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Any furs out there with a KiK?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Aug 2012 - 02:27

I have no idea what it is, other than a phone friendly skype-ish thing. Message me if interested?

submitted by ZeldaMania1221
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Categories: News

Mr and Ms. Furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 23:49

We all know we like eachothers butts. Lets have a contest! Who is the sexiest REAL LIFE FUR you know? Lets boost some self esteem!

submitted by Hemms3
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Categories: News

When is someone considered a furry?

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 20:49

I guess you could say I'm a questioning furry, and I really don't know if you can really consider me a furry per se...

submitted by IstheCakeReallyaLie
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Categories: News

I made a fox on Microsoft Excel

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 20:45
Categories: News

I've realized how similar the MLP fandom is to the furry fandom.

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 15:36

So recently Jerry Springer tweeted that he's looking for bronies. I thought he didn't have a show? Anyway, response has been the obvious "It's a trap!" from everyone from the brony side, including Tara Strong (a voice actress from the show). Why is it a trap? Well you should know already, being furries, and how the media just loves to expose the "dark seedy underbelly" of everything, ever. But a more real reason would have been because Howard Stern recently had one of his dudes go to a bronycon and straight up ask attendees if they fap to pony porn (clop) and which pony is their favorite that they fapped to the most. Howard actually made a decent effort to explain "clopping" and "plot" but obviously the only reason was to just go EW GROSS LOL CREEPY LOSER VIRGINS ala Rush Limbaugh when spoke about FC05.

So basically these kinds of things get comments from the peanut gallery (ie, non-bronies) about how the fandom is just like the furry fandom, with responses from other bronies stating how they are nothing alike. I disagreed, but didn't know why at the time. Today, when I saw the same assertion that furries and bronies are completely different I ended up posting the following

They're pretty similar, fandom wise. So obviously there's cons, and ponysuits, and people creating their own characters and getting art and writing stories of them, and referring to their friends by their OC name, and being the punching bag of the internet, and "X pride" and "coming out" stories. But really the most similar, is the fact we have adults who really like what is perceived to be childish things. Anthro animals are historically associated with child-friendly things (Disney movies, vidya games). So when mass media gets wind that there are adults that really really like these "kiddie" things, they take interest. Then they hear about porn drawn of these characters, and custom plushies (ohhai lyra), and $1000 custom suits with special holes in them, then they get really interested.

I've been a furry for long enough to have this stuff not surprise me when I see bronydom going through the same motions. Cons? Fanfic? risque fanfic? XXX fanfic? Artists with "fame"? Bragging how you got a commission from a famous artist? Pony suits where half the comments are disparaging and half supportive? Howard Stern et al asking adults personal and invasive questions about their sex life, with people being candid cause they don't give a shit and are comfortable with themselves? Yea, they're pretty much fuckin mirrors. Expect drama when Tyra Banks gets a brony on the show to talk about how he faps to clop and then we'll see how loving and tolerant the fandom is.

How come anime cons get a free pass? How come media never focuses on hentai, shota, and lolicon? They're about as integral to that fandom as clop and yiff are to their respective fandoms. (As in, it's completely debatable and a extremely controversial thing that polarizes their fandoms.)

So I sound a bit sour and cynical (a cynical raccoon? NO WAY) but I feel like there are furries and bronies who aren't into the adult stuff that just think it will go away if they pretend it doesn't exist.

So what do you guys think?

tl;dr Seeing the MLP fandom go through the same motions as the furry fandom and watching bronies vehemently deny it is really fun.

submitted by 123not-it
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Categories: News

FursonaPod Ep. 43 – When Does the Fandom Go too Far? - Xiath: And for the first time, the episode uploaded flawlessly! *epic win* - Anywhoozle. This episode we decided to take things a little bit on the deep end and discuss a topic that may be a little co

FursonaPod - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 14:44

Xiath: And for the first time, the episode uploaded flawlessly! *epic win*

Anywhoozle. This episode we decided to take things a little bit on the deep end and discuss a topic that may be a little controversial. We discuss where we believe the line between acceptable furry behavior and unacceptable behavior is.

