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R is for Review: ‘The ABCs of Death’

Furry News Network - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 05:38
Author: crossaffliction “Anybody can die, evidently.” -“ABC”, Robert Pinsky, United States Poet Laureate “Necrophilia is more erotic than that [censored!].” -SWfan, Flayrah commenter The ABCs of Death is the brainchild of producer Ant Timpson (an end credit suggests the whole thing was inspired by a nightmare of his): take 26 horror directors from around the world [...]
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Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 02:56

I was just wondering how r/furry feels about wearing tails in public? I know I love wearing my fox tail everywhere though I do feel a tad hesitant wearing it to highschool. However, I have been a brony for over a year now and I never have a problem wearing my pony themed tees to highschool so why would a tail be such a big deal all of a sudden y'know?

submitted by dash3370
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Categories: News

Psycho on Omegle.

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 02:00

I've seen similar shit on the darknet. It's scary to think about how many psychopaths are hiding out there, those that we never know about, that we never catch and punish...

submitted by Scimitar1
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Categories: News

Pocket Fighter by Kamui

Furry Reddit - Fri 7 Jun 2013 - 00:44
Categories: News

r/furry/ I need you help.

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 23:12

My friend keeps making fun of me and furries and I really like him and he's like my best friend and I'm not sure what to tell him.

submitted by nuclearhazard
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Categories: News

I bet he gets a lot of chicks

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 20:43
Categories: News

Awake Now! - by Kacey.

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 20:43
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Petals by JENIAC

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 20:38
Categories: News

DuckTales Remastered Details, Footage

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 20:23


DuckTales Remastered is an official remake of the classic DuckTales game that many remember from their gaming past. WayForward Technologies has been crafting each classic level piece by piece to be loyal to the original in every way posssible, with around 70% of the game being exact replicas of the original 8-bit adventure. Original Disney Character Voice talent backs the cutscenes and commentary, adding an extra level of immersion into the modern telling of the tale. 

The game is coming to XBLA, PSN, Wii U eShop, and PC and will be released...sometime. More news from E3, surely!

Recently, IGN did a side-by-side comparison of one of the levels from the original and that level remastered. It is embeded below!

Categories: News

/r/randomactsofbirthdays said I should try posting this here..

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 17:54

So my little sister is an gifted young artist officially becoming a teenager. There's a book she really wants about drawing furries but I'm a broke college kid between jobs and it's a bit out of my current price range so I can't swing it before I start making paychecks again. This would be a fantastic surprise for the both of us if someone here wanted to gift her for me. :)

submitted by onetimeonreddit
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Categories: News

The weird crossover of furries and industrial music: Part 1

Furry News Network - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 17:38
Author: Patch Packrat Industrial music is aggressive, exciting and ominous, with futuristic themes of dystopia and urban decay. As art, you might call it the cold, metal shadow to the light side of nature, animals and furry things. It’s a big contrast to the sunny electronic pop that furry con-goers may expect. (Does music have [...]
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Animated lowpoly icon

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 16:39
Categories: News

I <3 baking badge

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 16:30
Categories: News

Curious Chibi Commissions! *moneyproblems*

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 14:23

Curious chibi commissions :) opening 10 slots right now for these cuties.

Trying to get at least $200+ As I am going away, across the country- but have no way home. Any and all help is appreciated!

If you're interested in getting a chibi- they're 6$ each or 2 for 10$

ex. :

If interested- please note me at

submitted by HayPanda
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Categories: News

Sex Is a Forbidden Temptation in This Deeply Felt Friendship

Ask Papabear - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 12:12
Hi Papabear. 

I haven't needed advice for a while, but something has come up recently that's really weighing me down, and I can't talk to hardly anyone about it. 

I made a friend through the Internet by random chance... I found a livestream where she was drawing, and I loved her art and started keeping her company during her streams. She's a great artist in my opinion, and watching her draw makes me super happy. When she started actually talking to me like a real friend, it made me even happier, since I'm always bad at making friends online, they just assume I want free art or cybers or something else, but I don't. 

We started talking so much, I feel like I've known her forever, and I am always happy to talk to her, then sad when I can't because she's not around. She feels the same way, and it's really awesome to have made such a fast friend, we're both really grateful that we met.

