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How do you handle telling people outside of the internet about your interest/involvement in the furry community/lifestyle such as friends, your relationship or potential relationship, or anyone else who inquires?

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 15:23

Hello r/furry , This is my first post on here* and one of my first true actual Reddit posts actually*. I was basically wondering what the title describes, how do you handle telling people outside the internet, your interest/involvement in the furry community, if they inquire and or if you wish to go about telling them? I would also like to apologize in advance if their is any similar posts such as this in this subreddit. I have not immediately seen any worded in this manner. Just wanting to know your opinions. * Edit:Wow!I honestly didn't have too much expectations in terms of how things would turn out when I first posted this, but I was surprised by all the great feedback I have gotten so far. Thanks r/furry! :D I already feel more at ease with how I will handle things! *

submitted by Alucard746
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Categories: News

How the Furry Community is depicted in r/furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 14:20

I was wandering around today and it occurred to me that we seem to have a lot of image threads here. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, after all, visual art is a part of the furry community. Yet, isn't it possible that we could also do with more discussion topics in r/furry? For example, what furry means to you? After all, we all call ourselves furries, but I'm sure that our interpretations of that differ greatly.

Just some food for thought.

submitted by Andlat
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Categories: News

Hellooo r/Furry!

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 11:05

Irish Furry here. Never met a single other Furry in real life, and really only found the fandom through my first ever game: Starfox. I started drawing Furry Art and writing a bit of Furry Literature as well about a year or so back. Here's a link to my stuff:

Feel free to throw me a Request if you like what you see. It makes me feel good, and I need some ideas for stuff to draw while I'm in free sessions periods. (I'm a Senior Student in idontevenknowwhatamericanscallit, and will head off to University in two years. So I've got a few frees. And they are borrrring as all hell.)

submitted by Retal19
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Categories: News

Come get some free art! :D

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 10:33

OPEN THROUGH FRIDAY! Keep those refs coming! :D

Hello all my reddit friends, it's time for another free art thread! :D I hosted one of these a few months ago to great success (see the results here:, so with your help I'd love to have another. :D

So, want to participate? All you need to do is link me some refs (or write out a description) and you're good to go! I'll be doing everything from busts to fullbodies, and they'll look something like this: (The pencil examples from the link above are an even better example of what you'll get.)

If you're feeling generous and want to throw me a tip, that will guarantee you some art and I'll even draw yours in color! So something like these guys: (this is a really extreme example, but I want to give you a good idea of the style I'll be coloring in.)

Alright, I think that's about it! I WILL NOT be going in order, so everyone who throws in a ref will have a chance at art! My paypal is; if anyone decides to tip just remember to put your reddit name in the payment info so I know who sent it. :)

My FA: My DA: Bring on the refs! Thanks everyone. :)

submitted by Wooperlooper
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Categories: News

Older Furry Questions the State of the Fandom

Ask Papabear - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 10:33
[Note to readers: Robert Hill ( and ) is a furry (Vawlkee) I first met a few years ago. He is a talented artist and one of the original fursuit makers. He has worked as a costumed character and stage manager for Disney.]

This should be interesting, as I'm old enough (likely) to be your old man...

How is it that furry has become the private domain for the mainly under 30 crowd? As you know I was literally on the ground floor of what was to ultimately become "furry," and I can name names and time periods.

I've been the victim of snobbery, rudeness, and just plain ignorance - all because of my age! Epithets like "grey muzzle," etc. are offensive to me. These "people" acknowledge your age but don't give a damn who you are and what you've done.

The virtual disdain of the "furry" community to so much as chat with someone like me is offensive to the extreme. They add me to instant messaging and then when I want to chat, they plead that they "just aren't good" at communicating.

I'm almost ashamed to even admit that I'm a "furry."  It's all about kids and their paw-off art and animal costumes. I don't say "fursuits" - why should I? I made my first animal costume 25 years ago, before 90% of "furry" fandom was even born! Does anyone even know - much less even care? - Hell no! (I know you do - but that's another story.)

