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Episode 86 – Jobs! - Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds! Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 01:27

Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds!

Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that’s quite alright! We do not mind in the slightest! We are here to help! We had to record this one a day early due to a scheduling conflict that popped up near the last minute. Our next show should be back on track.

Discussion today starts with Kyo getting a partial fursuit made, specifically the head! Can’t wait to see the finished product! Next we move on to Isty and his tales of automobile air conditioning repair, as well as E3, and some frustration at work due to having to put up with his own noob! Next, Smokey talks about a book he’s geeking out over, “Ready Player One”. It’s the sort of thing us furries would really love! Go give it a read! Halfwit then takes us into the labyrinthine mire that is the federal government by discussing “Prism” and just what it is. You may not like what you hear! Tell your congressman or state representative what you think! But make sure you read up on it and have a properly developed opinion first!

When we get on to emails, we have quite a few!

First up is Legionbunny discussing coming out to someone he grew up in foster care with, someone who he considers a brother. He writes in again later offering another little detail on that, as well as asking if he’s letting his self-esteem issues prevent him from listening to and trusting his friends when they compliment him.

Tigbun talks about possibly moving down to Austin (depending on a few circumstances). We wish him and his wife the best of luck! Keep us updated!

Stratosfear Tully provides some MARVELOUS tips on how to advance a job towards being a career! Fantastic advice from a long-time listener!

Koakai tells us of how he dealt with a job he was rather unhappy with, how a life-changing event in his family gave him new perspective. The entire cast believes it was a healthy reaction and we wish him and his family only the best during this trying time.

Next comes a followup email to one we had read on a previous show. Dente discusses his job situation and requests help in what his course of action should be. We offer what advice we can with what limited information we are provided with, but would welcome more details!

Lone Tiggs provides an account of how he was burned by a good friend, possibly not at all intentionally. He wished for advice on how to approach this and we did our best to help him out. Further assistance can be provided, just reach out and talk to us buddy, even if its on an individual basis between shows.

Ryo reveals details about a job he once had, the horrors such conditions (or at least the commute alone) turned out to be. He also goes a little brony all over us but Kyo refrained from murdering anyone.

Finally, Tygepc provides us with news regarding a growing trend: certain cities have begun banning tipping wait staff in favor of the restaurant owners paying them full wages. Do you think this is a good idea? Write in and tell us why or why not!

Next show will be about money! So you’ve earned some, what now? Do you need help managing it? Do you have advice for those who are having trouble or just starting out? While we’re not professional financial advisers, we can at least give you a few simple tips, get you pointed in the right direction. Write in!

As mentioned above, our next show should be back to our normal recording schedule. And as always, if you have questions or stories to share that aren’t on topic, don’t hesitate to send them in! We love hearing from you!

Missing Oklahoma furry, Darraby
Missing after dropping someone off at the airport, his car was found in Oregon. If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities. Details within link. Redistribute where you can, please.

How to Deal With the Media
Our experienced media guru, Isty, lays out a few details when dealing with the media, or perhaps how to not have to deal with the media depending on your approach. Take it to heart, it could come in handy one day.

To This Day – By Shane Koyczan
Shane performing at the TED Talks
This is a POWERFUL spoken word poem about being bullied and dealing with childhood trauma. If ever you were the subject of ridicule at an early age, or maybe you still are, this animation, or live performance if you watch the extended anecdote, will empower you to find something greater to strive for, to push away and ignore the hate and harm spouted by those who wished it upon you. Remember, there is always hope, you are not alone, and there are people who understand.

Operating Room of the Future
For those dealing with a serious illness or know someone who is, this provides hope. A new breakthrough in medical technology, not quite yet ready for commercial distribution, but appears to be fairly far along. It promises to revolutionize how we fight cancer, tumors, neurological illnesses, and other maladies. It isn’t perfected yet, but it does provide hope. And hope is a powerful thing.

BBC News Magazine: Tipping Being Banned
This is the article that Tygepc wrote in about. He was kind enough to provide a link and we are now passing it on to you. Read it, do a little research, find out how you feel about it, and let us know!

Music Break: Werqin’ Girl (Professional) – By Shangela

Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix

Episode 86 – Jobs! - Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds! Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that[...]
Categories: Podcasts

The Utah Summerfest Parade, from a Furry prospective.

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 01:19

Basically, a video on the goings on of the parade with the Utah furries. I am not the maker of the video. I just figured some furs here would like to see it.

submitted by AGiantFuckingAsshole
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

What's the Purpose of Life?

Ask Papabear - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 00:37
Dear Papabear,

What is the point in life?

I know a few of the typical responses. Because there are things in life that can bring you joy and happiness. However, the emotional manipulation I mentioned in my other letter led me to suppress my emotions from a young age. What better way to make it easier to change my myself to fit the situation? And I have yet to figure out how to turn them on or if they are on I have no way of knowing if they are real or not. So that idea is out.

Then there is the idea of "if you died your family would be sad," but given my relationship with them or lack there of I can honestly say I wouldn't give a shit, pardon my language, what happens with them.

Then the final one is similar to the one above but replace family with friends. Except given my issues and lack of real social skills, I have great people skills, but not social skills, I don't build lasting or close friendships. I base this off of my track record with "friends." So even now I have plenty of acquaintances, but probably only one friend who is still just a step above an acquaintance most likely. And acquaintances come and go, so I don't really consider this argument either.

Though having said all this I should probably point out that I'm not suicidal. Mostly because I'm incapable of taking my own life. Because without emotion all I'm left with is logic and instincts, so I have a strong survival instinct. Or put another way, I'm too much of a coward to take my own life (I've heard the cliché that it is cowardly to commit suicide and the brave keep on living, but hard to feel that way when the only reason for not choosing death is out of fear).

