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Re: Nomination - any seconds? - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 18:45
x-no-archive: yes

So? He's not recognized as such by everyone here. There seems to be
some question to the matter of exactly who is the legitimate FNVW.

Categories: News

Furry Proud! Say It Out Loud!

Ask Papabear - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 18:17
Hello, Papa Bear,

I must say, I love going through all the questions and stories you have received and trying to find one that fits my little dilemma here.

You see, I'm generally a little young to be a furry (just turned 13) and I don't know how to tell my family... They know I draw anthropomorphic creatures and animals and whatnot, but I've been secretly hoping to actually BECOME a furry. You know, go to conventions, have a fursuit, make badges, etc... but I don't know what they'll think. They have already seen my google searches on fursuits and furries but I have to put it on strict search and it doesn't make the situation any better.

I have told some close friends about it and they all think its cool too, but word slipped out from a not-so-good friend into school and I was teased for being a freak and for being kinky and whatnot. I'm proud to be a furry, and am on a bunch of websites like FurAffinity and deviantArt, but that's when nobody but my friends know who I am. I just need your opinion, as I have had so many mixed ones before its making my head spin; should I tell my parents and hope for the best or wait till I'm older and then it will make more sense for me to be into the fandom?

Sincerely, a worried furry, 

* * *

Hi, Alcatraz,

Welcome to the furry fandom. I hope you enjoy your stay :-)  By the way, you don’t BECOME a furry; you either are a furry or you aren’t a furry.  It doesn’t matter if you have a fursuit or not or if you go to a furcon or not.  Those aren’t qualifications; they are just activities.  Being a furry is something you ARE not something you DO.

If you have read my previous columns on coming out furry, you know that telling your family about it has to be addressed on a case-by-case basis. You are the best judge of your own parents and how they might take the news. Are they loving, supportive, open-minded people? Or are they hyper-conservative, controlling, unsupportive people? Depending on your answer, you can be more or less open with your furriness with your parents.

I have talked about coming out furry a number of times, so I would like to take this opportunity to make a broad statement about furries and the fandom that you can use when talking with your parents or friends and, hopefully, anyone else can pick up on as an argument for why furries are great.

“WHY FURRIES ARE GREAT” by Grubbs Grizzly (aka Papabear)

I posted on Facebook a while back asking people what a furry was to them. The best response I got was that furries “combine all that is best in animals and humans.” That is absolutely a spot-on description. 

People these days treat furries as if they are a new phenomenon when, in truth, there have been furries since ancient times. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese, etc. all created stories with gods, demigods, spirits, and other creatures who combined human and animal forms. Why do this? Because human beings have admired the beauty, strength, and grace of animals for thousands of years. Who, for example, has not dreamed of being able to fly like a bird? How about running as fast as a cheetah? Or having the strength of an elephant? It is a very appealing prospect.

This tradition was continued in fables by Aesop and fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. More recently, “funny animals” came about in American comic books and then cartoons such as the famous characters created by people like Walter Lantz, Walt Disney, and Osamu Tezuka, to name just a couple. Science fiction and fantasy has addressed the topic many times as well, from “The Island of Dr. Moreau” by H.G. Wells to the lycanthropes in the “Twilight” series by Stephenie Meyer. Movies, TV shows, and comic books featuring what are, essentially, furry characters make billions of dollars for the U.S. and other economies.

So anthro characters are nothing new, by any means. What IS new is that people are now creating their own unique characters, drawing their own art, telling their own stories, making fursuits, and meeting in conventions. The creative energy of the fandom is spectacular, and what is even more fabulous is how anyone can be a furry.

Okay, so why do non-furries treat us so badly in some cases? Mainly, it is because we are out of the ordinary, and society doesn’t like things that are unusual. It is the nature of humans to try to find something that stigmatizes a group of people who are not like them and then use that to accuse them of being inferior or deviant. For example, racists focus on skin color or other physical attributes; people who are prejudiced about Jewish people say they are all money-grubbers; people who don’t like liberals claim they are unpatriotic, and so on. All ridiculous accusations. In the case of furries, what outsiders found was the whole sex thing, so they grabbed onto that and used it as a weapon. If it had not been sex, it would have been something else, but in our case it has been sex because that was something that touches a nerve in many people, especially conservative, uptight people.

What about sex, then? Tell you what: furries are no more sexual than anybody else on the planet, the only difference is we depict sex in our art and literature between characters in furry form because (duh) that is how we see ourselves. What is stupid is that people find this surprising, yet it is no different than what other groups of people do.  Fans of Star Wars have fantasies about Princess Leia in her golden bikini; Star Trek fans have also had a long tradition of porn ([nsfw]), and there is porn for everything from Avatar to Zelda. 

Now that the whole sex thing is out of the way, let’s move on to why are furries truly awesome.

Furries are awesome because they are in a fandom that, unlike Star Trek or Star Wars, is not run by a big corporation like Paramount Studios or Lucasfilm Ltd.  Therefore, we are not constrained by trademarks (other than not violating existing ones of corporations as in the above) and are free to do as we will.