It's like a fucking wolf pack with three options: "Lead, follow, or get out of the fucking way!" I've pretty much chosen the latter.

I don't know if this is a question or simply the rant of a guy that's just plain in the wrong place at the wrong time!

--Robert Hill

* * *

Dear Robert,

As you know (and the following is more or less to benefit my younger readers), the furry fandom has really only been around since the 1980s (yes, there was some stuff leading up to that point, but I feel the beginning was in the '80s). To you and me, that doesn’t seem very long, but we now have a whole new crop of furries who were not even born at that time, as you note. Therefore, they know very little about you, and the MTV special and other films you appeared in, or the fursuits and art you created. Also, you have not been very involved in the community for many years, although your art is still online.

But the 1980s were a time when the Internet was still ARPANET and social networking wasn’t even a glimmer in Mark Zuckerberg’s eye. Hell, Zuckerberg (b. 1984, cubbies!) wasn’t even a glimmer in his parents’ eyes yet. The world has changed considerably, and so has the furry fandom. In its early days, furry was just a celebration of anthros. Now it is much much MUCH more. It has become a lifestyle for many people, something that really got out of hand with that entire Burned Furs nonsense. It has embraced all kinds of philosophies and beliefs, behaviors, and ways of acting. To those who object and have hissy fits about the things that have become associated with furry (from therians and otherkin to plushophiles and babyfurs), Papabear has three little words:

Get over yourselves.

Furry is supposed to be one thing: FUN! Fun through the combination—in myriad forms—of animal and human characters. Why are people fighting about something that, let’s face it, in the grand scheme of things really doesn’t matter? Do people who “take their art seriously” and get reverential over Brian Jacques’ “Redwall” series get hurt if there is a furry somewhere off in a corner masturbating to a naked picture of Mattimeo? No. With all the hunger, crime, war, and environmental destruction in this world, you all have other things in your lives that you should get riled up about instead. Ranting about what words people use to describe one furry or another is about as important as what brand of tampon Paris Hilton shoves up between her legs.

Why, Robert, do you object to being called a “greymuzzle”?  I, personally, take it as a badge of honor. I’m an older furry and younger furries look to me for guidance and when they call me a greymuzzle or, even better, a papabear, I am thrilled and honored. You don't get old by being a fool. Age is not a sin, nor is youth a virtue.

I don’t believe that the under-30 crowd have made the fandom their “private domain.” (Although there are some rather obnoxious people who think their scat smells like fresh cinnamon rolls, but that is true in every social group of humans I have ever seen). There is an active and growing older community of furries who form their own groups, such as the greymuzzle--pardon me, "chronologically advanced"--group I founded on FurAffinity.

Yes, there are a lot of young furries. Know why? Because the fandom is growing by leaps and bounds and because the fun of it all appeals to those with young hearts. This mostly means younger people, though I do know of some furries who came to the fandom later in life because they have youthful spirits, too. The terminology they have created (fursuits, murr, greymuzzles, noms, pawsome, etc. etc.) is just part of the charm. You don't have to say "fursuit," but it wouldn't kill you to do so.

As for older furries, there aren't as many because a lot of people who join the fandom when they are younger decide that it is "for kids" when they "grow up." I think that's sad, but that's how it often works. More power to greymuzzles, who, in this bear's opinion, are the hardcore furries through thick and thin to the end!

The youthfulness and energy of the fandom is one of its appeals, and a very good thing in Papabear’s book. Does it make me feel old when I mention Gilda Radner and a furry friend doesn’t know who I’m talking about? Sure, but then I tell them who Gilda was and voilá! They have something new in their lives they didn’t know about that makes them laugh and brings them joy.

Now, about chat and this furry “disdain” you are experiencing. It is actually true that many young furries are shy and have a hard time communicating. But you may find a little kindness and patience goes a long way. It might also be, dear Robert—and  please don’t take offense—that  your abruptness and cynicism turns them off and chases them away (and calling them "people" in quotation marks is a little offensive to them, don't you think?)

