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Its true

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jun 2012 - 17:36
Categories: News

Episode 46 – Moist Throb

Furry News Network - Sat 2 Jun 2012 - 10:32
Author: admin This week’s episode is pretty massive, fair warning! We run a little over an hour and a half this week, with the last 30+ minutes taken up by a single topic! Before that, though, we start of with horrible mental images, one cast member’s experiences with the National Geographic Taboo special, space shuttles [...] Episode 46 – Moist Throb
Categories: News

HEY! Look a release !

DailyFurBlog - Sat 2 Jun 2012 - 09:22

It’s a romping good time! The Blotch team just released its new book, “Under Dark Skies” you can pick up a copy here or any SofaWolf Press con.  It’s about 80-85 pages of action goodness and of course huskies!


Categories: News

Episode 46 – Moist Throb - This week’s episode is pretty massive, fair warning! We run a little over an hour and a half this week, with the last 30+ minutes taken up by a single topic! Before that, though, we start of with horrible mental images,[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Sat 2 Jun 2012 - 04:39

This week’s episode is pretty massive, fair warning! We run a little over an hour and a half this week, with the last 30+ minutes taken up by a single topic! Before that, though, we start of with horrible mental images, one cast member’s experiences with the National Geographic Taboo special, space shuttles and concerts, cell phone etiquette as it relates to the restoom, a plea to allow the professionals who work for you to do their jobs in peace, and Kyo’s word of the week (which is apparently one letter long)!

Once the e-mails get rolling…well. Istanbul says the goal is seven, but only four get read. First, we discuss Abion’s string of atrocious luck; if you know this man, wish him your best, he’s got a rough deal! We hear from Kodyax about the topic and what kind of porn he likes, we hear from another listener about his out-of-control mother and try to offer what advice we can…and then, IT HAPPENS. A three-page colossal e-mail about gay marriage that gets Istanbul pontificating, Halfwit anecdoting, Smokey emphasizing, and Kyo raging! This is the longest the podcast has ever hovered on one topic, and boy, is it a doozy. Brace yourself!

Next week’s topic is all about relationships. What your relationships have been like in the past, how to repair a damaged relationship or get over a broken one, how to find a relationship with someone special, what you look for, and all manner of other aspects of the idea. Send in any stories or concerns you have on this topic or others, we’re here to help!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 46 – Moist Throb
File modified June 2, 2012 – 87.2 MB – downloaded 713 times so far

Episode 46 – Moist Throb - This week’s episode is pretty massive, fair warning! We run a little over an hour and a half this week, with the last 30+ minutes taken up by a single topic! Before that, though, we start of with horrible mental images,[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Yea, Verily, I careth not anymore.

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jun 2012 - 02:40

There was once a time when I would vehemently state "No, dammit, I am not a furry. I'm just eccentric."

Y' know what? That's not strictly accurate. Yes, I'm an eccentric personality, but to say "Not a furry" would be, honestly, a lie.

So, here I am, joining this subreddit. Would anyone mind showing me the ropes?

submitted by candid_canid
[link] [45 comments]
Categories: News

ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep1 – Grand Opening

Furry News Network - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 22:38
Author: actfuronair ActFur re-opens for Season 4. Furdu convention, floating dinosaurs, free mugs and more. Download Standard Podcasts Find the full article here: ACTfur On Air This podcast may contain coarse language and adult themes. It is being provided as a service and is not the property of Furry News Network ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep1 – Grand Opening
Categories: News

How'd you pick your fursona's name?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 22:25

I've been having trouble deciding me fursona's name as I am a very indecisive man. It took me a good month or so to choose which animals to base my fursona around. All I know at the moment is I want it to integrate Quill or something similar at least. My fursona is a bunny rabbit by the way.

So I guess I'm asking, how did you choose your fursona name?

EDIT: I'd also like to incorporate Jack into the name.

EDIT:I think I've got mine through much thought and with the help of other peoples' stories. Sortas Calamus. I took the word Corvus, which is latin for Raven or Rook. Then Sota which is spanish for the Jack in playing cards. Sortas. Calamus is latin for Quill and many other things. I like the name. It seems very classy. Thanks for the help, friends.

submitted by QuillJS
[link] [71 comments]
Categories: News

Latest drawing of my 'sona

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 20:36
Categories: News

Kazka preps ‘Bronies’ story anthology for mid-June release

Furry News Network - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 16:24
Author: GreenReaper Kazka Press, best known for their flash fiction, is publishing Bronies: For the Love of Ponies – an anthology of short stories inspired by My Little Pony fandom. The anthology – which is definitely not for kids – is edited by L. Lambert Lawson, and includes work by several well-known writers, including Kij [...]
Categories: News

Is anyone familiar with the 'Kemono' community?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 12:00

1) Are there any major differences between the 'furry community' and the 'kemono community'?

2) What are the kemono members' views towards their western counterpart?

3) Is it heavily internet based?