Furries are awesome because our love for anthro characters makes us a big family. The nature of furry, too, is such that we welcome all species, and this is reflected in our acceptance of all types of people. Since I became active in the community, I have made more friends than I have ever had in my life. Many of them have become like family to me.

Furries are very giving people. If you need some evidence for your parents on how wonderful furries are, here you go:

1. Furries, mostly through convention organizations, have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities:

2. Furries are supportive of their local communities, and furcons are very good for local businesses. A recent story about AnthroCon in Pittsburgh featured a fundraising effort led by Uncle Kage to save a local restaurant from closing:

3. Furries love to entertain and bring joy to kids and families. Fursuiters, for instance, have appeared at children’s charity events. A friend of mine, Tycho Brahe, in Michigan captures the spirit of furry with his performance work, as seen here:

4. And in case anyone ever doubts how true-of-heart a furry can be, all they have to read about is the heroic furry who sacrificed his own life for his mate:

Furries are great! The only argument against furries that people make is that we’re different from them. So What??  If we weren’t different, we wouldn’t be furries! Oh, and just to add some more evidence for the argument that furries are great, here is a short list of people who are NOT furries:

  • Osama bin Laden
  • Theodore Kaczynski (the Unabomber)
  • Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City bomber)
  • Jeffrey Dahmer (serial killer and cannibal)
  • Ted Bundy (killer and necrophiliac)
  • Idi Amin
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Adolf Hitler
  • and the ever-so-lovely James Holmes

Nothing great about these non-furries! So, being a non-furry doesn’t make you superior to furries, as you can see. To date, I have never heard of a mass-murderer or dictator who was a furry. So there.

You know, I could go on and on about why furries are great and why people should accept them for who they are, but I think you got the point, right, Alcatraz? Be furry proud, and if people give you guff about it, tell them some of the things I have outlined here for you today as evidence that the skeptics and critics need to get a clue that furries rule!

Furry Proud! Say it Out LOUD!



Dragon couple (Varna, Bulgaria).

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 11:46
Categories: News

just process video of my suit

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 04:53
Categories: News

1st ep of "A Confursation," a new furry interview podcast I'm doing. Ep. 1 with Kyoujin Hyena

Furry Reddit - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 02:35

or direct link:

So yeah, in between Dragget Shows every now and then, I'll have an extended conversation with different furries and post them for your enjoyment! If you're interested in being inverviewed, let me know!

In this one, I interview Kyoujin, an artist, musician, and also a QA tester in the games industry. Enjoy! His FA and YouTube channel can be found here:

submitted by xandertheblue
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Harison Long-Randall, aka “Elden”, has died

Furry News Network - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 02:24
Author: banrai Harison Long-Randall, known as “Elden” in the furry fandom, passed away this morning from complications from injuries sustained in a hit-and-run on July 16, according to family. Eyewitnesses said he heroically put himself in front of his girlfriend, Gemily (known as “Wolfgem” in the fandom) to shield her from the oncoming car. Their [...]
Categories: News

Fangcon’s opening night: October 26

Furry News Network - Mon 30 Jul 2012 - 00:24
Author: Jace Inugami Overture, curtains, lights, This is it, the night of nights And that night will begin October 26 at Tennessee’s new Furry event, Fangcon. This three-day con will host its “Opening Night” in Nashville at the Millennum Maxwell House Hotel. Room rates start at $ 101 a night over the traditional Halloween weekend. [...]
Categories: News

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Contributor Episode 2

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Contributor Episode 2
Categories: News

Episode 53 – General I. Zation

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 22:32
Author: admin It’s time for the stereotype episode! Due to the lack of Kyo in this week’s podcast, we lead off with NPRcast, discuss the concept of multiple and no Kyos in next week’s episode, and realize that Smokey is a pussy troll! Other things come up as well, among them the ghey panix law [...] Episode 53 – General I. Zation
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 187 – Chatcast

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on KnotCast – Savrin, Shiva, and Fuzzwolf = chatty peoples. Tali = Spiders Not in your butt! ARGs? What are they? “18 Wheels And A Tail“ Humble music bundle, woo~ Sadistic Animal Killers. Not an awesome name for a rock band. Music from the bundle this week – “All is [...] KnotCast: Episode 187 – Chatcast
Categories: News

‘DreamWorks: Behind the Scenes’ art exhibition at USC

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 22:25
Author: Fred The Cartoon Brew website announces that the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts Gallery is presenting an exhibit, “DreamWorks: Behind the Scenes, Production Art from DreamWorks Animation” from July 30 through September 7. DreamWorks’ works include more than just anthropomorphic animals, of course (Prince of Egypt, anyone?), but there has been [...]
Categories: News

Any love for neon-colored OCs?