Here is my advice to you. Happiness with one’s life does not come from the plaudits of others but from the satisfaction of doing good for others. It is giving, not receiving, that makes a person happy. And you are not happy about the furry fandom because you wish that it would give you something that it hasn’t: more recognition. You will be much happier if you give back to the fandom, without expecting anything in return, because you are doing so out of the kindness of your own heart, out of love for others.

This is a lesson I myself learned. Papabear has had some doors slammed in his face, too. I am no stranger to rude furries, and I used to let this get to me. I don’t anymore. What I did was I went out and got me a good attitude about furries, set out to help younger furs in the fandom, extended a big paw of friendship ... and found that paws, hooves, claws, and wings, and maybe even a few fins and tickly insect feet grasped my paw in return. I have more furry friends than non-furry friends, and I am glad. And it is all due to attitude, Robert. 

There are many kind and sweet and loving people out there just waiting for you.  Don't conclude that "all furries" are young, rude snobs who can't communicate. That is not the case at all. Certainly not in my own experience.

Bear Hugs,


FA is Up!!!

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 07:46
Categories: News

Your favourite movie(s) with furry characters?

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 04:57

I was just thinking- so many movies must catch people's interest in the way of their anthropomorphic characters, and I think that's what partially draws some of us into the furry fandom.

After seeing this post about a movie with furry characters, Spirited Away (my favourite movie EVER) was brought to mind. I'm sure lots of us have seen it, but for those who don't know it has a character in it called Haku, who is a boy whose true form is a dragon, which he can transform into. Here's a wiki page:

Another movie I really love which is undoubtedly furry is Where the Wild Things Are. Although I've only seen it once, it's a beautiful movie, and I had the book it's based on read to me many times as a child.

So what are your favourite movies with furry characters, and which characters are they?

submitted by Ashtalon
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Categories: News

Unsheathed Live at FC 2012 - Live at Further Confusion 2012

Unsheathed - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 04:00
Kyell, K.M., and Kit return to FC, sans Dick Powers, but with good times and wine and lots of questions! Unsheathed Live at FC 2012 - Live at Further Confusion 2012
Categories: Podcasts

Elusive by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 02:53
Categories: News

Review: ‘Pokémon Conquest’ for the Nintendo DS

Furry News Network - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 02:25
Author: crossaffliction With The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers hitting theaters this summer and together making approximately all of the money, conversations at work have gotten weird. I mean, I have definite opinions on which superhero would win against which superhero in a fight (for the record, Squirrel Girl always wins, Batman never loses [...]
Categories: News

Saddest Thing Ever... :c

Furry Reddit - Tue 11 Sep 2012 - 00:09
Categories: News

[Hypothetical Situation] If you woke up one morning as your fursona, What would you do?

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 22:18

Alright, Here's the situation. You went to sleep one night. Normal human you. You woke up. And whatever your furry character would be, that was you. And you were the only person that this happened to. What would your first moments in your course of action be? I'd love to see your opinion of what you would do in the comments.

Me? First thing. I would wake up, spend a couple of minutes looking in the mirror, and freak out a little bit. I'd attempt to then try my various controls, to see if I know how to walk in the new body, or can still speak English for that matter. My next move would be to probably cut a hole in the back of some shorts to actually fit that tail through and wear something. Then, if I can talk, I would probably call up to all various places, and call in some sick time. Disappear from the radar for a little while. After that, I would make sure that a friend could run to the store and grab me a couple of bottles of shampoo (You've gotta clean that entire body of fur somehow). After that, I'd start to get into the swing of things. Doing the usual computer routine, and try to even type. Once I have accomplished that, I'd actually go outside. Contact some close family, explain the situation. Maybe get a few pictures up online of myself after having explained it all, and try to raise general publicity. That way, it would avoid me becoming some kind of new science experiment and hauled off to a lab. If I disappeared again, a bunch of people would notice. Once I can get into the general swing of things again, I would just try to live out my usual day-to-day life and enjoy everything.

EDIT: Tell me if you want more of these things. I've got plenty of 'em in my head!

submitted by NightWolf105
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