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath FursonaPod Ep. 43 – When Does the Fandom Go too Far? - Xiath: And for the first time, the episode uploaded flawlessly! *epic win* - Anywhoozle. This episode we decided to take things a little bit on the deep end and discuss a topic that may be a little controversial.
Categories: Podcasts

FursonaPod Ep. 42 – Where Does the Fandom Sit in Society? - Xiath: Hello fellow furries! Looks like we've got another episode up! you better go listen to it! - In this episode Rainstar and myself are joined by first time guest Rizz the Fennec Foxote (foxo

FursonaPod - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 14:29

Xiath: Hello fellow furries! Looks like we’ve got another episode up! you better go listen to it!

In this episode Rainstar and myself are joined by first time guest Rizz the Fennec Foxote (foxote’s FTW!) and former owner of FusonaPod Zaaz the skunk. We discuss where we believe the furry fandom sits within society. Hope you enjoy this episode!!

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath FursonaPod Ep. 42 – Where Does the Fandom Sit in Society? - Xiath: Hello fellow furries! Looks like we've got another episode up! you better go listen to it! - In this episode Rainstar and myself are joined by first time guest Rizz the Fennec Foxote (foxote's FTW!) and former owner of FusonaPod Zaaz the skunk.
Categories: Podcasts

Fursonapod Ep. 39- Furry 101 - Xiath:  Welcome back to our podcast. Today we will be going back to basics - We decided to do a 'furry 101' episode that 'quickly' runs down some information that new furs may ask. Everything from defining words someone may

FursonaPod - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 14:26

Xiath:  Welcome back to our podcast. Today we will be going back to basics

We decided to do a ‘furry 101′ episode that ‘quickly’ runs down some information that new furs may ask. Everything from defining words someone may hear around the fandom, to how to do comissions. This episode isn’t meant to be a deep one, but rather an informational one.

If you are a new fur, or have information you would like to give to new furs, please contact us at I would love to help new furs out as much as possible and be a one stop shop for the basics that a new fur needs. So we would appreciate your help.

Hope you enjoy this episode!

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath Have something you’d like to say?


Fursonapod Ep. 39- Furry 101 - Xiath:  Welcome back to our podcast. Today we will be going back to basics - We decided to do a 'furry 101' episode that 'quickly' runs down some information that new furs may ask. Everything from defining words someone may hear around the fandom,
Categories: Podcasts

Fursonapod Ep38 – Why Furries are so Creative - Xiath:  And we are back again! You just can't get rid of us! - Here we are, back with another long episode. This time Rainstar and myself are joined by Losa the fox on our journey to discover why furries are

FursonaPod - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 14:25

Xiath:  And we are back again! You just can’t get rid of us!

Here we are, back with another long episode. This time Rainstar and myself are joined by Losa the fox on our journey to discover why furries are so creative.

I hope you remembered to bring some popcorn and a soda because this is yet another long episode!

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath Have something you’d like to say?


Fursonapod Ep38 – Why Furries are so Creative - Xiath:  And we are back again! You just can't get rid of us! - Here we are, back with another long episode. This time Rainstar and myself are joined by Losa the fox on our journey to discover why furries are so creative. -
Categories: Podcasts

How furry are your furries?

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 12:35

Are they just humans covered in fur? Or feral creatures in packs? Maybe something in between? How do they look? Digitgrade feet? Plantigrade? Long tails? Or short to keep the out of the way? Do herbivores eat meat? Do carnivores eat salads? Pictures to describe appearances can be used. But How do they act?

My gallery pretty much sums up how they look.As for how they act. meat eaters live as hunters to catch and fight untamable monsters for food. Vegetarians only have to farm, but they can hunt as well. Living in a world that has modern cities right next to magical undersea kingdoms and floating islands. Although they act mostly human. They interpret animal instincts into their lives.EX. Wolf families tend to work and live together as a pack. Sense of smell and hearing helps out a lot in hunting. Cross-species are impossible without magic.

I could go on forever with this. but I want to read what you think of furries.

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Categories: News

Ignoring a Furry's EDS Might Be Considered Child Abuse

Ask Papabear - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 11:23
Dear Papabear, 

I am struggling... really struggling, I have a chronic disability known as EDS (Ehlers–Danlos syndrome). It’s starting to effect my everyday life as well as with my social and family life. I live with my parents and they know all about my problem (my mother being my primary caregiver).

