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Western furries or Eastern furries? What's your favorite style?

Furry Reddit - Fri 10 Aug 2012 - 00:06

A question that makes you think. Do you prefer western art of furries? Or Eastern/kemono art? I've noticed that there's some clear distinctions between them.

I prefer the kemono style over western by a bit. They look cuter. But When I draw. I try to make combination of both, but so far it's learning to the eastern style.

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Categories: News

FC-94 Jungle Wrestling

Furry News Network - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 22:32
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations) <insert description that’s so funny it distracts you from how long I took to post all the recent episodes here> Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) News: ‘DreamWorlds: Behind the Scenes’ art exhibition at USC by Fred Harison Long-Randall, aka “Elden”, has died by banrai Fangcon’s opening night: October 26 by Jace [...] FC-94 Jungle Wrestling
Categories: News

Animal Crossing: Jump Out Detailed

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 21:44


The folks over at Nintendo Everything have been deciphering the new details released for Animal Crossing: Jump Out, which was previously tentatively called Animal Crossing 3DS. Famitsu ran a story in this month's issue about the game which talked about the new shops and schedules for said shops in the game. 

Here are the specifics from Nintendo Everything:

- Now play as the mayor
- Roofs, doors, posts, fences appear to be customizable
- New furniture… including mermaid items
- New thrift shop from Lisa the alpaca
- Shoe store has been added
- As was previously confirmed, there is now a shopping mall
- This lies beyond the train tracks
Able Sisters (open 10:00 – 21:00)
- Familiar clothes shop
Museum (open 24 hours)
- Similar to previous entries
- Increase in the types of fish and fossils
- Exhibition Room included
- Museum Shop included
Gardening store (open 9:00 to 20:00)
- Seems to be run by a sloth
- First time a gardening store is in Animal Crossing
- Purchase flower seeds and tree seedlings
Raccoon housing (open 10:00 to 20:00)
- Tom Nook seems to be managing this aspect
- Take an early tent and gradually customize it into a large house
- Handle parts which decide the appearance of the house
Miscellaneous goods store (open 8:00 – 20:00)


Categories: News

Awwww Rocks!

DailyFurBlog - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 19:55

Rocky Mountain Fur Con is this weekend, YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!  If you’re going be prepared for rocks, mountains and lots of  furries! Of course you can get your layout, guides and other such things at the site HERE. If you snap some shots and feel like giving some tender furry care to DFB send me the pics! Please refrain from sending nude pics as I have other sites for that (JUST kidding…or am I ??? ). Enjoy your time everyone!

Categories: News

Etuix made me look gooood.

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 19:51
Categories: News

Anyone know who the artist is?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 19:03
Categories: News

Let's rant some more.

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 18:37


Why is it so hard to find a furry IRC channel where everyone ISN'T going to rape you with dildos and stuff in first few days?

It's so ridiculous how we say "Hey yeah, you don't even have to like the furry porn if you belong in the fur community" but yet people like to sexually harass people on chats and stuff. We can't make ourselves look good to media if we act like this.

I know it may sound ridiculous to get pissed off about TEXT on INTERNET but still, fuck off! Fuck you and your fucking fetishes, i don't want to know about them, stop making me to do this RP stuff with you. Just fuck off. I just wanted to chat with new people, not get raped anally by a fox and leave because that. I know that i'm weak little shit if i get disturbed about that, but is it really necessary?

Thank you for reading, and double thanks if you give a fuck.

PS. Is there any furry IRC channel where people can act mature and not get raped instantly? I want to join you guys.

Also sorry if i sounded too harsh but i'm fucking pissed off right now.

Edit: NSFW because of the text.

Edit 2: I'm glad that this started some discussion! :D

submitted by Akselmo
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Categories: News

Second life reddit Furries?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 16:04

Wondering how many furs from Reddit play Second life? I have been there going on six years and always looking for more friends.

submitted by Spazzie
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Categories: News

I need to pay rent and I have some talent in the furry arts. What are popular species or characters for this sort of thing?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 13:44

I'm thinking of selling original pieces of art on something like furbuy. I am assuming the art should be yiff to sell well. It feels a bit dishonest to ask this, but what are the most lucrative species, fandoms or kinks out there? I thought something like Pokemon or MLP could be fun and popular enough. Commissions could also be an option, but I'm not as confident drawing to order.

This is not to say I will draw whatever is suggested, but what would you likely pay for to have the original artwork? What do you wish to see more of? Or is my plan doomed?

Another thing I've been wondering is if people prefer human or animal genitalia in furry art. If I were to draw for example MLP:FiM characters, especially in a bipedal style, should they have human or pony genitals?

Any input is appreciated. Help out a fellow furbutt?

submitted by lynceus
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Categories: News

Musician here about to finish some projects then open 2 slots for first ever commissions.