However... we've both noticed recently that there are thoughts in both our minds that aren't appropriate. We've been able to talk about them openly, and are fairly comfortable with the topic, but we've both agreed we can't ever let anything... um... physical happen between us because it would just cause problems for both of us. Despite agreeing to that, we both still think of each other as attractive women and like to compliment each other (a little flirtatiously at times). We're both married, and have each been through a sort of phase like this in the past, but now it's more like an actual attachment. 

To each of us, our friendship comes first. It's strangely strong for having only known each other through the Internet (though we hope to meet someday and get to say hi in person), and our dedication to keeping our friendship safe by avoiding physical complications (not to mention cheating on spouses, which we both view as a big no-no) is strong as well. 

I'm just worried though... I know it's wrong to think of someone besides my spouse with any kind of lust in my heart, but is it still okay for me to be friends with her? I don't want to lose this great friend, least of all over something we've both agreed is off-limits, but it's just so easy to talk with her about anything and everything. She never looks at me really weird if something personal comes up, and I'm grateful to have someone I can truly open up to about everything without fear of their reaction. Even if it's a comment about how attractive she is in a certain outfit.

In case your curious, I don't have the courage to explain it to my husband because he has a bad habit of hearing the worst parts of a sentence and tuning out the rest, so trying to make him understand would be next to impossible. He would hear "I think she's attractive" and totally skip over "but we're just good friends and would never do anything together. I love you and could never do that to you."


* * *

Dear Anon,

It is the standards of Society that restrict us, "permitting" us to only have one person to love who is not a blood relation. Papabear, for one, feels that the human (or furry) heart has the capacity to love many people. This does not mean you have to have sex with everyone you love, certainly not, but we allow ourselves to feel guilty and restricted by society's conventions, which results in our missing out on deep friendships that could be much more than, "Hey, let's go out for pizza."

Such friendships—and they should not be restricted by gender, either—are what I have found in the furry fandom and in the bear community. I have some bear friends who mean much more to me than what the word "friend" means alone; this does not mean they take any priority over my mate, whom I love dearly, but it does mean that I have a deep bond with them.

You should be permitted to enjoy such a bond yourself. To my ears, it sounds like both you and your artist friend are mature enough and responsible enough to handle this relationship. I'm assuming that your fear is that the two of you might find yourselves alone together at some point and express your affection physically. All you really need to do to make sure that doesn't happen is to not check in to a "no tell motel" to be alone. Also, your husband sounds like the jealous type, so I would just avoid language like "I think she's attractive," just in case, while you're around him.

You are an intelligent person and you know enough not to give in to your baser desires if you can anticipate and dislike the consequences (i.e., hubby finding out and divorcing you, which you obviously don't want). If you lived your life by other standards and had a more chill hubby, things might be different, and I, Papabear, certainly would not judge you on such behavior. But that is up to you.

The question is whether or not you trust yourself and your friend not to get physical. If you do, then please do continue the friendship.


Cat proposed as mayor of Mexican state capital Xalapa

Furry News Network - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 08:39
Author: GreenReaper 32 days before the mayoral election in Xalapa, capital of the Mexican state of Veracruz, a feline candidate is making a mockery of the ruling coalition’s politicians on social networks. “Candigato Morris” has his own iconic posters and other campaign materials, and has captured the public fancy with such slogans as “no more [...]
Categories: News

Episode 81 – Summertime Activities - It is warming up in the northern hemisphere. That gets us to thinking about what we like to do in the summer: cookouts, swimming, biking, and all sorts of other fun things. - We will return to the furry stuff next week

WagzTail - Thu 6 Jun 2013 - 06:00

It is warming up in the northern hemisphere. That gets us to thinking about what we like to do in the summer: cookouts, swimming, biking, and all sorts of other fun things.

We will return to the furry stuff next week. For now, tell us what you enjoy about this time of year!

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 81
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Crimson X, Levi, Wolfin
Editor: Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 26:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Ariel da Silva Parreira, used with permission. Episode 81 – Summertime Activities - It is warming up in the northern hemisphere. That gets us to thinking about what we like to do in the summer: cookouts, swimming, biking, and all sorts of other fun things. - We will return to the furry stuff next week. For now,
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