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Confuzzled 2013's DJ sets posted

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 20:40
Categories: News

Trying to sell off some tails; auctions ending in two days.

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 19:44

Apologies if this isn't allowed. I checked on the IRC group.

I have several tails I need to get out of the house: tiger tails in red, orange, and white w/blue strypes (and ears), plus two cougar tails and a fox tail. I have all but the fox tail currently up on FurBuy at

I ship from Severn, MD and will Priority-mail them. Paypal only.

submitted by STrRedWolf
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Categories: News

Monster Hunter Felyne Fursuit

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 19:07
Categories: News

Episode 14 - A Day In The Life Of... - Fuzzy Notes is the podcast about the music made by furs. What's happened in the last 24 hours? ...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 18:49
Fuzzy Notes is the podcast about the music made by furs. What's happened in the last 24 hours? Roo summarizes the day in 'furry music' by selecting five tracks uploaded to YouTube in the last day! Featured today are Sagefox, Aethryx, Mika Myllymäki, Aprifox and Willowmoon! THE MUSIC: Sagefox - bell. Track: FA: Twitter: Tumblr: Aethryx - Eternity of Bliss Track: Soundcloud: Mika Myllymäki - Wisps and the Spirit Track: FA: Aprifox - Naturalism Track: FA: Willowmoon - Mechanical Animals (Album Version) Official site: Facebook: Twitter: SoundCloud: ReverbNation: YouTube: SINGLE IS OUT TUESDAY, JUNE 11th! Asid Rayne - Fuzzy Notes 3 (Closing Credits) Track: HOUSEKEEPING: Please give Fuzzy Notes a review on iTunes or helps us get furry musicians to more ears, perky and droopy...ALL! iTunes: Podomatic: Like me on Facebook! I'll like you back...a lot! Follow me on Twitter...I'll follow you too...a lot! But not in the stalkery way. Twitter: Facebook: Fuzzy Notes Dropbox: Don't forget to listen after the closing credits for additional noises from Roo's voice! Episode 14 - A Day In The Life Of... - Fuzzy Notes is the podcast about the music made by furs. What's happened in the last 24 hours? ...
Categories: Podcasts

An interesting article I found.

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 18:13
Categories: News

For Those Who Like Their Werewolves Evil…

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 17:50

Straight from the Press Release at Previews magalog: “George RR Martin returns to comics with his World Fantasy Award winning story, Skin Trade!  With scripting by Martin’s long-time partner, Daniel Abraham, and art by horror legend Mike Wolfer, Skin Trade is set to be one of the must have comics this summer. Private investigator Randi Wade sees the ravaged remains of innocent victims that have been savagely murdered and skinned alive.  As the mysterious secrets of the Blackstone Manor begin to be uncovered, she gets ever closer to the monstrous truth…werewolves are real!” Look for it monthly in full color from Avatar Press, starting this July.

image c. 2013 Avatar Press

Categories: News

Fursuit Freshening

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 15:39

Ok so i just recently got my DHC fursuit and i was wondering what products would work best when spraying inside of the fursuit, as they recommend a disinfectant

submitted by Mokuno
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Categories: News

Somebody said something about making a furry fighter?

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 15:33

So somebody mentioned making a furry fighting game. I currently have a smash bros. engine I made that works decently. If you guys made sprites for different characters, I could totally make a furry fighting game for you guys!

What we could also do, however, is just make a community furry game. With the art skills of all of you guys, it wouldn't be too difficult, and I can program it in my spare time, along with anyone else who wants to help!

EDIT: I have been made aware that a furry fighter already exists. We don't have to make a fighter, though. We can all work together and make a community game. Please comment if you are interested, and possibly give ideas if you have any.

submitted by fojam
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Categories: News

Com: The Bull - by Pockyrumz

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 14:10
Categories: News

Want to join the furry fandom. Where do I start?

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 12:19

Title says it all. What do I have to do, to join the fandom?

Could some of you guys lead me in the right direction to help me get started?

Thanks in advance ?

submitted by Ctr_ALT_Del_Account
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Categories: News

How Should One React to Insulting Remarks?

Ask Papabear - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 11:49
Hey Papabear. 

I've been following your column for quite some time, and I love it.

But see, I've had a bit of an issue lately. I'm still in school, and have never had issues with bullying. I've always gotten along with other “normal” non-furries at school. Should anyone ask my sexual orientation, or about my hobbies, I'm honest. I never been much of a liar.

However, I've noticed that when I go out in public, adults treat me poorly. I dress fairly normally, besides the fact that I dye my hair, and I try my best to be kind. I'll be walking along at the mall, minding my own, when I'll overhear a middle-aged woman whisper to her friend things along the lines of "Mall freak." This has always been a shock to me.

People my age, the newer generation, I suppose, have always been kind to me. I know that there is a bit of a generation disconnection between older people and younger ones, but why would a mother set such a bad example for her children? I guess what I'm trying to ask is, why are adults seemingly crueler than teens when you try your best and are nothing but kind?

At this time, I've learnt that I'm simply “different,” and there's not much I can do about it. (Took me a while, but after watching the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox several times I came to the realization.)
Thanks papabear! <3 have a nice day!


* * *

Hi, Matty,

Always nice to meet a loyal reader of my column :-) Thanks for the compliment.

