to know where you’re going if you’re going to get there. When I wrote my novel, I knew how it would begin and how it would end, and I knew all the characters. The fun was filling in the middle, but I couldn’t have done that if I didn’t know where it was all leading. Other authors are a lot more thorough, outlining every single chapter, figuring out timelines, and more. You can be thorough or rather sketchy, but you do need to outline.

2) Set yourself a daily goal. Whether it is a chapter, a couple pages, or a few paragraphs, make yourself write at least a little bit every day. Stick to that goal. No excuses.

3) Get rid of the inner critic. A big reason for writer’s block is criticizing everything you put down on paper, scribbling out a page only to wad it up and throw it in the trash, over and over. Writers are their own worst enemies this way. You aren’t as awful as you think you are! Just write it down! Then check out Number 4 below.

4) Revise Revise Revise! You can take off a lot of pressure on yourself simply by realizing that if you write a page that is garbage, or that later doesn’t work in the story, or later, as you have written yourself way into the story you realize you should have put something in earlier, you can always add or subtract! No one writes the perfect page the first time (well, except maybe Mozart, but that was music, not prose), and it doesn’t matter because you can revise it! Unlike a sculptor who, if he accidentally chips off a nose can’t put it back, you can! Words are completely malleable, even more so now that everything is written on a computer screen and you don’t even need white out.

5) Research. You might be having trouble because you keep pausing in your story, wondering how something might work in real life, or if you have the history correct. A good way to avoid such stallings is to do a lot of research before you write. Get a good idea how things work. For instance, if you are writing a fantasy novel, you can read up on Medieval dress, customs, armor, equestrian terms and so on. Doing this might even give you ideas for your story.

6) Join a writers’ group. Seeing what others have done, having your own work critiqued, and sharing experiences with others like yourself can help inspire you to write.

Good luck!


Where to get furry commission pricing help?

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 May 2012 - 11:52

So I've come to a point where getting some extra money would be very helpful, but I'm not familiar with the prices for commissions at all. I've seen amazing artists throw around commissions for dirt cheap prices, but also seen mediocre artists charge reasonably much for their things.

I do know that it's better to start bit cheaper until you get more well known, and I'm going to do that for sure. But I would have no idea where to start because I'm terrible at judging my own skills.

So is there some place where I could get some guidance? I'm afraid I don't have any art to show right here and even less anything recent by the months, because I can't access any of my files for now since my laptop broke and blah blah. I guess you could check Xopp @ DA, but it's all really old

submitted by Tsum
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

My first Con Badge!

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 May 2012 - 11:49
Categories: News

THE HUSKY IS IN: The artist and The commissioner

DailyFurBlog - Thu 31 May 2012 - 09:35

Today I would like to open up to artist and customer issues when it comes to commissioned drawings. How many times do you as a customer get upset with an artists for poor work or time completed? On the other end of the artists scale. How many times do you the artist get upset privately or publicly against the customer for poor description or lack of money? Let’s take a step back from both worlds and look into this with more accuracy.

As a customer you want and except to have the finest art piece out there and at least similar to what the artists put in their demo books or online example. So when you put down lots of dollars you should expect to get at least the highest quality, but this is where the problems start. While it’s understandable an artist might have hundred drawings to complete, each should be done just as exact of the quality of the examples. If we took this into business model perspective with the company being the artists, then we would be looking at something called “bait and switch”. At this time there is not really any guidelines to the system or how anything is regulated, but the husky behind DailyFurBlog is working on that and I hope to help make things better. Because I see it from the customer’s side always, while we can be wrong we can can also be just as right. If I expect my character to have an earring which I asked for, then it should be there without hassle or delay. It does go to show that if you pay more money you will get high quality, but some artists tend to put that behind them when in fact in a business plan this how it works. I do not hate against artist who does a great job, but there are some out there who have issues.

Now, from the Artists end they see customers all the time. There is tons of work to do and work delays, not to mention it’s a dog-eat-dog (sorry, remember I am a husky) world out there so doing things to make someone happy is a must. Just like any business it’s important to show quality and make it right. From experience and reports I have complete I noticed about 90% of the time the customer is right, so the gap of 10% does happen often. That 10% is when a customer didn’t pay or did not give enough details. But how many times does someone write something down and it be completely wrong from what you drew? After all the artist isn’t exactly inside the customers head, so being EXACT just isn’t going to happen. Don’t fear it though when you present your completed work to the customer, because you are good at what you do. However, if you start to get feedback that isn’t great then maybe you should talk with a friend and find what you are doing wrong. Not every Artist can nail down 100% perfect all the time, unless you’re a cyborg.  As I see it the artist has control of how things run and operate, but it still is a must to hold to customer standards. Because, we all know there is some artists out there who speak negatively against certain customers. Talking out about your customers I think is ONLY fine when the customer was a fraud.

All-in-all it’s important that as a customer or artist you always keep your cool. Art is not a precise thing and can variant into different perspective angles. Someone who thinks it will look one way inside their head and gets different is very closed-minded. Artists who take longer then what they claim to customer is in fact wrong themselves and should admit the mistake, maybe in terms of compensation. Remember customers pay artists in the end and that makes drawing a small business.

So very shortly I will be launching a RATE YOUR ARTIST section, this will give the artist a chance to show they are amazing and for a customer just how good those artists are doing. Hopefully with proper questions and ratings this contain the amount of drama and issues for the furry fandom. There will be more on the rating system later, but trust me it will help.

