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Do you think it's a bit ironic that if you released a bunch of furries into the wild, that they would not survive?

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 14:58

Or when it asks you "are you human?" when you submit a post?

submitted by Knightly_Knew
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Categories: News

New logo suggestion for /r/furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 14:07

I know the current logo is "nice enough", but it's not perfect. So I made a new one(not perfect either). What do you think?

Here's another version with black eyes.

submitted by Tsum
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Categories: News

Anybody else?

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 13:39

Does anyone else harbor a seething hatred for all the people who go out on Halloween as slutty animals?

These are the same kind of people who label me a sexual deviant in my full body costume while they are running around in a leopard ear and tail set with their butt-cheeks hanging out.

Skanks piss me off.

submitted by ChatGarou
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Categories: News

New Art - Ker-GLOMP!

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 13:18
Categories: News

How to Win the Game of the Internet

[adjective][species] - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 13:00

Guest post by Geo Holms.  Geo is an excellent raccoon and creator of Loose Ferrets.

Life is too short to worry about the Internet.

Don’t get me wrong, the Internet is awesome. All my best friends are from the Internet. The Internet helped prompt me into writing and drawing and creative adventures. The Internet is just fantastic.

However, the Internet is also huge and amorphous and weird and can sometimes cause people to do dumb things. The Internet is people throwing thoughts into the void. Thanks to things like Twitter and Facebook and e-mail and IM, some of those thoughts are countered with more thoughts, and so forth ad infinitum. That social network of thoughts and counter-thoughts is the foundation of the Internet. 

Thoughts can be written ideas, pieces of art, recorded music, a link to an article or cute puppy GIF. Counter-thoughts (CTs), the reaction to thoughts, which can be in the form of page views, or comments, or replies, or retweets, or follows. For some people, if they do not get those CTs to their thoughts, it means they are failing at the Internet and they must rectify it by any means necessary to win the Game of the Internet.

Spoilers: The Game of the Internet does not exist. All those followers and page views and comments you collect are not points towards anything but some archaic scoreboard in your imagination. If you’re going to use your imagination for something, write a story about a cute bunny with an ax.

Yes, getting CTs from people is nice. I’ve been there.

A long time ago, before I was a northwoods raccoon in Wyoming,  I lived in the middle of nowhere in the North, no friends in Real Life, and the Internet was my connection the outside world. There so many new and shiny things there. I loved a movie, there was a group of people on the Internet who also liked that movie. I enjoyed a book series, there was a group of people on the Internet I could discuss it with (you peeps really need to read the Redwall series if you haven’t already). The Internet, a magical place at the time, gave me a portal to people who were like me.

I thought the Internet brought justification to my existence.  I drew art which I thought was Amazing. I wrote LiveJournal entries that I thought were Poignant. I posted random comments on forums that were Awesome (because random is funny, right?).

Spoilers: I was a dumb kid who didn’t know how to socialize.

This went on for a few years. I refreshed every few minutes to check my page views on deviantArt.  I wrote LiveJournal entries and hoped for comments. I wrote dozens of forum comments and hoped for replies. This went on until I wrote a entry about how I never got any comments and poor-pitiful-me. Then, one of my LiveJournal followers (have no idea why they were following me, come to think of it), came out called me a “comment whore”.

This was the bucket of cold water a dumb kid needed at the time. Some might have brushed this off and thought it was someone mean just saying something mean because they were a meanie head. I took it to heart, and reevaluated my stance on the Internet. I looked at how I was acting on the Internet and realized not only was a jerk, but I was miserable too. I wasn’t even being myself. I was being a creature who was feeding off counter-thoughts, being a self-entitled jerk to all I interacted with.

That was a turning point in my life on the Internet. I realized that counter-thoughts meant nothing in the grand scheme of life. Comments and replies could be appreciated, but they were not necessary for Internet happiness. As long as I could be myself online and put things online I was happy with, that was enough. I look back at my past contributions and think how funny it was that I drew a killer-burrito, rather than thinking how few comments or views it got (I totally should commission a Mexican Wolf with a killer-burrito at some point).

