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Fear of Death, Other Problems, Plague a Furry

Ask Papabear - Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 11:21

I came across this site with the help of another furry and I've read through a couple of the letters and advice and figured I might ask for some advice for myself.

I've been having many problems lately, many many indeed. I've been having the most trouble with some that others laugh at or say there's nothing to them.

Firstly, I'm depressed, paranoid, have abandonment issues and almost always feel alone. I have thought about suicide, but I could never pull myself to do it, I fear death too much. That's another problem I have, I don't just fear death, I fear it to the point when thinking about death and having everything abruptly end forever brings me to near mental breakdown, I end up freaking myself out, crying, or even wishing I would just not wake up, so I would never have to actually experience dying. I see death as everything just ending, done, over with. No afterlife, no reincarnation, no heaven nor hell. Just, not even nothingness, not the null, no limbo. All consciousness ends, forever. That's what I am scared of...

Another problem is that I have no money. I have no job, no car, am practically in medical debt, live off of food stamps, live with my family still and I don't even have a sure place to stay if something goes wrong. My family is small, it's me, my grandmother and my cousins. My father is a drugged up alcoholic who wants nothing to do with his "Homo-fag son" and my mother is nowhere to be found (Last she was seen was in Texas), she never was a family person. If my grandmother dies, I'll end up on the streets because the house isn't even paid off yet. I live out in a Very Small place with only houses and the markets and places I could even try to work at are around a mile or more away. There's no one out here, I have no friends, all the people here are old and secretive, keeping to themselves always. I have no friends to help me out of this position either. All my old friends from Las Vegas have dropped contact and I have not met a single person out here. For 2 and a half years I have gone without being in the company of a friend, and it may go on longer...

Some more of my problems comes from my erratic love life. I was untouched and unloved by someone outside of the family till I became 18, then a guy practically rushed me into a relationship. It was nice to feel love from someone else, but it ended in him breaking my heart, not once but twice. Every boyfriend I had after him was either just as rushed and hurtful, or had no love. One time I had a long distance relationship with a wonderful boy, but I ended us because we lived far apart, and it hurt him and me, but he was able to recover, stabilize and find another, then another, and so on, but the pain I felt lasted until now, and it continues to hurt, I feel it was the biggest mistake I've made with a person and I haven't recovered even now. Out of all my past mates I shouldn't feel anything towards them, but I do, and I still talk to one or two of them, rarely. Something that comes up often that hurts me and makes me mad at the same time is hearing that they're in a good relationship. I just feel it eat away at my soul for some reason.

I'm currently in a long distance relationship with another guy, and it seems to be going decent, but I have doubts we will last, we already have had some altercations as well as we talk less and less...

I know it's all a mess, but maybe you could help me, even if just a little, I would really appreciate it.


* * *

Dear Quez,

Papabear went through a phase where he was utterly afraid of death for the same reasons you cite. Fear of death is something that is more common in someone who is middle aged or older, such as yours truly, than a younger fur such as yourself, but it happens to younger folk as well.

One of the biggest reasons we have religion is that people desperately wanted to understand what happens after death, and so they came up with concepts such as Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Later, science became more prominent as a way to explain the universe and the life within it. As people began to understand that humans are not the center of the cosmos, that disease is caused by things such as bacteria and viruses rather than demons, and that all things die, including stars and the universe, there was an upswelling of cynicism, agnosticism, and atheism. People began to view human beings as merely biological machines that eventually wear out and cease to function. Consciousness, individualism, and the soul are merely illusions when following this reasoning, and, once the person closes his or her eyes for the last time, that is all she wrote.

Now, Quez, consider the source of both these theories: human beings. Unless you literally believe in the Bible and that people like Lazarus and Jesus came back to life, no human being has ever come back from the dead to tell people what it is like. Therefore, no one really knows what the truth is and what happens when we die.

