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drew my new red husky sona!

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 13:02
Categories: News

Happy Birthday, [a][s]!

[adjective][species] - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 13:00

[adjective][species] turns one year old today!  Happy birthday, us!  Even though he didn’t show up until later, RandomWolf’s helping celebrate with an enormous, comfy looking cupcake, courtesy of the most excellent Keaira Rinn, AKA Pouchmonster! Lets hope that frosting doesn’t stain too much, hmm?

Candles. Delicious.

Just an idea dump

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 12:56

I'm posting an idea i had for a while wondering if I should work on it more. I'll work more on it if there is enough intrest i'll post what i got here. Feel free to ask me questions, spread the word or offer some help on it if you want.

The idea is a show about a family of coyote anthro living in a small neigbourhood in origon. The year is 2000 there is still discrimnation between humans and furs. The family lives day to day the best they can. the only other family in the neigbourhood i tought of is a big lion family. I mean BIG) they live in a pair of houses that are half-assed patched togeher. I am still wondering if i should add a human family to the neigbourhood but not fully sure right now I'll leave it up to a vote for now. I would like it to be realistic as possable serious but a bit funny too. I want to keep some animalistic community traits for the furs like: a wolf family is a big pack ect...

feel free to ask questions or make suggestions. Like i said ill work on this more if there is more intrest.

also sorry for spelling mistakes im typing this up on my PS3.

submitted by haladur
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Categories: News

Whatever Happened to that Awful ‘Foodfight’ Movie?

Weasel Wordsmith - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 12:23

Remember a couple years back how there was supposed to be a film starring, like, every food mascot in some sort of “war in the supermarket” animated adventure? You know, Foodfight? It had Charlie Sheen and Eva Longoria? Then the trailer came out and it was this monstrosity?

Yeah… that piece of shit! It had an MPAA rating and everything. Where the hell did it go?

I’m sure the studio blames Charlie Sheen’s plummet into insanity, then obscurity, as the reason for only releasing this trainwreck in Russia. Foodfight already got the bump down to straight-to-DVD, but even that proposed release date has come and gone, with nary a sign of the film Hilary Duff was relying on for her comeback.

Shame too, we were all really looking forward to seeing Christopher Lloyd as the villainous… Mr. Clipboard?


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Im gonna try this

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 06:34

i'm going to make a cheap suit since i have an abundance of materials. it will be the cost of fur+cheap labor. anyone up for it?

submitted by JethroWashington
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Categories: News

A Meaningful First Post

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 03:40

I figured my first post should be something meaningful to me, ya know...? So how about my three favorite things in one? My mate, in my fursuit, with half a bottle of Blue Cura?ao. Yeah... that shoud do it.

Blue Cura?ao Foxalope

submitted by BlueFoxalope
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Categories: News

Furry Communities--Where to Look?

Furry Reddit - Fri 2 Nov 2012 - 00:01

So I've been a casual furry for a long time. For a couple of years now I've floated around a few different online communities, the most prominent being SoFurry's chatroom, the most recent being here. Seeing some of the posts here has made me feel better about the whole furry thing, and it's made me more open about it too.

So I want to get out there (online) and take part in a few of the various communities I'm sure the fandom has to offer. I'd like to meet some more furries.

What communities might you guys suggest? Where can I start to branch out more? I'm interested in chat rooms (IRC channels or what have you), message boards, and whatever else might be out there. I'm sure I'm not the only casual furry out there who's wondering the same thing!

submitted by AshessehsA
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Furry Reddit - Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 22:48

The one day of the year it is socially acceptable to dress as a furry.

submitted by Phyxxation
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Categories: News

Suggestions for a good fursuit maker

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 20:16

I've been looking for a really good fursuit maker, but sadly FurGen Studios stopped making suits and I was going commission her. But I'm having a really hard time looking for one, not to mention I am super picky when it comes to looks. What I plan on commissioning for the suit is, a full suit, it will not be digi grade.

The character that I plan on getting a suit for:

submitted by FouxFhang
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Categories: News

Play This: ‘Okami HD’

Weasel Wordsmith - Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 16:24

Back in 2006, now-defunct Clover Studios developed one of the most charming and beautiful games of the PS2 generation. If you missed the tale of the wolf-goddess’ journey to save Nippon when it was released, and perhaps missed it again when the game was ported to the Wii a couple years later, then you really need to get your act together and experience Okami HD.

Borrowing cues from games like The Legend of Zelda series, Okami literally paints an enchanting tail inspired by multiple Asian mythologies. White wolf Amaterasu uses a paint brush to summon godly powers and defeat the evil threatening the land. The use of the paintbrush powers makes Okami stand out, even six years later. The versatility and ingenuity shine throughout the combat, puzzle solving, and exploration. It may be inspired by games before it, but Okami stands on its own as one of the best adventure games of the last decade.

Okami exudes charm in every second. From the colorful characters, to the humorous dialog, down to the smaller details, like befriending animals, Okami is adorable.

When released, Okami was gorgeous, and the HD upgrade keeps the stunning visuals intact. Okami‘s style works well for an upgrade, and remains just as pretty this gen.

For the HD port, exclusively available on the PlayStation 3, players can experience both the original controls, as well as the motion controls of the Wii version, provided they’re one of the few people who own a Move controller.

On top of everything, Okami HD is only $20. That’s a third the price of a lot of total crap that came out this year.

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Rawr - Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 14:45
*waves* Hey all. Just exploring usenet and wondered if anyone was
still alive. It's nice to know there's still a bit of a furry
community left on here :)

I'd be glad to get to know some of you :3

Categories: News

Furry Skyping!

Furry Reddit - Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 12:02

Hey Guys and Gals, I am Loque, a Red Fox, and I am hosting a furry chat room, on Skype! It is a mostly text room, but we do the occasional voice calls, for those whom what in. Send me a PM with your Skype Name if you are interested, and ill get everyone added and sorted out. Im very excited to meet all of you, so don't be shy!

Edit 1: WOW 25+ after only 12 hours! Thanks alot guys, i really appreciate it, if you dig this up, dont be shy to say hi, im always open to meet new friends!

submitted by ZeldaMania1221
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Categories: News

FursonaPod 3.0 Ep 1 – Species - Xiath: Can I have a drumroll please?!. This is the first episode of FursonaPod 3.0!! - We decided to just do a fairly simple topic this time so Rainstar, Losa, and myself decided to do a discussion of species! -

FursonaPod - Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 11:39

Xiath: Can I have a drumroll please?!. This is the first episode of FursonaPod 3.0!!

We decided to just do a fairly simple topic this time so Rainstar, Losa, and myself decided to do a discussion of species!

Not a whole lot is new in terms of the format of the cast yet, but we are planning on implementing new segments as time goes by. Make sure to email us with any segment and/or topic ideas! We really want to make this podcast the best it can be for our listeners.

Remember to send us listenermail!

~Xiath FursonaPod 3.0 Ep 1 – Species - Xiath: Can I have a drumroll please?!. This is the first episode of FursonaPod 3.0!! - We decided to just do a fairly simple topic this time so Rainstar, Losa, and myself decided to do a discussion of species! -
Categories: Podcasts