These days I play a raccoon on the Internet, and though I still have dumb raccoon moments, I try to be a good fluffbutt ringtail. Though, as I’ve grown older, and entered the furry fandom, I still struggle sometimes with premise of Internet popularity.

Some people think the goal of the Game of the Internet is to be “popular” and in the furry fandom, some percieve the way to be “popular” is to make “popular” friends. Or, as they are known in the furry fandom, “popufurs” (a phrase that annoys me to no end).

Admittedly, I’ve sent things to people that I regret. I’ve sent things to people I admire that I really regret. I understand talking to people you admire is tricky. I still put my footpaw in my mouth every single time I go to a furry convention dealer’s den. Just remember that supposed popufurs are just Normal Fuzzies. They aren’t different than anyone else except they are perceived to be more talented and therefore more popular than you. Most importantly, being friends with them does not make you popular.

It won’t change your life to be friends with a supposed popufur. And you’re not going to be friends if you try to force yourself into being friends with every single popufur you want to be friends with. Friendships are something that happens when they happen. You can’t predict a good friendship. I have met supposedly popufur people who are just really nice people. I have met some who are jerks. I’ve become friends with a very select few furries, and always ALWAYS based on if they are a good person rather than if they are a popufur. Honestly, you’d be happier interacting with a good-natured wolverine who’s obscure in the fandom than forcing yourself to be friend with a jerky platypus because they are a popufur (apologies to any platypui out there).

The friends you have don’t make you popular. You, make you popular. You do that by being yourself, doing something you love, keep going forward, and not caring about being popular. Simple as that.

Popufur or not, just treat furries as furries. Yes, there are jerks on the Internet, but that doesn’t give you the right to be a jerk yourself. Just because there are untold distances and a cute wolf avatar between you and the Internet denizens does not give you the right to be a jerk. You may be a jerk and not know it, like I was, but you can still change. Be willing to take criticism. Sometimes it’s worth taking into account. I’m not saying take someone seriously who calls you a “stupid stupidhead”. I am saying evaluate if there may be some credence to some claims.

Worrying about if certain people respond to certain things in certain ways does nothing. If someone responds: great. But really doesn’t matter in the grand sceme of things. The only thing that’s gonna happen if you berate someone for not responding is drama. And with drama comes a reputation. And I don’t think anyone wants a reputation flavored by drama.

If someone on the Internet does not respond to you it means a few things: either A) they have life and cannot respond to everything B) they can’t think of anything to respond to it with or C) they are avoiding you because you kept berating them for not responding to you because of A or B. I like to imagine they are doing D) having a grand adventure away from the computer. (It’s hard to get angry at someone not responding because they are trying to steal cookies from Santa’s Workshop with the help of a rogue reindeer.)

There are not many people out there who don’t respond with the express purpose of wrecking your life.

There is no Game of the Internet, getting counter-thoughts does not justify your existence; just be yourself and be nice, and you might meet some nice people in the process. If you can realize that the Internet doesn’t matter that much, you might just be a little happier.

The Adventures of the American Rabbit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 12:45

Anybody ever heard of this? It's not on the furfilms list.
Going by google images, the style looks familiar but barely.

I just discovered it completely by accident looking for something else

The Saprophyte

Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 10:59

Well no, not really, but this whole thing is totally wigging me out. xD

So two days ago I bring home my friends fursuit because he's letting me borrow it for Halloween. It's been sitting up in a high spot in his room collecting some color the the smoking he does, so I decided to clean it up. Mom helps out, thinks it's a pretty cool costume.

