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Essex county animals to breathe easier after house fires

Furry News Network - Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 16:24
Author: RingtailedFox Pets and their owners can breathe easier in the city of Windsor, and county of Essex, Ontario, as the Essex County Veterinary Association donated ten animal-friendly oxygen mask sets to the various fire departments in Windsor and the county on March 21. The sets (which contain three pet masks, three sets of tubes, [...]
Categories: News

Furry Needs to Learn Lesson from Making Poor Choices in Affairs of the Heart

Ask Papabear - Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 11:57
Hello Papa Bear. 

A little while ago I decided to leave my home, friends, and family to live with two furs, who wanted me to be a part of their love and make it a 3-way relationship. Now I have been hurt many times before--badly, too--to the point I once tried to kill myself. But I knew they were different. However, a few weeks ago they decided that they wanted to keep their relationship private. I love them both and gave up everything for them. It took all my power not to beat the crap out of them. I was so hurt. I hated them because of it. I want to be the third wheel that everyone sees last, but I am now, again. They think of me last and I’m tired of them saying they care and love me only when I ask or just to make me feel better. I feel alone and sad. And no matter what, they will never get what I’m going though. They said one day maybe it could happen, but they always leave me in the dust. So how can it? They said they would always love and be there, but they, like all the other people in my life, lied. I really want to be with them, but I get so angry at them, too. What should I do?


* * *

Hi, King,

You have the right to be angry. You gave up a lot for them and they abandoned you, and now they are leading you on with vague, lame promises and continue to treat you like an afterthought. When love is one-sided it will not work. You can wish for their love back, but unless it is given freely you will be out of luck, as you are in this case.

What should you do? You should leave. If you can, go back to your family. Be a man and admit you made a bad mistake and ask them if they will take you back after you’ve learned your lesson.

You’re entitled to make mistakes; your mistake was making a bad judgment call about the character of these two people (“I knew they were different”). The shame would be not learning from this experience (you didn't learn from it the first time, either, so this is another strike), and clinging to them would be the epitome of not learning your lesson. If you are wise you will recognize that they are not worthy of your time or your love.

Do not consider this a tragedy, though; consider it a chance to learn about people, to learn about yourself, and to gain some self-respect that you deserve better treatment from others.


Episode 62 – Good Friday Episode - Tomorrow is Good Friday. This is the day Christians remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and anticipate the celebration of His resurrection on the first day of the week, the day called Easter. So if that's the r

WagzTail - Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 06:00

Tomorrow is Good Friday. This is the day Christians remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and anticipate the celebration of His resurrection on the first day of the week, the day called Easter. So if that’s the reason we celebrate, how do the eggs and rabbits fit in?

Metadata and Credits

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 62
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Crimson X, Levi, Sachi, Wolfin
Editor: Levi
Format: 96kbps ABR mono MP3
Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Zela, used with permission.

Episode 62 – Good Friday Episode - Tomorrow is Good Friday. This is the day Christians remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and anticipate the celebration of His resurrection on the first day of the week, the day called Easter. So if that's the reason we celebrate,
Categories: Podcasts

David Wolfin by stigmata

Furry Reddit - Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 03:12
Categories: News

How did you come up with your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 01:31

I've wanted to make one for myself for a while, but I have no idea where to start. Plus, I love hearing people's stories. So explain away!

submitted by ImaLittleNewToThis
[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News

Drawing I did for Werefox

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:57
Categories: News

One Odd Duck — or Two

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:19

We like this description of Odd Duck, a new illustrated storybook: “Theodora is a perfectly normal duck. She may swim with a teacup balanced on her head and stay north when the rest of the ducks fly south for the winter, but there’s nothing so odd about that.  Chad, on the other hand, is one strange bird. Theodora quite likes him, but she can’t overlook his odd habits. It’s a good thing Chad has a normal friend like Theodora to set a good example for him.  But who exactly is the odd duck here? Theodora may not like the answer.” Author Cecil Castellucci (Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd) hooks up with illustrator Sara Varon (Chicken and Cat) to create an unusual story of an unusual friendship. It’s coming this May in hardcover from First Second.

image c. 2013 First Second

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"Preparing" by Raccoonwolf

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:02
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 213 – FWAugh

Furry News Network - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden Savrin, Shiva, and Fuzz are all back in one piece, and they mainly discuss FWA and the troubles within. We also hit on a few reader emails and a couple convention reports. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great deal. Episode 213 – FWAugh (AAC; 30.6 MB)Episode 213 – [...] KnotCast: Episode 213 – FWAugh
Categories: News

1$ icons woooaa

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 22:06
Categories: News

Red Bull

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 21:29
Categories: News

Be part of our show!

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 19:49

Claws & Convo is a furry webcast hosted by myself and Dante Padfoot, where we talk about odd stuff, fun stuff, and other stuff that we made up. We love to interact with our audience, and every one in the chat becomes part of the show.

Claws & Convo airs every Friday at 5pm CDST on UStream (

A Strikepaw Studios produciton. (/r/strikepaw)

submitted by StrikerCheguar
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Categories: News

Episode 213 - FWAugh

Southpaws - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 19:49
Savrin, Shiva, and Fuzz are all back in one piece, and they mainly discuss FWA and the troubles within. We also hit on a few reader emails and a couple convention reports. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 213 - FWAugh
Categories: Podcasts

Calling all southern furs

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 19:15

Well I know I don't post much. But I was wondering if there are any furs around Mobile, Alabama or pascagoula, Mississippi. I have never met another fur.

submitted by loki_the_sergal
[link] [28 comments]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 27 Mar 2013 - 18:51
Categories: News