If you’re interested, though, this is how Papabear got over his fear of death. Papabear believes that each of us contains a piece of God or the Ultimate Spirit within us. You might call it a soul, or a spirit, or whatever you wish. This is not something physical that you can point to, it is something that belongs to the realm of Spirit to which we are all tied.

The reason for the creation of the universe is to have a place where Spirit can reside, grow, and develop into a higher state of being. Each living thing that crawls, swims, flies, or walks upon the little chunks of rock and water scattered through the cosmos is experiencing, learning, and growing as part of this spiritual evolution. What we become by the end of our allotted time is what we take with us after death, each life’s experience becoming a building block of Spirit’s ultimate state of being with which we will all become reunited in the end.

This is why it is important for us to lead kind and loving lives, so that when we die our contribution to Spirit will be a positive one.

In the meantime, you have to live your life and not obsess about death. You mention two problems currently plaguing you: money and your love life. The former seems to be troubled mostly by family and location problems. You list so many problems that it is impossible for Papabear to tackle them properly in one letter, so I will begin by recommending you start seeking help outside the house. There are many government and private resources that may lend a hand, everything from government Social Services offices to religious groups to Boys Town ( that you should look into. Start using the Internet as a resource to locate people who can help—and there ARE people out there willing to help, you just have to locate them.

As for your love life, well, Papabear doesn’t have enough information from you to make a recommendation. Just saying that you have had repeated failed relationships without going into more detail about what was said or done between you and your boyfriends makes it impossible to diagnose the issue and recommend a solution. One thing I did get a hint at, however, by reading between the lines is that you might be backing out of relationships when arguments ensue, rather than trying to face any disagreements and working them out. Relationships take work. You can’t just drop yourself into a relationship and expect everything to be hunky dory and, if it isn’t, run the other direction. Sounds like you need to put a bit more effort into your romantic relationships.

Good luck to you,


Who wants a monkey claw!!??

Furry Reddit - Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 09:16
Categories: News

Media reports on alcohol and ‘simulated sex’ at NJ FurBQ

Furry News Network - Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 02:24
Author: GreenReaper The New Jersey FurBQ, which has run since 2005, has been ‘permanently’ cancelled after allegations of ‘simulated sex’ between fursuiters and the presence of alcohol were raised at a town-hall meeting. Reports of the events have since appeared in local media. The event, typically held bi-annually on the weekends of Memorial Day and [...]
Categories: News

Werewolves vs. Bikers from Hell

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 01:08

First off, wishing a very Happy Independence Day to all of you and yours!

Later this month Moonstone Publishing will bring us Werewolves of New Idria, an illustrated novel / trade paperback written by John Chadwell with art by Duncan Long. Here’s the publisher’s description: ” The Aceves family is like no other. With patriarch, Roberto Aceves, forever a Spanish knight after being bitten by a werewolf, he and his clan have secretly fought man’s wars for 900 years. Today, near the abandoned mining town of New Idria, they must battle against a demon and his biker gang who want nothing more than to destroy the entire clan. A new breed of werewolf! Holy warriors, led by a 900-year-old knight who fought beside El Cid, now in a deadly struggle against a motorcycle gang headed by Satan’s ken, hell bent on revenge!” Check out the pre-order page at

image c. 2012 Moonstone

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What’s the ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal? Why should furs care?

Furry News Network - Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 00:24
Author: Rabbit Last week the U.S. House of Representatives voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The charge? Illegally withholding documents that the House had lawfully subpoenaed regarding an ATF program gone berserk. Pretty much everyone agrees that the Fast and Furious operation itself – which began under the Obama presidency [...]
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[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 309

Furry News Network - Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 309
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Opinion: Supreme Court decision a good deal for U.S. furs

Furry News Network - Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 20:24
Author: GreenReaper Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Many laws have little practical impact on furry fans one way or another. But this is one we should pay attention to, because it applies especially to us. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food [...]
Categories: News

Need Some Help/Advice.