I have been finding I have been getting chronic pain all they way up and down my spine and right shoulder.  It is getting harder and harder to walk and do my job (I take commissions and such for anthro art).  I tell my mother about my pain and she just shoos me off like it’s nothing; no sympathy no help. it is starting to highly frustrate me and my everyday life, resulting in me getting angry and frustrated more and more with my family. I don’t know if this is part of growing up (being in my mid teens) or it is because my parents are being complete douches (please excuse my French).

Can you please tell me how to explain what I am going through to them, the pain is terrible and is frustrating me. My mum just doesn’t listen when I tell her, she is constantly making me go around and get stuff for her (like food, the phone etc.). She just doesn’t understand the pain I am going though.

Thank you so much for your help, Papabear.

a struggling ferret

* * *

Dear Struggling,

First, a note to my readers for explanation. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a serious condition affecting connective tissues because the body cannot produce stable collagen. The most common symptoms include joint pain, loose/unstable/hypermobile joints, hyperextensibility of the skin (resulting in skin that is more easily bruised or torn), pseudotumor formation around resulting scars, spinal and other skeletal pain. There are several types of EDS, most are not life threatening but Vascular Type EDS can shorten one’s lifespan by damaging valves such as those in the heart.

There really is no treatment currently for EDS. The main precaution doctors give is to avoid getting too much sun and limit physical activity because the most problematic problem with EDS patients is how easily their skin and joints are injured, which can lead to more serious problems such as infection, damaged joints, and early onset arthritis.

Assuming you are not overreacting about how your parents treat you and they really aren't being that dismissive of you or making you do too much, and if your parents are putting you at risk for injury, then, given your condition, Papabear would say this borders on, and perhaps IS, child abuse. Have you, thus far, been physically injured because of what your family has asked you to do in terms of chores and errands? Do you feel their actions might cause you serious injury? Then this is serious.

If, on the other paw, you don’t feel as if you are in any physical danger (whew!), you might be a victim of emotional abuse. The website defines emotional abuse, in part, as thus:  “Telling a child in a variety of ways that he or she is unwanted, having a lack of attachment, showing no interest, not initiating or returning affection, and/or not listening to the child.  Not validating feelings.  Breaking promises. Cutting the child off while he or she is speaking. Pretending to hear concerns, but then disregard them.” More definitions are outlined here:

Depending on how badly you feel you are being treated, you can try a couple of things: 1) go back to your doctor and have him or her explain to your parents that you are suffering a serious chronic condition and that they need to understand that you can’t do the same things that other children might easily do for their parents; it could simply be that your parents are in denial about your illness and they need someone to give them a wake-up call; 2) if that is not feasible for some reason, you might try to find a mediator, someone you trust and who your parents also respect, such as a trusted uncle or grandmother. Tell him or her what is going on, how you feel, and see if they will talk to your parents about it. If this doesn’t help, you might consider 3) contacting a child abuse hotline and asking a professional for some guidance on the matter. Remember, Papabear is not a professional counselor and cannot give you authoritative advice on this matter, so it might be time to seek some help from someone really trained in recognizing child abuse and giving you some needed guidance.

You need to get your parents to listen to you and take you seriously. Papabear hopes that a mediator of some sort will do the trick and that your parents might better understand your special needs and be more sympathetic to you. EDS might not be as grim a disease as, say, cancer, but it is a very real and painful condition and they need to get that into their heads.



More music guys? Colson, Foxamoore and AlectorFencer

DailyFurBlog - Wed 8 Aug 2012 - 09:25

Inspired from the art work of alectorfencer comes another Foxamoore & Colson music number. The art work can be see HERE and shows some fox (wolf?) being swept into the clouds full of stars. The picture is very inspiring when you look into it. The music number is once again very amazing, however I feel Colson needs to get into so more music pop numbers. To me and about half the world, we pick up main stream music and make it popular because of its beat and/or words in the song. Poems are nice to sing, however they lack repeated verses that make a catchy beat or memory for the song later. Much like “It’s Friday, Friday” song I really wish to hear Colson get something more catchy together. Foxamoore’s pieces are truly wow and mixing this with Colson always scores well on my chart. Anyways listen to the song, fav and comment all you wish, they are ALL talented and need your support.

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