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 13:20

Posting this to see if there is any interest~

Hey everyone, I'm a classical (for the most part) producer fur and I'm going to be heading off to college in the next month. I figured once I finish some of the WIPs I have and make a little tips and tricks vid for a friend, I'm going to open 2 slots up for music commissions. These can be anything you want really, whether it be a character theme or even something for a project you're working on.

My profile page which has only WIPs right now, will be submitting final pieces in the next week or so.

Prices will be finalized in a journal which I can repost here if need be, but the prices will work with a base price for one piece and then will increase as the piece becomes longer/more complex and the more instruments involved, the higher the price (each instrument added involves more work).

If you want a price range right now I would say $20-35 as a base price (base price includes 4 instruments i.e. strings only, brass only, etc.)

If you want me to pull out everything i've got and make a massive full orchestra (strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, etc.) The price will jump to probably around $70-100 as it involves a ton of work and a lot of checking back with you to see if you are happy with the progress.

Fees are subject to change before I open based off the quality of my finished pieces and what I feel they will be realistically worth.

Feel free to PM me here, or Note me on my FA if you're interested and I'll mark ya down for a reserve spot.

submitted by FenDarrah
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Categories: News

Papabear Puts on His Sigmund Freud Hat

Ask Papabear - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 11:08
Dearest Papa Bear,

I've been reading your advice column a lot, and honestly, I've been getting a lot of advice indirectly. Your column is very helpful and I believe you have sound advice. So I want to turn to you...

About two months ago, I met Indy (not real name) on FurAffinity, and we talked to each other a lot because of similar interests. I loved snuggling and chatting, like him. But unfortunately, while I was looking for a friendship, he was looking for a mate. And neither of us knew, because we were just talking casually.

Later on, he made a drawing of the two of us, cuddled, sitting on a couch. I thought it was just for gratitude, for being a friend. He said I was free to upload it to FA, and so I did.

I made it clear on my FA profile page that I am straight, I keep a "straight furries" icon on my profile, but still, one day, he asked me if I was bisexual, and when I said "no", he was devastated. He told me that all his past relationships ended badly. He wanted to leave the fandom, and said he wasn't worth my time anyway. He said he felt very sick. He said he was a fool to think that. I tried apologizing, explaining to him that I was curious (sexuality-wise), and that what he felt was not just his fault, it was also my fault for being too vague with my friendly affections. On that day, we said our goodbyes, and I told him he didn't have to speak to me again if he doesn't want to.

He left a note on my FA, saying that even if we don't speak to each other again, could I at least keep the drawing he made for me. Before I could reply, he sent me another message, saying: "You know what, please, let's forget what happened this morning. I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay like who you are."

I responded immediately, saying that I agree, and we reconciled, and we were friends again. Although for the first few days after the incident, I was very careful of what I said, and he was still being quite pessimistic. This mellowed down, and today, we are very open and casual to each other. Like the relationship of two brothers who are very similar. He relies and depends on my emotional support very much. Now and then, he says "love you," where I respond, "I love you back" but I do feel he knows I only mean it as friends.

Later on, he found a mate, and I congratulated him, but he said even though he's mated, I'm still more special to him than anyone. Later, his mate broke up with him, because his mate realized he wasn't ready for a relationship. Indy poured his sorrows out to me. Like I said, he depends on me a lot.

Now, you see, I realized that even though I am mostly straight, I am bi-curious. I'm okay with dating a guy. I'm not closed in my sexuality. And I really feel like I'm falling in love sometimes, even with those of the same sex, even falling in love with Indy himself...

Papa Bear, my problem is ... I'm afraid to fall in love with someone of the same sex. Indy and I could not be together because I said I wasn't bisexual. But now, I am suddenly okay with it. If I fell in love with another male who isn't Indy, would it not hurt him badly? Would he not feel "cheated" by life?

My question is: What should I do? Should I just let myself do what I want, without acknowledging how I might affect Indy, or is there something I need to do to clarify things to him? I want to keep him as my friend, I don't want him to get hurt if in case I fall in love with another male who is not him. What should I do Papa Bear?

With lots of love and hugs, a troubled coyote,


* * *

Dear Gordon,

Love is an odd fish.  There are many kinds of love in the world: love for a parent or sibling, love for a mate, love for one’s child, love for a dear friend, love for one’s god, even love for a pet dog or cat or gerbil. Just because you love someone does not mean you want that person, necessarily, to be your mate.

For instance, I have a dear bear friend whom I call my Spirit Bear because he helped me through the time when I was discovering my sexuality at a late age while coming to the end of a decades-long relationship.  I love this furry in a deep way, but not in the same way as I love my mate.  I have other dear friends like this as well whom I love very much.

The point is, you are permitted to love more that one person in your life, Gordon. This is especially necessary for someone like you who is bisexual(?) and would probably never be happy with just one sex or another, but it is true of all people, to a greater or lesser extent. 

