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So Yesterday...

Furries In The Media - Mon 19 Nov 2012 - 11:06
...I went to my local library. In the mood for some light reading, I spied a book on the shelf called World's Worst Travel Destinations. Thumbing the pages, I stopped at page 46 because I spied a name: Anthrocon.

Indeed. THAT Anthrocon.

So I read the entry. Below is the review I read in its entirety.

NOTE: This is from _World's Worst Travel Destinations: 50 travel experiences you will want to miss..._, and published in 2012 by Dog 'n' Bone Books. The author is Kara Simsek. pp. 46-47

Anthrocon, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

When Children see someone dressed up in an animal costume, their first instinct is to run toward them with their arms outstretched, their face a giant beacon of joy ready for a quick cuddle. The same can be said of "furries" -- adults who have a fixation with humanoid animal characters.

There are many Furry COnventions -- or Fur Cons, as they're also knowm--held every year across the US. Such gatherings provide a suitable opportunity for fetishists to show off their "fursonas," the name given to their animal alter-egos who are usually only given the chance to socialize in internet forums. The largest of these conventions is Anthrocon, which is held every year in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and attended by over 4000 people who roan around as humanoid cats, dogs, wolves, and even cockroaches. Foxes are also popular.

Many of the furries wear full costumes that they have painstakingly made themselves, while others opt for a more subtle get-up, such as adding a discreet tail to their clostes or wearing gloves that look like paws. The furries' outfits help to portray their character, with some having a medieval mentality that involves wearing fantasy outfits like cloaks and tunics, while others appear in uniforms for more relaxed clothing such as dungarees.

Thousands of furry fans make the most of Anthrocon, relishing the chance to hang out with other people in animal suits and dancing all night at specially organized discos, where any record by the rock band Super Furry Animals go down especially well. It's also a chance to bring their online role-playing games to life, as they speak and act in character totally unlike their everyday persons. It's not all fun and games, though, as the more serious side of the fandom is explored in a series of panel discussions. There are also art shows, auctions, puppetry, and stalls selling comic books, accessories, collectibles, and, of course, animal costumes.

Getting into a Fur Con can be tricky, however, as the media has painted such events as sexually charged weekends that culminate in wild orgies; as a result, the furries are understandably wary of of outsiders. Make an effort, though, and perhaps you'll see a grinning six foot tall crocodile slide up to a mouse, take them by the paw, and lead them to a hotel suite with the intention of doing beastly things to them.
Categories: News

Kali by Silverbobcat

Furry Reddit - Mon 19 Nov 2012 - 01:58
Categories: News

Deep Breath... Here We Go

TigerTails Radio - Mon 19 Nov 2012 - 01:35

Yes, today marks the start of TigerTails Radio - Season 7.  We have had 3 test shows to make sure things are working as expected, and while everything isn't 100% to TK's satisfaction, things aren't going to get any better than what they are, so we might as well go ahead.

What new for Season 7 then?  Well, first off, have a look at our nice new website.  Isn't it pretty?  It's pretty functional (well it's not winning any awards for style, put it that way), but certainly a lot better looking than the previous one.

The important things are still around.  The 'Listen' page has links to for you to listen with most major media players.  We're looking for a workaround for the Flash player, so if you used that just sit tight and hopefully it will be back soon.  If the main links don't work for you, we have the raw server details on hand so you can dump them in to your media player of choice and listen that way,

Podcasts will return, and now have their own section.  Well, ish.  Podcasts will be hosted off-site now, as that reduces our bandwidth commitments.  From now on, each new podcast will be linked to from a post on the main page.  The post will be tagged "Podcast", and thus by clicking on the podcast link in the top menu, you will be presented with the posts containing the podcasts.  Magic.

The ways and means of contacting us haven't changed, and links to all our social media sites (Facebook, Google+, and Twitter) have been added to the bottom of the "Contact Us" page.  The IRC details are also there, too.

So, that's the website covered...  What about the show?  Well, our biggest change is the move from to YouTube via Google Hangouts on Air.  Why did we do this?  There's a few reasons.  Most noteably, the Livestream was low frame-rate crap. It saved a local file to TK's computer but the quality of video was appalling.  Hangouts on Air aren't much better in terms of quality, and it eats the broadcasting equipment, but archives are saved to YouTube automatically. This means a TubeCast is available moments after the show has finished each night.  There are also lots of toys for TK to play with (early in the show, before the broadcasting hardware runs out of resources).

The Audiosurf challenge is no more, for the time being.  We will try to work out another challenge instead.  Winners of the Off Season challenge will be announced during the live show tonight.

Old favourites like Review of the Week, The Gaming News, Done and Dusted, and Role Play Talk are back.  The show will follow the regular format, with Review of the Week and The Gaming News taking up the first half of the show, and Done and Dusted followed by Role Play Talk taking up the second.  This should, in theory, give us a good 2 hour show.