Here's a clip from Kemocon of their fursuit dance competition:

And here's a group of Kemonos, dancing in suit to a J-Pop song:

This is an example of a character from the Kemono community

Just in case you're interested, Zif/goa5000 has posted written an article about furs around the world which can be found here:

submitted by liaojaypooch
[link] [29 comments]
Categories: News

Couple Suffers from Low Self-Esteem

Ask Papabear - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 10:31
Dear Papa Bear,

My mate and I have been dating for a little over a month now. So far the only problem that I've found is his self esteem. He constantly says that he's fat and ugly, but he's not. He's 6' blond hair, blue eye, 160 lbs and he rock climbs so he's tone. My question to you is how can I make him feel better about himself when I feel the same way about myself? It's hard to be strong and supportive for some one when you cant be strong and supportive to myself. Do you have any advice for me? All I want to do is make him happy.

Thank You,


* * *

Dear Katz,

There seems to be a low self-esteem epidemic in America today, despite the misguided efforts of our broken education system to remedy it. Papabear runs into it constantly. Indeed, I have struggled with it myself. It is doubly hard for you to help your mate, seeing as you also have low self-esteem issues.

Low self-esteem has its roots in childhood, which is the time our self-images develop. If we are told from a young age that we are worthless, ugly, stupid, and so on by the adults in our lives, and if we are told this often enough, then, eventually, we will believe it. There are many possible results of low self-esteem. With me, it has been the drive toward perfectionism and to please other people. Others suffer from sadness, anger, bad body image, feelings of worthlessness, and more. Recognizing the connection between cause and effect is part of the battle.

You and your mate both need to recognize that your low self-esteem is the result of listening to other people, and not a reflection of reality. As you note, your mate is handsome and athletic. He is probably a great guy, too, or you wouldn’t like him so much. I bet if you asked him what he likes about you, he would also point out your many good characteristics.

One problem with mates flattering each other, though, is that each will say, “You’re just saying that because you have to, because you love me.” Therefore, you are at a disadvantage in trying to boost your mate’s self-esteem.

Finding a therapist can help, and if the two of you can afford professional counseling, that is a good way to go. If not, you can do other things to try and help yourself:
  • Remove the negative people from your life who have made you feel bad about yourself and invite new people in your life who have a positive effect. 
  • When you find yourself criticizing something about yourself, pause, take a deep breath, and try and be objective for a moment. Is it really true what you just said? Find evidence to the contrary and reflect on that. For example: “I’m so stupid!” Pause. Think. “Well, I did get an A on that term paper. A stupid person wouldn’t get an A on a college paper.”
  • Do the same for any criticisms you have heard from other people that day. Are they really true? If not, recognize this and embrace what is really true about yourself.
  • If you did hear an insult or disparaging remark from someone, think about what was said. Could you have misinterpreted what was said? Perhaps you misunderstood that person or were too quick to feel insulted.
  • Learn to take a compliment. Don’t brush off a kind word when it is received. Most likely you deserve it!
  • Don’t be upset if someone is better at something than you are. There is only one “best person” at a certain task or skill in the world, and it is unlikely to be you, given that there are 7 billion people on the planet. You are likely somewhere in the middle, and that’s okay. Recognize that you have some skills and good attributes and that some people will be better at those things, some worse. Don’t turn everything into a contest, and that includes everything: stuff at work, family activities, and even play time. Live and let live.
  • Recognize that you do have some flaws, but that’s okay. Only God is perfect. You are not. Don’t worry about it. Accept your flaws just as you accept your positive attributes.
  • Don’t try and be the person other people want you to be. Don’t pick a career or a degree because that’s what your parents want. Don’t change your appearance just to please your partner. Don’t try and be something you are not. Be you!
I hope this helps, Katz. If self-esteem becomes a really bad problem for you or your mate, I do hope you can seek some professional help. If it is merely a troubling issue and not dangerous in any way, I think some of the above points can help you.

Bear Hugs,


Just a question about tails...

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 09:48

Hello r/furry.

I'm just a typical person, and not a furry, however I do not mind furries in the least. However, I did have one question that I have not had answered.

Why do you wear tails in public? What's the point? All it does is make people look at you rather insanely, so why do you insist on wearing it?

submitted by Ayowyn
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Categories: News


DailyFurBlog - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 07:48

Looks like it’s time for another BBF video from Furry Connection North 2012 this time. As always to be sure  BBF gets everyone in the video he makes these pretty big and long, so prep yourself for a short movie. When your done watching this you’ll either have PCD again or you’ll really want to go if you haven’t. Here is the link the user name: bbfvideo and pass: nomnom


Categories: News

What's on your furry wishlist?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jun 2012 - 03:46

and no, you're not allowed to specify fursuit commisions!

This is mine:

EDIT: Have an expat furry group in Beijing, to be able to meet JD Puppy, Tzup and to attend EF!

submitted by liaojaypooch
[link] [63 comments]
Categories: News

See NJ at it’s finest

DailyFurBlog - Thu 31 May 2012 - 23:33

NO!NO ! nO ! but yes my right shift key is acting up and i don’t like using the left, so we ‘ll complete this post without the right shift.  ever been to nj ///  well now is your chance to see it close up all corn field like and everything. i bring to you my photos from the nj bbq meet out in Parsons, nj.  it was great time filled with food, booze and furries including those who like to take off their shirts. check out the link here ;

Categories: News

How to be an otter... in song form!

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 May 2012 - 23:07
Categories: News