Eyes are pretty derp on the fursuit, friend always had a problem with them, so I decide to redo the eyes with his permission and ask my mom for some help (she's pretty much a DIY/arts and crafts wizard)

Fast forward 20 minutes. My mom is on Google looking up fursuits, sending me links and pictures and totally geeking the fuck out over "LOOK AT HOW COOL ALL THESE COSTUMES ARE, I WOULD HAVE SO MUCH FUN MAKING ONE OF THESE", offering to make one for me if I ever want one of my own (which I totally do) and talking about how when she was a kid she loved to pretend to be a horse.

Are my parents just crazy, or do any of you have parents that have found out about some aspect of furrydom and been overly enthusiastic about it? X3


Here's the OLD eyes.

And here's the NEW!

submitted by NinjaOtters
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Categories: News

ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep8 – Dreams

Furry News Network - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 10:37
Author: actfuronair Download Standard Podcasts Find the full article here: ACTfur On Air This podcast may contain coarse language and adult themes. It is being provided as a service and is not the property of Furry News Network ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep8 – Dreams
Categories: News

Happy Haloween Furries

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 06:34

Since no one did this yet, I decided to. Happy Haloween. Do you guys have any plans for today, or Saturday if you're by the east coast?

submitted by Fogboundjord
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Categories: News

Nurse by Spearfrost

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 03:05
Categories: News

*Sigh* My Friend is a Derpy Husky

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 02:33
*Sigh* My Friend is a Derpy Husky submitted by Byn_C
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Categories: News

AD 047 - Trick and Treats - As Shalla and Veera watched, their eyes grew wide with surprise. Once the show was done and the girls were over their uncontrollable laughter Larna said, “We’ve got a week before Halloween and all we need now is some sound effe

Anthropomorphic Dreams - Wed 31 Oct 2012 - 00:08

As Shalla and Veera watched, their eyes grew wide with surprise. Once the show was done and the girls were over their uncontrollable laughter Larna said, “We’ve got a week before Halloween and all we need now is some sound effects and Veera, you’re going to be the bait.” Veera laughed, “Oh, this will be a fun Halloween!”

"Trick and Treats" by Gene Wolf 

Read by Peter Katt

Music cues by Infinity Squared

AD 047 - Trick and Treats - As Shalla and Veera watched, their eyes grew wide with surprise. Once the show was done and the girls were over their uncontrollable laughter Larna said, “We’ve got a week before Halloween and all we need now is some sound effects and...
Categories: Podcasts

Antiques and Collectibles - Tue 30 Oct 2012 - 23:46
Antique Furniture, Vintage Furniture, French Antique Furniture, Antiques and Collectibles directly imported to Antiques on Old Plank Road, Chicago, Illinois. For more details, please visit [link].
Categories: News

e621 was hacked?

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Oct 2012 - 23:43

As soon as I entered the page I got a message about "Want to have fun? Click the corrupt button on the top if the page." Anyone know anything about this?

submitted by Lord_Vinton
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Categories: News

Halloween Husky

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Oct 2012 - 23:28
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 197 – Oklacon Was 2Spooky POLITICS FREE

Furry News Network - Tue 30 Oct 2012 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on KnotCast, Savrin Shiva and Fuzz talk Oklacon, read some emails, and in one version of reality, talk a lot of incendiary politics. It’s like they covered everything with drama fuel and tossed matches. Serious business abounds! Good thing Savrin marked which one was which! This weeks song is 2Spooky4U [...] KnotCast: Episode 197 – Oklacon Was 2Spooky POLITICS FREE
Categories: News

Episode 197 - Oklacon Was 2Spooky POLITICS FREE

Southpaws - Tue 30 Oct 2012 - 21:14
This week on KnotCast, Savrin Shiva and Fuzz talk Oklacon, read some emails, and in one version of reality, talk a lot of incendiary politics. It's like they covered everything with drama fuel and tossed matches. Serious business abounds! Good thing Savrin marked which one was which! This weeks song is 2Spooky4U by Griffin Lewis Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 197 - Oklacon Was 2Spooky POLITICS FREE
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