So at this point I'm merely going through the motions day in and day out waiting for death. And as mentioned in my other letter, tried therapy twice with two different people and neither one helped at all. Sorry for the downer of a letter.


* * *

[Note to readers: here is the previous letter from Thief:]

Hello, again, Thief,

Humanity has pondered this Ultimate Question since our dimly self-aware ancestors first gazed up at the moon and stars. Greek philosophers have pontificated upon it, religious leaders have declared unbelievers in their dogma to be heretics, modern science has defined it in stark, unfeeling terms of “survival of the fittest” and “passing on one’s genes.”

I cannot tell you what to believe, but I can tell you what my own conclusions are.

I believe that no one knows, not even God. Or, at least, not the God of this current universe we are in. Because life and evolution is not simply about subatomic particles, DNA, and the betterment of society. It is about the evolution of the Grand Consciousness of which we are all a small part. We, you and I and everyone and everything around us, is a part of God, the Great Spirit, and the Being That Is One experiences and lives through our hearts, our minds, and our vision. We all contribute to the spiritual growth that is the evolution of God and of God’s slow Awakening into Self-Realized Consciousness. Another way to put it, is that we are in a present state of the evolution of God in which God is deciding whether or not existence is real and has purpose (it has long been my belief that if scientists keep peeling apart subatomic particles, eventually they will discover that matter only exists in our minds). The next phase of the evolution comes when the conclusion is “Yes, life is real and I Am real.”

But that cannot happen without you and every one of us contributing to that conclusion. You, Thief, have the Touch of God within you that grants you the ability (based upon Free Will) to choose your purpose, to believe that life has meaning, because you, as a part of God, are empowered with a small piece of the Creative Gift that made all things.

The purpose of life is the purpose you give it. Only you can give your life meaning, and by self-generating that meaning you give God more Life, and you give all of us a greater hope.

The Meaning of Life is not something you seek and find, nor does it emanate from the mouths of those who wish the throngs to follow them. It is something you create.


P.S. If that was a little too heavy for some readers, watch this for a little relief:

America's Got Talent... quadsuit?

Furries In The Media - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 00:03
In the clips prior to the commercial break after the Chienese lady did her act on the uniucycle there was a split second of a 4 legged black and white cat costume. It took only half a step and there was nothing on stage to give me a scope of scale but it was either a quadsuit or a 2 person costume, it was not a puppet because upon pausing I could make out the mesh viewport in the neck.
I keep myself pretty up to date on what exists fursuit/quadsuit wise, and a google search right now is failing me... does anyone know what I just saw?

A while back I actually got an email from America's Got Talent trying to persuade me to come on stage with my work, their main interest being my quadsuits... but I am uncomfortable about the idea of being on TV, I also could not (and still cannot) fathom flying to LA... and at the time my sister was still unable to walk and she is my star quadsuit performer.

Back then I still kind of doubted whether or not the person emailing me was legit... I guess they were considering the cat I just saw.
Categories: News

Faces By SBNeko

Furry Reddit - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 23:04
Categories: News

I really like small spaces.

Furry Reddit - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 16:49
Categories: News

If the world was full of anthros, how would we cope with the animal hair everywhere?

Furry Reddit - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 15:34

Seriously, it would be everywhere, on your clothes, in your car, on your couch, in your foood.

submitted by Ice_tail
[link] [43 comments]
Categories: News

Phi paw?

Furry Reddit - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 11:28

As a fur who doesn't feel comfortable wearing tails in public, or shirts that blatantly scream "I'M A FURRY!", how do you guys feel about using the phi paw as a universal "I'm a furry"


For those who don't know what a phi paw is:

submitted by Aberguine
[link] [32 comments]
Categories: News

KnotCast Presents - Furplanet Reading Panel

Southpaws - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 11:20
This episode of KnotCast Presents is a recording of the FurPlanet Reading panel from Furry Fiesta 2012. The three readers are Buck Turner, Kyell Gold and Alex “Khaki” Vance. They each read some selections from books published by FurPlanet. If you like what you hear, go to the site and purchase the book to find out the rest of the story. Here are the links to each book:   ·         Buck reads from Magnificent Dogs by Huskyteer from ROAR volume 4,   ·         Kyell reads from Dangerous Jade by foozzzball,   ·         Khaki reads from Smiley and the Hero by Ryan Campbell,   Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal! KnotCast Presents - Furplanet Reading Panel
Categories: Podcasts

Jim Hodges, 6StringStu, Six String Stu, James Stuart Hodges 851 - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 03:45

577 SW Dexter Cir, Apt 201
1442 SW Haygood Loop, Apt 101
Lake City, FL 32025
(386) 438-8968
Local PD: (386) 752-4344

" Of the three felonies on my record,
1: Violation of the Mann act (federal kidnapping...)....
2nd Felony arrest Homicide........

Categories: News

For Those Who Like the Furry Ladies

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 18 Jun 2013 - 01:56

Early in July (at AnthroCon, in fact), Fur Planet will release a new full-color furry portfolio/magazine simply titled Women of Fur, edited by Marilyn Cole (also known as Sheppymomma). Here’s the idea: “Women of Fur is an collaboration between 12 different artists. Each artist chose to illustrate an empowering word that any woman can stand for. This collection of work is out to showcase the female form, anthro art as fine art, and the problem solving process involved in illustration.” Got that? Various of the artists involved have put up links to their pieces on their Fur Affinity pages, and the portfolio is available for pre-order at Fur Planet’s shop site.

image c. 2013 Fur Planet

Categories: News