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Watch This: ‘Rise of the Guardians’

Weasel Wordsmith - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:28

I normally stay away from Holiday movies, mostly because a film that’s contingent on your enjoyment of whatever celebration is happening that month tends to not hold up for very long (with a few rare exceptions). But Rise of the Guardians is less a Holiday movie than a fairy tale story. It’s not about the spirit of Christmas, or the less exciting spirit of Easter. It’s about how Santa and the Easter Bunny will beat the shit out of any jerk who tries to scare kids, and isn’t that the real meaning of the Holidays?*

William Joyce (a name that appeared regularly on my bookshelf as a kid), weaves a new mythology, creating a Superfriends of childhood make believe. The Tooth Fairy becomes a collector of precious memories, Sandman an enigmatic mute who makes good dreams. And Santa Claus… who is still just Santa, but a bit more leather-daddy (Where Mrs. Clause at, St Nick?).

But let’s be honest here, readers, you’re all interested in Hugh Jackman as the Easter Bunny. What’s funny is that he’s actually one of the least interesting characters in the film. Sure, he’s funny, and arguably studly, but he gets outshined by the more developed characters, like the Tooth Fairy. The story is really about Jack Frost, though, and the rest of the cast serves as reasons to teach Jack about his purpose while they travel around the world and have huge swooping montages through each Guardian’s home base. Structurally, Legends of the Guardians feels more like a three part TV series arc, more than a film.

While it’s nice to have an animated family film that isn’t about mommy/daddy issues, the message of “don’t be afraid of the Boogieman” is weaker than most animated features these days. Still, Jack Frost manages to be a likable, if not very relatable, character. And, really, it’s nice to see something done with that character that isn’t, “Hey I’m freaky looking and I make shit cold.”

You’ve got to hand it to DreamWorks, they’ve really stepped up the animation quality over the years, and Rise of the Guardians features some gorgeous shots, especially with the liquidy magic sand creatures used by both sides.

Rise of the Guardians comes out as one of the more exciting animated films this year, in a year of “pretty good” movies from all the respective companies.

*I’m being informed that no, it is not.

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Happy Thanksgiving

[adjective][species] - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 14:00

Happy Thanksgiving from Makyo and JD!

No, dog, you can’t have still-frozen, still-wrapped mini-chickens :S

Makyo is on leave until December or January. Please enjoy all the excellent posts by JM, Rabbit, and our guest authors!

Have I learned the right thing about Furry and should I stop thinking about this?

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 09:11

I became very interested, maybe even found a passionate curiousity in the fandom, but perhaps as just an onlooker a best thanks to the magic that is internet forums; But the thing that I loved to do was to think alot about why people get into bieng a furry, and what it was all about.

Wanting to learn more, I eventually travelled to Canada, to go on a certain Furry Camp called Camp Feral they have each year. Im from Australia, and it was a long trip, but I enjoyed meeting and talking to all kinds of people.

The things I love most was the idea of having a Fursona, like a sort of strange totem! I allways like the people who gave very interesting reasons for picking the various things about them, and wearing thier little badges, or tails and ears, for the fun of it, its very silly, but somehow very endearing, and a fair few of them I connected with, and they had some very open minded and interesting ideas, for the most part.

I believe that the minute you start to say, 'Furry is like this!' or 'Furry is not like this!' or 'Ill defend this silly hobby lifestyle thing to the death!' is when you start to run into problems. If people don't understand why someone would spend hours making thier beloved character creations, then they can choose to learn more, or choose not to, but for the most part, being a furry is because you want to be around like minded people and thats the whole point.

Anyone of sound mind would understand it is very silly, by its nature. It requires an active imagination, and not hubris, or predjudice. And hating on furries, to me seems not only stupid, but kind of pointless. Furries arent a creed, or a lifestyle, or anything like that, the only thing common among furries, is how different they seem to be.

Its a bunch of people getting together talking and doing something that they love. Does it have to be more complicated then that? You cant shove tails and ears down someones throat. It just doesnt work.

So Reddit, I just want to ask if you guys think I have the right Idea about it, simply because this has been keeping me up at night, for a very long time, and Id really like to put it to bed, so that I can just go back to enjoying doing furry stuff, and less thinking critically about it.

Does this Auzzie fox have a good understanding, and can I stop thinking about this? >.<

EDIT: Edited to get to the point!

submitted by CuriousWatcher
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Categories: News

Tablet Issues: Cheapish commissions to help raise money.

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 04:53

Sorry to be spammy at all, but it seems this is something people are doing here for a short time. I seem to be having some issues with my Intuos 4 tablet. The drivers keep crashing and I'd need to re-download them nearly every time I want to use my tablet. it's really frustrating. I can get it to run for a while but after not using it for a few hours, it just stops working.

It's maybe not the most urgent, but it's kind of making me not want to draw when my tablet keeps breaking. :I Please, do me a favor and tell anyone who has been wanting to buy a commission from someone to check me out. I really need the money. I'd like to buy something for myself for a change instead of depending on my mom or dad. I'm not sure how much I'll need, and I know this art sure isn't gonna buy the whole thing, but it should help. I still have a small amount from other commissions.

I want to raise some money so I can purchase myself a new one. Probably not even the same kind. So, having a Buy One Get One Half-Off sale!

Commission Prices and examples

Sketch: $5

Lineart: $7

Flat Color: $9

Color+Shade: $12

Optional Background: $3

Character Design: $8

Once again, sorry if anyone is upset by this. I just don't have enough publicity to make any more than one sale, so i thought i'd ask you all. If you buy anything, just send me a personal message and I'll tell you where to send money.