Finally, the show now starts from 8pm UK time!  An hour earlier than it used to.  This also means it finishes at 10pm (if it doesn't over run) so all you Brits can go to bed at a reasonable hour (he says, typing this at 6.30am).

If you made it this far down, congratulations.  Give yourself a pat on the back...  Or a cookie, whichever is easiest.  Why not drop in to IRC during the live show and tell TK you've read this bit?  Let him know that typing this post up for over an hour has been worth it.

Enjoy the show.

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Categories: Podcasts

Oppa Furry Style

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 23:53
Categories: News

Fursona question

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 22:03

Well I'm a relatively new furry and so sorry for that. I am wondering how I create a Fursona...especially since I have no artistic abilities. I have always like anthropomorphic animals. I have always liked the dragon variety the most...thanks for the help :)

submitted by Awesomefrancis
[link] [24 comments]
Categories: News

Smokey's busted! [Mild-NSFW / MM]

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 20:19
Categories: News

The Blue Air Rider

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 16:11
Categories: News

Largest tail I've completed so far.

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 15:33
Categories: News

Cute snowball fight (silverfox5213)

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 14:00
Categories: News

Please help /r/furry, pay what you can commissions for a good cause

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 13:02

I've found out today that my mate if facing being kicked out of his apartment unless he can raise £900 for rent and taxes. He's really upset and I want to help him out as best as I can. So I'm offering pay what you can commissions (for a minimum of $1.50/£1) any help would be appreciated so much. I'm sorry to beg for commissions but I don't know what else to do at the moment. My FA with the rest of the information is here if you can help thank you it will mean a lot.

submitted by Gosset
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Massage [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 12:10
Categories: News

Episode 65 – The Good Life

Furry News Network - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 10:32
Author: admin It’s time for our new episode, all about gratitude…but you wouldn’t know it to hear the first part of our podcast! We go into in-depth discussion about good weapons to use in a zombie apocalypse, overly aggressive sales staff, the upcoming Wii U, middle management and why it’s a good thing, ridiculous rumors [...] Episode 65 – The Good Life
Categories: News

Girl Is Threatening Lovers

Ask Papabear - Sun 18 Nov 2012 - 10:08
Dear Papabear,

I'm in dire need of help right now...but it's something that's quite out of my hands.

A little over a month ago, I started seeing a girl who I've known almost 5 years now. We got along very well, we understand each other and I can say we're happy in our relationship. Although our relationship is very, very discreet. Only through texts and chats online, sometimes we meet in the mall on weekends.

But there's a problem - we have a mutual friend, let's call her "Gina" for now. Gina, the girl and I have been friends for a long time, about 3 years. We are part of a circle of friends with other boys and girls.

I don't see Gina often anymore after high school, but the last time I saw her I helped her finish a school project and we were still very warm towards each other.

The problem is, Gina is very possessive. After our circle of friends saw each other less and less after high school, we rarely knew much about what was going on with each other.

Last night, I received a warning from the girl, saying to stay away from Gina the next time I see her. And I asked why...apparently, Gina had given me a death threat after finding out I was seeing the girl. Gina told the girl, not me. And Gina also threatened to harm the girl as well.

The girl told me to stay out of it, to keep it from getting any worse, and I know I should, I trust her too.

Having known Gina a while, I don't know what to think - why the sudden hostility?

So I went around to the girl's social sites, and I saw that Gina had more than once tried to win the girl's affections of the months where our communications were blurred; Gina asked if she could "live for her." The girl would decline and tell Gina that she just wants to be friends.

Now I'm worried. The girl said she would talk to Gina, but after the threat of harm and death, I'm getting paranoid.

Can you help me understand what Gina is feeling? What should I do, Papabear? Who should I tell and who do I run to? And how do I protect the girl from Gina as well? How can this be ended?


* * *

Dear Jon,

If I’m to take all of this at face value, it sounds like Gina is in love with your girlfriend, and when she found out that you and she were in a relationship, she decided to threaten both of you in a fit of jealousy.

Do you have any reason to believe that her threats are anything more than just words?  Doesn’t sound like they are to Papabear. First of all, I would suggest that you talk with your girlfriend. Since this is a threat to both of you, it should be addressed by both of you in unison, not just by her. Talk to her and see if she can tell you anything more about what Gina said to her. You and your girlfriend are in a relationship and the two of you should address this “threat” as a team. My guess is that if Gina sees you standing up to her in a united front, she will back down.

Obviously, neither you nor your girlfriend should be friends with someone like Gina. After you face her down, break off any friendship you had with her. She’s bad news, as they say.

If things escalate and there seems to be a very real, physical threat, then it is time to call in the authorities. I sincerely doubt that will be the case, but then, I don’t know this Gina. You seem surprised that she would make this threat, so it sounds uncharacteristic. Again, my guess is that it comes out of being hurt and there really is no punch behind it.

Get together with your girlfriend; confront Gina, and end this ridiculous situation. The situation is not “out of your hands.” You are involved in it up to your eyebrows and you need to do your part to resolve it.

Good luck!