I believe what you are experiencing here is the typical generation-gap problem, but also other things. The older generation always thinks the younger generation are a bunch of lazy, irresponsible freaks, especially when they dress differently, have fun with their hair (it’s just hair, geez), and listen to that damn young people music (shakes his cane at you). Oh, and get off my lawn! Damn kids. Naturally, people your own age are easier to get along with; they understand you and relate to you and like many of the same things you do (and they don’t talk a lot about their gall bladder operations or how gas used to cost 29 cents a gallon).

Now, just because older people tend to be less comfortable around you doesn’t give them free license to behave badly by calling you names (and whispered insults under one’s breath betray a cowardly nature Papabear finds putrid). As you noted, this is especially poor behavior when they do it in front of children, thus teaching them the lovely lesson that you should hate people who are different (sigh).

It has not been this bear’s experience, though, that treating others badly is limited to the older generation. You may be lucky so far, but I have seen plenty of misbehavior among young people, as well, and all you have to look at is examples of the “popufur” phenomenon to see that some furries treat other furries as if they were inferior or who otherwise “don’t belong.”

Chalk it all up to human nature. Or, if you want to be strictly biological, to animal nature. Animals tend to reject those that are different for genetic reasons, because when it comes to procreation you want to only mate with those who are similar to you and who seem to be healthy, “normal” examples of your species (leading to human phenomena such as racism and homophobia) as well as territorialism (leading to nationalism and war).

There is some hope for humanity, though, as expressed in attitudes such as your own, Matty. Some humans are becoming more enlightened and have shrugged off the shackles of base biology to reach a higher, spiritual plane in which one can look beyond the surface and recognize our shared humanity (furriness).

The best way for you to battle this type of bad behavior in others is what you are already doing: As Kurt Vonnegut said, “There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.” Evil and intolerance have no defense against love and good humor. That is why comedy is such a wonderful weapon against ignorance and hatred. 

So, if you are ever confronted with such despicable behavior face-to-face, simply smile and say, “I love you, too. Have a lovely day!” If someone calls you a “freak,” reply, “Thank you! I cherish my individualism, and freaks are the epitome of individualism!” If someone calls you a “mall rat,” say, “Cool! Did you know rats can literally chew through steel? Wouldn’t that be a great superpower to have!” Or some other clever response.

Remember, snarky remarks can only harm you if you respect the other person’s opinion.

Go forth, Matty, and drench the world with your splendid brand of freaky kindness.



The Christmas Raccoons

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 09:43
Categories: News

Review: ‘The Iron Breed’, by Andre Norton

Furry News Network - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 08:38
Author: Fred Andre Norton (Alice Mary Norton, 1912-2005), “the Grand Dame of science-fiction”, was one of the first authors of Young Adult s-f, and of anthro s-f. At a time when most s-f featured teenage or adult human heroes fighting alien adversaries, her novels often starred humans working with sympathetic anthro aliens against human villains, [...]
Categories: News

somebody mentioned making a furry fighter game?

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 08:23

So somebody mentioned making a furry fighting game. I currently have a smash bros. engine I made that works decently. If you guys made sprites for different characters, I could totally make a furry fighting game for you guys!

Here is the engine I made. I have a limited bandwidth limit on my sourceforge userweb, so if it doesn't load, let me know and I'll make a desktop version

Also, the only reason that it is written in java is for portability. I have another version of it written in C++, so don't fret if you hate java.

submitted by fojam
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Categories: News

How do you feel about r/furry advertising, contests, etc.? What about free contests or raffles?

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 08:08

I've posted on here with discounts before, and the existence of /r/furry_catwalk has led me to believe that as a whole, commission advertisement posts are not usually received well here. Even still, that post wasn't received too badly, albeit not especially well. (Note that I wouldn't have minded if I didn't make a cent; my aim is actually more to spread the word of cheap things, if that makes sense.)

So I ask the subreddit, how do you feel about commission advertising? Discount advertising? I can definitely understand why "emergency commissions" would grate on the subreddit's nerves; what about discounts that not many people will get to see otherwise? I do browse /r/furry somewhat, and I wouldn't want it to turn into the FAF Black Market anytime soon, but I would still like outside opinions.

Even if commissions and discounts are frowned upon here (which is understandable), what about something that's free art or free to enter? Would you say there's a limit, or would you prefer the coverage?

So to put it in a question format:

1) What are your opinions on commission advertisement posts in r/furry?

2) What are your opinions on advertising discounts?

3) For commissions and discounts, does attitude matter? Is there any attitude that would make you okay with / more okay with the posting?

4) For free art days, free raffles, etc., is there a limit or would you prefer they be posted to increase coverage? Is it only worth it if it's something very good at stake? What if there are strings attached (e.g. "post a journal and watch me")?

I have a tendency to sound like a walking ad, so my apologies for that. :P

submitted by -Klippy
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Categories: News

D&D style roleplays?

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 06:07

I've been looking for somewhere to do a furry D&D roleplay but can't find anywhere. All furry roleplay places I find are all really bad (tlkn liek dish) or yiffy. I'm not interested in the fetish at all, I just like having adventures as my fursona.

So where can I find such a thing? And if it doesn't exist, would you guys be interested in starting one up?

submitted by Adezu
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Categories: News