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Furries In The Media - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 18:53
Portland Library Board To Discuss Behavior Policy - CTnow

A costumed visitor to the Enfield Public Library provokes discussion about appropriate behavior in libraries.  (Update to the article previously posted by Higgs, including mention of FurFright.)

The comment I posted to the article:

This article used cursory research at best. Most furries do not dress up at all and are merely fans of animal characters in cartoons, novels, movies, etc. The costumer in Enfield may either have been invited as part of a community event, or was acting against the common sense advice of the rest of furry fandom and is not representative of it. Most costumers, like any performance artists, know not to appear uninvited or to approach anyone, especially children, without supervision, mainly for the costumer's protection from reactionary people.

For a more objective article on furry fandom, see the Hartford Advocate's "Hell Hath no Furries".
Categories: News

phi-paw tattoo

Furry Reddit - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 15:11

hey guys just letting you know ive decided to get the phi-paw tattooed on my bicep

submitted by cobracol
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Categories: News

Loss of Job Leads to Depression

Ask Papabear - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 11:43
Dear poppa bear,

I’ve never done this sort of thing before, and I’m not sure if I’m doing this right, but I’ve been stuck in a bad depression for some time now, and one of my Internet friends recommended I talk to you. I’m currently 26 years old and living in my parents’ attic, I lost my job in May, and haven’t been able to find a new one and eventually just gave up, and now my parents are telling me I need to get out, my dad mostly, as he’s always treated me badly and even said his life would have been better had I never been born, but my mom has been getting on me as well. There’s a lot of stress in my house for multiple reasons, one big one is my little sister, who has been under suicide watch twice in the past 3 years. I’m expected to always do as I’m told still, and any time I do have money of my own I’m told I need to pay my dad’s bills. I’ve been feeling much more depressed these days than I have in the past and even seriously considered walking out into traffic a few days ago when my dad left me to watch my sister’s broken down car for 3 hours. If things keep going this way, I’m afraid I might either snap and go after my dad, or do something to myself. I’m honestly not sure what I’m looking for help wise, or if you even can help, but the friend who recommended you is kind of close, and I trust them, so I decided to give it a try. 

 Sorry for dumping my issues on your lap, but I do think I need help.


* * *

Dear Lupo,

Many people are suffering because of this rotten economy. Papabear knows people who have been out of work for years, and it can get really depressing for sure. You have only been out of work for four months. In this depression (and I still assert we are in a depression and don’t care what economists say) that is not really very long. Papabear is guessing that, because your parents see you have quit on yourself, they are getting frustrated with you. Threatening to kick you out might just be “tough love” to scare you and get your tail moving again. Perhaps not, but that is one possibility.

I’m not sure about the circumstances of how you lost your job, but assuming it was because of no fault of your own and your company was simply downsizing for one reason or another, you need to get back at it. If you have not already done so, get a letter of recommendation or two from your former employer, revise your resume, and get back on the job search. Network with friends and relatives to see if they have leads for you, as this is a much better way of finding a job than searching the want ads or job sites online.

Talk to your parents. Show them you are putting forth renewed effort to get a job. See if they can give you any advice. And do not “poo poo” a job because it is “beneath you.” Take anything you can get at this point. Papabear has a dear bear friend he respects immensely. A talented photographer and smart guy. He lost his job and couldn’t find work, so to make ends meet he stocked shelves at Wal-Mart. He did that for three years, but finally found a wonderful job he loves and has already been promoted.

You need to follow his example. Don’t be a quitter. Once you give up on yourself, you will just spiral downward into oblivion like your poor sister. Things will only “keep going this way” if you stand by and do nothing. You got a job once before, right? You can do so again.

Your job right now is the profession of finding a job. It is practically a career in itself. It pays bupkis for a long time, but eventually there is a payout. Here’s a handy little summary of some things you can do: or

The key here is to get your fuzzy butt in gear again. Drink lots of caffeine and consume lots of carbs (your health provided) and get into high gear. Exercise, too, to give yourself energy. Once you get a job—and if you assert yourself in the above way you eventually WILL get a job—then you will be able to support yourself again, move out of the attic, regain your self-respect, and watch your depression melt away. Will this happen right away. Hell, no, not unless you have a great stroke of luck. But don’t give up. Never give up.