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 21:53
Categories: News

Episode 53 – General I. Zation - It’s time for the stereotype episode! Due to the lack of Kyo in this week’s podcast, we lead off with NPRcast, discuss the concept of multiple and no Kyos in next week’s episode, and realize that Smokey is a[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 21:07

It’s time for the stereotype episode! Due to the lack of Kyo in this week’s podcast, we lead off with NPRcast, discuss the concept of multiple and no Kyos in next week’s episode, and realize that Smokey is a pussy troll! Other things come up as well, among them the ghey panix law in Australia, the danger Canada quietly poses to the world, Smokey’s guide on how you should already be driving, the Aurora shooting and how NOT to use it to push your own personal agenda, and Istanbul’s Word That Sounds Dirty But Isn’t! Also, it turns out Smokey is made of cookies. Om nom nom!

Once we get into the e-mails, it’s a whole new ballgame. Istanbul comes up with horrible prank ideas, and it comes up that fox tears make great lube. (Those aren’t e-mails, it was just worth saying.) We discuss the appearance of furry video game characters and toony vs. anthro, dealing with management bias, getting ‘fixed up’ with someone and where to go on a first date, how to control your spending, and other more serious topics: Prozac and how it works is discussed, along with not hurting yourself physically or verbally. The concept of white guilt is debunked, physical fitness comes up in the form of exercise…and then we’re back to furrier climes, with stereotypes about furry fans, otters, and the formation thereof.

Next week’s topic is all about the RAGEFAEC. What sets you off? What really grinds your gears, to steal a phrase from a fat man? We want to know what puts the FFFFFFUUUUU in your fun, and see if we can help you deal with these problems before you go nuclear on some (potentially deserving) subject. Hit us up for advice, that’s why we’re here!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 53 – General I Zation
File modified July 29, 2012 – 79.4 MB – downloaded 567 times so far

Episode 53 – General I. Zation - It’s time for the stereotype episode! Due to the lack of Kyo in this week’s podcast, we lead off with NPRcast, discuss the concept of multiple and no Kyos in next week’s episode, and realize that Smokey is a[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Review: ‘Manifest Destiny’, by Phil Geusz

Furry News Network - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 20:25
Author: Fred This is subtitled Freedom City, Book 2, and it does start soon after the last events of Freedom City. Familiarity with the events in Book 1 will definitely help, but Manifest Destiny stands well on its own. Freedom City is an artificial city but a real country above international waters in the Caribbean [...]
Categories: News

Update in the case of Beastcub's sister and her boyfriend.

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 18:45

You may remember that approximately two weeks ago beastcub's sister, Wolfgem and Wolfgem's boyfriend, Hari/Elden along with their 4 dogs were hit by a hit and run driver.

Hari/Elden has passed away after nearly a two week battle with his injuries.

Beastcub's Page

Wolfgem, Beastcub's sister's page

Hari, Wolfgem's boyfriend's page

A reminder that donations should be checks made out to Harison Long-Randall/Gemily West Fund, and mail them to Pam Dinsmore, community affairs director, The Sacramento Bee, 2100 Q St., Sacramento, Ca 95816.

Additionally, a paypal account specifically for donations has been set up:

submitted by TehGrav
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News

S2 Episode 9 – Divinity, Ears, and Tails: Being a Furry in a Heavily Religious Culture - Religion and the Fandom. This single sentence draws out emotion like few other things do.  Quynn joins Roo and Tugs to explore how one fur with religious beliefs hand

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 17:55
Religion and the Fandom. This single sentence draws out emotion like few other things do.  Quynn joins Roo and Tugs to explore how one fur with religious beliefs handle these seemingly opposed topics. Sexuality in the fandom, alternate lifestyles, art - we ask the hard questions and learn some excellent strategies you can use when running into someone with different beliefs. We also play our first ever submitted piece of music from artist Nick Gill, called How It Feels. Join us for a great conversation! (Note: This is a longer than average episode, however we hope you find it entertaining.)




Guest Information:

Quinn's FA page:

Special Thanks & Show Bonus!

Laphin Hyena provided the voices heard in the "Church of St. Mattress Ad". Check his FA for more awesome voiceovers!
You can download the St. Mattress Ad right here. We are licensing this work to others under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. (You can use this in any non-commercial work, provided you give credit to Fur What It's Worth.)

News Links

Megaplex -
Rob Paulsen Live -
Fredrik Miller - Space Travel (New Album) (Support a fellow furry!)
Rocky Mountain Fur Con -
Camp Feral -


Opening: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Musical break: Nick Gill - How It Feels. Franklin, TN: Nickgillmusic, LLC, 2012. Used with permission. (You can buy a copy here, and check out his new album "Waves are Only Water".)
Name that Fictional Religion: Matthew Strachan (Original Artist) - Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (Club Remix). United Kingdom: Universal/Polygram International, 1998. Licensed by ASCAP.
Interview opening bumper 2: Utada Hikaru - Sanctuary. Unknown: EMI Music/Walt Disney Music Company, 2005. Licensed by ASCAP.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Next episode:

Our next episode: Furry Q&A - A non-fur asks questions about the fandom. Ask your friends who aren't in the fandom what they want to know and have them send it to us!

  S2 Episode 9 – Divinity, Ears, and Tails: Being a Furry in a Heavily Religious Culture - Religion and the Fandom. This single sentence draws out emotion like few other things do.  Quynn joins Roo and Tugs to explore how one fur with religious beliefs hand
Categories: Podcasts