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 18:46

I know this is going to sound strange and I am not trying to troll in any way. I would like the help and advice of the community with regards to dating and maybe even if there are any good websites that won't make me pay. There is a good reason for this. I am a 20 year old male who has been feeling extremely lonely lately. I have too much free time and I would like to have someone to spend that time with, a companion or maybe something more. Now for the important part I suppose, a profile of sorts in case anyone out there is interested. Height : 5'11" Weight : ~220 lbs (about 16 stone) Eyes : Blue Hair : Brown Location : North Ireland Thanks for the help in advance everyone, this Wolf greatly appreciates it.

submitted by SgtOcelot
[link] [18 comments]
Categories: News

FurBQ Uproar Hits Fox News

Furry News Network - Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 14:29
The Memorial Day uproar has been brought back to light with a story airing on a Fox news station. Along with the footage, an “anonymous” tipster sent us the following article covering the FurBQ taken from several Tumblr posts. FurBQ hosted at West Windsor rescue squad building had Furries Behaving Badly A “FurBQ” party attended [...]
Categories: News

Draw with me - Short film.

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 13:18
Categories: News

Furry Thinks Abuse = Love

Ask Papabear - Wed 4 Jul 2012 - 12:04
Dear Papa Bear,

Recently I've been feeling the weight of everything in the past and present weighing down onto my shoulders and it's really doing a toll on my health. I've been loosing unnatural amounts of weight though I eat properly, sleep is out of the question, and my overall health is low. I'm hoping you can help me get over some of these hurdles.

First off, I'm tired of being grown up. Back when I was a cub around the age of three my mother moved me into a very small apartment with my father. He would beat my mother and commit other abuses to me. I remember being forced to sleep in bodily fluids, being used as a maid, and being starved for days at times. But, honestly, I don't mind that part. I mind the fact that at the age of seven I had to myself move my mother and me out of the apartment and take care of her myself. The other part that bothers me is that I'm still acting as the parent to this day.

In elementary school along with being stalked by my father I was cruely teased for acting more like an animal than a human, and for the weird way I walked. The bullies followed me into middle school where I was ridiculed for being Jewish, bisexual, and a furry. To this day I'm still extremely insecure with being myself.

High school was where I met my first heart break, my molester, and lots and LOTS of fake friends. But I really expected all of it from the school.

Currently, and this is where I need the most advice, I am dating a guy with mental issues. He has anger, control, and communication issues. Now, I am perfectly fine looking past it and working with him to overcome these issues but recently he has become extremely cruel to me (not meaning to, of course.) and I find it harder and harder to remember that he does have a disability. I love him and I know he loves me but every night it seems we find something to argue about. I was thinking maybe sitting down with him face to face to discuss my feelings and his but he's always busy with his different jobs and family matters. I'm not sure what to do.

Everything listed above, no matter how fine I was with it happening at the time, has really begun to drag me into the depths of depression and self loathing. It seems no matter where I look no one can help me. My mothers a lard child, my boyfriend is to busy, and my friends, well, the ones that care just simply don't have enough power on their own.

Papa Bear, I'm at a loss. I want to look up to bright sky's, enjoy the rest of the youth I have, and to feel like I'm purely loved but I'm finding it harder and harder to do each day. I simply don't know what to do.

Hoping you can help,

* * *

Dear Bradley,

You grew up in an abusive family environment and now are dating an abusive boyfriend. This is a common psychological phenomenon. You do this because you have grown up to believe that abuse = love. Hence, you "don't mind" that your current boyfriend is an abuser because you equate this with love and might actually find this attractive. And don't make excuses for him because he has "issues." That is no excuse for him to abuse you.

You will not find happiness in your life, Bradley, until you remove the abusive people from your life. There are several organizations you can look into and contact about domestic abuse, including:

and many others.

It is time for you to find happiness, Bradley, and that means escaping the environment of violence you are in. 

Please get yourself some help soon, hon.

