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Sofawolf convinces Penny Arcade's Tycho (Jerry) to attend a furry themed con. Last paragraph of news post.
I know I just submitted one of these a few hours ago but yet another perfect Would You Rather question.
Lets not forget Law and Order SUV star Ice-T
When Should You Announce You're in Love?
I'm in a mateship with a wonderful pup and it's a bit of a long distance relationship. We both agreed we weren't going to post on FA that we're mates until we've had time face-to-face together and have pictures of us together to prove that we're mates.
The thing is; my mate has been in previous relationships and I’ve become friends with one of his ex's who isn't really over my mate. My mate and I are getting antsy about when we want to announce our mateship together, but we want to wait like we planned. I'm scared though to announce it because I don't want to lose all the friends that I've made because they're upset with my choice. What do I do? Do I announce it as planned? Do I announce it earlier? or do I not even announce it at all?
* * *
Hi, Anonymous,
Let me ask you this: are you ashamed of your choice for a mate? Because if you are, you should hide him, maybe store him under a rock somewhere near the North Pole, bringing him out occasionally to play with in secret and only when no one else is out and about to see the two of you together.
If, on the other paw, you love your mate and are proud to be in a relationship with him, then why are you concerned what your friends say or whether or not they approve? If you were playing a game of cards in which the cards were made up of friends and mates, a hand in which you only held a pair consisting of you and your mate would beat a flush consisting of only friends.
True friends will support your choice of mates and will be happy for you (unless there is something about this mate that is dangerous, but then I doubt you would describe him as a “wonderful pup”). False friends, concerned about past dramas such as who's been friends or mates with whom, will criticize you and will not support you in your pursuit of love and happiness. If you lose them because they don’t like your mate, then good riddance. You have your mate, and that is better than a thousand shallow friends. (BTW, not sure why you bring up being friends with one of his exes, unless that is what is causing the issue with other friends).
If you love your mate now and he loves you now, then the time to tell people you two are together is ... now. You don’t have to treat it like the announcement of a wedding engagement, but there is certainly no reason you should hide the love you have for each other. Love is a beautiful thing and should be celebrated.
Episode VII
ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep3 – Daaawgies
ActFur S4 Ep04 – Daaaawgies - It is with great fluff and an amount of slobbery, we are exploring all things DAWG and CANINE! We're also traversing the Lego Forrest Zoo, braving a Zombie Theme Park and miniature Spider Silk Farm to shake our heads at Shell
Anyone taking commissions for ref sheets?
So im planing to develop my fursona, and i thought ill start by makeing a refrence sheet, so im jsut wondering if there is anyone here that take these kinds of commissions, if not, do you know of any artists that do? :D
submitted by khelan-the-wolfy[link] [5 comments]
So, I have to ask. When commissioning an artist, do you care if they consider themselves furry or not?
Just to satisfy my curiosity here, does it really bother you when an artist on FA doesn't call themselves a furry?
Its a bit of an oddball question, but I consider myself mostly a wannabe cartoonist. I found FA via a friend after I showed her a picture of rabbits in tuxedos I had done, and she linked me there. I was 14 at the time, and what I found was cool, but I found out that there was a lifestyle kind of stigma with it. I'm not one for labels, so it never occurred to me to call myself a furry in any way... and I want to stress that I don't consider it a bad thing. Its just another label I can choose to use or not. Hell, half of my FA has a good mix of human/fuzzy people stuff.
My question may have come from a couple incidents with certain users accusing me of being a poser, liar, etc, while I was really just confused as to why I was being called out as such. Any insight would be nice.
submitted by SargeBun[link] [24 comments]
Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Actually, Sanctuary is a black & white on-line comic book by Stephen Coughlin, published as part of Slave Labor Graphics on-line comics initiative. It’s a funny animal adventure, but also a murder mystery. “ A research station on a secluded island houses a game reserve/sanctuary where the animals seem to be just a tad smarter than the human researchers observing them. The arrival of a Panda bear threatens to upset the delicate balance of life for everyone involved.” Word is out that Sanctuary will also be released soon on dead trees. For now, check it out at SLG’s page.