You can love Indy in a perhaps-more-than-brotherly way, and you may find another person or two or more whom you also love. Then there may be that one person whom you love above all others, but this doesn’t mean you have to stop loving those who are still very dear to you.

But Gordon, you might not realize this, but you are really setting off my gay-dar here (and before I get any letters from readers, no, I don’t think all furries are gay, quite the contrary), and I believe you set off Indy’s as well. Your letter is a Freudian psychologist’s dream, rife with clues that tell me you aren’t being entirely honest with yourself about your sexuality, including:

  1. It is quite telling that you say you are worried you’ll hurt Indy by falling in love with another male, not female! even though you are “mostly straight.”
  2. You compare yourself to Indy as “two brothers who are very similar.”
  3. You constantly protest you are straight, yet you never once support this with an example of a relationship with a woman.
  4. You go so far as to put a “straight furries” icon on your profile; pardon me for saying so, but men who are confident in their heterosexuality feel no need to announce they are straight. This falls under the “methinks he doth protest too much” category of argument. I’m sure others who do as you have done will object to what I just said, but oh well!
  5. You describe yourself merely as “bi-curious,” but someone who is just playing around with the notion of homosexual encounters does not say “I'm falling in love sometimes, even with those of the same sex, even falling in love with Indy himself.”
  6. You say you are suddenly okay with being bisexual after initially denying that feeling.
  7. For someone who merely wants to be friends with Indy, you are extremely concerned with how having encounters with other men will hurt his feelings for you, and possibly your chances of a future relationship with him.

To answer your question, no, you shouldn’t just do whatever you want without regard to how it might affect Indy. Especially when it sounds like you might be doing this out of fear that you’ll fall more deeply in love with him. Letting fear make the decisions for you will likely lead you to the wrong choice.

Papabear suspects the reason you originally backed off with Indy is that you got scared about what you were feeling and what that said about you, so you pushed him away. Fortunately for you, Indy didn’t give up on you and asked you to let him back into your life.

I’m not saying you should immediately proceed into matehood with Indy, but I am saying you shouldn’t keep him at arm’s length because you are afraid you might fall head over footpaws in love with him. Right now, though, you are not quite ready for either choice.

What you should not do is toy with Indy’s emotions again (judging by your letter, he is extremely emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve), which is what happened the first time and why he got crushed. And, yes, here comes that word again that Papabear uses so often: communication. You need to talk to Indy and tell him exactly where you are emotionally and sexually. Tell him you do care for and even love him, but you are still confused about your own sexuality and that it wouldn’t be fair to him, right now, to become his mate because you honestly don’t know where you stand when it comes to sex and matehood (you’ll figure it out, though, I’m sure).

Papabear used to be a bear who always had to have a plan where he was going and where he would be 10, 20, 50 years down the road. I found out in more recent years that it doesn’t work that way. If you had asked me 20 years ago where I’d be today, I would have told you I would be a fantasy book novelist living in conservative Michigan and getting ready for my 25th wedding anniversary; instead, I am a 46 year old divorced, gay, furry, failed writer (but okay editor) living with my mate in southern California. Life’s funny that way. Hell, I was once a registered Republican, for God’s sake (no offense, Republicans).

The lesson here is: don’t fret too much that you are still working on who you are. It is a lifelong process. Think of where you are now, today. And what you have now and today is a very dear friend named Indy who loves you and whom you love back. Who knows where it is going? It might not go anywhere or it might become a wonderful life together. That you are writing to me worried that your decisions in life will affect Indy in a bad way tells me that he is much more than just a friend and that you have a lot to figure out still. Embrace that. And be honest with him.



Previously Posted Furry Musician in a bind. Taking music commissions to try and avoid the streets and starvation for his entire family.

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 08:12

So a couple weeks ago I posted a link to this artist's new album. You folks seemed to receive it well, so I hoped perhaps posting this here as well might help him out a bit. It appears he's offering music commissions along with just accepting anything people are willing to give him to survive. Please at least just give it a read and send him your best if nothing else.

submitted by Prockzed
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Categories: News

Is it just me?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 03:08

Or is anyone else sick to fucking death of (IWTL to be a cock slave) posts on here... that and Who's the sexiest furs out there? bullshit. It is bad enough when I try to use my job on my resume and I for sure get googled. "ohh, it says here that Mr.Slidewolf helps raise money for military animals and their handlers,... lets just google some info to verif....HOLY FUCK!!! BURN THE FUCKING RESUME!!!!!!!

*note I don't have "I'm A FURRY HUUR DURR" on my job resume I am just saying google image search the name of something reputable online and it for sure will come back with something horrible..because well...its google

So I don't know what exactly I want to get across here...maybe just SHUT THE FUCK UP, if you have to take pictures of a 8' long dragon dildo up your ass...don't tag it "FURRY"..try instead..."hey look at me violate my own asshole" and leave the Furry out of it....Just saying =)

Have a shiny fucking day! <3 ~slide

submitted by Slidewolf
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