TL;DR: I need money to buy a tablet that isn't broken. Buy one get one half off commissions.

submitted by thelightforest
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Categories: News

Furnal Equinox releases November 2012 newsletter

Furry News Network - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 04:25
Author: Scani Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its November 2012 newsletter. Early bird preregistration for the convention concludes in only a few days, on November 30. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

MFF 2012 - Photos from a furry con

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 03:31
Categories: News

So, like

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 03:24

Did you all just watch too many cartoons like Tale Spin and Goof Troop with sexualized animal characters while you were kids or something?

Where the hell does this come from?

submitted by duplicitous
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Categories: News

Finding the right costume!

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 03:22

Hey everyone! I just want you all to have a background of my situation. I rarely tell people I am furry, mostly out of fear of being ridiculed. I am a rather shy guy, and hate being confronted about anything so I try to fly under the radar. Anyway, my current significant other got me to spill all my secrets. I was rather shocked that she was actually supportive of me and my interest in the fandom. She isn't necessarily a furry herself but she is willing to dress up in a manner that would excite me. Yes, she wants to get some type of lingerie... The only problem is I have to find it. She wants to be a fox (which personally I don't mind. Yet don't favor.) I was wondering if any of y'all have a particular vendor or site that you purchase furry stuff from. I am looking for stuff for me as well, that isn't exactly sexual as well :P

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but yeah!

submitted by Buffet_Breaker
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Categories: News

Review: ‘Into the Desert Wilds’, by Jim Galford

Furry News Network - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 02:24
Author: Fred
Categories: News

Furry radio play ‘Fursona Non Grata’ to première at Wild Nights 2013

Furry News Network - Thu 22 Nov 2012 - 00:24
Author: Draconis Jeff Goode is back in action in the Furry fandom again. Jeff, who is known for his series Jake Long: American Dragon and his anthro play The Eight: Reindeer Monologues, is coming out with a new play for the fandom. Fursona Non Grata will be offered as a radio play and will premiere [...]
Categories: News

Animation preview: ‘Chicken Core: The Rise of Kings’

Furry News Network - Wed 21 Nov 2012 - 22:25
Author: Fred We are not men! We are chickens!!! The Cartoon Brew website presents “Chicken Core: The Rise of Kings”, a 6’02″ preview for an epic fantasy directed by Oricha Aliyu, about an oppressed kingdom of chickens (apparently all male) fighting against a dark crow overlord. Not too impressive, until you consider that it has [...]
Categories: News

Are there any furries who have absolutely no sexual attraction to furry characters/fursuiters/animals?

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Nov 2012 - 20:48

I know we all try to downplay the sexual aspects of the fandom while in public, and I am not suggesting that those with an interest in furry art and culture are primarily motivated by sexual attraction. However, I do find it hard to believe that people with an active role or interest in the furry fandom have absolutely zero attraction to either animals, fursuiters, furry art/characters, ect...

Is there anyone here who identifies as a furry but honestly has no sexual stake in it at all? I'd like to hear your story. What got you into the furry culture/lifestyle. What motivates you to be a part of the fandom. What keeps you around? Do you just shrug off the sexual aspects? Have you ever had a "furry sexual experience" or thought? Just curious, thanks for your responses.

submitted by justafurry
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Categories: News

Review: ‘Carbonel, The King of the Cats’, ‘The Kingdom of Carbonel’, and ‘Carbonel and Calidor’, by Barbara Sleigh

Furry News Network - Wed 21 Nov 2012 - 20:25
Author: Fred I usually select the books that I review on my own initiative, but this review of the Carbonel novels was suggested/inspired by Rakuen Growlithe. He asked, in a comment to my review of Windrusher and the Trail of Fire: There were two cat books I read as a kid and found really good [...]
Categories: News

Artist taking free commissions- I need to rebuild my portfolio!

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Nov 2012 - 19:22

So hey guys! I'm currently an art student, and in recent years have fell out of the practice/lost touch with the furry and oekaki community. I'm hoping to rebuild my portfolio of digital paintings, and would love to draw some of your guy's OC. I'm also diving into making a virtual novel with the ren'py engine- so I need to get back into the practice of drawing more illustratively as opposed to representational sorts of things.

Anyhow tl;dr, I'll be doing 2 or 3 drawings for whoever would like them at no charge.

Here's an example of "my style?"


Next up in the queue- shiftier and Furry_Advocate

These are ending up as more sketches- I hope that's okay! But doing these speed paintings is a good exercise for me.

edit 2 okay guys! After I finish who's in the queue, that'll be it for the night, thanks for giving me some things to sketch!

edit 3 here's my FA guys- feel free to get in touch w/me!

submitted by nekonekoyama
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Categories: News

Battle Chickens!

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 21 Nov 2012 - 17:56

Thanks to the folks over at Cartoon Brew, we now know about Chicken Core: The Rise of Kings — one of the first animated short films ever completely produced in the country of Nigeria. Here’s the description from YouTube: “Chicken Core is a Nigerian animated feature which follows the adventures of a group of chicken warriors in their quest to rid the land of Amaji from the clutches of the tyrannous Boar King and his minions.” Got that? It’s directed by Oricha Aliyu and produced by Sporedust Media.  Animation in Nigeria is really starting from the ground up, as all the people who work for Sporedust are self-taught. Check out what they’ve created — and be on the lookout for what they do next.

image c. 2012 Sporedust Media

Categories: News

And so it ends - Wed 21 Nov 2012 - 17:45
One last check, and as expected I find the once raucous and lively aff
abandoned for the manifold venues of the web, left to emptyness,
crickets, and the occasional rude word graffitist. We never had a
moderator or anything like that, but I guess I spent enough time in here
in the old things to be qualified for this (reaches up, clicks off the
Categories: News