Categories: News

Writer's Block

Ask Papabear - Thu 31 May 2012 - 00:58
Dear Papabear,

Since at least high school I've wanted to write fiction, but I can't seem to get started. I have lots of ideas, and even write down notes from time to time, but whenever I sit down to write I often find myself just staring at a blank page for an hour or so. Even when I do get some words out, I'll never get more than a page or two done before I feel like I can't continue or want to start over. In 6 years all I've managed to finish is one short story, and even at the time I wasn't happy with how it turned out. Do you have any tips that can help me stay committed and finish what I start?


* * *

Dear Reverie,

Dorothy Parker famously said, “I hate writing, I love having written.” Many people glorify the life of the author with visions of (this is tongue in cheek) residing in a lofty tower, gazing over a moody countryside, a glass of sherry on the desk (or perhaps absinthe) as a muse descends from above, inspiring the writer to pen a glorious novel or poem out of thin air.


Writing is a bitch. It takes discipline, hard work, and the ability to face criticism after criticism without slinking into a corner and crying like a little puppy (my novel got 50 rejections before it was published). Many people want to write, and many people have told me they have “great ideas” for stories they will happily give me, and all I have to do is write it out for them. O ... M ... G ....

Reverie (cool writer’s name btw), you are making the common mistake of sitting down at a desk or in an easy chair, taking out pen and paper (or laptop), looking at the blank page, and hoping something miraculous will happen. As you discovered, it doesn’t work that way.

But! There is hope! Here are a few strategies that have worked for me and other writers.

1) Outline your story. There is no correct way to do this, but you have to know where you’re going if you’re going to get there. When I wrote my novel, I knew how it would begin and how it would end, and I knew all the characters. The fun was filling in the middle, but I couldn’t have done that if I didn’t know where it was all leading. Other authors are a lot more thorough, outlining every single chapter, figuring out timelines, and more. You can be thorough or rather sketchy, but you do need to outline.

2) Set yourself a daily goal. Whether it is a chapter, a couple pages, or a few paragraphs, make yourself write at least a little bit every day. Stick to that goal. No excuses.

3) Get rid of the inner critic. A big reason for writer’s block is criticizing everything you put down on paper, scribbling out a page only to wad it up and throw it in the trash, over and over. Writers are their own worst enemies this way. You aren’t as awful as you think you are! Just write it down! Then check out Number 4 below.

4) Revise Revise Revise! You can take off a lot of pressure on yourself simply by realizing that if you write a page that is garbage, or that later doesn’t work in the story, or later, as you have written yourself way into the story you realize you should have put something in earlier, you can always add or subtract! No one writes the perfect page the first time (well, except maybe Mozart, but that was music, not prose), and it doesn’t matter because you can revise it! Unlike a sculptor who, if he accidentally chips off a nose can’t put it back, you can! Words are completely malleable, even more so now that everything is written on a computer screen and you don’t even need white out.

5) Research. You might be having trouble because you keep pausing in your story, wondering how something might work in real life, or if you have the history correct. A good way to avoid such stallings is to do a lot of research before you write. Get a good idea how things work. For instance, if you are writing a fantasy novel, you can read up on Medieval dress, customs, armor, equestrian terms and so on. Doing this might even give you ideas for your story.

6) Join a writers’ group. Seeing what others have done, having your own work critiqued, and sharing experiences with others like yourself can help inspire you to write.

Good luck!


check out r/furfinder

Furry Reddit - Wed 30 May 2012 - 23:50
Categories: News

R.I.P. Jean 'Moebius' Giraud - Wed 30 May 2012 - 23:45
The passing has been announced of Jean 'Moebius' Giraud, 73, one of
the great French comicbook artists.

No, scratch that -- one of the all-time great comicbook artists, of
any country and any of age, period.

He also contributed to the designs of such movies as 'Alien' and 'The
Fifth Element.

Categories: News

My apologies for making another post like this, but how many furs are there in the Tempe, AZ area?

Furry Reddit - Wed 30 May 2012 - 23:21

I'm going to college there, and it would be nice if I knew a few people in the area before heading out.

submitted by DarthSheeran
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News

My partial suit design

Furry Reddit - Wed 30 May 2012 - 21:12
Categories: News

So I drew my hyenaboyfriendcritter.

Furry Reddit - Wed 30 May 2012 - 19:22
Categories: News

So, I know the general opinion of wolf 'sonas is that they're overdone. What would the general reception be for a coyote?

Furry Reddit - Wed 30 May 2012 - 18:07

Obviously I'm not about to change my species or design based on others' opinions, but I'm also rather new to the community as a whole, and curious about what to expect. Would a coyote fursona be seen as a wannabe wolf, or is it a generally accepted separate species?

Also, any advice or whatever is appreciated. I'm not really into the whole fursuit bit, but the art does appeal to me, even though my progress on drawing is extremely slow. With that being said, does anyone know of any good tutorials for drawing furries? I'm alright with realistic, but getting cartoony facial expressions right is pretty much the bane of my existence.

submitted by thec0rinthian
[link] [21 comments]
Categories: News

Melange starts its ‘first ongoing fully-anthro series’ with ‘Unimaginable Road’

Furry News Network - Wed 30 May 2012 - 16:24
Author: Pimlico On May 27, Melange Books published The Unimaginable Road; the first book in Eddie Drueding’s “Arraborough” series, revolving around the mysterious going’s-on in a small town on a strange planet inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. As Flayrah reported, Melange is the first non-furry publisher to create a separate listing for furry/anthropomorphic work. Eddie was [...]
Categories: News