Meanwhile, if you can, keep a social network close to you; some friends who will help support you emotionally during this trying time. Lupo, there is nothing like a good friend to get you through times like these. I hope you have one or two or more.

And, if the above doesn’t address your question adequately, please, feel free to write me again. Papabear’s door is always open.



My furssona as drawn by a friend.

Furry Reddit - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 10:57
Categories: News

Nightly Fur Blog

DailyFurBlog - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 09:52

Because I’m a horn dog most of the time. I decided to open a twitter account for all my naughty sayings and pics. The account is just not tied to furry things, but normal everyday sexual play as well. When I do talk I use the words “yiff” or “husky sniff” and only furries might get it. Check it out @NightlyFurBlog . Heck if it gets well-known enough maybe I’ll tie it to a website or somethn’ .

Categories: News

Surprise Anniversary Commission!

Furry Reddit - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 04:04

Hello everybody! I wanted to share with you folk the commission I got done for my wolf's and I 9th year anniversary. This was a while ago, back on September 2nd, but it finally arrived so I wanted to share this special piece done by Skulldog

Link to Picture! My boyfriend is on the left, and I am on the right.

submitted by Owens_The_Hybrid
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Categories: News

Rough sketch of my sona Aile

Furry Reddit - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 04:02
Categories: News

Furries appear on Creepy KOFY Movie Time

Furries In The Media - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 03:09

I have no idea what this show is about but it has furries so hey. It also makes the convention out to be a fetish sex
Categories: News

Short film: ‘Le Ballet’

Furry News Network - Fri 14 Sep 2012 - 00:24
Author: Fred Forgive me; there is nothing anthropomorphic about this latest animation of Rossini’s William Tell Overture, a graduation project by French student animator Louis Thomas, just hired by Pixar, posted on the Cartoon Brew website. But there has been before (The Band Concert, Disney, 1935), and there doubtlessly will be again. Rossini’s complete William [...]
Categories: News

What Ever Happened To Furry News Network?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 23:51

It doesn't do anything but featured spotlights. Now how do I know what happens in the fandom!?

submitted by Hemms3
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Categories: News

Furries in Sarasota?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 23:44

Are there and Furries in Sarasota FL?

submitted by redfoxriver
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Categories: News

Library director calls for fursuit-related policy review

Furry News Network - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 22:24
Author: GreenReaper Library director Janet Noeck of Portland, Connecticut had her work cut out explaining furries to board members tonight after calling a meeting to review the library’s behaviour policy, reportedly after fursuited visits to other local libraries raised fears of child enticement. The piece in the Hartford Courant highlighted concerns about those visiting in [...]
Categories: News

Cheat Sheet for Perfect Shower

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 18:57
Categories: News

Two Player

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 18:26
Categories: News

I'm wondering if r/furry can help me...

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 18:21

I am going to write a cause-and-effect essay about Furries. I have already been pre-approved to write about them, however there are a few things that I'm still lacking.

I ask for any information and data from academic sources relating to Furries about what causes/attracts people to Furries and the Furry Fandom. I already have Dr. Gebrasi's essay, Furries from A to Z: Anthropomoprhism to Zoomorphism and The Sociology of Furry Fandom by David J. Rust [link], but cannot seem to find anything similar to these. Does anyone happen to know of more psycologists, sociologists, or professors that have done research and/or studies in America or any other country?

I know that there have been several "What makes a Furry?" and similar posts on this subreddit, however I would like to ask similar questions to help me develope my essay.

1) What is the definition of a Furry to you, personally?

2) Which general definition would you use to define Furries to another person (non-fur)?

3) Must Furries have some sort of artistic talent to be a part of the Fandom? If not, what can Furries or non-furries do to participate in the Fandom?

4) How did you come across Furries and what made you want to become one? When did you yourself "offically" became a Furry?

5) How do handle being a Furry amongst your friends, family, co-workers, and et cetera? Do you tell them or do they find out?

6) What is your personal opinion on what brings people to Furries.

7) What would you consider "good" aspects of Furries and what would you consider "bad" aspects?

This is all I have for now, I will update/make another post for any other questions that I come up with later to help me with my essay.

I thank you for your time. - Altark aka Ali_Teigar.

submitted by Altark
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Categories: News